How To Lay Block Paving Driveway - Full Process #blockpaving #driveways

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[Music] hello everyone here we are on our next job and it's a lovely november morning nice and crisp it's dry that's how we like it so here we're doing a particular driveway marshall's tiger with the argent border which is like a lighter color which will contrast the charcoal for the main body of the driveway so all this weight you see in the front here this is from the back because we're doing the back at the same time so we're nearly finished there so now we're moving on to the front for today we're going to be digging this out uh getting it all the way and then we've got the stone coming to model so i've got a little layer pattern planned for this so it's not just straight forward in line so keep watching you'll see what we do with it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so on this area we've got the crust off the top we've put a load over there so now we can actually see what we're working with so i've set this line up if you can see there on the corner and you should always be for those who don't know two courses below your dampening of course which is what we are there so i've got the height there and i've brought it through see the line to the garage height so all this area from this point here is going to be falling back towards this garage so what we're going to do here is put an eco train in there and then run around it'll return back to this corner so that that the eight will be falling back whereas all this pavement will be going this way so now we've got that line in there that now we can work out our depth what we need so we're looking for 250 below our finished height so we'll leave that in now and bring the machine back in and we'll just grade this back and i'll dip the tape jackets right and bring the level across and wake it back and then from that point we're all falling out towards the front drive so we'll take another line from there once all this crust has gone off the top we'll take a line from this point out to the front and we'll do the same process again [Music] [Music] [Music] justin that's it now the last grab falling away [Music] been a nice day makes it so much easier when the weather's like this [Music] [Music] okay so last week i was off found out i had coronavirus so i wasn't the best wasn't too bad but obviously i had to isolate so the lads did somewhere finishing off in the back and a few other little jobs that we needed to finish off i didn't want them to go too too much on the front and we had 20 ton of stone booked in which they moved around by and their dues to them in the day after all and craig's rebuild the pillar so back on it now and getting things set up putting some curbs in today and the lads are digging out for sohoi feels good to be back okay we're just putting these cubes in now so we've got our string line from our heights finished title here this is on this course through to this end and then we've set all these in at the right height and the light radius round so i'm just going to join them off now pointing them as we go with some mix the craig's kindly made off and that's going to form a bad beer for that side and then we've got a nice little flap flap platter let's drink up [Music] so maybe you should leave [Music] this could be the summer of our lives [Music] baby take me [Music] with me [Music] so what i'm doing here i'm not looking at the level as in the bubble on the level i'm looking underneath to keep them running through to hit this point so i'm not concerned of what this level is doing because that'll change as the radius comes around i'm simply turning to join off tops of the blocks so it hits this point when i get there [Music] give it to me [Music] baby take me [Music] is [Music] this could be the summer of our lives [Music] give it to me baby [Music] if you love me [Music] this could be the summer of our lives [Music] give it to me [Music] let's go so now all the caves are in just gonna back them up now with a nice strong concrete mix stop them moving this way [Music] you know that i'm the queen overthinking it's like we're done before we even started [Music] please don't keep [Music] me [Music] the best [Music] as i'm walking to your place i'm shaking um onto the step now so we're gonna do a semi-circular step until i hold these arches on the door so i'm gonna be following them keep keycaps now or if you just lock the size of the the gap stay and not have enough even though we're going to point it over and what we're going to have to do is cut every other one down to a taper to lessen this joint here because i want 10 mil max on that so i'm going to be cutting those down and then i'll pop that in [Music] [Music] it's like you almost know what i am thinking cause i believe [Music] you're the best [Music] cause you're the best thing let's get them in another mother's phone [Music] [Music] okay so i'll just play explain what we're doing here we are putting a an echo across the front here to catch the water it's a diabetic back and draining within the property the reason why we're doing that because a law come in in 2007 where basically it's to stop or help prevent all the flooding that's going on around the country so the idea is the water that lands within your property anything over five meters it should be draining into the ground below so it doesn't apply to like anything permeable like gravel or permeable block or resin as long as it's got a permeable base in the water and go through so because we're blocking this we're catching the water and putting it into soak away so we've got these attenuation cells here so they're better than just filling the whole gravel because they're going to hold the bigger capacity so we're going to be wrapping those intent joining them together wrapping them in tell them yeah and then the pipe will be going into one of these inlets here from the echo and then this pit that was dug here we're going to be lining that as well with teram put those crates in and then back fill it with gravel and then that's it so everything that lands on there will be going into there and drain away we've done a little test and the water is getting away so and we're just gonna put an extra layer right over before we start off there we go see ah a nice cup of rosey lee there that's quite good on the color chart maybe one shades are gonna be perfect biscuits as well what have we got here we have got fig roll um five out of ten malted milk six out of ten jelly dodges [Music] nine out of 10 maybe on the east end you know 10 out of 10 for them but boys [Laughter] okay so we're just chopping our stone levels up now so we've got a line in here at our finished height and then it's going to kick at this point where the hoses so i'll set that there a block of dry height and then the line kicks down again to meet the threshold so we're just bringing our stone off to the right now before we [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] okay so there's four things going on right now we've got a man on the roller doing the main areas someone on the walker going around the edges hard to beat areas and then right up against the building and that is we've got someone on the hand tamper while also keeping the surface damp and moist so we get maximum compaction [Music] [Music] okay so something i forgot to show you at the time i've also put these echoes in here which we said we were gonna do because everything from this point here is falling back this way so quite handy to have a goalie there so i'm just running into that so we've whacked everything down yesterday and i'm ready to start laying today just going to set these as well needs another work there just going to set these screed rails in and then start screening let's go so i've got the line set up now and that represents the finished height of the driveway so i'm just setting these screed rails in now onto the onto the base onto the stone base and i'm using the block as it is a guide for the depth so when i'm putting my block on the screwdrive it should be coming flush with the top of the line so i'm just taking it down wherever it needs it so it sits flush then the purpose of the sand is just to nestle it in place so it doesn't move while we're compacting and moving just bring a few shovels up here please [Music] uh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] i'll just quickly run through how i've set up this area now so that block there sitting on the screen rail represents our finished height so i've brought a level through onto that block and then i've got the line running from that block down to the echo that end it's important any anyone who doesn't know most people will lift the pavers yeah to prop up your line higher than any fixed edge that's in so i've just got a pair of scissors there take it off about five six mil to allow for compaction if you set it into the height and you're working it's gonna be below to finish that stay so that that's our height there that line on three so i'll just shut the screen railing to the right height use the block just go along and guide you right with the line so it sits flush with the land like the way down so now i'm going to be doing the same on this side over the line from there onto that block which is again level across and then from that point there it's going to kick down to meet the echo with the front same principle [Music] i know it's closing if i just stand still [Music] so if you wait just a little bit longer [Music] right now i don't even try to try [Music] oh i just can't seem to believe in the thought but everyone says okay so it's important when you're laying block just to check you're keeping square and rolling through in the line especially here where the pattern's fanning out and going wide it has a tendency to start curling back in as you go because the nibs you you don't you lose your nips on the contact with the block so it sends the cable back so i've got that line there square with the house right through so i'm just checking that that is through right the way through and then he fell over which it is so like every few meters i sight it through or check it with the line if it locks out straighten [Music] for the boys what are we saying there's the birthday boy there yeah pointing along right there they're cutting off the cold you're enjoying that amazing so [Music] [Music] [Music] all i ever dreamed about since i saw you there's no easy way out here tell me [Music] took me down to where i've been lately yeah her love can make a person hazy praying she won't break me down yeah what are you doing to me now you found a way to me somehow now you're all i ever dreamed about since i saw you there's no easy way [Music] tell me [Music] tell tell me [Music] hey happy birthday matilda wow that's very kind you gotta sing cheers so fawful [Music] so [Music] right so now we're all cut in on this circle what i'm gonna do is remove all the stone and then i'll be bedding knees on a semi-dynamics reason is it's a unretained head shoulders not going up against the wall or anything like that so you don't want any lateral movements so we'll be digging this out and then putting them on a semi-dry mix and then horns [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] light okay before you wacky it's important to go around and just check there's no stone on the top or any bits of gravel or anything like that because if you're wacky and that's on it's going to scratch the surface not too bad on a block like this which is a like a a rumbled finish but if you've got like a driver and 50 or something and it's going to pull a big scratch in it it's not good so you'll always get a bit of stone on the top from just doing the cutting process and and just creating the screen like yeah there's a bit there so good get the brush on it brush it off or like a blower clean it all off and also it's important as well to check that you've got no like cracked or shaped block because once that stands in and you've worked it you're going to struggle to get them out again so let quick check over check check the safety's cleat and then get the sun spread out [Music] [Music] [Music] so we haven't can't finish properly because i've had a few showers so i have to come back on another day and just check the sun's all right top it up if we need to but it's basically in there it's been worked into the joints and the light although it doesn't look like i'm like the light's fading as well now but yeah really i feel the way it's gone strava very very nice [Music] so folks there we are all done hope you liked the video hey you enjoy doing this job really happy with the finish thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Brockstone Landscape Construction Liverpool
Views: 118,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F0hAPqK7Bx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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