How to make a beacon easy Blender tutorial earth mover light. 2022.How to make glass in blender.

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hi blender fans and welcome to blender tc in  today's tutorial we're going to be making a   beacon the kind that you see on the tops of earth  moving equipment or fire engines or other things   in today's tutorial we'll be making the beacon  and at the end we'll be animating it so join me   at the end to see how we do this please subscribe  to blendertc and don't forget to ring that bell   for this tutorial we'll be losing the cube so what  we'll do is move the cube so i'm just going to go   through some of the quick keys we'll be using  in this tutorial so we've got g which moves it   moves the cube control z undoes  your last move our last few moves g   and x moves it across the red line ctrl  and z to undo g and y plus the green line to undo and g and z moves it up and down   control z we'll also be using extrude so extrude  is in edit mode so if you hit the tab key d2 extrude ctrl c to undo and  we'll also be using loop cut ctrl r that puts a loop cut in and just do  that again just to actually clarify it   what you do you've got point select line select  and face select if you select to face or a line   and then press ctrl r it'll make  a loop cut if you move your mouse   to the other directions then it'll  make the loop cut across that face pressing the left mouse button fixes it but  you can move it up and down in its confines and one third the mouse click so a double mouse  click will actually fix it that's the left mouse there we go so let's undo that ctrl z for this  tutorial we're also going to use the thing called   scale so we select the top phase press the s key  and then if i write 0.5 it halves the top cube that's more or less everything that we're going to  use in the tutorial so let's set the actual scene   what we've got here is we're in cycles for  this tutorial we're going to actually select   the view part of the view part is going  to be the render one which is the end one so that's our viewport render we don't want to  do this in layout we're doing it in modeling   so if i select and reselect the actual render  view because it changed as you can see we're   still in edit mode so press the tab key to come  out of edit mode and we're about ready all right   like i said we're in cycles up  here we don't want to be in cycles   because if your machine's not very powerful  it's sometimes a lot easier to do things in   evie but for this tutorial this tutorial  is in eevee so we'll select evie   upside if it'll let me do it there we go  as you can see we're now selected in eevee   for this render we don't need it to be as is  64. so i'm just going to change that to 32   which makes it a lot easier if  your machine is not very powerful   i'm going to click on ambient occlusion click  on bloom and screen put space reflection i'm   just going to make this i'm sorry make this  a little bit bigger so i can see things so   you've got screen space reflections you  need to tick this and then inside there   there's also refractions and you also need to tick  this for this tutorial to work so tick those two   all right we're nearly there i think we're ready  to begin in this tutorial so let's begin if you   hold your middle mouse button down and hold your  shift at the same time this allows you to pan so   as you can see from there so i'm going to  go into edit mode by pressing the tab key   select the top and i'm going to scale down this so  s 5.5 because we want to make a rough beacon shape   as you can see this cube or what was the cube  is the green line is halfway through it so what   i'm going to do is i'm going to what i'm going  to do is make a loop cut so press the tab key   select line select and ctrl  r and left actually fixes it so you can move it up and down so we'll move it  up to about there and then what i'm going to do is   scale it so press the s key and then buy point six  oh sorry no scale it let's play this key one point   two and there you've got it you've got roughly  a beacon shape already so what next thing i'll   do is what we're going to do is we're going  to make a loop cut here ctrl and r left click   and then move it down to about there so tell it to  you where you move it to but what we're going to   do then is i've got on face select up there we're  going to select this remember you've gone into   edit mode because with your tab key and what we're  going to do is we're going to what you do is get   the alt key press the alt key select that line and  then that selects everything all the way around   i'm now going to do a double move which  is e to extrude it and then s to scale   and we'll scale it up so and then i want the  bottom face to be sharp so to make it sharp   we're still in face select ctrl and r put a  loop cut around the side and pull that right   down very close but not quite to the edge and if  i'm just scrolling i'll just show you that it's   very close to the edge which is not really  close and that'll make a sharp edge because   having two lines makes a sharp edge when we're  going to sub divide and control and ah and i'm   going to put one up there about there because  i want this to be a slightly rounded corner   so back out of edit mode by pressing the tab key  and now we're going to select the spanner or the   wrench and add the modifier and the modifier is  going to be a subdivision modifier so hit this   over division modifier change this to three  on both one shows the viewport the other one   shows how it was rendered if your computer's  running a bit slow you can leave it on two   but it'll render on three entirely up to  you so now we've got our actual shape of our   code or a beacon what i'm gonna do now is  double click on there and just rename it   let's get this thing some names because it  makes it easier to select later on so we've got   us beacon shape i'm just going to add a plane  so add mesh plane and i'm going to scale that   up and then g to move and z in the up and down  direction and just move it so it's about there   so now we've got a beacon and we've got a floor  underneath it just so we can see it a bit easier   if we're going to uh if we press the  zero that takes us into the camera view normally does there we go and that's  what it looked like in the render   as you can see that doesn't look much like glass  so there's a few things we need to do the first   thing i'm going to do is add a new material so  what i've done is gone on to the material tab   down here material properties add a new material  and i'm going to make this like an orange color   because and as you can see what i've done there  is i've gone on to the plane so i'm just going   to control z because i don't want to actually  change the plane color i'm keeping it to that   gray white or the default right select the beacon  you know beacon selected because of this up here   so i'm going to select the beacon and  i'm going to change it to an orange color   because i want an orange beacon i'm not going  to smooth this out by pressing that and shading   smooth because what i'm going to do is use these  flat faces to re reflect i'm going to use these   flat faces to refract the light try and say that  so we've got that but you can't see through it at   the minute the way we make it see through is we go  to the actual transmission here and we change that   all the way up to one which makes it see through  our reflective but it's still not see-through   the way you cure this problem is as you've  got down here you just keep going down keep   going down keep going down and you see this screen  space refractions hit the screen space refractions   and that's it voila you've got a glass if  you change the color of the from orange   to white i just took blue you've got yourself a  glass if you smooth shade that you could use that   as a glass material on anything you  want but we're going to keep with orange keep it there so that's it as beacon is now  finished oh no it isn't what we need inside   here is a light so what i'm gonna do is select the  beacon and i'm just gonna hide it there's two ways   of hiding it you can either hit the little  i up here which hides it makes it reappear   or you can press the h key h key or alt h to make  it reappear because at present we don't need this   beacon so i'm just going to hide it by pressing  the h key next what i'm going to add is the actual   the lamp itself the thing that spins around the  center and makes all the actual you know the the   flashing light so what i'm going to do is add in a  mesh the mesh we're going to use for this is a uv   sphere so here we have it a plain old uv sphere  i'm going to edit my by pressing the tab key and what i'm going to do with this is with  everything selected i'm going to press the r key   which is rotate along the green line which is y i  nine zero by turning it 90 degrees when i actually   spin this this will make it flash you see what i  mean in a minute and i'm going to scale the actual   in the x direction which is across  the red line scale x scale x   by let's say 0.4 to make our lens  and i'm just going to scale that   by half so scale it 0.5 to make a small lens  so now we've got a small lens that we can spin   all right what i did there is good went in  and now to valid now by pressing the tab key   so select the point select what we're  gonna do in fact before we do that   what we'll do is we're going to add two  materials to this so going to materials one material i need the plus and add another  material the first material we'll call um let's call it dark and the second material let's call it bright it's  up to you what you call these materials entirely   up to you so for the dart material we're going to  actually make it black so double click on black   pull this all the way down and the materials  turn black i'm also going to turn the actual   reflectiveness up slightly to 0.252  did that by just dragging this 0.252 or you can type it in like that and i'm  going to take the roughness up nearly to the top   so what we've got now is a blast black disk and  for our second material which obviously is bright   we're going to get rid of the principal bsds and  we're going to replace it with an emission shader   your mission shader is found under this long  list and you get onto that list by pressing the   little dot at the side if for some reason the  emissions shade is not showing you can scroll   your wheel up because it's probably just out  of view up here so let's just go to emissions so we've got the emission shader and  i'm going to change this up to 100.   as you can see we can't see very much at all yet  so going to tab key and then we'll change the   tab key go on point select up here hit the point  and we're going to use a new key now which is   control our key combination and plus and what  we're going to do is just keep doing it until   it's about there because i'm going to want this  front face to be our lamp or a bright area so   we've highlighted that if you go too far you can  put control and minus which shrinks it again so i'll tell you what yeah and   about there and what we're going to do  is assign this bright color so assign   and as you can see we've now got a bright area  just going to change that to an orange color a   yellowy orange and that's it come out of edit mode  unhide our beacon and we've now got our beacon all right to finish off our tutorial like  i mentioned at the beginning of the actual   intro what we're going to do is we're going to  actually spin this now along the z axis which is   the one going from top to bottom so it's going  to spin around that like the z z is the axis so   go into animation with your lens selected  in fact we'll rename that to the lens   or should we call it lamp yeah the color lamp  because it is the lamp it's not the light   the lights up here somewhere it's a lamp that's  sitting inside our lens so i'm going to the lamp   and what we'll do is we're going to rotate this by  360 or more let's have a look so go to animation you need to switch it back into actually rendering  mode do it on both of these so we can see it as   you can see it's facing away from us at present  but what we're going to do is we're going to add   a bit of an animation to this so with your  lens selected there's two ways of doing this   what you can do is you can actually  press the i key while offered over here   which actually makes a keyframe oh while  you're over here you can press the i key and   lock rotation and scale it's called uh a lot  rotational scale and it does the same thing   i prefer these on animation  because it's more controllable   that's just my preference so now what i'm  going to do is i'm going to click on the um   sorry i'm not i'm going to press the  shift key and then press the right   arrow key which will take me to frame 250  that's one way of doing it the other way of   doing it let's go back to frame zero is you go  down into this box down here and you type 250.   it's up to you ctrl shift and right click is the  quick keys left and right textures to either end   of it and what we're going to do is we're going to  actually type in i'm going to type in 360 degrees   but then i'm going to put a times seven  because i want it to turn around seven times in the 250 frames now if you wanted to check turn  around 50 times then you just do 360 times 50   and so on and so on but i'm doing seven and if we actually press that space bar we should  get now we can't so as you can see that's changed   to 2520 but because we haven't got these little  dots in here that means there's no keyframe   so you can either right click press the i key  and go lock rot rotation and scale or you can   like say you can just over over that press  the i key again and that's added our keyframe   the only other thing that i could show you now  if let's have a look we'll just spin this just   let it go as you can see it starts off slow speeds  up in the middle and then it slows down at the end which might not be what you want for your  animation i personally think these would   spin round continuously so i'd want it to  keep on spinning so what i'd do is i'd set   the keyframe to linear so let's just do that  as you can see it says key here you've got a   thing called interpolation mode interpolation  mode is the way that you actually set these up   so you select interpolation mode there's all  sorts of things if you do linear remember that   you've got to have the lens the lamp selected  or the light in the middle see now it's on   linear it'll just keep on turning so it gets  to the end keeps on turning without stopping but keyframing is quite useful because  you can actually go into into information   mode and you can do something like a  constant a quadratic or even a bounce   our back will change the direction  of it oh no what does that do well that's an interesting thing cannot see  that one all right so interpolation mode   bounce will make it bounce i believe yeah  it turns so far then stops and bounces back   goes the opposite way and it appears to  bounce slightly strange for this animation   we're gonna have linear experiment with  these you've got all these different ones   you know circular and things like that and  constant constant means that it just actually   keeps it on the same frame all the way through so  it doesn't change it don't know why that's there   now like i said we're going to implement  your mode and we're going to go to linear thank you for watching this  tutorial if you liked it   please subscribe and to use this in your  animations or whatever you want to do   all you've got to do now i'm just going to render  this out so just stop the animation for a second   i'm going to change the world color make  it a bit darker right into the world well properties and i'm going to take this  dark because i think it just looked better   and then what i'm going to do is going to model um   back into modeling come out of  edit mode and i'm going to go in fact no i'm not i'm going to go to random  mode up here put render matte animation and that would render the animation but  there's a few things you've got to set up   in when you're doing an animation so what i've got  here i'm just going to select on the computer a d   drive me blender work i've got a one called beacon  up here as you can see i've tried a few things and   what i'm going to do is accept that so if i wanted  to give my animation a name i'll call this one   beacon 42 for instance so i'll call it beacon 42 i'm just  going to put a dash and i'm going to change it   from ping because you'll do individual  images which is a good thing if you want   something to render and you don't and it's a  long render and you can do it frame by frame   so if your computer crashes you don't lose work  and you can stitch them all together later on   or you can do ffmpeg video which i'm going to do  for this because it's very short animation and the   chances of my computer crashing uh something like  nil so and i'm going to render that out so render   animation and now this is going to render it to  a file if you like this tutorial please subscribe   to blendertc don't forget to ring that bell and  please do leave a comment because it's very useful   to me when creating these tutorials hope you like  the actual beacon tutorial like i said i use this   on a earth-moving piece of equipment i might do  that in a longer tutorial but not today i think   i prefer doing these short and easy tutorials  because it helped me a lot when i was learning   please join me for my next tutorial hit that bell
Channel: Blender Tutorial Channel.
Views: 2,542
Rating: 4.860465 out of 5
Keywords: make a beacon, how to, blender 3d, blender animation, blender beginner tutorial, blender, 3d, blender eevee tutorial, blender eevee animation tutorial, blender eevee, make a beacon, Intopolation, Emergency, Tutorial blender, make glass in blender, #B3D, 3d modeling, blender tutorial beginner, blender tutorial, glass, blender best tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, beacon, how to make, excavator, best blender 2020, 3d modeling tutorial, 3d modeling for beginners, blender tutorial channel
Id: aiLnMFaj0zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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