How To Learn Like Da Vinci

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of the crook enquiry and today let's talk about a concept of being a Renaissance person and broadening your interest to greek and know your humanity so let's talk about Leonardo da Vinci for a second he is a great architect he is a great artist at the same time he is a great anatomist and biologist and that got me thinking how many jobs can a man take in one entire lifetime how many roles can a man play in just one single lifetime and after reading and listening to Leonardo da Vinci's biography recently I've concluded that a men or being a human is all about broadening your interests and being a human it's all about learning different areas of life and being fully human is to fully embody every disciplines out there and to know each corner of the world and to piece together a holistic view of the entire universe Leonardo da Vinci had a distinctive trait that distinguished him from the rest of these common hurt he was not a normal person instead he is a Renaissance hero so to speak he is a man that has expertise in multiple pursuits of discipline as I talked about before he is a masterful artist at the same time he's a great anatomist at the same time he was also a prominent architect and through jumping across these multiple areas of disciplines Leonardo da Vinci was able to piece together a holistic view of the entire universe how does everything work and how does everything fit together on a larger scale how does systems work how the human beings work and how does the anatomy of the human beings connect to my art and how does my art then connect back to biology and how does biology connect back to astrophysics or connect back to astrology or connect back to religion or connect back to some of the other areas of study that I'm involved in I think one of the major purposes of life is to really explore every corner of the cosmos to piece together an entire Metta view of the entire world entire reality that we living how does the beauty and simplicity of nature connect all together throughout different disciplines of studies such as chemistry such as such as mathematics such as um astrology such as astrophysics such as any subjects out there that you can potentially study how do they all connect back together so that is a major major passion that I have and it definitely was heavily influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's stance and it was heavily influenced by his own enthusiasm and his own approach to all of these broad variety of topics in a 21st century all of us being urged to specialize in one thing if you want to be a cook you have to be one specific cook if you want to be a physicist you have to be one specific type of physicist if you want to be a business manager you have to be a manager in one specific role and if you want to be a teacher you can only teach one subject and you can only do a major in one specific subject not mentioning that only by studying one subject you get very narrow focused and you get very detached from your own humanity and you get detached from the entire world it also does not really make you that well-rounded and does not make you that happy and fulfilled as a person the idea of being a renaissance person is truly awe-inspiring especially in the 21st century because we lack such people because we lack such resources and we lack such talent to connect each different wisdom from various different fields and to ultimately construct a mater view of the entire cosmos we lack people and we lack Minds like this specialization in the modern society had beaten out our innate curiosity to learn about a variety of different things human mind is designed to dabble around different subjects human mind is designed to seek gratification through learning and the human brain is literally wired for us to become polymaths that means we all have an inherent curiosity to fulfill we all have an innate desire to learn about different subjects and of course we all have a deep deep deep desire to learn the cosmos as a whole not just the piece of it but as a whole so through this video I want to encourage you to rekindle your humanity I want to urge you to broaden your interests I want to urge you to be someone like Leonardo da Vinci to be a polymath to study different variety of subjects because you are innately curious about it and I recommend that you see through the Shem and you see through the limitations of the modern societal system and you see through what's going on on a societal level and you can see through that picture using your holistic thinking you can once again we can know you're curious spirit back when you were a kid you had such spirit to explore different things but as school went on as University you went out and as your job went on you lost touch with that innate curiosity and I urge you to rekindle and to read embody that curiosity within you to learn about different stuff to learn about the cosmos to learn about math to learn about logic to learn about politics to learn about systems to learn about human psychology to learn about business to learn about any other subjects out there that you might potentially find interesting broaden your interest create into connections within various fields and then at the end you can be like Leonardo da Vinci you can understand the universe at a whole new level in a sense that is what drove me to create this YouTube channel is to share insights from various different fields philosophy metaphysics and also Vidkun Stein's linguistics of language logic symbolism typography and also some other harder subjects such as physics chemistry all of these subjects have deep wisdom resided within and my job here Freddie cork inquiry is to interconnect the different dots that constitutes the entire picture of a reality entire picture of the cosmos and to finally deliver videos in accessible forms to inspire people to learn more about the cosmos by themselves and to inspire people with great ideas to keep this project forward some more people can learn more holistically so more people can embark on this journey of becoming more well-rounded Renaissance persons so that is my brief message and that is why we should become more like Leonardo da Vinci instead of specializing instead of hyper specializing in one area of study this is Robbie move from the Kirk inquiry signing off
Channel: R.C. Waldun
Views: 17,642
Rating: 4.9545851 out of 5
Keywords: leonardo da vinci, leonardo da vinci painting, leonardo da vinci biography, renaissance man, polymaths meaning, how to be a polymath, study inspiration, inspiration for students, how to study effectively, how to study smarter, how to study better, how to study hard, how to be a better student in high school, how to be a good student, study tips, study tips for high school, study tips and tricks, science videos, the quirky inquiry, Robin Wu, the art of renaissance learning
Id: clZ9aDCLKeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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