How to Make a Chocolate Peanut Butter Cream Cake (from Anna's New Book)! | LIVESTREAM

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and hello everyone welcome to oh yum and if this is your very first time joining us I am just so so thrilled to have you here because it's a very big day it is after a whole lot of work over two years of work the official launch date of my brand new cookbook it's called baking wisdom so it is available now I know some of you have pre-ordered it in which case I hope it arrived today for a lot of people you actually receive it on the day of the launch in which case you can read along with me now I'm not going to be like Ms Rachel um whom I know very well because my granddaughter is obsessed with Miss Rachel right here on YouTube um but what I am going to do is to celebrate the launch of this brand new book assemble a cake now I know it's International pie day it's March 14th 3.14 but I thought a cake is more celebratory so I hope you don't mind I'd like to say hello to those of you who have joined me before and I know so well like Kathy and RAF I always say hi to my mom dad and Michi know Bonnie down the street I know you're watching and because there is not just this cake but the second one the swap as we call it is in the fridge Bonnie you know you're getting some cake later on and I'd like to just take the time to tell you a bit about the book to tell you a bit about the new episodes you're going to see coming out right here on oyum and then also because this book is about sharing what we know and learn and questions we have about baking I always open the floor to you I love hearing your responses hearing your baking questions that's how I take my inspiration and create new recipes so what I am going to assemble right now is the chocolate peanut butter cream cake I can't recall exactly what page number it is the book has 456 pages I weighed the book it weighs 5 pounds but here is something you'll love to hear because I know Ono yum you are joining me from around the world is that you can get a an autographed hardcover copy of baking wisdom sent anywhere in the world you will see the link below to Premiere Collectibles now this is a limited time they don't carry it in perpetuity like Amazon does but if you want a signed copy shipped anywhere in the world go to the link that Below on the screen above the complete recipe and you can get that signed copy I was actually at the random house warehouse yesterday madly signing copies so they are going right to Premier Collectibles right now so let me take a minute I've been talking a lot I've been lucky enough to be doing a lot of news media and I've kind of worn out my voice a little bit but I saved just enough for you so what I want to talk about are the elements that I have here so instead of spending an hour with the mixer going making the cake batter and making the peanut butter cream and then the chocolate filling I thought I'd have everything ready to go so that I can just Chit Chat while I assemble this cake so I have three layers of a delicious chocolate cake the layers are eight inches 20 centimeters across and I like to make recipes and you'll see in this book none of my cakes Dome on top I work really hard when I develop these recipes those little things as bakers that drive us crazy like when you get a dome top to a cake that you have to slice off and ultimately waste cake well what's the point of that so I designed my recipe so you don't have to do that we have our three distinct layers I have a peanut butter cream you could almost call it a peanut butter mousse but it is a little bit more dense and it is so creamy and silky and it's combination of peanut butter cream cheese but I do fold in whipped cream and it's sweetened and I see the questions are coming in already and then before I start decorating I also have my go-to chocolate fudge filling sauce everything and it is a combination of butter and whipping cream but it's not a ganache and then I add brown sugar cocoa powder and melted chocolate stir it together and so when it's chilled it handles and can be piped like a frosting but when it's fluid it works like a fudge sauce so in addition to the fudge filling I have here I have some of the same fudge filling that I'm keeping warm because we're going to make a drip cake out of this cake now I see some questions uh coming in bhakti is asking a very good question hi Anna can I sub corn syrup for glucose syrup that is a very good question if you are making Confections so lollipops caramel candies anything that is straight candy typically no because the corn syrup is needed in some recipes for one consistency or one sweetening behavior and glucose syrup is there for another and so in the case of something like my saltwater taffy if you replace one with the other you won't get that chewiness and can I tell you you can ask the lovely Michael Olson here because the first time I made saltwater taffy I used glucose syrup and I cooked it a little too far and didn't he have to go to the dentist the next day because he actually pulled out a filling by eating my saltwater taffy was not nice and chewy I can tell you by the time the recipe making it in the book I had definitely um fixed that so that is a very good question to ask so what I'm going to do to fill the inside of the cake I want to alternate between the peanut butter and the chocolate so I'm going to pipe rings starting with the peanut butter because the peanut butter is going to be on the outside of the cake so that's kind of the leading color I'm going to pipe in a little in the middle here and you've seen me use a cake wheel plenty of times right here on a yum but something I picked up because I pay attention to social media too is everybody if you don't own a cake turntable or cake wheel if you own a microwave you already have a cake turn table so you can pull out that little rotating plastic wheelie bits and then the glass tray that goes on top and that can double as your cake wheel when you're using it sometimes the microwave glass trays have a little lip so if you're doing fancy frosting work you just have to be wary of that my next step I'm piping some of this chocolate and for this part this assembly I'm not worrying so much you don't need a piping tip here because of course a cake layer is going to get placed right on top so what I'm aiming for is three peanut butter layers or three peanut butter rings and two chocolate rings so when you slice into it you see that striping so nicely so I start from the outside and work to the center like so and now I can put on my first my second cake layer I have lots of wet towels because when you're dealing with chocolate why did I pick yellow and pink to wear today I should have put Brown and darker brown oh well here we are oh Sharon's asking can the cake be made gluten-free and still look perfect with no Dome I find it easier to get no Dome when you have a gluten-free cake because you usually don't have quite the structure you do with flour um I have not tested this cake recipe using gluten-free flour but I will say Sharon that there are a few brands of gluten-free flour bread Blends that are more universally available I used to always say for every one cup of all-purpose flour use two thirds of a cup of brown rice flour a third of a cup of tapioca starch and half a teaspoon of xanthan gum and that's a good starting point but there are Brands uh like um cup four cup that are very very good and I have great results with Bob's Red Mill gluten-free flour baking blend as a one-to-one substitution for taste for texture and behaving just like all-purpose flour so I hope that helps you that is not a sponsor support that is just personal practice and use over time oh Karen I'm glad you like the microwave trick Jermaine of course Lazy Susan before I got into serious baking um I used to use a lazy Susan like the the low wooden ones and they're great actually for wedding cakes when you've got a really big cake to work with oh thank you Michael um and Nana you've been watching me since the start of TV can you believe I've been on TV since the start of TV what it feels like I've actually been on um television for oh gosh 2002 2000 over 20 years can you believe it and when we first started taping uh TV it was done almost in this style we called it live to tape and it was virtually live no pauses no edits just me baking along getting chocolate all over the place just like I'm doing now oh I should point out this chocolate cake recipe is particularly tasty um you know I love butter and I am not one to shy away from butter except of course if someone wants a vegan recipe but this a recipe like some chocolate cake recipes uses uh mayonnaise at the base instead of butter or vegetable oil and mayonnaise when you think about it is an Emulsion it's the blending of eggs and oil together and so that helps um I have a brownie recipe that uses mayonnaise it really helps to make a tender and moist cake and I have used a lot of peanut butter cream I hope I have enough for the outside that's okay we have a swap and now you always want to kind of go down to eye level and make sure your cake is level give it a good press is that looking good Michael give it a turn so you can get a good look at it and wiping my fingers again is this looking level am I ready to put the peanut butter on the top I feel like we're in good shape I'm gonna put so much Decor on top of it if it's not level you're honestly not going to see it all right so now we want to cover the cake and this is going to be a naked style cake so I'm just going to have a sheer layer on the sides and more coverage on top so I'm going to use up my peanut butter cream that's in this Piping Bag and I can also I've already filled a few piping bags with different tips so I can add some here it's very exciting you know I worked on this book um over the past few years it takes two years to write a cookbook between the testing and then the retesting and I have recipe testers so after I create a recipe to the point that I'm happy with it then I give it to my recipe testers and I know some of you are watching from the states some from Canada some from other countries in the world I test and verify my recipes by volume meaning cups and teaspoons and I verify it by weights meaning in grams and so you'll see every single recipe like you see below has both the grams and the volume measures so it's up to you personally I prefer grams because you'll get a more consistent result every time just you can see how the Cake's a little Wiggly because of the soft cream which is why I have a swap cake that has had time to chill that I can finish decorating and now I'm just going to pipe this is a great way to get a little extra frosting on the side of your cake if you've already if you're already using the Piping Bag and then I'm just looking to get a sheer layer to fill in the gaps not full coverage let's see if I can read while masking a cape at the same time hello from Vancouver oh RAF yes the testing well most of the time it's delicious sometimes I don't get it spot on and I'll be honest I'm I am not one to settle so if I'm not excited about something when I'm trying making it then I need to kind of go back to the drawing board and I can tell when I'm getting close on something um and it can take anywhere depending on the recipe you can take three tries if it's something simple it can take seven tries if by about try three or four I'm not getting towards what I want then I go back to square one and revisit how I create a recipe and for those who don't know me I went to cooking school a long long time ago I didn't specialize in baking when I went to cooking school I did General culinary arts and then my baking apprenticeship was on the job I worked at a number of restaurants that were on the smaller side and so they would have a pastry chef but they wouldn't have a Peyton well now that's lopsided I'm gonna just there we go so if the pastry chef wanted a day off I would be the one to volunteer to fill in and so my whole job would then for a day or two days a week I would get the list of what I had to do and I would get the recipe book and I had to figure it out on my own and so that's where a lot of my Hands-On baking experience and my wanting to know why something is happening or not happening really helped me improve my baking and then I would find out the hard way sometimes when the pastry chef would come back and say well no do it this way and that was my learning process foreign so there we go we've got a nice this is a rich peanut butter cream so you don't need an excessive amount on it I'm just gonna grab a bowl from my little Supply cabinet here I should do a tour of the kitchen some day shouldn't I because I have all my all my glass bowls are on this side all my solid color bowls are on that side uh measuring tools scales measuring cups aren't in this side small hand tools that side so I know where everything is at any time Michael's getting close to pull out my peanut butter cake and how's everyone doing now we've got oh we've got almost 200 people watching this is great Helter Skelter oh I've seen you pop up before is asking if this is my Easter cake this year I don't know that it'll be my Easter cake but I can tell you that I will be back multiple times before we even get to Easter because this is the kickoff to a combination of a baking wisdom pre-tape and live stream Series so this is the first live stream I'll be back in two weeks same time same place so March 28th with another live stream with an Easter inspired recipe but in between each of those I have taped episodes of baking wisdom where I feature recipes from the book and you can look forward to my millionaire tart next week and that's a good one so alternating weeks I'll be pre-tape and live sharing all these little bits of baking wisdom he just wants to lean over wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle there we go now I'm going to swap this out for the one that I have already chilled and hello to Lori and Thunder Bay Fernanda um oh Fernando you've been following me on social media social media Fernando's asking how we liked uh Panaderia rosetta in Mexico City so a week ago I was in Mexico City what a dynamic and delicious City and I love that Bakery the guava pastry incredible such a treat because of course what I love about traveling is that you taste pastries or variations that you wouldn't get at home and guava of course are not a local fruit here in Southern Ontario in Canada and so I really appreciated it and the pineapple Empanada was just out of this world too all right so now let's bring back our and piece to Nigeria too nice to hear from you but that does bring up a point we love traveling and so you've probably seen a couple of new episodes of food travel Diaries pop up on the channel too most recently uzes France and Lisbon Portugal where we make the Portuguese custard Tarts that was such a phenomenal experience of course we did lots of filming in Mexico and can't wait to deliver more recipes I don't I didn't walk away from my Mexico City trip knowing exactly what I wanted to make I think when I arrived I thought I was going to make churros they're really hard to make at home which is why you go out for them so I think I'm going to focus on another type of pastry but let's focus on the top of this cake while I see your notes come in Susan likes the idea of chocolate and peanut butter um and of course you can find in this book so many Foundation recipes so if you don't want to do the peanut butter you could make this cake recipe and do I have a brilliant recipe for an hermine frosting it's for my weight velvet cake and that is custard like and creamy but it's not as sweet as a buttercream and it handles like a buttercream but like I said it's not as sweet oh and hello hello from UAE Moscow we got everybody joining us today this is great Michael I get so excited uh and Emily banana bread you can't go wrong I have three bananas getting very ripe on my kitchen counter they're going to turn into banana rib oh Michael says two two bananas well then I think I have to make there is a chocolate peanut butter a chocolate chip peanut butter banana cookie recipe in baking wisdom so that uses a smaller amount of bananas and hello Susan in Arizona great to see all the greetings I'm so I've really appreciated your support and responses especially today with the launch of the book okay so now this is where you just go along first thing I want to do is put my drip on and then I'll pipe on top of it so I'll just use this bowl too I just want to test my drip so it's not too runny I think we're doing good there but you don't want it to glop up and be too thick keeping in mind that the chocolate sauce will hit the cold cake and start to set and so I have to find my zen place because this is one of those things usually if I do something like this I put on I here's something you probably didn't realize about me I love house music so I'll put on good like beach house music with the Positive Vibes and just go with the beat I used to do that when I was doing wedding cakes oh and I gotta of course I got a lump as soon as I start is this a good angle for you Michael yes yes catching those drips doing the drips does not have ASMR we make lots of cool sounds but dripping isn't one of them the mirror okay I feel like house music is going through a bit of a Revival right now I think we all need I like the positivity of it it's generally happy maybe oh you're liking these shots and there we go I do like a good chocolate uh drip on a drip cake caramel can be trickier because it's so soft that it can run right down the cake and so I don't worry about covering the top of the cake I actually want to see the peanut butter but now we start just randomly piping some detail I'm gonna go in a circle first and see how far in I can work and I'll rotate between peanut butter rosettes chop the chocolate filling this is just over the top in terms of decadence and you know I'm going to be having a slice of this I've got a different piping tip away we go I think I can do this while reading shout out to the Philippines always loved to hear from the Philippines thank you Wendy I'm glad you love the book and there's Nana's writing something about Mexico the cream they use in Mexico for dips when they still have sauce different bowls ah yeah I don't that's a good question about the the creams I didn't do a whole lot of research on the Cream side of things I was amazed at how I did a cooking class and we learned how to make 10 different types of salsa some fresh some roasted all Chili Pepper based oh except for the Ranchero had a little little Chili Pepper but I loved that each salsa has a different use and then what I was thrilled to find out I had no idea is you don't mix Salsas so if you go to a Taqueria and they put four salsas in front of you you're not supposed to put all four Salsas look at Michael's face is like what because we used to do that you put all you know because you're supposed to appreciate each salsa for what it is so you use one salsa at a time when you're putting Salsas on your tacos we had so many delicious tacos how's this looking Michael good I've got a couple of blips here I love seeing the notes coming in hello Colette from Maryland and bujita from Ontario Canada neighbor uh and Missouri hello Kelby and just a reminder if you're just joining us that this new book baking wisdom is out officially today you can order on Amazon but if you want an autographed copy shipped anywhere in the world it's the premier Collectibles for a limited time that is offering it and I'm really grateful to them for that I'm just going to cover some of my gaps here so we're just building a lot of texture baking and talking at the same time I think I'm going to fill all the way I'm just going to fill the entire top of the cake you're okay with that Michael yep yep I've got enough that's one thing I'm very careful of if you've made my recipes before a pet peeve of mine is when you get a baking recipe and it doesn't have enough frosting for the cake like what if you want to play with it what if you want to do Couture uh Decor on top and most frostings can be frozen this peanut butter cream if you have extra say you don't go to all of this detail you can freeze the peanut butter cream you can freeze the the chocolate fudge sauce and in fact this lasts in the fridge for weeks anyhow so you've got great flexibility there now I think we're feeling pretty festive now with this cake and because I've been making away from the book I happen to have some pieces of my chewy chocolate chip cookie bars which you can actually find the recipe for this right here on the channel and you'll see in the photo that I actually use sponge toffee to put on top which added a beautiful crunch you don't have to put anything on top but it's a party we're trying to go over the top here so I am just going to add some of that and then I even have some salt roasted peanuts I can sprinkle I was going to pull out the gold flake and I thought okay just simmer down that is way too much um hello Jay from Glen Cove um oh and Lena I can understand you have to go to sleep it's late so cheers to you Coburg Ontario oh my goodness I went to Queen's University in Kingston so I used to drive past Coburg on a regular basis to get to school um Believe It or Not Another fun fact now you know I love house music I studied political science before I got into baking so a lot of you who bake bake to relax or distract yourself I was one of those Bakers when I was in university and it I didn't real I thought it was just a hobby but it was actually de-stressing me and so I know a lot of you bake to find your happy place and I really hope that you will take on recipes from baking wisdom there's something for everybody so if you're new to baking and you're just curious that's all I ask of you be curious be curious about baking because the front of the book which is all in a separate color deals with things like how altitude affects baking how baking bakes so what happens to a cake when you put it in the oven or a pastry or a bread because that's the part you can't control all you can control are the ingredients and the way you combine them and I think that is just so fascinating when you learn what a protein does what a starch does what are the components in an egg that makes an egg work how do you make substitutions how do you fix things like over whipped whipped cream and over whipped egg whites lots and lots oh good morning from the Philippines oh and Andrea's asking hello from Mexico is it possible to change cow's milk from raw goat's milk I think it depends on the application that's a very good question I know the dulce de leche in Mexico is goat's milk and it's delicious it's it's got that nice little Tang to it I think the only thing you have to I think it should work just the thing to be wary about is your fat content the sugar content may vary a little bit but ultimately it's the fat I think is going to determine what's happening oh uh yeah can you tell me what the name is of the goat's milk dulce de leche in Mexico I forget the name even though I had it just last week a no not cataplana um oh and sair is asking Chef what recipes do you recommend for spring it is yay we can finally talk about spring here in Southern Ontario we're getting a late Taste of winter there's more snow on the ground than we've had all winter it seems um early spring I lean towards Citrus desserts but because here our fruit season doesn't start ah um yes thank you for looking that up we like to answer our questions here so Citrus desserts to start and I always find Citrus desserts like a lemon meringue recipe always suits the Easter season soon enough we can start getting excited about rhubarb and strawberries and those to me are my favorite fruits of spring chocolate always has a place but you can lighten it up with Citrus flavors or with the fresh fruit Emily's asking a good question can I reduce sugar in recipes yes an Alejandra can I hit the spelling with the J which is an H thank you thank you um Emily you can reduce sugar in some recipes and this is where baking wisdom takes you through what sugar does is more than just sweeten it adds moisture and it adds structure especially any recipe that calls for whipping egg whites or getting volume and things the sugar helps hold that volume in place if you're trying to reduce your sugar you can look at different options you can look at unrefined sugar if it's for health reasons you can explore options like agave syrup behaves like sugar in baking more effectively in terms of getting your baking structure and coconut palm sugar registers lower on the glycemic index please know I'm not a dietitian I am a baker I'm thinking about the technical how you're going to get that good result by reducing the sugar so I hope that gives you enough information to go on oh Trisha's asking about malted barley simp in a bagel dough recipe there are different variations um I yes and I have a honey bagel recipe and I put honey in the water as well but the malted barley syrup also offers that sweetness and it's also about keeping the bagel dough nice and dense there's a good dense subtle sweetness to it and so you're fine with either style I think it's a matter of preference and that's why there's so many ways to make a bagel so I love I love seeing um your points and your responses and Aunt deeney is allergic to peanuts and that is very common and 100 yes you can use almond butter um you could grind nuts to make a nut butter if if you can have other nuts um if you're allergic to all nuts then I would just I would steer you away to a different frosting and there's so many great frosting recipes and all brand new like I said I've been working on this for two years and it's been hard to sort of stay mum but it's a work in progress and if you ask me am I working on my next project the answer is yes there's another book coming down the pipeline but you're going to have to wait a little while we're here to celebrate baking wisdom and we are this is good I thought you know what I'll be chit chatting for about half an hour but I love seeing your responses coming in thank you for liking the video if you had to step away or have to step away you can always come back and catch up on on what we are here because this will live on the channel uh again look forward to a live stream again in two weeks and look forward to my millionaire tart recipe um in next next Tuesday it will launch right here on the channel we picked um Rob who manages the channel I think we picked the same time so 6 30 p.m Eastern every Tuesday you'll see something new pop up here and Lise hazelnuts and chocolate uh yeah of course I love hazelnuts and chocolate there is if you want a big baking project I have a recipe for Tortas set the valley in here that's seven layer torte now that is definitely for a special occasion uh and if I were making that now we'd be here for a while because it is a combination of chocolate sponge hazelnut mousse chocolate cream and then there's a mirror glaze on top layered seven times over oh with uh praline hazelnuts too it is delicious and Margaret's is looking for the best strong vanilla there are a few and I know we're we're very sensitive to the cost of baking ingredients now I mean even in the states eggs went up in price but everything has gone up butter Dairy all of our favorite baking ingredients including vanilla um Matt bourbon Madagascar is sort of your good all-purpose every using everything baking vanilla and I do believe in buying a good vanilla a pure vanilla because then you actually use less of it so you can actually hold back a little bit on your baking because it is so intense that it flavors your recipes further I did pick up some good quality Mexican vanilla when I was in Mexico and I like to use that in robust desserts where because it has a big Aroma and a big flavor so for chocolate for coffee anything with a big even spices it can compete against that Tahitian vanilla is very costly it is beautiful it is delicate and it is mostly about the aroma so I like to use Tahitian where vanilla is the one key flavor so a creme brulee a cheesecake and you really want if you're going to use the bean you want to use it in a recipe where it has time to infuse so either in a liquid on the stove first or a slow bake like a cheesecake so I hope that helps answer your questions it's hard to speak to Brands because that changes where we where we're from and where we live but in terms of types I hope that gives you a guiding owenanna's asking do I use farm eggs or store store-bought well it depends on the time of year we support our local farmers market so in the spring summer and fall we always support Lyle the Eggman Lyle if you're watching I know he watches sometimes he has delicious eggs otherwise I do you know I have to go to the grocery store like everybody else and so I will do it and actually that brings up a point when I'm testing my recipes or my recipe testers are testing recipes while I like using good quality chocolate we don't all have access to that and so we test our recipes to using good old grocery store chocolate that comes in the squares because I want to know that no matter what you use you're going to have the best results you can and things like chocolate can behave differently and we all have different budgets and so there's something in here for everyone you don't have to have cake wheels and stand mixers to get into baking if you have a bowl a whisk and a spatula and a couple of basic pans you can get into the kitchen and bake and you know what I think this is a great time to sign off Tina you can order the book um it's not sold through Indonesia but if you go to the premier Collectibles you have to check there is a shipping cost check it out and see if you can order it um I'm hoping that we can have this in multiple languages sometime soon but right now the English launch is thanks to you and your support you helped inspire a lot of these recipes because I've worked on this a lot through the last three years and we were doing so much on the live streams remember way that when when I made croissants on the live stream and I was talking about the Pearson Square how to make a higher ratio butter fat for your croissants using not high ratio butter it made the book so it's all spelled out for you here you are amazing you're amazing Bakers you're the best fans I love you all and so now on International pie day we're gonna celebrate with cake and I look forward to seeing you in two weeks when I'm back for another live stream I love seeing your notes I'm going to read through them again because I know I miss them and that way I know when I'm back I'll have fresh uh questions to answer for you and one last one let's see uh yes I do use coconut oil in my baking it's a great dairy free option for baking uh and uh yesi Yazi is asking well I have book signings in person yes I will and I will be posting my book signing uh locations and times through my social media um so go you can either sign on to Facebook or Instagram I'm trying to get onto Tick Tock I have two whole videos on Tick Tock with more coming soon uh so keep an eye out uh for that for where where I'll be and when it's been wonderful spending time with you this evening might be morning your time we've got a decadent chocolate peanut butter cream cake to now dive into oh I should cut into it I know I'm trying to sign off but there's more we're all happy here there's more to to do you need to see the inside of this cake I don't think I've done a single live stream without cutting into the final result and I'm not about to start now and I still to this day get nervous every time I have to pull that full you know that First Slice is hard to extract there we go oh we've got chocolate we've got peanut butter and we've got a fork I haven't had dinner yet so I'm only gonna have one bite but this has been fantastic Chris from Toronto just across the lake you are all wonderful and I know you are going to have a great time making these recipes I invite you to get creative I like when you express yourself through your decoration the way you change flavors and this is why we have the conversations about how to tailor these recipes so you can make them your own I know you can make this recipe and I it's been my pleasure to share my baking wisdom with you hmm [Music] oh that is a moist cake I haven't had a chocolate cake in a long time yeah International pie day is over it is now International cake day thank you so much everyone I'll see you in two weeks Giovanni watched cool awesome
Channel: Oh Yum with Anna Olson
Views: 49,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna olson (chef), bake with anna olson (tv program), anna olson recipes, baking with anna olson, chocolate cake, peanut butter cake, chocolate peanut butter, peanut butter cream, how to bake, cake recipes
Id: So4zRAqISCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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