How to make a charcuterie board from scraps off the sawmill

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hey everybody thomas here and today i'm actually going to show you something a little bit different i'm in my messy workshop as you can see i have stuff just kind of all over the place in this shop um we've had multiple hurricanes tropical storms all that fun stuff and i had to put a lot of stuff in here prior to actually finishing my shop so it wouldn't get wet the barn out back unfortunately during zeta pretty much got destroyed so i was gonna tear it down anyways it just i'm turning down a little bit sooner than i wanted to but that's all good on to today i actually have a craft fair coming up on the 14th of november in lucid mississippi it's a gingham tree festival in craft fair and it's a really cool show there's quite a few vendors uh probably over 200 typically we've been out there before we've done really well well i'm going to show you some of the things i make for my craft fair and i make a lot of cutting boards my buddy makes spoons make some benches and stuff like that but i'm going to show you how to turn pretty much what would be considered a scrap board into something you can make a lot more money off of than just a piece of scrap so i'm gonna be working with some black walnut today although i'll show the black wall stuff but i'm actually gonna show uh the working of actually the hickory so i've got some spalted hickory i cut a mantle and i cut some pieces for a bench and stuff like that out of this hickory and this is kind of like an off cut where i had to get back on to the scale of the computer for whatever my next cup is going to be so it's about a one inch thick slab and it's got some beautiful salt to it but there's not a lot i can do with it so i'm gonna turn it into something [Music] probably worth about 60 to 70 dollars i'm gonna get two chartreuse boards cutting boards out of it so stay tuned we'll do some more and here we go all right folks so this is the actual piece we're talking about it's uh roughly on this side right here it's about 10 inches across and narrows down to about eight inches on this side it is hickory it's a tree that i actually took off a property in tennessee a couple years ago and it sat here for about a year and as you can see it's spalted up this is the actual outside piece the inside portion of it again just beautiful beautiful wood now it does have some bug holes and stuff like that so this is actually a piece i'm going to add a epoxy to i think we'll see how it actually looks with oil but i haven't decided yet this has already been planed when i was doing a job a while back i was actually trying to clean the planter blades off because i was cutting some or planting down some pine so if i run a hardwood through it it would help to get the blades a little bit cleaner so here we go we got our hickory now let's grab the two templates these are some of the cutting boards that i do and if you came out to the timber king sawmill show you would see how i make one of these in person it's a relatively uh you know easy process but i use these as my templates all right so orientation is key i have a few things going on on this piece of wood that are not desirable one of which is i guess when i had it on my sawmill i was using log turner i chipped out that section right there now these boards right here they don't have any live edge on them they are actually kind of squared up and everything i've got some rounded edge but no live edge per se and what i like to incorporate is a live edge because it's a natural way for material to slide off the board the board down here i do have a little bit of a check right there but um what i'll do is i'll position this board right here so i incorporate a live edge on one side now this board this would be the orientation if i was going to incorporate the live edge on this side i could have the orientation like that keep a live edge there i don't want a live edge on both sides because this would actually look too large so i'm going to go back to my original setup like this and i'm going to watch out for the end here because i have some chipping and some checks don't incorporate that but what i'll do is i'll push this slightly lower i think that's that's a good width right there that's roughly about eight inches across so that's a pretty good size board and it'll keep me away from this check mark right here so this check probably where the tree fell or or just splitting from the end grain here but i've got that board where i like it i'll have a nice rolled edge that's natural no routing required it's mother nature provided pretty nice and then on this board right here again i don't want to incorporate that so this will be the edge that i cut off but uh i like the orientation about where it's at it'll push up just slightly now this board is going to have some tapering effect it won't be the same width all the way down but that makes it unique it's something different this is a new design i came up with i call it my duck head design because it looks like a duck head and um yeah so essentially we've got the board's place where i want now these black walnut ones they demand a little more premium than this hickory one will however this hickory board here i still think i should be able to sell these boards when finished between 30 to 40 dollars so each so that's that's a 60 to 80 dollar board right there that would essentially have i sold it just the way it was i i probably would have sold it for about five dollars maybe so i'm gonna go ahead and excuse me i'm gonna go ahead and you're gonna watch me trace this thing out and then cut it with a jigsaw so nothing special and again this is something that you can do with tools that you have around your shop you don't have to have a fancy bandsaw or sand or stuff like that i'm going to show you how to make a board that you can make for a gift for your family relatively inexpensive if you have a sawyer in the area i mean they have tons of these boards just sitting around that now i have a problem i as you can see i these are my boards that are off cuts that are not graded not good enough or anything but this is what i turn into you know my cutting boards um i like that cedar piece right there it's got a big old rotten section and eventually i'll probably turn it into a mantel or something like that these are my off cuts these are off cuts from previous jobs that i've cut so i want to show you how you can get if you have a sword and air you can get the cheap boards and make some pretty nice gifts or even if you want to turn that into some cash so here we go i'm going to go and change angle and you'll watch me kind of trace this out and then we'll start using some of the tools here okay so as i stated before uniqueness is always a great seller so no board i ever make now i apologize i got ash and charcoal dust all over me from tending to fire a little bit ago but um uniqueness is what sells so people don't want the plain jane stuff you can buy to store they want something that is unique and different because everyone can just go up to a home goods store and buy a bamboo cutting board or whatever and throw some meat on it but if you want a board that looks different from everything else anyone else has you know contact your local sawyer and find out what scraps do you have and they'll work a deal with you so very kids out there having fun on that's the neighbors down the road having fun on their side by side but um yeah very expensive pencil but again all i'm doing is just kind of once i get a template made i continue to use that template now this is something that i i handed at some point and it just worked out well so and i like to add kind of like an angled cut at the end because a straight one again it's just not unique got no board i keep on saying this no board i made is like any other horde every one of them i'll be nice so so far it's been pretty difficult you see can you trace out something now i do make a lot of these templates out of a cardboard but that's kind of temporary really if you got like a nice thin piece of plywood or something like that so we have our shape and then i i'll kind of look at it i'm like does that look right now every time you copy something especially with a wooden pencil like this it's going to get a little bit thicker and that's fine um so i try to especially in this area right here because i've got pretty large hands but if someone has a smaller hand that's going to be pretty large from the hole what i like to do is when i actually run my jigsaw i will come inside the line just a little bit there and you know go from there so these look pretty good i like how this one's going to have a real neat tapering effect i'm going to have to get my circular saw and kind of take off the straight edge or actually i'll probably do that table saw i don't know we'll see all right [Music] next thing next again another expensive tool not really but just go ahead and grab a jigsaw i you know you can do this on a table saw as well well not table saw shoot me a band saw but i can't seem to make as pretty turns to some people on a bandsaw so yeah i like my jigsaw and again i'm not really i am not a a woodworker per se i like to dabble with woodworking but some of my skills are not quite there yet i do like to build things i like to cut wood but this ain't hard so [Music] if you saw the timber king show you saw me make these in like 15 minutes so it was pretty cool and to tell you truth i could have made that cut with a circular saw and it would have been just fine but uh i did all right so something like this would be great if i had my kid over here to hold this um but i don't so i'm just gonna let it drop which is fine it's hickory ain't gonna hurt anything it might hurt the floor or my foot or molly if she gets underneath it and i'm gonna try to follow one of these lines here but i'm really just gonna shoot the difference between the two and then clean it up afterwards [Music] again it ain't going to hurt it's hickory go ahead and cut the end off down here now the length i think the length is pretty good so we're going to keep that that way and i still have some stuff i can make out of this and i'll show you something possible at the end of the video out of that so again i i came in a little bit closer there and uh you know everyone slightly different i keep on saying i might leave that one a little bit longer that looks pretty cool [Music] we'll see i think i need to take out a little more pump right there so that's a that's obviously a different type of duck that could be a redhead bison mallard because of the larger head all right now i'm just going to go ahead and grab a circular saw oh yeah one bathroom one bar on battery plenty [Music] further examination of the board i think it's actually a bit too long i'm going to take just a smidge off and i'll change the angle slightly too yeah so once i finish that up i think that's going to look good uh it is kind of a unique board but it's a and pretty well balanced not too bad let's go into the second one hopefully this is not too boring for you it's just something some kind of passive time and show you how you make a little money on some of these things [Music] so [Applause] again i made that a little bit thinner there i'm going to take it down just a bit more [Music] that's pretty good again i want to keep the edge on that one side yeah my that thing right there just doesn't work on here anymore it's all good not too shabby so we have two little boards there i changed the handle just slightly but again i i i think i can get 25 maybe 30 dollars out of some of these but you know once all finished up it looks pretty nice i'll show you one other thing yeah i'm going to go ahead and show you how to actually how i use my sander right here that i fixed up with the help of mr robert we yeah so i'll show you some sanding of this real quick okay so the sanding i'm actually not going to show this real time because this thing is loud and it's going to be all the place and lots of sawdust so i'm actually just going to throw in a time lapse and you'll see me working on sanding these things and that's going to start with sanding i'm going to finish with the orbital sander and 80 grit i'm currently using 80 grit on here and my orbital sander i'll be using 80 grit and then we'll see what the boards look like and might actually just apply some finishing wax and oil to them at the end or we'll readdress and see if we're gonna do some type of epoxy so all right stay tuned here we go [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right folks so the boards are pretty nice and smooth right now um and again i took down any if i could put my hand over and felt any sharp edges i took those off so those are all gone i do have a little bit of clean out i got to do in this area um not a whole lot but just a little bit just a few sharp edges i really couldn't get with the uh the sander there and you want to make sure you get all the pencil marks out i'm not seeing any right now but uh yeah pencil mark yep i got some right here so pencil mark right there make sure i get all that out now go ahead and use my orbital sander and again i'll throw in a time lapse because it's just sanding i sanded for approximately 15 minutes on the last sander and that was a little bit longer than normal i was just trying to get these to a higher quality of finish so i i was taking a lot off and i was working a lot on these handles these handles right now they feel good i mean that that feels good someone with a slightly smaller hand than mine would be perfect for them but that board that's got some color and definitely a ton of spalt and everything so very happy way it's looking thus far so go ahead and throw in a little bit here and then i'll really show how this thing pops when you add some oil or the epoxy to it so here we go [Music] all right folks we're near the end of the video here very happy way these turned out now this one right here i had to put back on to the other sander because i had a section that chipped out right there there we go had a section that chipped out right there and you could catch it with your finger now you can run your hand anywhere over this board as much as you want there's no splinters no raised edges everything's nice and smooth and this is this feels like smoother than a granite surface this is pretty smooth and again i'm only using 80 grit but uh very happy with it it's turned out i mean that's a lot of spalt and beautiful color so now what we're going to do i'm going to cheat a little bit i've got some mineral oil there we go mineral oil uh and i have my butcher block and i'm actually nearing the bottom of my butcher block conditioner so i'm going to do my first application of the mineral oil followed by butcher block conditioner i want to get a good soak in to kind of seal that wood and go from there but very beautiful and this will really make the grain and the color and everything pop now i'm doing this applying by hand and then i'll come back with a paper towel and everything this i mean it's hard to tell but this right here i've got a thick coat on here right now it's really popping those those spot lines are looking gorgeous [Music] big old motorcycle game going by that's cool a little goes a long way so try to transfer as much as i can from one side to the other but uh yeah you can make your own butcher block conditioner oil or wax stuff it's uh it's typically mineral oil and beeswax and uh carnauba oil and stuff like that or carnauba wax excuse me thanks how they pronounce it just gonna work that in there heat it up with your hand it'll just soak into that wood grain and actually this board right here when finished this could be maybe a 40 board and again it was made out of some scrap oops a bit much there it's made out of some scrap hickory with some spalt but i think this would be a good seller make sure you cover every bit of that end grain to prevent any more uh checking to occur now the good thing is is i've let this dry for quite a while i've had this board sitting around for a few months and everything and it's already done a decent amount of drying and then i cut off a lot of the ends there so that should be pretty good but uh i hope you all had as much fun as i have i mean total time on these boards now i was filming and had to get the camera right and everything but i'm sitting right at about 45 minutes for these two boards so when all said and done probably about an hour because i'll have to apply one more coat of the uh the butcher block conditioner i'm very happy with these turned out just get it all in there i'll let this kind of sit on there for a second and then i'll come back with a paper towel kind of remove the excess and then apply my second coat but i think this will be a crowd pleaser at the gingham tree because uh i mean who else is gonna have a spalted hickory serving board chartreuse board whatever you want to call this and again made with all that scrap wood this has one beautiful board i mean the camera's not really doing this justice but uh it has gorgeous and you can see i've got some excess on there and i'll go through and clean up some more but uh yeah look at that changing color it really brings it out a little board same thing so what i'll probably do is i'll just go ahead and and uh secure the video just for a second here as i apply some more of this and let it kind of seep in and i'll do final coat of butcher block conditioner if you see that application too and then again i'm just trying to show y'all you don't have to have super fancy tools now i got a super fancy saw mill but that's a easy problem to fix if you have a sawyer in your area you don't have to have super fancy tools to make these boards i mean if you've got a little bit of a creative hand and if you can freehand some designs or anything and if you've got some wood just to practice with i mean practice with some cheap stuff practice some pine first make some state cutouts i do a lot of state cutouts or anything get good with your jigsaw get good with your bandsaw before you start working on your more expensive woods now when i say more expensive woods your black walnuts your cherries your stuff like that i mean this hickory right here i will probably have these sold pretty quick once i'm at the craft fair just because the uniqueness again uniqueness cells so you know get out there don't be afraid to try anything if you screw up i mean that's what they make sanders for and uh you know otherwise heck if you didn't like the way this looked or anything that'd be great wood for smoking on your grill it's hickory but uh yeah really uh really looking forward to next weekend's gingham tree if you're in the lustell area if you're down in southern mississippi or alabama sorry my dog's totally hitting the camera back up lucy i want some of that but if you're in the area um come on down to the uh the gingham tree show it's uh it's quite a good time hopefully we won't have a tropical storm we're dealing with ada eta we don't know the eta exactly of ada but it's looking like friday event and the events on saturday but i believe it's going to be a florida event not so much mississippi because you know we're we're looking like we're going to be outside the cone of uncertainty there you go that's two hickory boards if you come down you can take a look at these first hand uh and again you know i'm not it's it's just a fun event there's great people there's a lot of stuff going there if you are in the area or close by it's pretty cool event mr robert's going to be there with his spoons and spatulas and stuff like that so yeah i'll have quite a few boards there myself [Music] i'm trying to we might actually have the booth right next to each other but i'm very happy with these turned out and again my templates were right there around my girl molly here and then i'll have my mississippi cutouts that's some poplar this is some bay check out my latest video on the bay actually cut this a few months ago and went from there of course that's a sweet gum there's louisiana i got my alabamas i got to get a few more of those got my mississippi pile and none of these boards are finished but i am working towards getting these done and also if you really want to make it real easy you can just do something like that this right here will sell like hot cakes that's just a hunk of black walnut it's got some nice live edge and once i finish this up it'll be nice and nifty so i'll uh quit talking for a second we'll go ahead and finish up the last bit of this video and get you on your merry way and we'll see you around thanks all right folks i've let these sit for about 30 minutes or so as you can see it's pretty much soaked in a random paper towels over it smoothed it out it's got a nice satin finish to it and that's before we apply this butcher block conditioner now towards the end of this i'll show the application on one of these boards i'm not going to bore you too much although i do get some comments from every once in a while people are saying boring i'm like well you know i'm not telling you to watch the channel it's up to your own accord so and it's i think it's hilarious that someone's gonna take the time to write a comment like that but whatever all right so now we're applying the butcher block conditioner and it's not going to change the color a whole lot what it is it just will give just a little more of a sheen to it it'll still be a nice satin tight finish but it'll just give it that that little wax there will provide just a little more protection on the wood and go from there again all food grade the butcher block conditioner is one that you can get from howard's another one they have is the um it's got orange peeling it's the feeding wax wax and i use feeding wax on my furniture pieces and i use a bunch watching conditioner on anything that's pretty much gonna touch food but uh very very happy with the product thus far i've used it for a couple years now and yeah it's just inexpensive i think it's about nine bucks or so if you go to lowe's or home depot typically you find it in the same area you find your stains so next to your i believe your minwax stains and stuff you'll find the howard's butcher ball conditioner and they may have some other types there but i've had pretty good luck with them i mean really no issue and see i've got just a few areas right there i didn't get the first coat application that well so i'm gonna put on a little bit heavier just in those areas but uh yeah the good thing is is on a board like this if you just wash it down with some mild soap and water uh if you ever get any issues with um cut marks and stuff like that if you are in fact using it as a cutting board just lightly sand it down get those out and reapply i always like to use food grade woods there are some woods that are not good for this cedar being one of those black walnuts not bad and it's a great seller and everything but you know some people react differently to different types of woods so just make sure you don't go gung-ho and get yourself sick on something but again cedar eastern red cedar is not a food grade safe wood however if you go and get some white cedar i believe that is actually uh some good food grade stuff you can do uh cedar planks and stuff to cook your salmon and whatever on but the eastern red cedar is actually not one good to do this with i'm going here um poplar is i find it to be too soft and same with some of your gums and stuff like that now i have done sycamore before sycamore is good but sycamore is quite difficult to keep stable i do find it's hard to get a really wide board to stay stable hickory and pecan come in the same family they can be sometimes unstable uh there you pecan if you've ever heard me say this pecan's kind of like my worst enemy uh it looks phenomenal but i have a hard time keeping some of the boards as straight as i can so there we go finished product very neat looking board from start to finish with these boards probably about an hour time frame but into them very hard hickory hard but uh very happy with this turned out so if you want to see more stuff like this just comment below i uh i do knees from time to time but um always during this time of year being november before craft season before christmas i try to get a lot of these boards out and it actually helps pay for the kids christmas so again appreciate all subscriptions uh the likes the comments and all the good stuff you know i'm not one with the thin skin i mean some people like to troll and make some weird comments on there but i don't really care uh i like people and i'm pretty much uh a nice guy if you've ever met me i'm like a big old giant teddy bear but yeah i don't want thin skin so whatever some people i guess you just can't make everybody happy but that is what it is in order i want to try it's uh just too exhausting so all right we'll see you around and have fun and be safe see ya
Channel: Thomas O'Bryant
Views: 13,718
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: wood charcuterie board, charcuterie, cutting board, how to make, timberking, Sawmill, rough cut, Sawmill scraps, tc Homestead, diy, wood cutting board, live edge cutting board, spalted Hickory, spalted wood, serving board, wood board, live edge, timberking 2000, diesel sawmill, finishing, Howard's butcher block conditioner, easy Christmas gift, making a Christmas gift, Homestead, homemade, crafting
Id: WB3WhB-_OSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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