How to make a Coconut Cake [subscriber request]

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the more than everybody welcome back to my channel this morning I'm gonna be doing the subscriber requested coconut cake and I'm I'm just gonna get out and get started and I'll be talking to you as I go along but um this is not the old-fashioned coconut cake I don't think you need the old-fashioned coconut cake unless you're gonna put me in a contest I don't think nobody you know listen you ready to bake it that way they know since they even bother with it a recipe because that's that's our in-depth Kate but what I'm gonna tell you what I got to what you're gonna need to make this a coconut cake okay right here I have three cups of all-purpose flour and then this is on both teaspoons of baking powder this baking powder them not so okay not a flower this is the brand that I use it ain't the only brand that I use but this is brand I'm normally use it prefer and this is the brand of baking powder than I use but you know when you're living different there's a certain branch you can't find so whatever's in your area it shouldn't be the same thing okay I'm gonna go hand on doing this here before I go on when the end of fungal with the ingredients I take those four teaspoons of baking powder I mix it in there with my flour and I I got one teaspoon of salt and I mix that on in there I'm just waiting it out my favorite pad out of here that one dude that won't work out too I will have a cake on hand-raised okay I mean now I'm gonna sift all this together when I come I'm gonna go on for once I can hit them telling you the ingredients I'm gonna go out get my mixer and come back and start mixing up when I come back I'm already be creaming my butter and my sugar so let me finish telling you what you gonna need okay this is three tablespoons of shortening whatever brand of shortening that you use you just need three tablespoons of that and then I got two speaks of us unsalted butter but if you use something it's fine don't make no big deal over there cuz I guarantee it's not gonna make no difference and then I have longed for large aids and all of this right here is that room temperature okay I have two cups of sugar that's two cups of white granulated sugar 1 cup of milk 1 cup of whole milk and this is not my leaking major and cook this time okay you're gonna need 2 teaspoons of coconut extract 2 teaspoons of coconut extract and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 cheese I basically kind of made this recipe up myself you know that's all you don't need for the cake I don't think I've ever had anything yes I did my kitchen when I'm coming back so let me go off in our sift this flour and get my mixer and I get it started and I talk to you some more then ok everyone I'm Ben I got the boys I got the two sticks of butter 2 cups of sugar and the 3 tablespoons all well shortly if you already done cream I'm ready to go get on and add my eggs you guys know this filled with the age we're gonna try one out of time oh don't let me forget to cut this son mixer off that won't be pretty all right one it went Winnie let me take both some people making make up maybe have to ski hills where they can slip the egg on it now I don't trust this mission happens when it hit that when they hit that yoke is going there with and I maybe made it go 30 seconds in between our hands so I'm out of the X minute I probably let it go 30 seconds in between each bead just a ministry is it only thing corporator then once I get a volley and I hear a bump I'll let it be made a problem level 30 40 seconds for partying with my clown see our exit didn't turn up by these things ever since I told you guys is sniffing out that when I'm done with my granddaughter my name Tyler did she be pulling it over and to go I mean she beat Oakland the eggs do you call me and try to Twitter one out of town - I don't waste the book they say you would but now I'm just going whatever time is fake start with Noah you know always put myself Vannelli million Indian I going to start to find out well I'll be made my flour and my new we're young Misha kicks up like I mix some guys it's not hard at all it is so easy to do you know you know taking it to little steps you remember I told you guys I always get your ingredients up this my back I had my ingredients up because you're going to let the eggs be its own temperature I've known people to say they were baking a cake and start mixing the butter and the eggs and and I know if they get the flavor and did have any flavor I didn't have enough flavor over- in him then you can top it and all kind of stuff like that I'll make sure I got everything in about 200 seconds okay I make sure I have everything that I need to go in that cake and I have it sitting out and I don't put it back out of the way until I'm gonna do it cuz I have had people tell me that they faked the cake in forgot to put butter forgot to the I've heard about it now that's my young two teaspoons of coconut it's strike and my one teaspoon of vanilla extract I didn't say teaspoon is that a tablespoon then I love them tapes did I can kiss me you know sometimes a teaspoon okay thank you get up sometime might be saying tablespoon I'll be thinking one thing and fans alike the Lord Jesus yep whoo but I'm getting better I'm getting used to trying to talk it out because you got to realize people that hinton you know with my professionals and we won't we just doing our baking and cooking this stuff that behinds we want remember to say all of that stuff and topic to people and all that you have in your hand what you supposed to be doing and you gonna do it I'll be trying to remember the king tell you what I what I'm doing and they're not that I'm doing ok I'm getting ready to arm start with the flour let me show you let me show you got something let me tell you to get this on that way I got three 9-inch hey Kate rounds cake pans I got them with shortening and the flour dust it but if you want to use some other kind of spread the way you know do your layer cakes you go right ahead on but this way I do miles and this is way I like to do them I got three of them okay and I got my oven here you see over here well my oven is on 375 and I will be baking this cake 20 minutes 20 minutes our lower a quarter what you choose is certainly too toothpick in and if you come like clean the dough is um not know wet don't worry anything it's on it then your cake is ready cuz that's don't vary according to what I mean highest oven cook the only your oven cook I mean only get older your oven is it don't really are you know it it there's you're getting used to you and you know how I cook okay let me go in and I told you guys you should put off third is singing out of time you bite ready okay this is my uh you know they may can't seem to putting this all up in there cuz waiting mixers but they see told them I'm putting it in here I'm putting it in here and this is not three cups of all-purpose problem with the ofone teaspoons of our baking powder and 1 teaspoon of salt but you not have a lot of y'all a lot of you guys to call me and tell me you you know you didn't get it up out I didn't say in it whatever you know I just always answer them in in the email did I say call me mmm I mean call me they email me and tell it was telling me that our I didn't say certain things you know how I can say I thought I'd be I don't even go back to me on Oh eat the video to check after where they'll do this somebody else's anything it was in kitchen baking it they're doing same thing this person got me you know get back in touch with me to ask me what did I say some fitness machines in that place [Applause] I don't know what you didn't get showing up no reason in the world today so if I'm rich kids who can see me she think it's funny when that's the splint on she watch these windows that you see them then yeah it's better like this maybe that 3040 sentence and I'm a billion with AB overhead for my flowers and the rest of that our couple what I'm trying to tell you something nice I've noticed I was singing seconded oh yeah to the young lady I haven't gotten around to answer mama come in check oh I've heard of them but I haven't put back an answer I mean you know them that I just don't say suck to but to the young lady asks me how long I mean what what number that questionnaire and oh she always been what number on the stove cuz I say it medium high medium low that's what I was saying but she asks what number did I have that it was a sent over oh my stone and when I was trying to porkchop so I had it sent home speaks sometimes I'd go between six and five it was slow at Pinnacle - uh-huh I'll drop it back down to five but I had to sit on sweet sweetheart okay let me put the more expensive flower you know when you're doing a cake recipe now yesterday you don't bake it don't feed it but some loan because of what's there the gluten and stuff will get started up the in and out I heard some anything well back in the days I'm older cooks what you worried about gluten because they were beaten by hand and it must is never that way accident some maybe figured it out and it will make it I read enough to glue these it to mom you don't need to beat that into bang too long but you can never tear one be doing but I read that gluten would make it tight we push this down this thing we're trying to show after day and I appreciate the ones of you guys that that tell me that they appreciate me take your time to uh to the army sure what I'm doing with the cake it's in case I have some younger cooked you're not told you them are always look at me look out for my younger pieces huh I feel that's what my comment most of my colony was trying to help the yellow cake but um I appreciate them all the ones that say that I think you know they think that I do take enough time and Shawn and the ones that probably think if you see that comment with somebody saying that I take too long do as my granddaughter column the haters is probably something out of that got a channel and stuff like that and we're saying oh she kick is so lonely I mean she's really showing them how to do it the right way and that's gonna kind of show us that's all the thing I'm like why would somebody say that you know because we shorten these up shortening down these are retro videos --is it's harlot need to be don't did without just coming over here cooking it running back in and you know and then show you the finish product that's not helping nobody to Memphis you're gonna do love something probably take you up a couple hours to prepare and about 30 minutes of 230 minutes down I said he came getting on shorter get into shorter heels even they can make a given order I'm a pro to rest for this near-peer some people say you always end up with flower pay that no tension cause it's nothing in it but some flower the mass dampening but uh I'm gonna pull the rest of that milk in and do it straight down and then I'm just going to UM let it beat off and this this cake right here you guys it makes so bomb it makes about four layers because I don't like when I'm doing a cake like this I don't like beet thick big thick layers so I made my layers kind of thinning and I usually you probably can do it in in three meals but I usually do four layers and I are you not in another cake rest of video I showed you how major those layers I'm you know look what I'm gonna do when I'm just I'm gonna go off and I'll put my own when I put it in the pinion and I just tell you how many cooks that I get into each pan time I can't remember right now I think with this one I you know put three this night with other them I probably put 3 cups of the young batter into each one of the cake paintings and and this is gonna be three layers three minutes my disability for later see what you do when you ain't got with three pinions you bake one office if you ain't got two pins I'm glad you brought it up if you don't have to cake pans what you do is you bake two layers and once they paint you take that cake out of use and others and use them same pans to make their other layers but now if I end up not Clinton three makeups in here yeah oh well I mean if I don't do for they're so well but you look this this better i spritz like a normal thing four layers on it cuz I always make extra frosting the hood on it normally when I think this year on coconut cake I do it in remembrance of my mom a lot of time I do it at Easter time she always debate a cake a coconut cake as she would put the akin the Easter eggs on it in the grace she had wit some mother Oh green in her coconut and decorate the top and put the eggs on the Cubs the kids just look at my kids and I wrestle a great cheering look that was wrong up and then they are watching you remember my mother used to fix those Easter a a case so that's when I do my coconut cake and Easter time I was real about only time I baked a coconut cake and I got a coconut of a pan that I'm turning supple of you then had this to shake level on a bunny abundant revenue year I did it for my daughter when she was younger coming up she smelled that cake nominated mama baby bunny here mine are you gonna bake the Bernini I'm so glad when she got old enough to what she wasn't okay I think that's all I need to tear you down up stuff let me go off and get him and I will come back in between the cake Baken and show you the ingredients I'm just gonna display the ingredients as to what you're gonna need to make that crusty okay you guys I'd be right back okay you guys I got two other lamps out of the oven and they're cooling I'm a mood in my brain and the two smaller learn from in the in the oven baking I'm removing or remove these layers I waited and I'm gonna show then we gonna make up the other frosting for the cake okay you don't you guys I got my daughter here today I'm so so so happy you know I told you down she always on frosted cakes and stuff for me so she told me she said mom it's been so long since I pity you know you make him up the frosting I won't watch your high crotch and make it up again cuz I might could bake the cake you're gonna bake a cake free free you go try this oh maybe so okay I got free tonight with the day off and I think you know what I tell them I said you know what from now I'm just going wait can you come to me bake cakes or some cake video so you can frost the cake so because I earned all that goo that frosted cake let me tell you guys what we got I got um I got five cups of the powdered sugar confession confession sugar or whatever will be mostly called it powdered sugar I got five cups of that I hope that's all that I need and if I need more I got some Oh over here and you know I got two two sticks of softened butter which is one cup of the earth in this unsalted brick if your manager didn't get myself put some in it and then all this is um two tablespoons and if I need more I'll get it because you know normally I don't really when I'm doing this is my regular confession sugar frosting I may not even put milk in it and especially in the summertime because it gets too loose but I've just got some heavy cream and the only reason I got the heavy cream and there you can't use heavy cream no problem the only reason I got here the cream that I had something left over nice neat start using it and I'm going to put 1 teaspoon of vanilla and anywhere from one to two tales of teaspoons or coconut it's right this time so what I'm gonna do stretch all right now this is what your pound of butter for buttercream frosting I'm gonna put just the see how much idiot I'm gonna put a little bit monk on this unsalted butter little card is here 1/8 teaspoon of all self spread it out all over there and I'm gonna go in and put my god I'll tell you another way on you guys this coconut cake is delicious I have did it and not put just a buttercream frosting on it I put it put cream cheese in it I've did so many things and stuff with cakes you guys I didn't realize how many different things I'm did with the cakes they don't I didn't realize it until I got to I mean I started these videos when I went like trying to remember what in the car cuts you know when you're fixing the crazy self you fix it you fix it - to um to your likings you don't want that either that's your food and you're home now listen you carry something out mommy you gonna carry something out for the public Oh some kind of dinner make sure you do that right I always do the best especially when you're taking it to the church I take it to the church it's gonna be 100 okay that's good you know Botero me why you putting the butter because I don't get my butter really soft because the soft when you get that butter up to that level start hardening back up in that feeling it'll make you feel it too loose and make it get too uh you know they make this feeling I mean not one to make the frosting because sugar it's real easy to melt down and out move will you get this out great woman so I move my cake I think i'ma wait a minute should I get this kind of incorporate it in before I put my butt Nell in there so just be very careful but you need that push I may happen without a picture powdered sugar I may have to put up extra all tablespoon but it's me up in here I see Britany could you get me a spatula please you know I like mine all right now I'm ordering to south so I can control it thank you with this our powdered sugar with that margin real soften out it you can either get it too loose you know get your class on too loose you got the hammer go slow with this to make sure you get you consistent it right but Lance have in this kitchen you'll have trouble trying to frost a cake and keep them [Applause] as in commence good to pay us to quit we did all my think I'm safe Richard made the icing up you wouldn't know even better hey put me another tablespoon you guys that was two tablespoons if I didn't sing it that was two tablespoons of that I'm gonna go ahead on the foot nine it strikes and hiss off and make sure before I go in with that milk that I got enough liquid up here big things to blend it all up together you guys see how he's am I putting that one piece poom of another in there that Billy make sure extra off flavor like I'm home to do but I'm roaming if I go in sure I go make sure mr. coconut this is a coconut cake a bit more just a little bit of a good nature in case that spoon one made right Noddy start out with an extra tablespoon of the I'll start that right now just to move it more with it that's an extra tablespoon you know I had two tablespoon originally a chaste woman would this they are never cream over there windy news I thought you thought I thought we talked about flour [Music] I kind of really low down to see this process this week I'm doing the lighting because I had somebody to ask me about the Oh boss ce-2 new song I think and I explained to a well doctor look at this builders take some type of child obesity near the treated knock it was not smaller than you how much woman face me you may go make sure I got it all incorporated Washington and Moe will be heated to lose I'm gonna go put too much milk in the kitchen I gotta I see some time like this enter what I want to be viable bit and put in the bill but I knew I was gonna put it home it was time to cut my head I'll make it more awesome then I'm going to make for a regular cake [Applause] [Applause] if you do a scrape that really put me another taste you guys when I come back home it'll be breathing and she'll be frosting the cake please [Applause] [Applause] so how many tablespoons that eye cream this bull get to operations you eating martini - it hurts I put the apron it made two three [Music] now if you use milk you'd probably with this only use that 3 2 or 3 tbsp but this cream is a little heavier put just a little bit more than in there batshit okay you guys just about the consistency oh man Halston will start melting up don't even know getting we are mr. booth see what it look like can you see it niveau yeah yes you see it okay okay I'm gonna go off and I'll let the cake cool down and when they cool down my daughter be back in frosted cake please be right back oh you guys I forgot to tell you when I'm telling you the ingredients for the cake I forgot the main player is the coconut sweetener I mean the sweetened coconut flakes and when I do I'm not doing cake where I put the coconut in the frosting but we don't really like that like that so we always just put the frosting and then the coconut on there so we can control how much coconut in it my family like coconut but you cannot give them a whole lot of them now let me step out of the way I forgot the way in Britain the pictures and fast escape for you guys okay everybody there's a little bit of frosting here on this cake plate to keep the cake from sliding I have this layer right here that I'm going to place down that's gonna be the bottom of our cake gonna place it here press it down slightly and I am starting I'm gonna take this spoon and put I don't know measurements like my mama so I'm just gonna put enough to where I think I can cover this bottom layer won't be a whole lot you want the majority of your frosting to be for the top and the sides but you want to put a note to get it on you know really cooperate it so my mama has all these dancing characters in here I don't have none of this at my house but what I'm a car guy for you and this is a ice creams butter so I'm going to gently spread out the ice cream very important to spread it out gently ice and gonna tear up a cake if you're not too careful so go around and this little motion here I don't know what you call it I'm gonna try to spend the cake plate around with me I'm going to add more I'm just trying to get this right here that I got on spread out because this isn't enough for the whole who lay here as folks funny just and for those of you that Karthik my mom is saying my name several times throughout the media but I know the last time I was here so you know me my thinking careful it's frosty my mom was doing a giveaway and the question you had to do right was what my name is and what was the first video that I put on her channel yes she said my name several times my name is Brittany and the first video clip on her channel was a low-carb meatball cascarone been watching my mom for a minute you know low-carb is my thing I had a lot of success just with weight loss for low-carb continue to do it until you continues to work for more stops working for me that is I think I've got a pretty Wales bring it on the top now I'm going to take this butter knife go around the spice just a little bit I'll typically do the size too much until I get it completed but I go around just the tag to make sure I got ice at all to come out to the side trying to be careful with this little side here but a cake was looking up trying to put some more frosting just to make sure this laying that I put on tablet it will stick my guest rusty it's the bad thing about the low carb lifestyle when you got a moment it makes artists look at stuff you don't see what she's making all the banana puddings and the coconut cakes the coconut cake is my favorite I love it that's the bad thing but I won't lie saying I'll sneak a little taste every idea because I do but don't tell me about it Steele mainly low-carb over here okay I think I got it pretty much all about to the sides here looking at sure when I'm going to get ready to add the second layer now oh no I'm not going to get ahead the second later-later make someone's from coconut it's like forget the main ingredient to a coconut cake just come sprinkle coconut on top I'm going to add about how much I think should go up here if you like more you add more you like less you get less than what I'm adding but again you know you gotta save the majority of it for the top and the sides so I'm just gonna make sure it's enough to have it all incorporated and tasty in between the language now we're gonna add the second layer I don't know how much this was I just sprinkled two but do it here like coming in with this next layer those of you that know how to frost or don't know how to frost a cake you add the layers upside down onto you get to the top layer then you put that up right and most cake layers don't come out even so to get an even cake you when you layer them you layer them to the adjoining side so this side of the cake is a little thicker so I'm going to put the thinner layer of this cake on top of the thinner side I mean the thinner layer of this cake on top of that thicker side lay that on top press it down Jake we don't press it too hard I like just terrible frosting the cake has been my dog the ever since I was a little girl I've always loved frosting a cake or plane I thought was playing it always looked fine you know I thought you looked the ball in that horse now my niece's love to do that job they love especially my youngest niece Kelsey she loves to be in the kitchen with her nails but you know mixed fond memories they'll have five members in the kitchen with they Nana when they grow up and again I'm doing it like I did the bottom layer sort of spinning the cake plate around you thin it out my niece's really get a kick out of a Nana have that YouTube channel especially her subscribers and how well or channel is the one they think they Hanna is really really something which he is we know that and a little bit more on here try not to get too thick in between the layers because again you need the majority of crossings for the top of the size of your Kate but you want to note the way you don't have to try to think in between you know where your stuff that's kind of steep can be gentle with it frosting and terrible cake trying to bring it all the way up to the edges of the cake so your next layer speaks wheel and switch to use and a buttercup signing it towards these he is there just short of taking it from the top where's little think bring them out to the sides don't think I have to add more ice into this again don't typically ice the size until I get it all layered up then I go into Isis eyes all at once just try to make sure you're all the way to the end I think I got this one pretty good now being about three would sprinkle some coconut matter who will go to the mountain make a coconut cake and this pretty much gives you all the gist of how you ice a coconut cake I'm not gonna frost the whole cake on camera so much it go Brittany I'm gonna just stop the camera a minute get back if you look he's trying to get out of it okay so go ahead on so I'm about to finish frosting the cake off camera and we'll come back and we'll show you the finished product okay everybody this is the finished product product of the coconut cake and I did my daughter do a good job is as um with frosting the cake I told you guys she can really do a good job frosting frosting is not one of my better parts points because I am don't have the patience but um we don't know met my husband move back move out the way and uh give me and my daughter gonna come back in and serve you guys a slice of the coconut cake okay everybody I'm gonna go ahead on and in this video we are for us cut your slice of the cake but first I'm gonna pick my daughter for Isis the cake I mean putting the frosting on the cake for me and she this is a low weekend year for and I hope I can get you to do another video at least one more video for Britney I love for the donut videos for my cousin she do the videos for me I get to eat something that I have a cook myself so you gonna be doing another video for me okay now you guys know I can't cut no cake and I'm glad and you know if I was doing it for summer I wouldn't cut it at all but um Britney can you cook I don't know that's where snake okay Oh I'm a kitchen master smiles but not as big as I did that up okay okay [Music] I'll wait let me see that cut I went through the cake oh this stuff is kind of shaking I wondered on camera a cup of that everywhere you see you now see it right what am i big how about it yeah like that's nice I'll tell you we're the ones that the piece that I'm pulling myth I forget that you always put some on them to make it stick on the off that is one of the reason I don't like usually put all this in my ass it makes the cake but I write you guys I'm going I'm gonna go ahead on and have I either do video I already know I'm gonna end the video let me come around so you see what I'm gonna put this on the plate and eat it who my daughter she's on it this is one of her favorite shapes excellent her to ask the cake for me cuz she's on Nana what's the name please keep kita she's on the keto playing right now lifestyle she ain't changed she call it even change or whatever you I feel kind of bad let me see my beer decorated Sookie you hate it but um anyway she uh I don't know if she don't be able to eat it at escaped because of the weight I mean wonder what you call it didn't fool changing that all these guys exactly and when she said I was nominal caller the diet lifestyle change so if it's the lifestyle told I said if it's a nice time changing you shouldn't either slice or something over 9000 okay so within a way you guys I appreciate you coming watching this video I mean watching this video or with me or watching my daughter but if the stuff on the cake and watching my channel and you notice feel that I'd normally get twisted up oh if you like this video give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already subscribed to my channel subscribe and hit that notification bail to be notified and on given leave me a comment down below as my granddaughter to say as long as it's nice one I can do without the negative negative one so uh I'll see you guys in my next come on over Brittany say say say say back to them to the guys cuz you'll get to seeing her a lot more my video I'm gonna say bye see you guys mixer
Channel: Mae Mae's Happy Table
Views: 163,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonder Share Filmore 9.0
Id: WknqGw7zbeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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