How to Leverage Credit to Reach Your Financial Goals

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everybody knows my favorite saying or a famous favorite famous you can pick one a short pencil is better than a long memory you know you know what i've been on coaching sessions that have lasted an hour and a half long and it's a zoom video and they haven't taken one note and i'm like how in the world are you going to remember all of this information so you always write things down always because here's the thing that you may miss that one nugget that could be the ah-ha it may be you it may take you of going back to your notes over the pat over the course of a six-month window before you're before you're even ready to to get to that step but you missed writing it down so this is why you have to write everything down and a part of writing everything down is about getting in position see everybody often hears me talk about the three ps want to be in position to have the power to purchase you want to be in position to have the power to purchase now you may ask yourself well will what do you mean about being in position being in position for life being in position for your life being in position for financial freedom being in position to take back control of your life because being in position to have the power to purchase is how you get your control back think about it there first of all you're gonna need to be in position on several different levels let's just even talk about the first one credit well why is credit so important credit is the barometer to everything that we do in our life when it comes to financial freedom now unless you have a rich uncle phil from beverly hills or he was born with a trust fund everybody has been able to understand the power of having good credit as being an identifier of helping you getting in position well why is that leverage did you know you can leverage your credit to be able to get access to capital to help you do whatever it is you're trying to accomplish think about that that three-digit number can assist you in doing whatever it is you want to accomplish and it can impact or in or it can impact or affect every aspect of your life ownership people often hear me talk about ownership what do you have to have for ownership credit now you may say well i can pay cash for everything you can but do you have an unlimited money tree in your backyard you eventually will run out of money well will can't i just borrow it from a friend well you can but do they trust you if the banks don't trust you i doubt your friend trust you but the path of least resistance is credit it's just we've been conditioned to think that credit is negative see think about this did you know wealthy people one of my mentors who adopted a term and made it famous i need to see if he trademarked it if not maybe i need to go trademark it i'm sure he did already opm other people's money that's essentially what credit is see one of the first things that changed my mindset as i talked about in step number one was i heard robert kiyosaki talk about how he leveraged his credit utilizing other people's money to buy his very first piece of real estate he said you know i saw a piece of property not a pizza property but there was a piece of a property in waikiki hawaii for 18 000 okay he said and this this would change my life and i took notes on this and i didn't even catch it right away but this is why i take notes he said i went and i took two thousand dollars off my credit card to pay the down payment towards that eighteen thousand dollars and then when i i heard it and then i went back through my notes and i was like genius think about it how many of us have credit cards at home right now that you can use to invest in real estate to use to invest in a business because all you have to do is put down twenty percent and the bank was going to finance the other 80 but it takes you having your credit in position before you can accomplish that that's just one facet of getting in position another facet is you have the good credit you want to go to the banks and get the credit cards or the lines of credit or the loans or whatever it's all other people's money so it doesn't matter in what form it comes in see i often talk to people say only one business credit cards and i'm like why it's all bank money it literally is monopoly you just have to know the strategic strategies to be able to to to actually execute on this see a lot of people only want business credit cards because they're already conditioning themselves to fail so that if they do fail they're like well it won't hurt my personal credit well first of all that's the wrong mentality to have you should tell yourself you know what i'm trying to get as much money from the bank as possible so this way i'm in position so that anytime any opportunity come across my desk i'm in position see when i first learned or when i first had a upfront close glimpse of how banks use our money now mind you bank bank i walked into the bank and i was trying to pull out a sizable amount of capital to do a deal it was about 35 000 and i went to the bank and they said mr roundtree we do not have that amount of cash on hand and i said well i have x amount in my account but i can't get access to this and that was when the light bulb went off and i was like that's because they use my money to invest in real estate wow so why not we use their money let them be our bank and we can we can do that by leveraging our credit but we have to be in position first so credit being the first facet once the credit is in position now you want to be able to go to the bank and get the credit cards get the business lines of credit get the loans or whatever it is you qualify for so now you can go and use their money to purchase real estate use their money to invest in other businesses now there is strategy that goes into that there is strategy that goes into seeing what type of capital you're gonna get there is strategy that goes into even once you get the credit how do you actually use it to purchase the real estate but the biggest thing is just being in position what are you doing to get in position first of all do you even know that you have to be in position because it's one thing about getting the capital and that's why i talked about in step number one adopting a financial mindset see when you get thirty thousand dollars in credit cards and you've never had more than fifteen hundred you have to have a different mindset to not just go out there and frivolously blow it or to get a hundred thousand in credit cards or we have some clients we've gotten as much as five to six hundred thousand accumulatively now they've created their own bank imagine you and three other partners all have access to a hundred thousand dollars of credit accumulatively that's 300 000 you're now your own bank what could you in your business do with 300k what could you do with your real estate portfolio with over 300 000 of capital matter of fact how long do you think it would take you to save 300 000 of extra money that doesn't have to go to your bills and your daily living expenses but you can't accomplish any of that without getting in position it's all about positioning it's like the game of chess yes a game of chess could last five days depending who you're playing and how frequently you guys are at the chess board and i say that because this is a level of commitment it takes time now first of all once you get the information you have to be able to execute that's the first thing because sometimes people get the information on what they need to do with their credit and because it looks like too much work they don't want to do it sometimes they get what it takes or get the information it takes to go to the banks and ask for the type of credit and all of these things but they don't want to do what it takes you know i often get people who reach out to me and say well will if i sign up with you today how long will it take for me to get a half a million dollars in credit and i said why would it matter how long would it take you to save a half a million how long would it take you to say fifty thousand dollars but that's why you have to have a different mindset even if it took you five years what does it matter what are you gonna be doing over five years anyway what are you doing to change your financial situation within that five years if you're not executing on this information this methodology so getting in position first starting with credit then being able to leverage the credit to go to the bank and play with their money one of the next things you want to make sure you're in position with taxes all of our favorite see here's the thing i meet so many entrepreneurs up-and-coming entrepreneurs that this is where they get mess this is where they get stuck at and here's why one of the biggest mistakes that a new a lot of entrepreneurs make is they write off too many expenses you may say well will why does that matter because this could be one of the last components to ensuring that you are in position let me show you an example okay you make a hundred thousand a year between your w-2 income and your business you say you know what i don't want to owe uncle sam any money you go to your tax trusted tax person who doesn't mind writing off anything because the more of a refund they can get you the more they can charge you i mean let's just call it what it is so they write off 80 grand they show you making an income of 20 000. so now you get a 15 000 tax refund now don't quote me on these numbers this is just what i see sometimes in the marketplace so now you're going to go try to buy that dream home for your family you're telling them you're walking in with your chest out i made a hundred thousand dollars last year then they ask for your tax returns and they say no will you made twenty thousand this is one of the biggest mistakes i see a lot of new entrepreneurs make even seasoned entrepreneurs see i'm trying to teach you how to play at a higher level this is why you have to adopt a different type of financial mindset because understand you gotta pay to play and one of the things you one of the individuals you got to pay is you got to pay your taxes so why would you stop the one thing or why would you prevent or why would you risk the one thing that's going to help you grow because you don't want to pay a couple dollars so this is what this may look like you owe 100. now these numbers are not accurate because i see some of y'all comments they like man those numbers don't make sense this is a video okay so let's say you made a hundred grand you're all off 30 which means your taxable income is 70. that's respectable on paper now you may say well well i'm gonna have to pay taxes on that 30. yes you will now those taxes you may have to pay let's just say it came out to seven thousand dollars now are you gonna let seven thousand dollars stop you from getting two hundred thousand dollars in credit to be able to go off to invest in a piece of property that can make you more three times that seven grand per year or you gonna let seven thousand dollars stop you from getting that business line of credit that you can use to invest in that new business that's going to make you a quarter of a million dollars a year annually see this is why you have to adopt a different mindset we have to start looking at money differently see we have what's called a poor man's mentality poor being an acronym standing for passing over opportunities repeatedly and every year when you're showing you only made twenty thousand dollars you're passing up opportunities that could save you and your family's life you're passing over opportunities that can get you out of your financial ruin you're passing over opportunities that can change your children's children's uh legacy all because you're not getting the proper information or because you're not in position from a tax standpoint see you can have a seven you can have a 850 credit score walk into the bank ask for a line of credit where they will ask for tax returns you showing twenty thousand dollars and now they deny you or the bank may approve you give you up to ten percent of your gross revenue of your net excuse me of your net profits for your company so now your line of credit is two thousand dollars whereas if you would have did it right you would have been in better position because here's the thing banks have about 50 to 150 data points that they look at bunch of different things it's bigger than just your credit score and it's not in a third whatever taxes are a data point your debt to income ratio is a data point they want to know hey if i loan you a hundred thousand dollars how am i going to get my money back if that deal doesn't go right statistically 90 plus percent of small and medium-sized businesses fail and do you want to know what classified a small and medium-sized business any business that does anything less than 30 million dollars so if you're doing anywhere from zero to 29 million 999 000 then you're classified as a small and medium-sized business and i know i left some numbers off on that it don't matter you get my point so a part about getting in position is working on your credit yes it may take you two years to fix your credit look when i first started my credit journey i had a 410 credit score it took me two years to get my credit in position but it was worth it because this is the thing once the credit is in position it's in position for a lifetime think about that if it takes you two years to be in position for a lifetime why would you care if it took you four years because guess what if you don't do nothing you're gonna go through a lifetime never been in position getting the exact same thing you're getting now so whatever wherever you are in your life now d how long how much longer do you want to continue to go through that do you have any control how much longer are you going to continue to trade your time for dollars so working on that credit then being able to leverage it to go to the bank to get other people's money in the form of credit revolving credit loans credit cards business lines of credit but before you can even get to that step you gotta make sure you're following your taxes properly this is a part this is an intricate part of being in position because here's the thing banks want to see profitability write that word down profitability if you're not profitable as a business why would a bank give you money and then we get upset and we're up in arms and saying man banks don't want to lend the money out no getting the money is the easiest component now are the banks getting more stringent yeah but did you know there are banks out there who are looking to give money away because that's the only way that they make money and of course once you get the money then it's about having the strategy which we'll talk about in in one of the later steps but you're not going to be able to do any of this unless you take action today now here's the thing that i really want to stress this is not an overnight process see i often say the funding process the credit process is a process it's not an overnight process don't think that you could the most amount of credit you've ever had was 500 and then thinking because you have a 850 credit score a bank is gonna give you a half a million a quarter of a million a hundred thousand it may take you a year and a half to get that type of capital but how long will it take you to save that amount it's like we're in a race to get to nowhere you ever been driving and then somebody just flies right past you like and then you pull up next to them you're at the same red light and then they roll up their window because they don't want you they embarrassed so they don't want you to look at them that's how i feel sometimes when i'm doing business with people who are trying to hurry up and get to the bank so they can get some money from the bank and then they don't know what to do or they go out there and use the money for something else or because they didn't get the mentorship they invest in something that don't work and then they end up right back in ground zero and then that's why they think it doesn't work no it's because you didn't have the proper strategic strategy so understand there is a certain level of commitment that's going to come with this and that's why again in step one i talked about adopting a financial mindset because you may go six months think your credit is in position and then a a medical bill can hit your credit report because it's been sitting out there for four years yes that's true story medical debt can sit in la la land up to four years before it hit your credit report and you have to have the mental strength the emotional intelligence to say you know what that's just one little bitty obstacle because think about it as a human race we go through obstacles every single day why would you let a credit obstacle stop you from hitting your goals and dreams or you may have some credit in the bank decreases your line of credit so now you don't have as much available credit available it's happened to it's even happened to me before but guess what banks can do whatever they want to do it's their money but the biggest thing that i want you to understand is that just get in position first the biggest thing i want you to understand is it takes time the biggest thing i want you to understand is that it is not overnight it may take you three five six years to be fully in position to go and buy that hundred uh unit apartment complex but let me ask you a question if it did take you 10 years to go and buy an apartment complex where you're now profiting over a half a million dollars in revenue would it be worth it less than five percent of people in the united states even make six figures a year so to be able to make one investment all using the bank's money so it's not even coming out of your pocket to be able to leverage your credit to be able to make a half a million dollars from a real estate deal and it took you 10 years i would try to find uh i would sign up for that for another over the next 10 years if i had to so understand stop being so caught up in the time frame what is it that we're such in a hurry for and i get it look we want to get off our jobs we're trying to retire our spouses we want that control we want financial freedom but all of that takes time it takes time did you even write your goals now i talk to people all the time how could you want to hurry up and get to a place where you don't even have a goal in place you don't even have the strategies to hit the goal that you don't even have in place it took me four years even just to change the way i think because every time i attempted to do something i would talk myself out of it so part of about getting in position is even getting your mind in position so all of these things are interwoven so what i would like to do is make sure that you have access to this information let my team show you let myself and my team show you how to get in position i need you to go to my website right now and get a free a financial analysis where we're going to break down exactly what your credit is whatever your credit condition is today and we're going to give you all of the steps you need to get in position we're going to give you everything you need to know in order to get in position to walk into the bank to walk into any bank in north america and be able to get capital we're going to give you access and give you the proper information so you can stop filing your taxes with the poor man's mentality continually passing over these opportunities and then get mad when we see our peers have lapped us twice but that's because they had the right information so go to my website we management services dot com my team is on standby right now ready to give you that free financial analysis again this is not an overnight process it will take time but this is one thing i'm going to promise you the thing that i can promise you is that whether you decide to do business with us or not you will at least have enough information to wear you can go out here and do this on your own and that is still the level of commitment we have to you to being able to providing you the results you need just from a financial uh analysis call that you're gonna get when you call my team right now and book that call
Channel: Mr. Will Roundtree
Views: 134,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: * Credit, * Credit score, * Credit cards, * Personal finance, * Money management, * Financial goals, * Financial education, * Credit history, * Leverage, * Credit utilization, * Credit reporting, * Financial freedom, * Financial independence, * Credit tips, * Credit advice, * Credit report, * Building credit, * Credit rebuilding, * Credit repair, * Debt management, * Budgeting, credit, credit score, credit card
Id: 1iLYg7Kc7cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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