How to Load a Kayak by Yourself (Simple DIY Project!)

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[Music] hey everybody complete pete back again i've been getting a number of emails and messages uh through youtube uh some viewers and some people just watching our other videos and how to load a kayak and how to tie down a kayak um been very well received and these folks are still having some trouble getting their boats up on their cars and small suvs crossovers by themselves asked me if i had any ideas i gave it some thought i came up with a solution that seems to work it's about forty dollars worth of park just kind of a diy solution no it's not a hull evader and no it's not some expensive component that you can purchase it's just something you can make yourself so you can spend more time out on the water so hopefully this helps let me get set up and i'll show you what i came up with okay what i came up with is just a diy solution like i said it's about forty dollars worth of parts and uh it consists of a piece of two inch pvc which is a you know a lowe's or a home depot item i also have a five foot piece of inch and a half pvc and i had looked i had looked at the dimensions and we used these products at work i looked at the dimensions the id or the inside diameter the pipe and the od of this and i realized that they fit right into each other so i'm looking to make a third hand device that will slide out and hold up half your boat while you load the other half i also have a some pvc caps that are just going to go on the end we don't want to push them on too tight because they're meant to be glued on but in this case we're just going to stop wind whistling and keep the inner tube inside but one of the things we have to do is i have to do some measurements and i probably have to cut this pvc a little bit because it'll it has an action as sliding like a ram and will knock the caps off just wanted to talk quickly about some of the tools we need which makes this a very doable project the pvc pipe is very easy to cut you can cut it with a pipe cutter the most common way to cut it is with a hacksaw so you could just use a regular hacksaw and you could just carefully cut it another another saw you could have which i happen you know to do some plumbing work also this is a starrett pvc saw kind of weird looking if you do a lot of pvc work you probably want to invest in one but the blade is so wide because it keeps your cut going straight many times when you use a hacksaw with such a skinny little blade the blade starts going crooked and you end up kind of with a baloney cut so we'll be using the starrett saw today the other item i have is a tape measure which you'll need to measure the pipe we will have to shorten up the two inch pipe a little bit because i want the inner and a half inch and a half pipe to be slightly longer so we don't knock those caps off on the end we're going to need a um to deburr the inside a little bit you can do that carefully with a razor knife we could just shave the inside i'll show that i also happen to have a deburring tool which is kind of a very inexpensive very cool tool and i'll show you how well this thing works and we'll need a pencil and i have a couple paper towels ready to clean the pipe off and i also have some uh we're gonna put some padding some uh foam padding to hold the boat a little uh steadier so it doesn't slide around when we're on the pvc when you're loading it and i'm just going to clean the isopropyl use guys alcohol to clean the pipe a little bit okay now we're going to start cutting the two inch pipe and as i mentioned both of these pieces are five feet long the caps are not going on all the way the caps are only getting pushed on about a quarter of an inch they hold really firmly but they're really designed to go like an inch and a half in so what happens is when this five foot piece of pvc slides back and forth it'll knock the cap right off so i want to take a two and a half inches off the big pipe off the two inch pipe so i'm just gonna measure two and a half inches right on the pipe doesn't have to be terribly scientific that's it i'm going to use my start saw and i'm using a stanley workmate stand i kind of use this thing for everything kind of clamps the pipe in there a little bit i generally use my thumb to line up the blade i do end up cutting a lot of pvc electrical and plumbing purposes just to get started [Music] okay we have a nice straight cut one of the things you'll see in the end here is a little bit of burring on the outside you could just kind of knock that off you can see the burrs on the inside so one way to do it is just take a razor knife and you can just scrape on the inside and that's all you have to do the other thing is my very cool deburring tool all you do is put this thing in there and you just kind of go right around in a circle and it will debur the inside of the pipe one two three and make a perfect deburr and there you go okay now that we have our two inch pipe cut a little bit shorter i'm going to slide our inch and a half pvc pipe inside this is schedule 40 pv say it's gonna slide right inside there's there's plenty of room and you can see it sticks out on both sides so our inch and a half is longer than the two inch and the reason i i did that is because you don't want to push these caps on all the way they're going to be very hard to get off but i'm going to push the cap on you know pretty much as hard as i can you just basically wiggle it and it comes right off but i'm going to stick this on as hard as i can dry tubes all the way down i'm going to stick this one on as far as i can dry and that's it so it doesn't it doesn't move inside anymore so we have the the length perfect one more thing i'm gonna do is i also picked up some uh edpm foam rubber i get it from mcmaster carr they sell it on amazon also it's basically a a soft rubber foam almost and it has an adhesive back on it so one of the things i want to do is use it on our inch and a half portion of the pipe that way when i pull the pipe out you know i'm going to make a mark on this pipe also i'm going to mark uh the midpoint so when you see the black line come out that that's a stopping point for it and then what we'll do is we'll put this foam on here and adhere it right onto the pipe so it'll look like that so when you put your boat up you're both less likely to slide back and forth okay moving along i want to just measure this inch and a half section that'll be inside the two inch just to make that center line so i don't pull this tube out too far so that's like 60 and a quarter so that'll be 30 and an eighth right there back inside okay so that's roughly my mid mark okay here's our foam material again i want to get a good happy medium with the distance n that it's going to be and i'm thinking you know maybe eight inches because i don't want to be too close to the end um i'm just going to make a little mark so i can keep my eye on that i'm going to use a little my isopropyl to clean off any dirt give us the best chance for adhesion on there then we'll take our foam and this is an outdoor foam actually from mcmaster carr similar to what i might use to insulate pipes or something like that just going to fold that back a little bit so i have the sticky side to work with i'm gonna set it right on there and i'm sure this will be crooked and every other thing but my goal is to just have something that i can uh keep the bow from slipping while i'm trying to do this by myself i'm gonna pull this a little bit while i do it and as you see i'm pushing it the paper is unreeling itself as i go so i'm not not doing that okay so we're coming around the other side i actually overlapped a little bit we can pull that right off of there and i think i'm going to try to cut that with a razor knife if my blade is sharp enough i'll give it a shot okay so that came off i'm hoping just to get that that edge to kind of meet up nicely not as smooth as it could have been if i had cut that a little better maybe it would have buttered up completely so i'm curious about our two inch pvc and given the size of the id of the two this whole assembly should fit right inside and it does so it'll fit right inside just like that it won't rattle around and it won't come even if you rode without the caps i don't think it's going to come out and then i can just pull it right out and there's my material so it's going to kind of be anti-vibration and a security device in case you lose a cap so i'm just going to do this to the other side and then we'll put it on the car okay i'm here with our our completed unit and this can be made out of pvc schedule 40 which this is or it could be made out of abs plastic which is black plastic i'm sure krylon or someone also makes like a plastic spray paint if you wanted to make this this black or you wanted to color code it to your car or even if you didn't want to leave it on even if you're kayaking on saturday and you want to put it on friday night but with the foam the caps the correct length it's like it feels like a solid piece of plastic and all i'm going to do with this no rocket science involved i'm going to put it right behind my arrow bar and we're going to fasten it right on there with some straps around now the straps that i got are these snap lock cargo control systems straps it's a cinch strap one inch wide two feet long i think they were like 13 or something like that so it's really a pretty pretty uh inexpensive solution and basically that's the strap right there so you can see it's a cinch strap and the strap will just go right around the uh right around the pipe i'll take and bring it right around the bar press on the latch feed this up through a little bit there it comes and then we will strap it strap it down i'm going to go part of the way for now i'm going to go over to the other side and get that one in and then i'll tighten them both up but i mean you can see this is holding it pretty and i put very little i put very little pressure on that and then we'll use these tie wrap or these velcro patches to hold the strap down when we're all done okay i have the the system mounted as you can see here it is mounted to the back it's pretty it's nice and firm on there it's not going to move or vibrate doesn't slide back and forth like i said i i could personally live with this if i wanted to go kayaking bad enough and i was by myself and i had 40 bucks and a hacksaw i could i could pretty much make this assembly here and i'd be on the water or not waiting for somebody to help me i mean basically i could just pull this cap off i'd probably put this on my front seat so i don't lose it and i'm gonna pull out my tube on the inside and there's our there's our foam pad and i can still feel resistance from the foam on the other side and here's our midpoint so i'm just going to leave that in the middle like that and that should give me some pretty good strength this is what i envision uh the third hand to look like it's it's pretty strong um i've never tried it so this will be the maiden voyage to see how it works but here's here's a boat it's a pongo 120 wilderness systems i could easily lift up the one end the problem is getting it up on top by by myself so there you go sometimes if you leave just the pvc the boat will slide all over the place but i think that adding this this edpm foam adhesive rubber on here which is on pretty good kind of keeps the boat uh steady i'm even go a little higher with it because i'm so confident so there you go did that by myself pick up the other side slide it right over one two three easy peasy put my third hand back in the tube again put the cap on and uh please watch my other video on how to tie your kayak down so you do it properly you don't lose your boat but i think that's an easy way to to go about doing it and even at this point if i wanted to flip the boat over i could flip it over but at least it's up on top of the vehicle so hopefully you find that helpful like i said it's forty dollars and maybe a half hour to put it together but i think it might be money well spent if you want to load your kayak by yourself
Channel: Complete Pete
Views: 34,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak, loading kayak, how to load my kayak, how to load a kayak alone, solo kayak loading, camping, kayaking
Id: uGLbqmkiuKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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