How to Make $6,000/mo Hosting Travel Nurses with Jesse Vasquez

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how can you make five to six thousand dollars a month renting to travel nurses this is not your hosting a party house on airbnb this is getting almost guaranteed income midterm rentals from travel nurse agencies that's what we're talking about today in this video let's jump in okay what's up guys my name is josh baldovino and on this channel we discuss all things real estate personal finance and a little bit of randomness here and there for sure sometimes i analyze their own deals and a lot of times i like to interview other investors and in this instance we are doing just that so we are interviewing today jesse vazquez of air venture hosting co who is an awesome airbnb operator he owns five manages five others and is on his way on building a travel nurse hosting empire as well as he does a few you know the fun vacation rentals that you think about as well but in this episode he breaks down how he makes money you know in three different ways and one uh his own property is that he rents out both as a vacation and um nurse both as a vacation and to travel nurses he also manages for uh manages five other properties for other owners and he's now working on building out kind of a deal analysis software to bring to people so super excited i know he's gonna do big things before we jump into it please if you like this type of content please consider subscribing like this video share it with anybody you think might find value out of this but now let's get into the interview with jesse vazquez live all right welcome everyone my name is josh baldovino and welcome to the cashflow happy hour podcast today i'm super excited especially as i begin my journey in short term rentals i had an awesome chat with jesse a few weeks ago and jesse is an airbnb short-term rental operator to its fullest he has five uh short-term rentals that he owns himself five that he manages for other people he has a company called air venture hosting co he's been doing this for six years 16x super host and he'll have to break down what that actually means uh in our call but jesse thank you so much for joining us how you doing today good man good good i woke up a little late today but i'm good i have coaching calls this morning and i woke up like two minutes before i hope nobody's listening in my class that i have but i woke up like literally two minutes i woke up at 5 00 a.m this morning man like i was just like wide awake and i was like do i go work out right now like what do i do and i ended up falling back to sleep and waking up literally i never sleep past like 7 am and i woke up fell asleep at 7am literally and woke up at like 8 55 when i had a coaching call at 9. so i'm just like so yeah sorry student did happen to jump on that call well i'm glad that you know i think that's the best thing about things being virtual is that you can do it from anywhere and you don't have to drive to meetings necessarily um especially if you don't need to um and it kind of makes when you have those those those dinner meetings a little bit more special man i was in my underwear taking the coaching call i mean how cool are we like we're living in an agent where we can work in our underwear and not even have anybody know or like literally just be wearing a t-shirt i'm not wearing any pants underneath this bro like you can't see that see that so don't ask him to stand up everybody i'm kidding i'm wearing sweat so i'm not i'm kidding but i have done a couple zoom calls where i'm just like wearing a button-up shirt and that's it workout pants yeah just like dress shirts and underwear on i love it it's the work from home gig that's what it is w w f h for sure let me real quick let me let the audience know what we're doing today so for those who are on instagram if you want to jump on zoom onto the computer here you can my link the link's in my bio and you can join us on zoom the audio and all that good stuff's a little bit better there for those who are on zoom at any time if you want to raise your hand and ask a question you can do that too drop it in the chat um but we're going to go ahead and do a deep dive into short-term rentals with jesse but first you know for everyone who doesn't know you yet jesse who are you how'd you get started in real estate who am i i asked myself that every day when i wake up man i literally ask myself i'm not kidding and what am i doing that's the other thing so i started uh my name is jesse vasquez i am the founder and owner of air venture hosting company um i worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years and i worked under a sales i worked for a home health agency that would we would basically have people we would work so say you fell josh you broke your hip and needed to go home to have physical therapy nursing pt all that stuff my job was to get connected with the hospital staff so that they would send me the patient when they were going home okay i'm building a report for myself so that was my entire job so i was in all these hospitals all the time it's like literally what i did i'm in the central valley of modesto by the way for most of everybody listening um so i'd go in and i connect with these these case managers what they're called and build rapport build a relationship with them and get the patients that were going home that needed help you know they were sick or fell falling broke and broke their hips i was in the hospital one day and i was talking to this nurse that had a heavy midwestern accent and i look i love midwestern accents and here in california we don't hear those often right we never really get a chance to hear those accidents and i asked her i was like what the heck are you doing here and she's like i'm a travel nurse and i was like well where the heck are you staying and she's like motel 6. and i was like what the heck like you're staying at motel 6 like you're a freaking travel nurse like what are you doing at motel 6 and she's like there's no houses here there's nowhere for people there's no none of our travelers can stay here i'm here with eight other people and then a light bulb went off on my head and i'm like holy crap i can buy a house today and i asked her how much they get paid too which they get paid per diem pay um and every assignment is different she told me at that time i was four thousand dollars um per per diem pay that's how much she got for housing um so i'm like thinking to myself four thousand dollars so i put two and two together quickly and i'm like i need to figure out how to get these medical professionals that are coming in to get into a home just to to stay somewhere that's like nice and pleasant and not a motel 6. and by the way motel 6 and modesto's on 9th street and you don't want to be there like you don't want to stay there um she probably could have went to a hilton and i didn't ask her why but um i should have but anyway that was my first introduction to what i needed like how i emerged my business that i was in with the amount of hospitals that i was going into and the same thing was happening in every single hospital josh they were all the same thing i would meet these nurses and they would say we're staying at a hotel we're staying here so i'm like i need to figure out how to get a house so i went and bought my first house and i bought it specifically to house travel medical professionals so that's kind of where my brain started off in real estate where i started to think about what i was doing and how i was able to leverage that job to more clientele um so that's basically that's it in a nutshell how it originally just started okay the vision the motel 6 the amount of travelers that were coming in and like holy crap this is a business i already know it so this was 2015 piecing together the timeline 2015 yeah so 2015 and just fyi like airbnb was still and i think still in its infancy um even now but at that point we were basically like in the first inning of airbnb you know now i think we're on like going on to the third right if you look at baseball my beloved giants just lost so um boo dodgers that was a horrible like last call by the way dude i can i could have sleep that night like i just like somberly walked into my room and i just like laid there i'm like man what the heck just happened right now but yeah i don't want to talk about that we're talking about real estate right so i'm getting off topic um but yeah man it's i just realized the opportunity and and how much opportunity there was in in a rural market in california so i bought my first house for three hundred ten thousand dollars okay um at that time um my mortgage payment was fifteen hundred bucks um and i put it up i connected so i knocked on the door of the hr department of the hospital and i got into the hospital and i said hey uh my name is jesse i just bought a house i'm starting a company that's going to house medical professionals i see that there's a billion that are coming here and they're staying in like the crappiest hotels and why are you guys allowing them to do that first off i didn't say that but i wanted to um but they basically excuse me they told me that um yeah they were they need to figure they want a housing solution and that's me so at that time i was like yeah you know i'm gonna charge four thousand dollars for a place fully furnished and they're like okay and i was sitting there thinking like four grand my help my mortgage is 1500 so i'm automatically gonna pocket 2k a month with these people coming in so that's what i did for the first year so it was 2 grand a month that's what i was making a month and as i started to grow and build more i started upping the the price i started changing the price um now we're at 5500 to 6 000 for our area here for central valley wow barrier 7 000 to 10 000. um and that comes off the peridium right or is that so here's the here's the kicker and i'm glad you asked that right now and i'm glad you're thinking about that so what i did is that i go to the source directly so these big travel agencies like amn flex care um and i have a class that i'm teaching people how to do this by the way we just have i just started it we're on our second week coming up on tuesday how to get directly to the source and get those contracts that way so the these agencies will pay us they're the ones that actually have a contract with us and they're paying us that flat amount that flat fee and they're paying us directly and even if we don't get paid from the agency because not all agencies pay we have direct access to the recruiter who's then passing our information to that nurse and saying hey this company is fantastic to work with and let me tell you why and this is how i started changing the the business you're gonna get in you're gonna love this right now do you thought oh do you want to ask me another question no no i'm just like it's there's so many light bulbs in my head right now but keep going please all right okay you're gonna love this right here so me with my business brain i'm like i can incorporate the house and now i have a 2000 civic that i can put in the driveway so nurse flying in from mississippi is going to be able to just land get an uber right to my house and guess what she's got a car and then i thought this was before shipped by the way too what about a grocery service that i can have somebody go pick up groceries if they want and they're going to put them in the so i started incorporating all these things so i talked to a recruiter and say hey we have a car we have a car that's able to to be available for your nurse that comes when they show up and this is before turbo by the way now we use turo um if you're not familiar with turo it's basically like it's basically the airbnb for cars like if you own a car you can put it on turtle and make money off of it sharing economy here we are hi um so that's what i started doing man like i started evolving my business so for my com for me to charge 4 000 here's how i charge 5000 here's how i was able to charge 6000 so i was able to add all these like add-ins if you went into if you go to if you go right now on expedia and you type in a small car for the next 30 days it's going to bring up a price and it's going to be about 1800 bucks a month i can allow i can rent a car with my house and if you broke it down in price that car would actually be about 800 to 900 a month and my car payment is 120 so i'm cash flowing not only off my house not only off my car i also have a cleaner that comes in once a week to clean cash flowing off that and if they want groceries and all that stuff involved that's another whole set of cash flow sonic literally cash flowing this whole giant circle building this entire business so that's where my brain was going back then and fast forward six years this is where we're at now god okay i'm i i'm thinking a mental note as a clip for myself this is a clip i'm making for you because man like this is just fire right now okay so let me give some context to everyone that's either watching this live or watching this post right when most people think about short-term rentals they think it's a vacation rental market right they think like tahoe hawaii joshua tree the smoky mountains and that's where we're buying in joshua tree right uh i mean it's it's an awesome play this is a different way there's more ways to slice it and just for context even for me how so you again have five that you own five that you manage how many of them are these all like to the are there any that are travel like short-term leisure travel or they all gear more towards travel nurses so love that question diversification is highly important with any investment right we're looking at that so no they're not all the travel medical professionals they're i have a pretty diverse portfolio now okay i just closed on a house that's going to be um just like basically an airbnb for people in modesto it's beautiful this really cool house it's like funky i've posted some pictures on instagram a while back it has like a zebra in there i don't remember that that it's like the zebra room and like this funky mid-century stuff i'm going to leave it because it's it's pretty cool um but no that's going to be specifically for uh just travel and and this is something that i want everybody to realize if you're in this like you know i don't want to can i cuss on here is this illegal yeah no go for it all right cool so even if you're living in like bum [ __ ] egypt right that's like a word right bfe right if you guys heard that before so even if you live in a rural area crazy in the middle of nowhere you can absolutely 100 percent get an airbnb and make it profitable last year since the pandemic the rural markets have grown by 64 more than any other market and across the us and rural market is is less than 15 000 people 64 so anybody listening right now like you're in the bay you're in the middle of nowhere you're in bfe like i just talked about earlier it doesn't matter like you can literally be anywhere and have a profitable airbnb and we all know this now since the pandemic like fast forwarded exactly what's happened with the market um like it almost pulled up all the these areas that were in the red that should have that were eventually going to come up at some point but the pandemic like forced that to go forward um especially with the travel medical professional that exposed that were as a nation we don't have enough clinicians we know that now right with it literally took a pandemic for us to realize that we know we've known that already so california is not expected to give back to pre-pandemic nursing um yeah the amount of nurses that are needed until 2030 and that's just a that's just a guesstimate that's just a prediction right it's not even actual so california texas new york um south carolina those are all states that we are expecting to get back to normal in 2030. and for me to build a sustainable business model i like to have longevity and everybody coming into short-term rentals it obviously wants to have that um so we know that if you're in those states now you have longevity you have a business you have a protective mode going forward right so that's what we're trying to do and that's yeah that's what we kind of established and that's why i want to make sure that i did that and i was able to communicate that with other people as we continue to move forward you know post pandemic you know all that stuff so okay so there's there's a lot to impact there right especially as you're diversifying um again for those who are watching thank you for watching live i really appreciate you guys uh share this and tag anyone else you think should jump in on this because this is a different way of thinking about short-term rentals you can leave any questions you have either on instagram or in the on the chat on zoom but i see this right as for sure you have two very different business plans actually there's a few here right if you account your management side so breaking this down again you have your actual vacation rentals that anyone can rent just to hang out and wherever markets you're in and what markets are those again uh right now i'm in the stanislaus county market i'm in the don pedro market strawberry market which is over by dodge ridge berkeley and san francisco and oakland we're going into oakland too so how many markets five six markets already so yeah we're kind of all over the place man and uh yeah i don't i want to let you ask questions i don't want to keep taking over your room so no no i mean these are great answers and it's yeah and it's interesting so the first three markets i've never heard of right i'll definitely replay it back google them um so you have your vacation rental markets you have your travel nurse business plan and then your third one is the property management side right um right so we got a little gist of the first two can you give like a 30 second spiel about the property management side and what do you do there yeah so property management once you get systems down in place which means your first airbnb you kind of know how it works you start understanding it you start realizing that you can make other people be successful in this and still be able to us in real estate we're all about connecting like i've never realized that more than any other job or business i've ever been in until i got into real estate and the more people you connect with like josh i met you in walnut creek like and there's a bunch of other people that i've connected with just in one meeting and we don't realize how important it is to shake hands with other people and have these conversations they don't necessarily shake hands anymore you can like high five fist bump whatever it is that you're okay with or an elbow like hey i do that too um which i don't like shaking hands i'd rather just elbow elbow you know elbow bump or whatever it's called but you start realizing that with with short-term rentals you can do this anywhere if you have systems in place you can manage somebody's property build a team build everything just like you do with long-distance investing and do the exact same thing with with property management so now we charge 25 to 30 percent depending on depending on the market and we're able to make you know help those owners that own those properties earn more money and then i also get a piece of that piper managing it so yeah it's it's it's like a a you know it's a win-win situation for both and we're already doing it now anyway so we're we've been able to make turn it into a science so why not be able to help other people make more money i'm building a relationship with that person um and i'm also able to make them make more money so it's like yeah you know that's that's what we're here for right we want to network and connect with people that's how you do it okay so as i'm thinking about you know a and again i would love anyone who wants to chime in and help drive this conversation and wherever you are whether you zoom in instagram if you have questions and you want to drive a certain way let me know i'm more than happy to ask them uh for me there are a couple differentiators i see that you know i i rarely talk to people about um one is let's just start with maybe the dumb stupid question um but a vacation rental in modesto like i'm born and raised in the bay area i have never once had the desire to go to modesto who is vacationing there and i mean like how is it working yeah so there's there's necessarily not people vacationing here so just just to give you an fy about the central valley we're hi we're heavy on agriculture right we have gala winery you work in the wine business you know this i think you and i maybe had this conversation offline i'll remember i think we did so there's a ton of businesses actually here there's a lot of travelers that come here for work there's a lot of families here so just in the central valley alone there's over 700 000 people if you were to break it all down from like turlock modesto um stockton like all these surrounding little areas there's over 700 000 people so that's that's a lot of people in a small area and modesto is becoming pretty heavy now with airbnbs there used to only be 10 or 15 and fyi airbnb used to be you get four rooms and a wall and a tv and you're going to kill now it's not the case we have to become way more professional as we evolve and i mentioned before we're i feel like we're in the second or third inning of airbnb we're still short in the game um there's a lot of large institutions that are coming into this now josh like what i mean by that is um hedge funds companies are coming into short-term rentals they've never thought about it before they never even had an idea about short-term rentals but now they realize that it's a proven model you can continue to make make income out of this and just last year alone there's a few companies re-alpha's one of them bought 1.5 billion dollars in single-family homes for short-term rentals wow so if you guys do you guys think about this in a larger larger scale that right now before these huge investors start coming into and buying a bunch of homes and buying a bunch of single-family homes for short-term rentals we're in like basically the second to third inning if we're getting into short-term rentals now imagine josh you build the portfolio in joshua tree of places that you and a bunch of investors buy together and you have ten and in three years from now re-alpha comes in and says hey josh we'll buy your portfolio for 3.5 million and you if you collectively spent one you know one and a half on it they're gonna buy it for three you know three million so i want everybody to start thinking about the opportunity that comes along with these large-scale investors you know once those get involved into it it becomes a completely different animal and we know that with airbnb just jumping onto um you know on on the ipo they're they're they have their own platform and i think it's like 175 bucks a share when they were valued at like 30 initially from the beginning it jumped up like crazy so we know there's so much potential and we know this even more now as these large-scale investors are coming in so i want everybody to realize that i know i'm going off topic right now but i just want to i want to talk about how important it actually is to get into this short-term rental market and how it's important to get in there and do it the right way because the old cookie cutter ways of doing things the four walls in a window that's not going to work going forward so if you want to link to our fund then i'm guessing uh before the eye buyers come in exactly you know what you speaking of that right now i'm actually on the back end working on putting an investment company together where that's what i do now as i go in and i run numbers for people to see how much for investors and see how much they're going to make off the place like i want to be able to build this and help people grow that foundation and build you know three to five years from now sell their entire portfolio it's gonna happen it's happening now with arbitrage josh like people are actually selling their arbitrage portfolios as a business to other people for two to three x what they put into it because it's cash flowing that's what we're buying a business off of right so there's so much opportunity yeah we just have to see it in that grand scale dude now's the time i love okay this i i'm really enjoying this conversation right now okay so if going back to the modesto question i mean that that market you're just tailing to to the families who are living in a certain place for x amount of time for whatever contract they have and that is an awesome play because there are that means that you can think outside the outside of that traditional mold and make almost anything that has a significant amount of of contract workforce work um so yes and the winery definitely has a lot of contract workforce as i know so now pivoting to the healthcare side um and so you let me know that you're working more with the agencies who are now placing these travel nurses um how long are these contracts is this now considered short-term income is this passive income now or is this where there's still active income i mean i it's funny actually i have derek who's a cpa on too so maybe he could correct this but uh like you have i mean this is just a this is just a contract that you have from business to business for them basically right yeah so yeah that's exactly what it is so it's cons it's not considered short-term stays anymore um it's called midterm stage well i'm i think i might have i don't know if that's actually a thing or not but i call it midterm states maybe we might need to google that and find out but um you can heard it here first so i call it midterm days and midterm states is anything over 30 days 30 days is six months i consider that midterm midterm states short term is anything 30 days and below right that's that's where i want everybody's kind of brain to go in this aspect in this conversation so most travelers will come in for 13 weeks or 12 to 13 weeks assignments which is 90 days at a time so 90 days at a time so you're having your place booked for 90 days at a time and the thing that i love about contracts josh is that if i'm charging 5000 a month these agencies are paying me 15k straight up i'm getting my nurses coming tomorrow i got a 15 000 payday in my bank right now today my mortgage is only 1500 bucks a month so my mortgage is now covered for the entire year and and then some on just like literally one payment and again this central valley i don't know where you go where you guys are um so i just want you to like wrap your brain around that for a second you know let that get that marinade yeah well okay and and why this is so significant just for context for everyone we're starting our airbnb in joshua tree and we've already put in down payment 10 down was plus cold plus closing fees was 48k and now we're rehabbing the property plus now we're not even done furnishing yet and we've only i've only owned the property for three weeks and we've between my partner and i we've already put in 75k yeah like to get some immediate big chunk back would be awesome and now you are getting 15k up front just as part of your contract yeah yeah right yeah we're not minusing our expenses that's just that's just the upfront amount right and then i'm all in at two thousand i'm all in at two thousand dollars that's with my electrical all that bill so if you look at it in that context that's six thousand and then your minus seeing the 15k right so i'm already pocketing 11 000 just off that initial first nurse coming in that first contract that i have in that place so that's 11k now you do that three times you do that four times a month you do the math on that and if you own five houses you're doing math on that which i just i just left my job july 13th by the way this was a side hustle for me for the longest time i'm like straight up an entrepreneur now if you guys can believe it which is why i'm dressed like an [ __ ] but normally in my my previous work i wear like a suit and tie um uh and that's how i that's how i dress like i was always suited up but that wasn't me you know i wasn't able to like be myself plus i have like tattoos and stuff i don't think i could see that i had to be somebody else for work like i had to be like very you know straight-laced and professional which i am um but now i get to actually be myself and not feel like i have to be worried about a doctor that sees the tattoo that i have on my arm or and i never even showed that man i was i was always hiding who i actually really was like i'm you know this i still skateboard i'm 40 years old like i still skate with my kids i'm not 40 and i'm 39 why am i aging myself um but like i still skate you know what i mean like i still those are the things i love doing i couldn't be myself at work and this is something i love about entrepreneurship that now i don't give a [ __ ] what people think like i don't care if a doctor sees me like i can do what i want to do and feel comfortable and okay with that and not live in this like little box where this is where i have to be for work and i hope my old bosses are hearing this right now they're just like this [ __ ] guy but uh but no it's it is what it's the truth like i love being able to like be me you know what i mean i i wasn't able to do that before like i had to like you know get up for work and we put on these personas and we do things with real estate like nobody cares about that like at the end of the day nobody actually really cares about anything other than themselves most of the time so that's just that's just how it works and it took me a long time to realize that i think now we're getting to a philosophical mindset conversation but i wanted to bring that up because it's important to me to realize like you know when you're when you're when you're like a real entrepreneur you don't that w-2 check doesn't hit on the 1st and the 15th anymore it's a different feeling man josh you're going to know what i'm talking about someday we're telling you man you're not gonna have that w-2 tell your old job right now you're leaving in two years go ahead you know i am there's it was funny because for the first time and i made an instagram reels about this before like i was like man this is before i was calculating short term rentals and things like that and my bird deals and i was like okay you know if i get i don't know 20 or 25 30 doors then you know you know that that's a decent cushion probably more than enough that we need to be financially free right that's gonna take a long time and then i started running numbers and like i have how i can already get the next three airbnbs like ready right like right like i know where the funds can come from on all that stuff and then now as i think about and i'm adding the numbers it's it's just it's faster it's getting there like quick so i am excited i'm excited about you know just just being able to see the extra work add up and congratulations to you man that you've now done this and you're scaling this um super awesome so for those who are just jumping in again uh jesse vasquez of air venture hosting co is doing different things with short-term rentals in terms of uh i don't know i guess like contract travel and as well as travel nurses so leave any questions um i got one here oh no this is from derek he says active income average rent period is less than seven days in general from derek who is my cpa so there you go derek eric there you go we got it now thank you for that we appreciate it okay um so let's see here i guess i mean the question i add is i don't know i and i almost want to take this conversation different from the questions that i pre-sent you now yeah yeah okay so what factors like what is the difference for you when you thought about hey airbnb is this i guess you the first time you thought about airbnb wasn't how everyone thinks of airbnb he was automatically different yeah yeah well but there's i also didn't go into my back story of me growing up as a kid and i don't know if you want to go there or not do you want to go there let's go real quick yeah my parents are in real estate okay so my parents owned my parents were immigrants but actually my dad was from merced but i'm going to call my immigrant anyway and my mom was from mexico she came she came and met my dad here um my dad owned was able to start buying real estate so that's how i i started understanding real estate but what they did wrong and i watched this happen throughout my entire life is they started like people weren't paying rent and they would be like oh okay we'll just pay us next month and catch up the next month and they ended up owning five homes and then over like my entire like seven to like 16 18 years old i watched them lose properties because they were like two i grew up in a very catholic household so it was always forgiving you know forget this and oh they're just going through hardships my parents ended up losing homes after that so when i got into real estate my idea with airbnb was that's why i wanted the nurse travelers when i didn't have to deal with like the average tenant i wanted to deal with it on a different level where i was able to get paid today for x amount of time moving forward and that was like a learned behavior that i had through my parents now that i'm looking at it see now we're getting like real deep into stuff now right it's like that was a learned behavior that i learned that i don't want to do what my parents did i don't want to duplicate that issue and here's how i could do it through real estate my dad always told me like real estate is a long-term game you put money in there you put it it's like a big savings account ads and it duplicates just like the stock market so my brain started always as a child understanding that then i saw the the negatives that came along with real estate investing right um and that was my parents being too forgiving in a lot of ways um and the pandemic highlighted that a lot right we saw that with a lot of people that lost jobs that weren't able to pay stuff on time and then these these moratoriums and these eviction things that you can't it's california's a difficult state but anyway i just want to reiterate the fact that that's why i thought about that in that context that it was it was a learned behavior that i also had as a child watching my parents own multiple properties the amount same amount that i have now and then lose them all and go down to one because of like and they didn't learn the lesson you know what i mean it's like they kept doing it and that's just that's who they are and i understand that and i get that i conceptualize that and i understand it um but as a child i didn't you know what i mean and i did in a way now when i got into real estate i realized like i want to make sure i get paid and this is how i'm doing airbnb is going to send me a paycheck i'm going to have x amount of money from day one these travelers are going to pay me x amount of money from day one so i'm not going to have to like technically evict anybody or have to deal with any of that stuff that my parents did so that's where i was at and i think that is an important story to tell because it's it's important especially with context with today right people get into real estate and they expect it to be easy and it's it's not i mean it's really not easy there's a lot of factors that come involved and especially you start getting the short-term rentals it becomes and josh you're gonna you're gonna feel it it's not like a traditional landlord you don't just put somebody in and here's my check at the end of the month there's a lot of moving parts that come along with it but once you learn them and you're able to navigate them and you understand them that's where all the magic happens yeah i mean i will say i i think kind of the summary that i got out of this fro or at this last point from you is that one of the biggest concerns that people have about investing in real estate is oh do i have to evict someone what if someone doesn't pay rent what if you know what if there's a really long vacancy and on traditional rental side and i could say that from the last two or three properties that i've closed on each of them i've had a tenant live there for at least a month and a half longer and also stopped paying rent so like i felt that on the last few properties and on this one this last one that we're working on we we were so close to filing for an eviction i haven't gone through an eviction yet knock on wood i know that i will eventually have to at some point unfortunately and it's not fun for anybody on the investor side or the tenant side or the manager side whoever it is but that's a big concern right as a long-term investor for those who are long-term investing just make sure that you have the cash flow or the reserves to then mitigate any of those extra holding costs um and then ideally you're also calculating your number so that you are building into that fund over time on a short-term rental like a traditional hey let's go out and joshua tree on the off season i'm sure there's a significant dip and if you're not then bucketing the extras for the low seasons then you're also going to have less occupancy which is essentially more vacancy on the short-term rental side you have now found the loophole that solves both of those problems because you have a travel nurse in there for three months at a time four six whatever the contract is what is the average contract length yeah it's 90 days so the average contract is 90 days that's for three months we know that if i get somebody in november first that i'm gonna have to they're gonna leave you know in july or mark or february you know that's that's how long the contracts usually are so that gives you enough time to like really figure stuff out you know what i mean yeah so and you can always you can always supplement days that are not booked with airbnb too so if i have you know february's open i don't have a traveler coming in until march like i can use those days for airbnb and then go back to the long term so i'm able to mix in days so and i only invest in the markets they're going to have a 70 occupancy all year round and i would suggest to everybody do the same you don't want to deal with seasonality um it's a pain in the butt um but you know it is what it is but there's some markets that do really well and you know during the winter that's it they're gonna kick ass in the winter you're gonna make all your money for that first four months or the last four months of the year and that's it but for me i just feel most comfortable knowing that i'm gonna have seventy percent occupancy no matter what and in modesto you guys like it's been a 90-ish 90-ish percentile um for occupancy so that's i mean you can't get better than that and i raise my prices like i continue to keep raising prices i don't want to i don't want to be i don't want to be occupied 90 of the time if i'm occupied and this is for everybody listing now it's getting into airbnbs if you have a hundred percent occupancy your prices are too low you need to jack those up because and your your market's gonna allow you to let you know what your prices are you know you might think they're too low but i can promise you that they're not the market will allow it you just have to like literally try it and i see a lot of newbies that get into this they don't realize that they're like i'm just going to price my place for 100 bucks but the markets actually you know what would take that place for 225. so you're leaving you know over three grand on the table just based off of your presumption of what you think the market's gonna allow that's a tidbit no that is i mean as a marketer myself i'm all about testing right and so yes let the market decide we don't know anything the market knows everything and just continually tests the market which is right um and i guess that kind of goes into you know this last segment that i want to get into um that i'm now just making up on the fly right but let's just say um i want to get to how to start you know like i know that you you're starting a course in a mastermind group and all this stuff and so you know you know that's that's amazing and almost as a teaser to that right let's go if someone wants to get started in a regular vacation rental like what are some f you know a few quick tips that you can give them yeah so you're talking just like a like you're talking about vacation rental as in like joshua tree or like yosemite or something like that yeah so make sure you run your numbers um and you don't want to look at cap rates i think that a lot of times these the investors that are coming into it now are looking at cap rates short-term rentals has nothing to do with cap rates we're going to sell off of compressed cap rates but we're going to buy based off of um what is the word i'm looking for based off of comps we're going to work we're buying based off of comps and you can buy a turnkey property today for a million dollars and it's going to cash flow you 10k a month your cap rate's gonna you know it doesn't even make sense you don't you don't need to look at that stuff and i think a lot of times that people get lost in that you know cap rate and all that stuff but you want to look on cash on cash return rate you want to make sure you run your numbers diligently um to make sure it's going to make sense because you got to factor in your furniture all that stuff so that'll be my first tip yeah wait let me expand on that one too and just because i feel like just because bigger pocket everyone who like who's into investing right is into bigger pockets and they have you know they just released that a multi-family millionaire book for instagram too and obviously they talk about campaigns a lot because multi-family is all about cap rates uh 100 and that's and that's your n and that's your out and that's how you base your the value of the property but would you said something you know on that breakdown where you buy based on the comps and you sell on the cap rates because you're not buying a business you're just buying a property and then you're creating it from scratch and then from there someone will buy it for you as a business but that i think is is a huge differentiator and i think is is super valuable okay so that's one another another tip other than that so another tip yeah another tip would be to analyze the market like you want to see who's around you you want to see what numbers they're bringing it's kind of on the same concept but you want to make sure that you're in a market and even if you're in a market that's oversaturated let's just take the bay area for example like berkeley it has 300 something houses there there's like three or four hundred hundred houses um and you have to rent 14 days at a time you need to make sure now we talked about four walls in a in a you know a tv in a window that's not going to work anymore you need to have something that's unique that has character to it that and a lot of real estate investors they want to buy these homes that are just like you know you know kind of like cookie cutter style homes that are put together and you know they're very simple and they don't want to deal with like any crazy you know architecture or older homes like that's exactly what you want with an airbnb you want to have something that's going to bring that that adds more of an experience when somebody shows up like a mid-century home that has you know zebra wallpaper like you know crap like that like so i think that's really important too is that when you're buying something you don't want to just buy like a track home you want to buy something that's going to make sense for somebody to want to stay at your place that they're looking at all the other 300 houses in the area and they're going to see this one funky place and that's your house and like that's what i think is that's the future of of short-term rentals i think that all those cookie cutter places they're they're going to be done they're they're not going to be around in three to five years so buy something that's unique even if it's you know not necessarily what you would want to buy and a lot of investors will leave these houses on the they'll leave them out they'll be on the market forever they're perfect for airbnb there's one right now that's here in modesto that um i want to get really bad it's this super cool place um but it's i have to get some get some funds together for it but nobody's buying it later don't worry i'll text it to you yeah i will text it to you um but it would work perfectly it's exactly what somebody would stay in and we know that the markets proved it um so that's what that's another that's a huge tip like you don't need to buy this like brand new cookie cutter house like buy something different look at house has been sitting on the market for a while a lot of times you'll find that old character and that charm and those properties that people are overlooking and that's where we can benefit from them yeah no i think that's i think that's really interesting as you think about it right like who is staying at the airbnb and again like i airbnb vacation rentals to me is it seems like it's 70 marketing right where you have to understand who your target demographic is who are you trying to sell to who do you want it to rent right renting to some gen z hipster who's gonna do cold you know cold brew coffee or whatever pour over is way different than who's gonna book your generic you know house for a family who maybe just wants a bunk bed for the kids and some toys um right very different demos and i think uh transitioning now to the the medical side right um right the barrier for entry on a short term on a vacation rental is that you have to basically build this experience and building experience is hard i think the big barrier that i see or that most people probably see up front is okay how am i getting these contracts agency doesn't know me i know nothing about the industry like i you have a course i get that right and you know as a teacher to the course how like how do people even start thinking about this how do they get started yeah so furnish render you guys have all heard of that right you've heard of furnish finder no what is that you've never met you've never heard a furnished finder no what is it okay finder so furnish finder is where nurses typically go to look for property so they will there's hundreds so just let me just give you break this down for you in my market we were talking about a real market right furnish finder stats showed that over 30 000 people looked for a property within the last three months in my area there's only three homes for rent on furnish rendering my property in my in my market so if you think about 30 000 people that just looked at the house looked at these houses and you look at 33 homes that are available that's where i want your brain to go so like literally this is this is free too you don't have to pay for this this is that you can literally go on a furnished render and check the stats of your area where you live at how many nurses are going there um how many people look for a property so that right there will give you concept or give you an idea on what your markets will actually looking like um you can go a step further like well this is what i do i'll go on monster jobs or indeed and type in travel professional jobs modesto california and i'll see all the job listings that are in my area and i'll know already cool this is a market that i want to invest in there's already there's 50 jobs here that are looking in this area um and you start connecting with there's leads that are on furnish finder so you can actually see people that are looking to rent a place from furnish finder so you would just literally message them pick them up say josh you're one of the nurses looking for a place to call you like hey josh i see that you're looking for a place um you know my name's jesse i own a company it's called air venture we host medical professionals just like you coming into the area um you know have you found housing yet you'd say yes or no and i'd ask hey who's your recruiter you know i want to make sure that i connect with your recruiter so i can help you or any other individuals that follow you behind you yet seamlessly into a place that's safe it's comfortable and we even have cars that are available for you as well and usually the nurses will be like oh my god you have a car too like you're able to do all this well give me the recruiter's information and then i'm calling the recruiter saying hey this is what i do this is how we operate you know we're three steps ahead of whatever the nurse is coming into we're like basically a one-stop shop why the hell would you want the nurses to do this on your own and they're like i've never heard this before i would love to work with you here's what we do now here's my concept here's my ideas here's how we host medical professionals now so that's basically how you get your foot in the door it's all sales i'll tell you guys that right now i come from a sales background you have to communicate with people it's all about persuasive selling unique selling points being able to talk about and listen what their needs are and how you can solve problems to their needs and i think that's what my class is about it's about learning how to do these specific things in a way that you're not like over selling you're not becoming like you know a car salesman on a lot that has you know you know how carson's will just show up not there's anything wrong with car sales and i'm just using it as an analogy because it's a bad stigma right um but you get the idea we're we're selling something in in in a way that is going to it gives value it gives context it gives the we're proper solving problems and if you see the people that make the most amount of money when it comes to things our people are able to solve really good solve large problems and that's exactly what we want to do and how we teach in the class to think you know that that mindset to have so josh i know you're signing up now man yeah i mean to me i and that's i have a sales background too um before marketing was all sales and i think i think everyone at some point in their life whether they they love it or hate it like it's almost as if like everyone should be forced into a sales drop at least just like for for a little bit because the skills that you get from it like that just the context is amazing um i mean that i love it you are creating a brand new industry and i am super excited for you and i'm excited to be one of the first ones to hopefully talk to you about it um um okay any questions on instagram or on facebook uh or facebook on zoom uh and what else did i have here i guess for me uh minimum cash on cash right because i think that's a that's an easy benchmark for a lot of people of you know uh taking management out of it but just straight running the analysis because the management can change uh what do you think like i know that you know beauty brand on bigger pockets for a long term rental says if you can make 150 bucks at least 10 percent cash on cash return on a long-term rental don't think about it just buy it um do you have any baseline benchmarks at all for the vacation and for that i know this is like a little bit of a trick question and always based on your own individual risk assessment i get that and financial situation but i mean it's a little bit more effort than a long-term rental so you want the rewards to be a little bit more what do you think is is fair for both business types yeah for me i look at anything i won't even i wouldn't even consider anything less than 17 cash on cash return rate that's just minimum benchmark i wouldn't even pay attention to it um and again you can do this with a million dollar property through short-term rentals like you know you think about that um like i talked to um a lot of people they're like yeah i make 150 a door and i'm just sitting there thinking like holy [ __ ] you're only making 150 a door 200 or like yeah i'm at 300 i'm sitting there like oh my god you guys can be making like literally 10 20 x that like i'm not kidding like you guys can literally be doing that with the same amount of money and the same amount i mean it's gonna be a little bit more work but that 150 a door you can you can make a thousand dollars a door like literally right now in indianapolis in some random place in the middle of nowhere you can like literally be doing that so i think that when that's why short-term rentals is going to start being and it is it's the shiny new object right everybody's like i want to do that i want to get into that yeah cool go ahead and try it it's not freaking easy there's a lot more competitiveness coming along along with it and if you're not doing it the right way you're not operating the right way you don't have hospitality in the forefront you're not going to be around like those are what's going to keep people around but 17 man that's my minimum i won't even pay attention anything unless it's 17 15 15 above and usually right now we're buying stuff at about 20 to 25 um cash on cash return rate yeah no that's that's that makes a lot of sense and that's kind of what we've decided as sort of our criteria too is you know if it's under 20 i don't want to look at it for a short term rental on wednesday i had a call with my other buddy vinci sevilla and we were comparing long-term rentals versus short-term mentals and i'm curious you know i i i know that you know you're fully an operator in you know short-term rentals but what do you think is the expounding work required to manage a short-term rental compared to a long-term rental like if you had to you know give it on a scale of 2x of work 3x to work 5x what do you think it is well i've never had a long-term rental so i can't i can't tell you that i've only been able to watch my parents but if i had to it's it's a completely different animal you have day-to-day turnover you have things that you need to deal with on a regular basis you have um you know multiple issues they can run up but it could be somebody's water is not working right or yeah you know long-term renting is you basically put somebody in a place and illegally and if there's something arises you deal with it but with short-term rentals you have cleaning companies you have you got to deal with the day-to-day operations you have to have messaging you have to be precise it's all about timing so you got to make sure you respond fast enough there's just so much more that's involved and once you become used to it or you build a foundation like for me i have somebody on the back end that helps me out um so i don't have to sit there every day and look at every single message i have a team that's behind me um that does that uh so it makes things way easier as you start growing and scaling and you have systems in place like you can do this anywhere so for me i don't even i never even thought about long term but i've always just got into it with that i would consider the nurses more of like a long-term midterm thing for me so that's that's as far as as close as i want to get to long-term investing or long-term renting is just midterm renting that makes any sense so i can't really give you the answer to that but i i know that i only know short-term rentals and mid-term stays and there's way more involved than the traditional old-school yeah ltr yeah no i mean i i i appreciate the honesty there um you know obviously i haven't run full cycle on our on our short term rental first but i know that just the setup process in itself is even from doing a full burr rehab like that was almost it seems like effortless compared to thinking about making some hipster airbnb and joshua tree like that's a whole nother process okay so i i know i have a few minutes left with you um i want to just you know find a list with a few a few less questions so what's next for you jesse like what do you want to be in five years what things are are you taking down now yeah so in five years that's a that's a that's a big question man my brain's always like evolving and changing and what i want to do but i just i think i kind of talked about earlier i want to continue to teach people that's what i did for my job i was able to build million dollar sales companies um and that's what i'm doing now with my my students that i'm building i'm bringing them in to be successful at midterm states this is a new niche it's not a new niche it's been around forever but now um again niches are more important as we move forward but i want to get into investing i work with investors and investing in the sense of i'm taking other people's capital and being able to buy a property say in joshua tree or some new space that i know is going to bring money and i run numbers for people on a regular every day i think i don't know if i ran numbers for you or not or maybe i have i'm not sure i don't remember or not but um williamstown williamstown yeah maybe i'll check that out um but there's a there's so much opportunity out there and luckily i've been i've come up with a system where we run our own data analytics we use um you know air dna sample and masterize another sample but we run our own numbers and we can actually look and see what a property can earn so i want to be able to have an investment company that can buy these properties cash flow with investors that are coming in and eventually real estate i want to be a developer like i wanted to get in developing if somebody's listening around it's a real estate developer like i want to be your apprentice i want to like literally learn how to do that i want to be able to build these super cool you know places like you you have in joshua tree but building like you know maybe some airstreams and like some you know prefab homes and build like a community out of this and i have so many ideas with that because i think that there's so much potential in that atmosphere especially here in california there's not a lot of it and there's hipsters everywhere right we know that we know that hipsters at the gen z type will buy or stay in a thousand dollar house but they'll split it with all five people that are staying so i want you guys to think about that too if you get these higher end homes you're gonna have five people that are splitting the income which traditionally before it would just be like one person that pays for it not one person can typically afford a thousand dollar a month a thousand dollar a night place but the new generation is showing us that those they're splitting everything you know with meals with like literally everything and the old school way was like no i got it i'll pay for it i'll do it it was just that one guy or gal that was paying for it now it's not like that anymore we've we've evolved in that essence right so that's what i feel like a lot of opportunity is in those markets and be able to create something that has experience to it so i love it okay yeah have you talked to uh jess white yet at all i have not i don't think so he uh he's another one of the buddies that i've met on clubhouse and social media now who actually came out and helped us uh dig up a whole bunch of trees in our joshua tree house so thank you jess uh but he actually does new construction builds out in texas so he has he has an airbnb out in the galveston area um but he also does new construction flips um so he buys the land uh he basically did a new con he's done a few new construction burs basically yeah so yeah you want to talk about oh jeff hit me up man i'm gonna call you dude he's actually on he's on instagram so he's there yes what up dude cool we're hanging out we're gonna drink cream soda and we're gonna talk uh real estate development i love it um okay i got a question here on instagram is um what top like systems and apps do you recommend for short-term rental management yeah for me i use a company called igms i love that for property management because it breaks down the most important pieces the owner of the property you want to make sure that they get a financial statement and you have transparency so they're able to see who's being booked who's booked your place they're able to see what the nightly rate is they can't correspond with anybody but they're actually able to get numbers and then at the end of the month igms will actually build in excel for you to show your 25 or 30 whatever you charge for your property management and it'll break all the numbers down so you literally don't have to do anything um except for send them the excel sheet and then send them their payment right and then the other thing that i love about it is that my cleaning crew or company they get a text message that tells them exactly when the job is what time it is and they can accept it on there or deny it or whatever it is and we can move along the process so those two things that are highly important to me are able to be taken care of on that one platform and not only that you don't want to just be on airbnb you want to be on airbnb vrbo all the other platforms more eyes on your property the better and you're able to channel manage all those properties into one specific program so you don't have to like toggle between everything and they have a pricing tool which is called use wheelhouse it's now attached to igms so like literally i can use this one program to manage my pricing to manage my guest cleaners to manage my owner um transparency blog their pay reports all that stuff so um i'll have to give you i have an affiliate link i don't know where the heck it's at right now but reach out to me and i'll give you guys that i think it's like a 20 off and we both get paid when you use it but anyway it's a fantastic tool that i've been using for quite some time and they're growing a lot they used to be like the indie yeah the indie property management company and now they're like actually becoming a larger larger scale type company so igms basically combines price labs turnover bnb i don't know a whole bunch of other and then obviously it seems like a property management software all in one exactly yeah and it used to not be that way but they've grown a lot in the last several years and i've been with them for a long time you know they used to be like more like as mentioned before like the indie type of company but now they've they've got they've just been growing a lot and they're they're listening they're evolving with what the market is changing into so i would highly suggest you guys look at them uh when you get a chance okay yeah send me that affiliate link when i post this on youtube i'll put that at the bottom too so that way you can get cool and if this eventually blows up then you'll hopefully get some kickback from it um right what about in terms of guest communications do you do anything there yeah well with igms you can you can automate a lot of stuff so everything we we automate a ton of stuff but we make it automated where it looks like or it sounds like somebody's actually behind there typing things out so you can automate um you know we after a guest checks in say a guest checks in tonight on saturday we'll have an automation out tomorrow that says hey we hope you've enjoyed your stakes like you can like literally automate everything it's not like smart b b that takes this ai and well if somebody types in i can't use the remote it'll automatically type that stuff in there but you know i we don't i never use smart b b i i don't know much about it um but we have again i use igms it's the one no it doesn't do that so that's the only thing it doesn't do is it doesn't have uh it doesn't have um like that augmented reality that kind of tells they can recognize a word and then all of a sudden give an answer to it um so it doesn't do that but it does everything else so you'll just have your can response is that you then reply you know if it's how you do the thermostat how you do this got it yeah so everything's saved by by you can save every single thing per you know per property so it just makes things you know way easier to do so jesse i have there's a few more questions on ig and on zoom how much do you have a coaching how much more time do you have um well i have i don't know if you know brad uh brad i have a call with him at 11 but i'm gonna text him right now and say hey can you give me a few more minutes um but go ahead five minutes okay well those speed answers and speed questions for everyone that's on instagram and on zoom is a few more uh five minutes um we'll let him pushes me look at that thank you appreciate that okay look at that multitasking i love it okay so um we'll go on to zoom first derek had a call thank you for the value earlier derek um have you looked into different traveling professions other than nurses um yeah absolutely yeah i've looked into i mean i get into um you know we have a place out in don pedro and strawberry so we're in the vacation rental market um for me i just took my market that i'm in and was able to you know generate more cash flow that way i think it's again anybody that goes into a business you want to have a protective mode around it and for me nursing it's not going to go anywhere right we're always going to need nurses we solved the pandemic that you know everything came to flow we're like [ __ ] we have a problem in the u.s we don't have enough clinicians um so that's my protective mode but yeah i'm definitely dabbling in a bunch of different markets i think it's important to do again we go talk about diversification so i hope that answers that question yeah so on instagram if we'd like to get into this midterm stay process how do we get started yeah sure yeah your plug yeah yeah well you can jump on well anybody can do this on their own first off all you have to do is just download furnish finder or get furnished finder just start messaging people on there you can call your local hospitals in your area ask for the hr department ask them if they do if they have travelers that come in um and then ask for the recruiters you can do that um but i do have a class um if you message me or go to my website which is airventure um you're able to uh sign up for the waitlist for my next class that's coming up so um i'm probably gonna have a class i was gonna actually wait until like january to do it but if i get enough demand for it i'll probably do another one um november in the middle of november um but again this market it's highly valuable there's a lot of money into it it builds a protective mode which is what's most important for me you know having a protective model around my business and that's literally anybody's they want to have that with their business right um so that's why i feel comfortable in that market but um i love vacationing i mean i love i love all those there's you can't go wrong with airbnb and short-term rentals i don't wanna just say airbnb because that's the big name but with short-term rentals or midterm stays there's so much opportunity there like i get goosebumps i have goosebumps right now i'm talking about this because it's something that i realize i know that a lot of people are starting to get into it but there's just there's a right way to do things and you want to make sure you resonate and connect with people that are teaching you the right way so that's going to be highly important as you move forward yeah i mean i think one thing that was super interesting you know and before i ever met you i actually end up walking a few properties that um someone that i met who owns four condos in santana row here in san jose and i don't know if you're familiar with the area dude i was about to i was about to get a couple of those places but go ahead but yeah so he because you in san jose you can't do short-term rentals under 30 days so he only does 30-day rental 30-90-day rentals to travel nurses because there's a couple hospitals like right around a lot of hospitals right around there and so he makes a killing in santana row in this you know really nice area to travel nurses by the loft right so uh well well they're all studios yeah so santana row has lots there are all these like upscale lofts that are right above like tesla and all these like nice places down there so i was actually looking at arbitraging a couple of those units specifically for travel manufacturing arbitrage yeah so and a lot of those units up there they're they're they're arbitraged they're not even and they'll allow you to do that in san jose to arbitrage them they're not like oh we don't want you to arbitrage like they're actually okay with it even though they only have a 30 day minimum um there's so many people that are coming i mean facebook all these companies like that's another thing we didn't even get into man we didn't even talk about the digital nomad lifestyle of how people are like living in san francisco for three months yeah and then going to indianapolis for three months and then going to berkeley for two months we didn't even get into that that's a whole other separate thing eventually we'll have to talk about another day but um there's so much opportunity again i'm going back to that like i just want everybody to realize how important it is to start thinking about short-term rentals hedge funds are doing it now you know once they're getting involved with something's happening so pay attention to the market you know pay attention to the market highly important i love it uh i got one for you from mark and i gotta invite you to our clubhouse group every thursday at six o'clock um but we've had this is the last question i have for you um last year we talked about separating social media accounts personal versus business personal branding all that stuff what are your quick thoughts on it i know that you know your for those who are on instagram please make sure you follow jesse he's at airventure hosting co uh but what are your thoughts on personal branding what are your goals with personal branding i'm guessing yeah those little bits separate yeah yeah i have my own i have my personal life which is my personal life right and then i have my business life and again this goes back to what we talked about originally i can't be myself with um right we talked about that if you guys have been if you listen to the beginning you still hear what i was talking about but i think from my from my point of view i like to have like my personal life personal like i want to keep things to myself and then i have my business life where i'm talking about what i do in business and all that stuff so i unless you're like a real estate agent or something i think there needs to be like some kind of separation that's my 100 honest truth i feel like you got to separate the two things i know that there's this is a biased opinion i saw your somebody posted it irish or somebody right somebody posted it online not too long ago but um yeah man i for me personally i think it's important to keep them separated yeah i mean for me i mean one there's no wrong answer right there's a million ways to do it and people have the different comfort levels for privacy for whatever reasons that they do um and so it's just it's a fun question that i think i'm going to continue to ask people because it's a different question and i think it's always an interesting discussion but i know that you have another call lined up all morning long but uh thank you so much real quick where can people find you jesse yeah yeah sure so you can jump onto instagram um at i'm at airventure hosting co um that's my handle and then you can also go to which is my website um you guys can always direct message me on instagram or connect with me that way um but yeah if you're interested in the class that i have coming up for travel medical professionals on how to house them and how to get contracts you can go to and there's a wait list on there for that class so check that out um but yeah man this was this was freaking exciting i'm glad to i need to i need to do more podcasts i think that i have i should probably start my own freaking podcast like i have a lot of ideas with things and connecting with people like i want to dive into like their childhoods like and i want to i even we touched on everything that i want to do today in this conversation and it was your show and i took it over and i'm sorry no well my show is it literally just for me to ask questions but everybody else can just give me content that's the real arbitrage here really uh okay here's my last podcast idea and i'll let you get it here go interview you travel nurses on their experiences traveling and why they love that certain place and now all of a sudden you have an excuse now talk about travel to get into the recruiters heads even talk to more travel nurses that could be fun yeah man so i do that now and in our class i talked about creatively connecting through linkedin so uh the nurses will give us their link their their recruiter and then we back in linkedin them with the names we're building instrument for building instant connection with the nurses already connecting with but yeah you're right that that is a good idea just to interview if they're gonna allow it you know some of the nurses are cool with it but um yeah definitely man i think that adds context and i don't know man i appreciate you for allowing me to come out here and talk and and uh you know be weird and dumb and whatever it is that i've been on here the whole time but i appreciate it man i'm glad to be a part of the network i'm glad i met you guys and you know it's so important everybody listening now josh and i met in walnut creek at a um i happened to randomly see a austin had posted um you know a meet-up and i saw it i'm like hey i want to go to that and they reached out to me i ended up speaking at that and then here i am meeting you know josh and a bunch of other people um so it's important to connect with people go to real estate meetups when's the next one anyway like when is that happening we got to get austin up on here i know well austin and i were trying to plan one in november then my nephew's then my wife said hey whoa whoa whoa you have a baby due in like three days so maybe don't plan something right now and i said okay fair enough uh yeah so i do want to do one in november just uh i gotta figure out when this baby comes out i was actually worried about that i may not be able to do this today to be honest um but we'll do it again but jesse thank you so much for all the value i definitely want to run this back because i got 50 more questions now that i'm sure we can go through yeah man but we'll talk marketing too oh definitely man that's that's my lifeblood sales and marketing let's talk all day long i appreciate you man i appreciate everybody for jumping and listening on instagram i don't was i supposed to have my instagram on while i was doing this like no no this was just like an extra added value because people were like i just don't want to go on zoom can i just be where you are so you see obviously i have no idea what i'm doing right now but um i appreciate it dude you're awesome i appreciate being able to just talk about these things i think they're really important we want to help people grow and become better at what they're doing and be successful and drive income and this all these things are available to us they're all here but i appreciate you derek thanks for the insight man and everybody else listening karen and belle that are on this uh that are on this zoom call i appreciate you guys thanks for being here thanks again josh for sure well thank you jesse thank you uh everyone else for spending your saturday morning with us hope you guys have a great weekend and we'll see you guys on the next one yeah thanks and brad i'm calling you right now brad i know he's probably listening to this i love it all right man have a good day all right there's so many light bulbs that just came out of that conversation that i'm so excited to dive into more i also need to text him about that deal that he mentioned in the call um but i hope you guys found value too if you did please consider subscribing please like uh and that you know just lets me know that hey i like this video if you made it through the whole way through let's just have some fun if you made it all the way through comment down below and just say hashtag midterm rentals um make that a thing let's see if they make it pop obviously you guys heard it here first by jesse uh but thank you all so much for tuning in again my name is josh balavino you can find all the links and websites and you know different guides that we have in terms of calculating arvs scraping zillow all the good stuff in my website follow me on instagram tiktok all that fun stuff thank you guys all and i will see you on the next one
Channel: Joshua Baldovino
Views: 246,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, real estate investing, biggerpockets, financial freedom, investingwiththevinos, investing, rental property, duplex, hard money, hard money loans, financing, fixer upper, cash flow happy hour, travel nurse, short term rental, mid term rental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 11sec (4211 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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