How to Make a Coloring Book with AI for Amazon KDP! (DALL-E 3)

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hey friends welcome back to the channel so after creating coloring books using mid Journey Leonardo Ai and several stable diffusion models I decided to give Dolly 3 within chat GT4 a shot and wow really nice results and make sure you watch till the end because I'll be demonstrating some useful editing techniques to help you isolate elements remove gray scale color and more so let's get started the first thing we'll do is head to Amazon to do some quick keyword research I'll start by typing in something simple like coloring books and then start walking through the alphabet one letter at a time like this paying attention to the suggestions and choosing one that pequs my interest for instance I'll select coloring books dinosaurs and with the help of this free Chrome extension from self-publishing Titans called Titans quick view I can quickly determine whether this Niche is worth targeting if you get a keyword score above 50 then you know these are good keywords this gave me an overall keyword score of 64 which is excellent so now that we know what kind of book we want to create let's go over some of the most most important elements you'll want to include if you take a look at some of the bestselling coloring books on Amazon you're going to find a whole lot more going on than just a simple title page and some images these extra elements are important if you want to create the highest quality coloring book that will stand out from the competition all right let's head to chat GPT here you can start with a prompt like this I'm creating a dinosaur themed coloring book for kids can you give me some suggestions for what to include in the front matter of the book this is going to give you a list of the most important elements to consider incorporating and if you want want more specific examples for these points just prompt to expand on them and there you go these examples are an excellent starting point so hopefully this demonstrates how helpful this is in brainstorming new ideas and ways to produce the highest quality content for our books so now to truly set your book apart from the competition let's add some educational value I like the idea of quiz style question and answers so I developed this prompt to speed up the process from here I've also written out all the prompts used in this video in the description if you'd like to use them for yourself this prompt will produce 10 dinosaur names with their pronunciations a question and answers portion as well as an illustration prompt and I want 30 dinosaurs in my coloring book so I'll repeat this process two more times slightly adjusting the original prompt this time asking for 10 new unique dinosaurs then after you have all 30 dinos you can start generating your images so I'll start with T-Rex just copy and paste The Prompt right back here in GPT or if you're not a paid subscriber you can use Bing's image creator for free and to be completely transparent I actually prefer using Dolly 3 within Bing as it's faster and you get four results at once then repeat this process for all 30 of your images and don't be afraid to roll these prompts also if you find yourself struggling to get the images you want instead of just regenerating sometimes it's worth altering the prompt and starting with a fresh generation also note you are limited to 40 Generations every 3 hours all right so now you have 30 images downloaded to your computer but these images are low resolution low quality at this point so we'll need to vectorize them later but for now let's walk through bul creating the main coloring pages for your book start again by prompting chat GPT can you give me all 30 dinosaur names pronunciations question and answers in a table format with a column for each then manually copy this table from the end of the answer section to the beginning of the name section like this and now we're ready to head to canva to build the interior of our book we'll start by creating a new design at 8.625 in by 11.25 in then the first thing I do is set margins all the way around the page at 375 of an inch or as close as you can get once you have your margins set you can go to file then view settings then lock them in place and if you don't see your guides in the first place you can turn them on and off from here as well then to create a border I just use a square shape stretched out to fit just inside my margins then by going to color and changing this to transparent then going to border and giving this a solid line set to a thickness of five now we can add our text boxes I'll start with the heading dragging this up into the left side almost touching your border then drag to the right side in equal distance to almost touch the right border this will ensure your text fills the page then I'm going to change this font to lrina Shadow and reduce the size down to 40 and for the pronunciation text I'll add a little bit of body text which has a font size of 22 and I want Alice for this box and for the answer box I'll duplicate this pull it down and stretch it from the left to right again and change this font this time to Genty Sands I'll also make this one a little bit bigger at 25 then duplicate and drag it down to the bottom for the answer box finally you'll go to the apps Tab and scroll down to BU create then select enter data manually once you're here just clear this table format and paste in your 30 dinos table from chat GPT now all we need to do is connect this data by right clicking on your text box then clicking connect data and selecting the correct option then repeat this process connecting the data to your pronunciation and your question and answer section finally you're ready to click continue and generate all 30 designs now you can start popping your images generated in Dolly on your pages here and working on them with canvas AI tools for instance let's say you have an image like this where you don't like something in it like this wonky plain pterodactyl bird looking thing here you can completely erase this or anything like this for that matter with canvas's background remover tool another powerful tool here is ca's Magic erase tool you can use this to correct defects and things for example I don't believe this Dino is supposed to have a horn so you can simply brush over the horn and Bam the horn is gone and another technique worth mentioning here is by again editing the image this time selecting filters you can turn the saturation down and the contrast up eliminating any gray scale or color in your images okay once you're happy here then you need to vectorize these images so let's download them and head to vectorizer doai this is again totally free and there's a link in the description once you're here you can just upload your image and let the AI do its thing just check out how much cleaner these images are huge difference now you want to download these images using these settings the file format is SVG under Group by make sure you select color and the other one that's important is fill gaps be sure this is unchecked so now all you need to do is smash that like button for me if you've enjoyed this video so far and then create your cover for your book then put everything together in canva and finally get this book published for sale on Amazon so let's go back to chat GPT and create a nice cover for our book here I'll prompt can you give me a title and generate a cover image for this book and this image is extremely important so be patient here re-rolling if needed and again if you're not getting the results you like try changing this prompt to be more specific and regenerating and as you can see DOL 3 gives you text and all which is awesome but not usually perfect and that's okay because we can fix this up so let's head back to canville create a new design again at 8.625 in X 11.25 in here after you've imported a couple images from Dolly the first thing you're going to notice is that your image is square and doesn't fit this page so let's fix this with the magic expand tool just Center your image High like this and stretch it out a bit so it doesn't have to fill so much empty space then using free form you can stretch these Corners out to fill the page and click expand and if you don't have a paid subscription to canva no worries you can accomplish this for free with Leonardo ai's canvas tool and now let's say I like this text but I want it on this background well you would think I could just use canvas magic grab tool but as you'll see this doesn't work it might clear the text from the background for you without much damage but the text itself is now unusable so a better way is to download this image than vectorize it only this time change the group by section from colored to parent and download then again take it back to photo where we can freely edit this Vector this process is simple but depending on how complex your image is might take a bit of time to help speed up the process you can highlight by dragging your cursor over sections and deleting entire chunks like this then you will have to manually select and delete all the individual layers surrounding your text until you have a clean cutout and once you're happy you can go ahead to file and Export this as a PNG then back in canva you can add this to whatever cover you like best as as you can see I've created several variations with these techniques and I'll choose the best from here and here's another example this time when I remove the text no matter what the magic erase tool or the grab text tool it messed up the sun in my design over the volcano here so I Ed the above mentioned process to remove the volcano now I can use this cutout as an overlay and the same thing applies say if you want to pull the dinosaur and put it on a different cupboard you can vectorize the image clean it up in photo then use it how you like here with these tools and techniques you should have no trouble creating a beautiful cover for your new coloring book so once you're happy with the front cover of your book you can download this and since this video is running a bit long I went ahead and finished the interior of the book creating a title page a copyright page a how to use instructional page and a color testing page while using canvas elements and Designs I also added a blank page in between all the coloring pages to prevent bleedthrough then at the back of the book I added some dot to dots as well as a master dinosaur artist certificate for the kids and finally a call to action page for my readers so once you're happy with the interior of your book you can download this as a PDF standard and I have canva Pro so I'll use the best four printing option now let's finish creating the books cover for this you'll need the first visit Amazon KDP to get the dimensions here you search under Tools and resources then under format your paperback you can scroll down to the cover calculator and templates tool here you need to enter all your books information this is a paperback black and white with white paper reading from left to right then I want inches and the correct size is 8.5 x 11 in and this book has 75 pages so I'll pop that in here and calculate Dimensions this full cover size is what's important here so I'll download this template and head back to Cano creating a new design at the specified dimension of 17.41% side of the template and to make sure everything is covered and none of the images are obstructed by the book's elements you can turn the transparency down once you're sure everything is lined up and looks good you can go ahead and delete this cover template then download this again as a PDF and finally we're ready to publish your book for sale on Amazon and there is a couple of important things to note so I'll walk you through the publishing process starting in Amazon KDP you'll create a listing then you'll fill out all this information your title subtitle author's name description Etc and you'll choose a category for the main category I'll choose coloring books then for the subcategories I'll select activities crafts and games then activity books then coloring books then under placement I'll say non-fiction just because the Dino's names are real and then I'll save these then I'll check this box because the font is bigger than 16 point next you'll add seven relevant keywords finally save this and continue to the next page here you want to assign your book a free ISBN then I'll select the black and white interior with white paper and my trim size of 8.2 25 x 11 in then I'll select bleed PDF only as well as a matte finish for my cover then here you will upload your books interior manuscript and for the cover just select upload cover you already have then upload your file and next this is also important Amazon now requires that you disclose any AI used in your creation process so for the text portion I'll select some sections with extensive editing and which tool that I use chat GPT then for the images I'll select many images with extensive editing which tool did I use do then none for Trans ations and finally you're ready to launch the previewer and take a look inside your book and you can see here if everything fits and it's looking good you can also take a look at the thumbnail view to make sure everything's landing on the correct pages and once you're happy here you can approve this then save and continue finally here you can set the book's price I'm setting mine for $7.99 which will leave me a $11.35 profit per sale after cost and that's it you can now publish your new coloring book if you have any questions be sure to ask in the comments and I will get back to you shortly and if you're interested I also have another video teaching how to use mid journey to create coloring books you can check that out here thanks everybody stay safe and be [Music] blessed
Channel: AI Money Maker
Views: 69,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, OpenAI, make money online, Make money with AI, kdp coloring books, kdp coloring books canva, amazon kdp, amazon kdp coloring book, make money with ai, coloring book with ai, create coloring book with ai, kids kdp coloring book, selling ai art, make money online with ai, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt 4 tutorial, dalle3, chat gpt 4 dall e 3 to create coloring books for amazon kdp tutorial, create your own coloring book, ai coloring pages, ai coloring book, aimoneymaker
Id: 9qOF31IE5CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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