How To Lay A Block Wall

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what's up i'm mason the mason in this video i'm going to show you how to lay a block wall so i got all my corners built if you want to learn how to do that how to lay it out i got tons of videos about that go check them out uh but i'm just going to show you how to run some walls in i just did a video on how to put the string lines up so if you want to learn how to do that that's there too first thing you want to do is make sure this footer's cleaned off [Music] and then uh sweet brother all right first thing you want to do is learn how to spread your mud so i guess uh since you're set up that's where you're at ain't moving so i do it just like brick all right i roll it and i flop her out i'll scoop up half of it send some more out same thing roll it up spread it out scoop up half flick it back take some practice you know do it that that swift and easy all right show you how i roll it though roll roll big scoop like that and i take it over here here make sure that chalk line i have and that's that that's how you spread the mud on the footer all right so there are tons of ways to spread the mud on your block all right so the simplest way i like to do it is you gotta do it on the runner so you gotta bite the insides first so if i'm going on this side of my block i put it on the this half of my trial this part's empty you see that so this head this part swipe in right see how it gets that when you get a little mortar on there it makes it able for the rest of this to stick you see i have that you can see my trowel right there you can just flick that right on the other side so the other side for this part i put it on this half of my trowel so again you bite in you can see my metal part of my child boom okay i lay these eights i grab them by the center probably easier if you do this i never put my trowel down yeah the easiest way i'll do it pick it up both sides like this squish it it's all on your wrist but whatever you supposed to use your trowel you know i'm just using my hand quick and you just beat her down match the ears get that to the line you want to clean up your mud you want to reuse that you know especially since i'm the guy mixing it i don't want to keep mixing it all the time clean up again in out that's how i always do it this is how i usually lay on my grabbing by the center and the end i have my trowel on my hand like that just so i can flip it around and beat it to the line and reuse mud every time and you just do the same thing over and over and over and over and over again all right i got my second course in here so second course rebar you know drill down nice and tight and then on the outside of your wall before you uh parge it you got a little x's here that way you know where to core for all right makes it real easy and i'll put them on the top too before i purge it spread some mud scoop slap this thing right and be a little twister upside down nose twist push down and slide you want your trowel on a 45 degree angle so you're pushing down and sliding at the same time you're holding it only with your fingers so you twist it you don't really grip this thing you know it's real light in your hand so same thing big slap rebar out the way find your nose like this see it's like a 45 off the block pointing in that direction i guess see that twist and you slide now the other way it's a little harder more definitely with your fingers so same thing you're pointing a 45 degree angle away from the wall like that way nose twist again 45 this way too down and slide at the same time down and this way in one motion one motion you can go either way with it you know when you get good enough you can spread both ways on the wall [Music] it's always easier when you're first starting to go backwards like that all right i'm going to show you something here if i want to slam this head on the outside here i want the mud on this half of my trowel the same side as the block and this one it's pretty simple you just slam it on there boom and it sticks that's basically what i like to do on that side of the block always reuse your mud and come back and do this head this is how i do it every time on repeat reuse the mud sputter it up this head this side of your trowel flick it on clean the mud off i always spin my trowel around in my hand like this i grab this by the center and you just keep doing the same thing over and over [Music] so if these start to get too stiff on you you want to strike them which all you need for that is this little tool here and some mud in case there's some holes so you want to use the back part of this you don't want to use the nose because you'll scrape it out and it'll look like crap you always want to do the heads first you ride your dirt bike right there ride one all you do is twist the handle all right slam it in there that's it all you gotta do is make sure there's no holes slam it in there do all the heads first all right just so i don't waste your time here i'm just going to do a couple so you can see so you do all the heads pretend i did them all all right then you come back and do the beds again you are only riding with this part you see where it's building up right there looks good that's it you know that you got to brush it all right once you do them heads and the beds you run through brush that thing off make sure there's no holes do that all the way across all right once you brush the whole thing it's reversed now so you're gonna do the beds first bed first right then the heads so these things are called umbrellas right that's how you can tell what good block work is if there's any umbrellas they didn't really do a good job pointing and if you can't get them out you can just use your finger then also i have existing stuff here that's already hard you can use your finger to blend them together too so this is use your fingers and tools right and uh that's how you make them uh look nice now with that you finish your wall you want to clean the footing off you don't want any of that stuff on there on your top course you're going to want to fill in all these head joints and sometimes they use like uh semi-solid blocks but i just do that they put a sill plate on there so thanks for watching if you have any questions just leave them in the comments i'll be happy to answer them
Channel: Mason The Mason
Views: 16,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to lay block, how to lay a block foundation, how to lay block walls, how to lay a block wall, block, block foundation, block laying, house foundation, laying block wall, laying blocks, how to lay concrete blocks, how to lay blocks, diy block wall, how to lay block for beginners, laying concrete blocks, Mason the Mason, Mason
Id: VR7fSn-6Jh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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