How To Link PDF File Automation in AppSheet

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hey guys welcome to my YouTube channel in this video I will show you how to link the PDF that you created in Automation in a specific Row in upshift and also I will show you how to link the PDF every time you add the data and once you hit save it opens directly to the PDF or to the specific PDF all right without further delay let's go to the app editor just to let you know uh this sample application I created it using the app sheet database for those who don't know yet how to use it you can explore it it's available in your app editor I mean in the my apps you can go there and try to use the app sheet database so you can create an app without using a Google sheet all right first let's create our automation then let's create a PDF automation so here let me just let's create a new boot so I'm gonna just create a custom boot I'm gonna name this let's say receipt your event create custom event so I'm gonna just name this uh receipts as well for example then I'm gonna just trigger this event during ads only and the target table is receipt log which is this table then any conditions no you can apply certain conditions then you can add a step custom step then I'm gonna just need to generate EDF receipts for example then we're gonna just create a file then here there's a template you can just click you can just click or if you have already a template you can just upload it so let's just wait so in this case we don't want to rearrange our template because in this video I'm just showing to you how to link this PDF to specific Row in upshit yeah so let's go back so I click it just for the sake of this video or is it here let's wait all right so this is our PDF so I don't want to this time to rearrange it or to create any design so I can just close close the template then here down let's disable the timestamp and then we're gonna just page orientation let's say portrait and I'm gonna use A4 then up here this is the important part so upsheet if you did not edit this up sheet will automatically name your PDF as appshit doc all right so in this case we're gonna customize the name of the our PDF so our my key column in the table receipt log is receipt number so I can just name this name the PDF as receipt number let's say 2001.pdf okay so once I hit save then I'm gonna hit save then once you're done for that you need to test your boot if it's working okay so we're gonna test since we already have one entry here so here is the receipt number two zero zero one I'm gonna test my boot if it's working or not so I'm gonna just click execute and it's saying success so this PDF is stored in your Google Drive so it's here so actually it's stored in if you go to the app sheet and look for the app that you created the title of my app is receipt log up so here is my receipt log up and we will just open it double click and then here in the file where the PDF is created so as you can see the PDF is named as 2001.pdf which is this one so the question is how we gonna link this PDF to the specific row here so we're gonna now that will be our next assignment okay so this is the PDF you cannot just close this then next is let's go back to the app editor and Link this PDF let's go back to the data and add a new table add data from so we have three options here we have the option database the Google Sheets and the Google drive documents so what we're going to choose is the Google Drive document so just click the drop documents and then we're gonna hit Hub here folders and then you're gonna click the collection of files click this and look for that uh app that you created always go to the upsheet in this folder then data then receive plug up and select this file and then you can rename this let's say I'm going to name this as receipts receipts PDF for example then once you're done for that you can just create the table okay now let's view our columns so here we don't need to show this meme type and then this last modify and then this one so what we're gonna do is this file we will change this type into text and then this path I'm gonna just keep this as file and then I'm gonna just change the display name so let's say display name I'm gonna name this say View or let's say print receipts so this one is an optional we can rename this as you like okay once you're done for that you have to create a ux view I believe it's already created since we or we only have um here so it's it's it's already here it's already created the receipts PDF so we don't need to create it's automatically created by app sheet since we have only a two tables so here in the column order I can just uh show the path only then Center then feed and keep this as reference View so we don't want to show this receive PDF detail hit save so let's try to refresh the application if it's showing all right okay then we already created The View here in the receipt let's say PDF here is the detail view we already created it okay so next thing we're gonna do is to go back to the table or in we will execute the PDF creation so this is the receipt log and view columns okay so here we're gonna add the virtual column a virtual column then I already added reduction let me just delete it so here we're gonna add the virtual column just name that as file then use this formula or expression concatenate then include since we name the PDF as the seat number you can include this then comma then dot PDF and then just close that expression okay and we don't want to show this and just hide okay because this is just like helper like helper to let us link to the PDF all right so we're done for that then once you're done for that let's go to The ux View and look for the receipt PDF detail down here there is a behavior you can just copy this and then go to the behavior new action so here go to another view within this app I'm gonna name this let's say View see then I'm gonna paste this and link to filtered view okay so receive PDF detail comma we're in this row but file which is the recently we created a virtual column is equals to the file Theory the file of the receipt PDF okay just wait the sips PDF this row file is equals to file it's a it says the parent okay it's a square then here what we're gonna do is the appearance I'm gonna just um let's say any PDF here and hit save so now let's test this so this is receipt 2001 and here we go here we go just wait I hope it will open takes time oh okay that's why my Chrome is not responding just hold on guys okay here we go so the receipt number is two zero zero one so this is the PDF that we generated so now what we want is whenever we add the data and once we hit save it should redirect us to the PDF as well so this is what we want so to do that what you're gonna do is just to create a new action okay new action then I'm gonna just name this as open PDF open receipt for example and then go to another view within this up then oh sorry what I'm gonna do I'm gonna just copy this this one okay then go back there and here I'm gonna paste it sorry okay what we're gonna do guys is we need to force the app to sync so to force this up to sync because once we hit save we want to make sure that everything is uploaded to the cloud you know so what you want is to apply for sync here to apply for sync you can use this and then you can use this and end this equals to encode URL we're gonna use the Expression in code URL then now let's say plus one okay so this expression that I added at the end of this link to filtered view this is the expression to force the app to to sync okay let's try it later on then I'm gonna just appearance and I don't want to display this since we already have a display icon and what I'm gonna do for this is go to the ux and look for the see it log form here so I'm gonna go here to the behavior and here I'm gonna have open receipt PDF so here this is the purpose of this so whenever we click the plus sign so this is the receive log form okay so hit save and it should good to go so now let's test the app so first let's sync then let's try to add a new data okay receipt number next is two zero zero two let's say this is 25 and it's cash and once I hit save as you can see it forces the app to sync okay there's something error there mm-hmm oh it's my receipt number doesn't allow me to add okay let's delete this let's manually add the receipt number let's say 25 then I'm gonna let's say here is 50 see it forces the up sink I don't know guys what's going on unable to add raw in the table status peer-to-peers received okay I know now okay let's go back let's remove the Formula First of this receipt number so the error here is my receipt number I'm gonna just remove this formula for the meantime and just manually add the receipt number okay I'm gonna just delete this this two and sync okay now let's add the data so let's say receipt number uh 100 and the amount is 200 and once I hit save it forces the app to to sync and take note the receipt number I entered is 100 so receipt number 100 it opens direct it means it's linked directly to the PDF and you can just click it and open the PDF so receipt number 100 it's here then let's add another one and also guys you can retrieve it here by clicking this so this is the receipt 100 so let's add one more time so let's say receipt number 20 205. I'm gonna add here amount so we'll let's see so its forces the app to sink and the receipt number is 205 he's 205 and it's opened the PDF and to see if the receipt number is 205 as well okay here we go so receipt number 205 so this is how you link the PDF that you created in upsheet to link in a specific row wherein you can also view it again all right guys so if you have any questions regarding this video or any questions you can leave in the comment section or you can send me an email as well if you learned something in this video please comment or like And subscribe also to my YouTube channel and see you next time in my next video okay
Channel: Joe Tayactac
Views: 24,914
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Id: fQ5bhumYXZM
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Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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