How To Launch A Boat By Yourself (Bunk Trailer)

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this video I'd like to show you how to launch a boat by yourself a lot of people don't like to go fishing with people that I could go out in the water and fish and do different things all alone or they don't have anybody to go with them well I'm here at the boat ramp and this particular boat ramp like most of them has a pier in the middle and you have a boat launch on the left side and you have a boat launch on the right side now the first thing I do when I come to these boat ramps like this is I want to see which way the winds going and what I do is I use my flag okay run my flag out see which way the winds blowing now and on this particular day the wind is blowing that way being that said I want to launch my boat on that side of the boat ramp because the wind is going to push my boat against the dock when I'm not in control of it as I'm going to park my vehicle my boat like if I were to launch on this side the wind would have my boat pushed all up against the land but being that the wind is blowing that way I'm going to have the wind blow my boat against the dock let's get started okay one of the first things I do when I've lost my boat is I want to make sure that I have my motor lock in the downward position so I'll raise my motor with the hydraulics take off the lock and lower the motor just a little I don't need to lower it all the way second thing I want to do is drop down here and make sure I have all the plugs in that are necessary this plugs my live well I don't want water coming into my live well right now I'd like to use it as a dry storage so I will plug that and this plugs the main hull of the boat make sure these plugs are in is very important or else you might sink next thing you want to do is go ahead and undo any straps that you may have holding your boat to the trailer in this case I have a ratchet strap on the back that I will undo and I also have the hook that attaches the bow of my boat to the winch now what I would do to unhook this is to just unhook this lever back this handle off and pull the hook off just like so okay now the boat is totally detached from my trailer the next thing I'm going to want to do is hook up a rope okay I have a rope attached to the bow of my boat just like this and it's very secure all right this rope needs to be longer than my trailer okay it's very important that this rope is longer than my trailer because once I let this boat off of the trailer the front of that rope is going to be tied to this the back of the rope is tied to this this rope needs to allow this boat to float all the way back far enough to clear this trailer you'll see what I do in just a minute but you've got to make sure that your rope is long enough I'll show you how how long my rope is I've got plenty I've probably got two times as much rope as I need I've got lots of rope okay too much is not enough I mean too much is not it's not a problem I've got plenty all you need is enough to clear your trailer and that's it alright now take the other end of your rope and what you want to do is just attach it to the front of your trailer right around here somewhere I'll just tie my around here it's good and tight it's not going to come off with any pressure any backwards pressure like that it's not going to come off now just take the rest of your rope and put it inside the boat and kind of roll it in a position to where it's not going to get caught on anything as it's unrolled just throw it up in there don't matter you ain't got to be critical about it just put it on up in there now watch what happens when I back this boat into the water it's going to start floating and this boat is going to it's going to be caught here and it's going to be caught here so it's not going to get away from me alright folks the next thing I do is I come to the back of my boat where the fuel line is get this bubble lets you pump go ahead and prime your primary fuel up to your motor let's go ahead and get it started before you ever put it in the water you want to make sure you can start your boat okay it's running we might want to let it run for very long outside of the water no more in a few seconds if you can't help it we know that's going to start we've got the fuel primed we've got that motor choked now let's set her back in the water folks as you see I just parked the car make sure you put your pocket brake on go ahead and untie your rope from the front of your trailer walk your boat over to the dock here I can secure your boat to the dock and go ahead and park your car in a safe place out of the staging area out of the way of the boat ramp and be courteous of other boaters that are using the ramp safe boating folks have a good summer rednecks gone wild you
Channel: Rednecks Gone Wild
Views: 899,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boat, launch, boat launch, boat ramp, how to, DIY, water, safety, boat trailer, dock, pier, park, summer, boating, sailing, FISHING, lake, river, ocean, bay, intercoastal
Id: a44zjXTdFbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2016
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