How to Make 2D/3D Maps With DJI Ground Station Pro

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what's up guys Billy here and today I'm going to be showing you how to make a 2d or 3d map using PG ground station throw by walking through the first map that I made from start to finish now the subject I was mapping is the house that my dad is building you guys may be familiar with this scenery by now if your subscribe to my channel but I do like sharing the footage as I can show you guys some real-world examples if you aren't familiar with the ground station Pro app you may want to go check out my complete walkthrough as it does have some fairly confusing terminology I'll put the link to that in the top right corner but for now let's get on with the process the first thing that I did is create a very rough outline of the property at my house it was much easier to get the lines just perfect in the warmth rather than fumbling around with my iPad outside having to deal with both the Sun and the wind once I got onto the site I tweaked some of the settings to ensure that during the aircraft's voyage nothing would go wrong and I would come out with a good looking result at the end the main things that I checked for was a high enough altitude so the journal didn't run into any trees and a proper overlap for the images so that the software would have no problem stitching them together the application you'll see me use to stitch these together at the end is drone deploy and they recommend a 70% overlap to ensure perfect stitching but we'll get more into that later in the video once all the settings looked good to me I hit the flight icon in the top right corner it brought me to a page that allowed me to check on the status of each component in the aircraft as the waypoints are being uploaded if any of the green icons were red takeoff would not be permitted for example when I first tried to takeoff it said that too many waypoints were set once I did some minor tweaking I was able to take off with no problem once I hit start to fly at the drone first rose to my desired altitude and then made its way for the starting point the green line indicates the pass that the aircraft intends to take I'm going to speed through the rest of this as it did take a fairly long time to fully complete the mission it took around 12 minutes so I would definitely recommend only starting your mission with a full battery another thing that I want to mention is altitude this is a major factor when allowing the aircraft to fly itself as you don't want to run into anything the way that I found the appropriate altitude was by first using a DJI Go app and measuring the altitude that they gave me it ignored me that at the end of the mission there was no way to see what my camera was seeing it was tough getting back home using the ground station app so I simply switched over to the DJI Go app for better manual flight now that we've taken the images let's head over to the computer to process them the first thing that we need to do once we get onto our computer is to drag all the files and pictures off of the SD card and onto the computer you guys know that I love staying organized so usually reading in the folder and then just drag it onto the desktop from here I'm not really sure where I'm going to store all of these archived pictures as you know I do love saving everything that I capture so for now it's just going to live on my desktop the next step is to go to drone deploy calm I found that Google Chrome works the best as when I was using Safari earlier it wouldn't let me upload some of the images I really don't know why that's the case but I think that this website is optimized for Chrome from here we'll click sign up in the top right corner to create account me personally I already created account so I'll click login in the top right corner whether you could log in or create my account you get taken to the same exact place which is what they call the dashboard from here we're able to take a look at some different settings plan a new flight upload some images to create a map take a look at some previous maps we've made or even look at some of the examples that they've provided for us to begin creating our map all we need to do is upload the images that were taken during our flight with ground station Pro the first thing we get the chance is the name of the map next we'll be able to choose the type of map we can choose between terrain or structures terrain is used for fields while structures are used for buildings in my case I was looking to get a structural map of the building that my dad is building so I chose structures from here all that's left is to select the photos and wait until they're finished uploading when selecting your photos make sure you don't forget to add one I would definitely suck as you probably have a hole in the map and if it's over an important part you're definitely going to be kicking yourself afterwards the upload time is fully dependent on your internet connection even at my house with a really fast internet connection I notice that the upload speed was a bit slow so all I need to do is just be patient once all the images have fully uploaded all we need to do is select some different settings for processing drone deployed servers will pretty much stitch this photo for you so once the photos are uploaded there's no need to stay on this webpage as I said on the screen there are a few different things that we can change first of all on the map you'll notice that there is a box we can move this around to change the size of the image inside of that box we also see some little blue dots that's where all the different pictures were taken I find it so fascinating that the drone and ground station Pro and everything can all communicate together to show where the little pictures were taken honestly that's so fascinating to me and it definitely makes it a lot easier for stitching now on the left side we'll be able to change our map name again if we'd like and underneath of that it'll give us some different statistics about the map that we're creating so the first thing it will show us is the size of the map it says that it's going to be 17 acres big that's obviously in land size and then next it'll show us the amount of time that's going to take to actually process it's saying anywhere between two and seven hours which is a long time but again it does need to fully Stitch it fully make a 3d and 2d model so it definitely does take some time next it will show us the resolution so right now it is 3.2 inches per pixel and then finally it'll show us the total size of the map which will be 625 megabytes the next setting that we can enable is turbo upload and this is only available in Chrome as I said it seems that this whole website is optimized for Chrome so basically if we select this the images will process 10 times faster but you will lose about half of the resolution size or quality so if you need it right now if you need to see the map as soon as possible you can select it but you are going to take those pixels per inch from 3.2 up to 6.4 what turbo upload enabled it will actually take under an hour that is the lowest and highest estimated time but honestly I usually always like to get the highest resolution possible the highest quality possible with whatever I'm dealing with so I'll wait the extra time just to make sure that everything looks nice and crisp underneath of that we can also choose processing options and there's three different options there's like highest quality there's right in the middle between quality and speed and then we have the fastest speed so again I only get the highest quality I'll drag it all the way towards the right next we'll be able to set some ground control points these are only available if you actually pay the subscription to use during deploy as of right now I'm on the pro level and not be business or enterprise level so I don't have access to the ground control points but honestly right now that's no big deal as I'm just starting to really learn the drone deployed app and then the final thing we can take a look at is the images and we want to make sure that again all the images are there before we can this long processing period once everything looks good to you all that's left to do is click upload images from here we need to wait for the images to actually upload and then wait for them to fully process on during deploy servers don't worry you will get an email once everything is all ready for you you don't need to sit there and keep hitting refresh so once the map has been fully processed this is the final image that we get it basically takes your images and your pictures that you took and overlays it over top of the Google Maps image now on the left side we have some different things we can take a look at first of all we'll be able to go back to our dashboard next we can choose to either share or export this map that we've created we can also choose to hide the map so it's kind of cool to see 84 and then after picture underneath of that we can take a look at a 2d map a 3d model the plants health and the evolution elevation so first of all plant health is kind of cool I'm not exactly sure how to read this sort of map I know that maybe if someone was more of a plant expert botanist whatever they're called they might be able to read this a little bit better and we can also take a look at the elevation which again is awesome the coolest thing in my opinion is the 3d model so we'll click that and load it up it does take just a few seconds to load up but this in my opinion is just one of the coolest things that you can make so if we zoom in on the actual house that we were focusing on once it registers there we are we pretty much have a 3d model of the house and while the front of it looks really terrible I mean it literally looks like it's slipping down if we move around towards the back it looks almost perfect in my opinion and just by doing this with my drone for the very first time I really do think that it came out great I would love to do another one of these except really just focus on this area right inside of here the one thing that most a little bit weird are the trees and I do understand I mean they're pretty much these big green globs so again I think that the 3d model of the house looks pretty good I think it turned out all right for the first try and I would love to give it another go in the future another thing that we get to see is the images so if we go back to our 2d map and we select the images we can see pretty much the confines of every single picture that we took we can see the overlays etc etc so that's basically it the other thing one thing I forgot to mention is the measurements we can pretty much choose like the distance things we'll be able to select how far something is and pretty much see the distance so I'm really just starting to dabble with this app honestly it's so awesome being able to make a map of whatever you want it's especially helpful for construction just because if you think about it you know you look at Google Images it's not an up-to-date picture so you can make up-to-date maps you can even make one per week if you really wanted to just to get a feel for how the job is going etcetera etc so guys that's about it I hope you guys enjoyed make sure leave a like and subscribe if you do around here as I have been trying to upload daily also leave a comment down below letting me know what you guys think of the Georgia boy app as well as the ground station Pro app I think that ground station Pro does need a little bit of work it did just come out I think it's lacking some features but I know that DJI will update this in the future and make it almost comparable to determine deploy yes so guys as I said this video is coming to an end and I'll talk to you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Billy Kyle
Views: 63,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI, DJI Phantom, DJI Phantom 3, DJI Phantom 4, DJI Osmo, DJI Osmo Mobile, iPhone 7, DJI Mavic, DJI Mavic Pro, DJI Inspire, DJI Inspire 2, DJI Phantom 4 Pro, DJI Phantom 4 Professional, Ground Station Pro
Id: T9tKL9LNr-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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