How To Make $0.97 Breakfast | My Morning Routine

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welcome back to the Graham Steffen show my name is Graham and welcome to my show and we're gonna be doing something entirely different today we're starting a brand new series it's called come save money with me while I show you guys how to make breakfast now I'm sure some of you guys might think to yourself Graham you've officially just run out of ideas on what to make videos on so now you're just making breakfast and filming it and yes yeah that is true but also it's not just any breakfast this is a 97 cent breakfast I'm not even exaggerating I actually went and added up the cost of each and every one of these and then prorated how much I use every single day and then added it up the whole thing that I'm about to show you guys is gonna cost you only 97 cents and I'm going to take you through the entire process of how this works how to make breakfast because at the end of the day or at the beginning of the day I should say breakfast is really the most important meal as we all know and what's even more shocking is that Americans are spending on average of over $3,000 a year eating out which is just absolutely ridiculous and that's a lot of money that could be saved so we're gonna save you money starting for the very beginning of the day and when you start saving money as soon as you wake up it's gonna put you in such a good mood to continue the savings throughout the rest of the day and then you're gonna save even more money and have even more money left over and it's all gonna begin right here with breakfast so what that said let's destroy the like button for the YouTube algorithm and I'll show you exactly how we make this look like a beautiful breakfast and it all starts right your first thing on the menu this morning is going to be 18 extra-large graded double a Kroger eggs that I bought from Ralph's for three dollars and 99 cents which by the way if you're taking notes on this which I highly recommend you do that works out to be 22 cents per egg so with our recipe this morning it calls for two eggs and we're gonna break them into this bowl right here number one egg like this there we go beautiful and we got number two just like whoops just like that there we go two eggs whoops crap so now what we're gonna be doing is taking a fork or another apparatus like this and we're just going to as you can see here just we're gonna scramble the eggs a little bit we're really quick as I'm doing this I would like to video sponsor today skill share their an online learning community that offers memberships with meaning their classes are designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting your life on hold and with the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth for example I've been learning from Thomas Frank about productivity and how to best manage my time to get the most out of my day as possible that's how I got so good at productivity so I can whip up these eggs and talk about skills share at the exact same time but skill sure also has many other classes that are extremely interesting like a tutorial about how to start your own podcast or how to edit your iPhone pictures in Lightroom Skillshare is also incredibly affordable especially with all the money you're saving by making 97 cent breakfast and especially when you compare it with pricy and person classes and workshops an annual membership works out to be less than $10 a month so make 2020 a year where you explore new skills deepen your existing passions and get lost in creativity so click the link below to get two free months of premium memberships and explore all the creativity you possibly can so now we're gonna be going over exactly what to do next now the first thing I do is I have a frying pan right here and what I do is I take some extra-virgin olive oil now this stuff I didn't calculate into the cost because honestly it's so cheap and this stuff just seems to last years for some reason but I'll do a little bit in the frying pan like that just a little bit and again this would probably last you I don't know like a decade or something like that and olive oil is really cheap so that's like a fraction of a cent right there and then what I do is I take a little piece of paper towel just to wipe it down in the frying pan so that way when you put your eggs in there they're not gonna stick and make a mess and that's really hard to clean up and I hate doing that so with this it prevents that from happening so now that that's done we're gonna turn on the stove a little bit like that OPEC got a little hot and we're gonna pour in the eggs in the frying pan like this there we go perfect I mean while while the eggs are getting cooked right now we're gonna be going over here to the delicious bagels now I got six of these bagels for one dollar and eighty nine cents and again if you're taking notes on this that works out to be fifteen cents per half a bagel and what we're going to be doing is opening up the packaging like so and we're going to be cooking one half of a slice of bagel like this we're gonna put it in the toaster oven turn it on like that and there you go that part done now as far as cooking bagels are concerned I don't claim to be like a Gordon Ramsay or anything like this but I do recommend cooking it long enough and leaving it in there just for a nice golden-brown you want it to be kinda crunchy but not too crunchy you want it to be a little bit crispy but not too crispy so there's definitely an art to doing this my recommendation is about two to three minutes maximum and here which by the way is enough time for your eggs to be cooks if it that way this is all done at the exact same time so now that that's going we're gonna be coming back to the eggs and it looks like right now these should be flipped and again this is about a minute that's gone by so we're gonna go like this as so and it's a little bit difficult it's I kind of screwed that up see it's definitely a science to going and doing this correctly because you want to flip it in one big motion like that and now look at this we got an egg pancake how how good is that an egg pancake like this now we're gonna give it another 10 to 15 seconds maybe 20 seconds maximum and this should be done and then of course we're gonna be going back over to the bagel to make sure that it's not going to be burnt and as you can see here it's cooking up nicely we're gonna probably give this just another 1 minute and now I'm back over here at the eggs there's a lot of coordination going on here you have to be pretty good at multitasking to time this down once you do this about I don't know 50 or 60 times you're gonna get it to the point where you know exactly how long each thing cooks to be perfectly prepared so anyway this is Donna and we're gonna flip this egg pancake onto the plate like this there we go and then wouldn't you know just is the perfect time our bagel is done and again this is how it should look that is the perfect bagel right there not too burnt but you want a little crispy that is the best bagel that I think I have ever made look at that that's perfect and now what we're gonna be doing is preparing our fancy egg omelette burrito thing I don't know what it is it's a bit of a Frankenstein meal but I've been eating it forever now so what we do is I got the sharp cheddar cheese from again from Ralph's this was one dollar and 99 cents and this usually lasts me about three weeks because all we're gonna do is we're gonna open it up take a small pinch of cheese and basically just sprinkle it on our egg and again this entire thing for a dollar ninety-nine should last you about three weeks assuming you make this every single day this portion right here is only nine cents and then after that we're gonna be taking our turkey breast which like I said I paid $2.99 for this this entire box should last you about 18 days which means every time you make this is only 16 cents worth of meat and also I want to mention they have a whole bunch of different types of these at the grocery store all for $2.99 so if you don't like Turkey if you're not a fan of that if you want chicken or roast beef or ham or whatever you want to put on the egg Frankenstein breakfast you could do that for about the same price so anyway what I do is I take a little bit of meat slap it on there like that and I'm feeling a little adventurous today so I'm gonna take two of them slap it down there and there you go and then I'm a little strange with this so I do like to fold it up and eat it as though I'm eating a burrito it's so weird but it trust me it's good and then once this is done we're gonna be taking our bagel and bringing it over here and slapping on some of the cream cheese now in case you were wondering this is the kroger brand original cream cheese spread for two dollars and 89 cents and what I've noticed is that this is the best deal for cream cheese because you could also go and buy the Philadelphia brand of cream cheese and be all fancy but that is double the cost for essentially the exact same thing and when you buy this it's also really important to buy this one and not the whipped cream cheese because the whipped cream cheese I've noticed goes a lot faster you use a lot more of it and it's not so condensed like this so for the exact same price go and get this it's gonna last you twice as long than the whipped version so it's kind of like going and ordering a cold drink but they fill up the entire drink with ice so in reality you're only getting half the drink that's the same thing with cream cheese you want to get this one and not be whipped one because on the whipped one you're essentially paying half for air which I don't like paying for air if I don't have to but anyway this entire thing should last you about 21 days which works out to be 13 cents of cream cheese per bagel that you used really good deal so now we are going to be preparing the cream cheese as such we're gonna spread it on there and again we don't want to go too heavy because we don't want this breakfast to be too expensive so we want to do just enough so that it's about 13 cents and we can get this breakfast under $1 so there you go that's what it should look like so even though the breakfast might appear to you right now we're not done yet we got to run the numbers here let me show you exactly how this cost breaks down and how this could actually make you over 1.1 million dollars over your lifetime by just eating this breakfast every single day to start the cost of these two eggs works out to be 44 cents and then you have the cost of the cheese which we're accept to be another nine cents and then you have the cost of the turkey which works out to be sixteen cents that means the total cost of this egg Frankenstein burrito works out to be 69 cents in total and then of course we got the cost of the bagel now like I said each bagel half works out to be fifteen cents and then the cost of the cream cheese on top of that works out to be another 13 cents which means that this right here costs you 28 cents therefore when you put it all together this entire meal right here only works out to be 97 cents per breakfast per morning for this entire thing this beautiful thing right near is 97 cents that's a good deal so let's just say that this entire breakfast right here saves you five dollars a day if you just invested that five dollars per day in an SP 500 index fund within a Roth IRA getting a 7% return adjusted for inflation with dividends reinvest in that would be worth 1 million one hundred twenty four thousand six hundred and forty four dollars and 56 cents completely tax-free in a Roth IRA if you do that consecutively for the next 55 years so that's why to me this is so much more than a million dollar breakfast because actually when you add it up it's more like 1 million one hundred twenty four thousand dollar breakfast and as you could see here just this breakfast alone will save you so much money it's so good it's delicious and I'm gonna end this video right now so I could just eat this because I'm really hungry actually because it's not the more I'm actually filming this now it's like 302 p.m. I lied I said it was the morning it's not I'm eating lunch now but this is what I also eat when I recreate a video like this around lunchtime and then pretend it's breakfast so with that said you guys thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and as always if you guys enjoy videos like this make sure to destroy the like button also make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so YouTube notifies you anytime I post a video also feel free to add me on Instagram I poster pretty much daily so if you want to be a part of it there feel free to add me there and lastly if you guys want two free stocks use the link down below in the description wiebel is going to be giving you two free stock soon deposit $100 on the platform and one of those stocks is going to be valued up to $1400 so if you want a chance to get a stock worth up to that amount use the link down below deposit $100 and enjoy so anyway with that said thank you so much for watching and until next time
Channel: The Graham Stephan Show
Views: 218,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: millionaire reacts, how to save money fast, how to save money on low income, how to budget, how to build wealth, how to build wealth in your 20s, how to invest, how to invest in stocks, how to invest in real estate, how to invest in your 20s, real estate investing, real estate investing for beginners, passive income, how i became a millionaire, 97 cent breakfast, 20 cent iced coffee, robinhood, robinhood app, credit score, credit score explained
Id: _4Jk9Iy5sk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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