How to Kotlin - from the lead Kotlin language designer (Google I/O '18)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] JAMES LAU: Thank you. Thanks for being here this morning. My name is James, and I'm part of the Kotlin team at Google. Today, I have the pleasure of introducing a very special guest from JetBrains, who really requires no introduction. Now, all of you know that Kotlin is now one of the most loved programming languages in the world. And at Google I/O, it's very rare for us to have external speakers. But this person was here last year, and we invited him back because we couldn't think of anybody else better to teach Kotlin, other than one of the people who invented it. So please help me welcome the lead language designer for Kotlin, Andrey Breslav. [APPLAUSE] ANDREY BRESLAV: Thank you, James. Thanks for a great introduction. Hello, everybody. I'm very glad to see you here. Today, I'm going to talk about what can it be-- Kotlin-- I guess. And I really am going to do a live demo, so please bring my demo on. So the reason why I have this horrible code in the slides is that we are all learning, and our old habits sometimes get in the way. So I'll be presenting today on the topic of how you get out of your Java habits and get to your Kotlin habits. So we all come from different backgrounds, of course. And many of us started with the Java programming language and built up our knowledge of programming through this. So we remember many things. And the thing is Kotlin has been inspired by many languages, including the Java programming language. So you can reproduce many of the Java constructs in Kotlin. And it will work. You can get your job done this way, but it can be, in many cases, improved dramatically. So this particular example is about declaring classes. And you can see here that I have a Kotlin class on the left and the Java class on the right. And they look very similar. But this is definitely not how we write Kotlin code. So what do you are actually supposed to do is remove all the unnecessary stuff. What I have to say here is two properties, one class. That's it, right? So I can try to transform it by hand, but I actually want to show off a nice tool. And simply copy and paste the code from the Java side to the Kotlin side, so it will use the Java to Kotlin converter built into the IDE, and do it for me. So boom, there it is. A single line that's actually all you needed to declare one class, two properties. That's it. All I have here is a class with a primary constructor. So it has two parameters and both of them are properties. And that's all you wanted to say. So this is one of the things that demonstrates how cheap declaring classes is in Kotlin. And there's a consequence to this. So look at this code. Here, it's obviously not how you're supposed to write code in any language, actually. I wanted to parse a full name into a first name and a last name. And so that's what I'm doing here. But how do I pack the result to put it out of the function? I don't have a way of returning two things from a function. I have to put into one object. And I'm abusing a list here, then awkwardly taking out one and the other to make a first name and a last name. Don't do this in any language. But there is kind of a psychological reason to doing this, at least in our old habits, because declaring classes is expensive, right? You have to create a new file, put a lot of code in it. It's kind of awkward. But in Kotlin, you don't have to do this. All you need to say, my class, full name, with first and last names as properties. And then, all I need to do here is just return that. So my full name. Here it goes. And now instead of indices, I can say first and last right here. So that's the idea. Classes being cheap is not always saving you time at the declaration site, it's saving you mental effort. You can represent your multiple return as a class and it doesn't cost you anything. So if I run this, you'll see that my equals doesn't work, obviously, because that's a single-line class. And so now I'll go to declare equals there, and then a hash code there, and so on and so forth. It's so verbose. But I really don't need to do this in Kotlin, because you probably know that there is something called data classes. Who knows data classes? Many people, good. So you know that I simply put this single keyword there and the compiler generates many things for me-- it's equal, it's hash code, it's to a string, and many other convenient methods. So that's it. Change your mind about how expensive a class is. You can use it easily in all your abstractions. So more or less done with the warm up. Let's look at something else-- properties. So we talked about classes. We'll go through properties, and then go over to functions. So here is a property done the way you shouldn't do it in Kotlin, again. So the problems that I showed you before were kind of one-liners where both the getter and setter is trivial. If you want a custom setter, you definitely don't define functions for that. You have your custom setter syntax, as you probably know. If you know data classes, you know that. So inside a custom setter, you have field to-- not filed, but field-- to write to your backend storage, but that's it. You don't need to introduce extra names in anything else. So that's straightforward, right? But then look at this code. So here is already some sensible logic. I have two properties, one of them private and nullable and mutable. And on my first access, I'm checking if that's null, and then I compute a value and write into it. And then I output, return it from my getter. So what is it? It's a lazy property, right? I personally wrote dozens and thousands of those in Java and many other languages, so I got kind of bored by that. And that's why Kotlin has an abstraction mechanism called delegation for properties. So delegated properties let you get rid of all the repetition of this lazy logic. All we care about is this expression here. So let's just do it. Implement my property by just lazy of all this. This is it. So what I'm having now, I'm saying my property is not simply initialized by something. It's delegated to this lazy thing here. And upon first access, this lambda will be executed. And then, the rest will be stored by the library. So lazy is not a language construct, it's just a library function. You can define your own. And the library provides you with many other things. So the takeaway here is that if you have a common kind of property, like observable for example, when you need to be notified that something was modified, use a library or write your own. So here, delegates.observable does the job from the standard library. But if you like, you don't have to write code like this. When you have one property, and then the other property, and the other doing the same and same thing over and over again, all you need to do is this, actually. Declare a single class that encapsulates the logic of your property, like your generic getter and generic setter. And that's it. You can now simply refer to this class in many properties and get your business logic database access, all kinds of validation. Anything you like can be abstracted as a library and then reused across your project. Does it make sense? Who uses this already? I don't know. So many people. You actually should. I'm sure you can benefit from this. So this is more or less it about properties. And now, let's get to functions. Functions are very important, right? So again, this is very horrible code. Don't write code like this in Kotlin, please. This is very much inspired by our habits in the Java programming language, when I have to put everything into a class. So StringUtil-- does your project has its own StringUtil class? Oh, if it doesn't, it's just a very new project, right? So any of my projects have them. But the thing is, in Kotlin, it's a little different. You don't have to use a class. Well, first of all, Kotlin classes don't have statics. So to use these functions from this class, you have to say a StringUtil, parentheses, which makes a new object. I don't want a new object every time. I want it like this, so I turn this class into an object. It's a little bit of an improvement in my insanity, right? So I was creating an object every time I wanted to call a function. That's crazy. But really, in Kotlin, I don't need any enclosing container at all because I have top-level functions. So this may seem obvious like functions, what are they? They're just declarations, right? But some languages have them only in classes and many people learn this and rely on this. So this is a lot more of a Kotlin way, but it's still not great in terms of what you can achieve with Kotlin, because here, you have two overloads. So getFirstWord is supposed to parse a string, find a first space, and take the first word, and return it. But what if the separator is not a space, but a comma or something? So here is a more full-featured version. And then, this is how you'll call it actually in most contexts. So what I wanted to express here is just a default value. In Java, we are used to using overloads for this, and also some people use nullable parameters like pass and null here, and I'll give you a default value. Don't do this in Kotlin. You don't need to. So all you need to do actually, is simply specify your default. My default is space, here. That's it. So there was no need to emulate defaults. They are both into the language. And same for when you have many, many default parameters with different values, like multiple Booleans, so on, so forth. You can just use named parameter syntax to express which of them you actually need. And all of the rest will be used by default. So this makes functions fewer in the first place, and then a lot more expressive. OK. Good with functions, right? Well, actually, this function is kind of midway between the Kotlin style and the Java style because it's actually working on strings. Very much a good idea to put this into a string class. Oh, wait, it's not. Because the string class is not controlled by you, you can't put everything into the string class. And you really want to keep the string API minimal. So what I would really like to do is something like this, where I can say my string, getFirstWord, and that's it. So it looks like a method. It's called an extension function, actually. It's not sitting in a string class. I didn't go into the JDK and alter the class I can control. But still, it works like this. So this is the mechanism you can use. I'll do it manually to illustrate how it works here. So I have a receiver of type string. Now, I don't need this parameter anymore. And I can say this dot here, and use my this here or omit all of this on the left-hand side. So now, I'll be able to use it this way. Make sense? I can do the same with a property. Actually, it would be very nice to do it this way-- just so I have first word as a property name. And you can have an extension property. Of course, there will be no customization for the separator, but otherwise you're good to go. Yep, I'll just need to put a space here. And that's it. So extension functions, extension properties-- it's actually a very important idea. It's not only just convenience. It allows you to keep your classes really minimal. So look at the string class in Kotlin. It's only five methods. If you compare that to Java, it will be screens and screens of declarations. So you can keep your API minimal. And all the utility functions can be extensions, can sit in different libraries, can be modularized like this. And that's a very important tool for designing APIs. Do you have questions? OK. I couldn't take them anyway. OK, now, let's have a look at this. Here, I'm doing something very typical. I'm traversing a hierarchy. So I have containers and leaf elements. Containers can be nested in one another. Leaf elements sit there. All leaf elements hold text and I want to extract all the text from this hierarchy. Pretty straightforward. So my classes are three lines of code-- not much. There's an element. There's a container with the list of children. There is text. Now, I'm traversing this. So I'm using extension functions. I'm using top-level functions, everything as I told you. So it's all right, but I don't like this code. Why don't I like it? Here, to traverse a hierarchy, I need recursion. So I need to pass the string builder down the stack and add to it as I'm going down the tree. But then, I end up with top-level function that's only needed by this one here. So this one is not really needed anywhere but inside this function. So what I'd really like to do is just put it inside-- just go here and make it a local function. So again, it's just expressing that nobody else needs this. You don't need private helpers anymore-- a look for local helpers. And this can be improved a little bit. You can actually make use of closure. So I can create my string builder right here and get rid of all this. So I don't need to return or take parameters here. All I need here is use whatever is declared above. And then I just do extractText of e right here and return string builder toString. ExtractText-- oh, sorry-- it's an extension function, right? No, sorry. Yeah, so here is how it goes. You can turn something into a local function and leverage closure. So this variable is declared outside my function. It's not accessible to anyone outside the outer. And I'm using it here and that's it. Now, local functions, extension functions, top-level functions, default parameters-- use these. They will make your code nicer. Now, let's look at what's still there. Do you see grey code? Grey code is useless. The IDE and the compiler show you that something is not needed there, and it actually isn't. This class is redundant because we have this is check here. So you simply can remove this. And I don't know if you see-- oh, yeah, you do-- but the text variable has gone green. Why is it green? It's because the compiler can figure out the casts for you. It's actually much safer. It's not only convenient. I'm really annoyed at my casts all over the place. So I know it's text. Why don't you know? Well, now it knows. And actually, you don't need this variable either because it's the only usage. And it's same thing here. And then, my container can be inline as well. So here it is. I can use smart casts. It makes your code safer, more concise. And actually, it makes all the casts that still are in your program meaningful. So when you see an as operator in Kotlin now, you know it means something. It's not just a useless compliment to the is check above. Also this thing here is kind of stupid because what I'm doing, I'm just applying the same function to everything. And it's a single function. So what I want to do is something like this. That's a little bit nicer looking. And then, let's look at what we have. We are traversing a hierarchy. I have my leaves. I have my containers. And that's what I want to express, right? I'm checking different cases. So to do that, it's a lot nicer to use a when statement. When can switch in types right here. But there is an annoying thing about it. And it's again, coming from my old habits. I'm declaring a close hierarchy. I have only containers and text, right? I don't have anything else. But now, I have this pretty annoying else case right here. Why? Because the compiler has no idea. I don't have anything but containers and text. It's just an abstract class and I have some cases there. But you can actually express this in Kotlin with sealed. I can have a sealed class, which means all the subclasses are known. You can declare them outside this file. And this way, the IDE and the compiler know that this else is useless. So we went from almost two screens of code to less than one, simply applying the idioms of Kotlin to this code. Do you have questions? I'm sorry. All right. So now, let's just continue with this exercise and look at some more examples of expressions that are written like with old habits in mind. And we'll try to transform them into something better. So the first thing that really stands out here is var. I can't say never use var. Vars are useful. Mutable variables can be used for many nice things. But it's kind of discouraged. If you need a var, you need a very good reason. Here is not good reason using a val, definitely. Then here, let's look at these three. It's repetition. Repetition is ugly. Repetition is error-prone, especially if this was not a single name, but many things chained. So I would like to get rid of this repetition. What I can do is say, with ex. Does anyone remember Pascal? Pascal, anyone? Oh, good. Good. I started in Pascal, almost. So it had this weird thing, which was a building construct. In Kotlin, it's a function. We can use it. And here, we can get rid of all the ex things here, just like this. And now it looks even more stupid, right? I'm just assigning to the same variables. Don't do that. OK, so now I have a print line with string plus something, string plus something, string plus something. It's awkward. Most languages now have string interpolation. Kotlin has that as well. So what you actually need here is this. OK, done with this one. Import things into your scope with with. Use string interpolation, it's nice. Now here, I'm creating a map the old way. I can kind of make it a little nicer like this by using my operators, but it's really much nicer if I just use a builder function. So what I can do here is replace all my map things with pairs. Oh, not pairs, but pair, sorry. Typing when talking is difficult. Yeah, so a map can be constructed of pairs, right? And map was only a set of pairs from key to value. But actually, pairs are kind of redundant in this, so we're usually using the to function here. It's not a built-in operator, just a library function here, so this is how you create a map. And when you want to traverse the map, you can say here, key and value, and just have your variables like this, which makes for loops a lot more concise. This example of code, with my if statement, is something I really hated about my code in Java. Because these assignments here, they all fall apart so easily, so I really like to do things like this in Kotlin. So if, and many other things, are actually expressions. This is something pretty unfamiliar for the C language family. We are used to dividing our code into statements and expressions, right? Statements are things that have effects. Expressions are things that have values. So you assign expressions to variables and write statements to assign things to things. So Kotlin is halfway between this procedural tradition and functional tradition. So we have a lot more expressions than you're used to in other languages. So you can do this here. And of course, you don't have to use a var. You don't have to make a different line. And you can assign it right away. So if expression, make it nicer. By the way, the result of the expression is the last thing in the block. So the same for when. When is not simply switch case on steroids, it's largely and importantly, an expression. So you can also do it like this, right? So not many returns here, but one return here will be a lot nicer. Also you don't have to repeat yourself, of course, this much. And you can say even this. By the way, if you want to check if something is odd and even, don't do it like me. It's only for demo purposes. Don't try this at home. It will hurt. Yeah, so this one can be further simplified like this. So again, you're trying to remove the noise. When you see code like this, just try to get rid of the noise. Noise is harmful for your brain. Last thing, just a quick demo of what do you do with nullability. So these question marks-- who's familiar with nullable types in Kotlin? How many people? I'll go really, really quick. So you can nullable types. And compiler makes you do things like this. So it's in there now. The string is nullable. You can dereference it. You can either do this, which says just safely dereference me-- which by the way, you can do here as well so you don't have to write an if around it. And you can actually simplify it like this. Another nice thing is that you can use an elvis operator like this, so to simplify your longer if statements into something. And this is kind of curious because this is definitely in an expression position, right? So how elvis works? Elvis takes an expression to the left-hand side of a string, asks are you a null really nicely. And then if it's a null, it evaluates the right-hand side. But the right-hand side has to be an expression, right? Basically, it's supposed to be a default. So if you are now on the left-hand side, use a default on the right-hand side. But your default can be just a return, which means that you don't compute any value there. You just jump out of the function. And that's a quite interesting thing from the type system standpoint, but I'm not giving a lecture here. I'm doing a demo. OK, we're good with expressions. Let's look at some functional style. So people very often refer to Kotlin as a functional language. I don't think it is, actually. I think Kotlin is a multi-paradigm language that supports functional style. You don't have to write functional in Kotlin, but it's oftentimes very nice to do it. So let's have a look at this. So in my Java old days in mind, I wrote this code, which just goes over a list of numbers and picks those that are divisible by 16, and then converts them to hex. So what it actually does is filter map, right? Map is this one, and filter is this one. So what I can do, even with the help of my IDE, I can do this. So newer versions of all programming languages have something like this. It can definitely leverage this. So this filter is a function. This lambda is a function value. You don't have, by the way, to declare it as a variable. You can just get rid of it. So that's a lambda parameter. Kotlin has some nice semi-functional things, like you can say anywhere in your code, you can say also. You have this value, also do this for me please-- like print this list for me. And then proceed with what you were doing. Like never mind this, it's just debug output or some side effect I want to insert here. Side effects are not very functional, on the one hand. On the other hand, this is very handy for debugging. You don't have to break your chain apart, and so on, so forth. Use also, use let, use run, and so on, so forth. There is one very deep thing about functional abstractions in non-functional languages. When I do something like this, I have my repeat function right here, right? So what it does, it takes a number of times I want to repeat something, and this something is a function. By the way, you don't have to invent your own function interface every time, just use the function types here. It's a function that takes an int or it takes a unit. Unit is something you don't care about. Then, it simply repeats it, right? So when I say repeat, I'm always very much conscious about what it's going to cost me. So it's a function. It takes a lambda as a parameter. So it's actually just another parameter. The Kotlin custom is to write it outside the parentheses because it looks more like a language construct like this. But then, OK, I'm running this. I have to create a lambda object, right? I have to create a lambda object every time I do anything like this. So there is a cost to this abstraction. It's nice code. I can reuse things. I can raise the level of abstraction in my code. But there is a toll on that. Actually in Kotlin, you can very often get rid of the toll of green lambdas-- lambda objects-- for you, by just using inline functions. When I say inline, my code doesn't change. So here, nothing happened at the call site that I can see. But if I say show Kotlin bytecode, and just decompile this into to Java-- just to scare you a little bit. It was much of an easy talk so far. So if I do this-- here it goes-- it's a simple for loop. Where did my lambda go? Well, the compiler simply optimized it away. You don't need a lambda. So if you simply have your loop here and you inline everything, you end up with a loop. That's it. So the big difference in the mindset when you go from the Java programming language to the Kotlin programming language is that you still use lambdas, but some of your lambdas are really free. And by the way, these all are free too. So many, many lambdas in the standard library are free abstractions. You don't have to pay for calling them. It's just code generated for you. So functional in Kotlin is not only convenient, but also quite cheap. Speaking of cheap, by the way, let's look at this example. So here, I'm trying to do a parallel computation. Well, it's a stupid sample. Nobody does parallel computation in bare threads, so on, so forth, but I want to illustrate a point. So what I'm doing here is, again, with my old habits in mind, I'm creating 100,000 threads-- 100,000 threads, each of which does some work-- actually, sleeps for one second and just prints a number. And then, I have to join all these threads to my main thread. So if I run this-- oh, oh, oh, that was an exception. What was that? The Java lang out of memory error. Basically, what it's telling me, hey, you can not create 100,000 threads. Are you crazy there? It's 100,000 stacks. It doesn't fit into memory. Just get reasonable. And that's fair. OS threads are not cheap. You have to allocate resources for threads. So you don't do such silly things with threads, but I have this example down through coroutines. Who knows about coroutines in Kotlin? Oh, good. Who uses them in production? OK, soon enough you all will be using them, I'm sure. So have a look here. It's very much the same code. So I'll just put it side by side here. Very much the same code, but instead of threads here, I'm creating async tasks which are using coroutines underneath. So I'm still waiting for one second and printing. And if I run this, there is no out of memory. It's printing all the numbers and I'm good. So again, Kotlin introduced coroutines as a means of making your asynchronous computations nicer. And that works, but what's the cost of that? So the cost of that is at least cheaper than having a thread per each computation. Of course, nobody does that exactly, but still coroutines are very cheap. You can spin off like 100,000 coroutines, a million coroutines, and it doesn't cost you nearly as much as anything like that old threads. Let me illustrate something coroutines are really good for right here. So here is a legacy interface or-- I don't know-- or a [INAUDIBLE] interface-- whatever. So what we very often have to do to make things asynchronous or make things like reverse our dependencies, so on, so forth, is callbacks. So just ask me to do something. I'll do it for you. And I'll let you know when I'm done. So here, I have my mock service, a request, and a callback function that's passed to it. So when the work in the comments are done, I'm calling the callback and just passing my answer there. So that's all right. It's working for everyone, right? But this is what the code looks like when I want to exchange messages between two services. So I just want to basically send two messages in sequence. And here is what I have to do. First, request. Then a callback. This is the result of the request. I print it. Then next request inside that callback. And then print inside. So you see the staircase right here, right? One step-- oh, sorry. One step, two steps, three steps. And you can actually get quite deep down this staircase, which is not nice. So what I would really love to do is something a little more straightforward, but so this is kind of tolerable. But what if-- just imagine-- what if you needed to do like n calls? Just a number-- like make a list of calls. So this is the code I came up with, which isn't nice at all. So I definitely need recursion there, because I have to nest a callback inside a callback inside a callback, right? So I need recursion. This is the shortest code I could come up with. It copies arrays. Don't do that. It's wasteful in terms of memory, wasteful in terms of time. It's quadratic. But basically, you have to come up with something like this-- like nest callbacks into callbacks into callbacks. And so you can't just say, OK, repeat this five times, right? So what I really want to be able to do is something like this, where I just say, OK, send one request, wait for results, send the other request. And then if I want to repeat something, just repeat it with a for loop. So this code here is actually using the same callbacks. Only the coroutine abstractions are distributing this away from me. So actually, you can take any callback-based API you have now, and turn it into this-- like make it straightforward-- with just a few lines of code. I'll show you. So this is calling the same services, because I have this function right here. So what I'm doing, I'm just turning the request into a suspension function through this simple construct. That's an extension function of my callback service. The first thing I say there is suspend my coroutines. So I'm assuming I'm in a coroutine, I suspended it right away, I get my continuation, and I do my request. That's it. I'm suspended. I'm waiting for a request. So there it is. And when the request is done, I just say resume to coroutine. That's it. So this simple lines of code turns your callback-based API into a coroutine API and so makes this-- oh, sorry-- makes this code into this, which is a lot more readable to my sense. How do you like it? OK, I see some nods in the audience. Thank you. Yeah, well, actually, if you wanted to be a lot more prudent here-- and I'm sure you want to-- you need a catch exceptions. So catching-- handling your exceptions is very important. And that's as easy as this. Just catch your exception. Whatever happens on the-- oh, so sorry. Not here, of course. Whatever happens with your request, just catch it and resumeWithException. So this will propagate exceptions through coroutines very nicely. And you'll be able to write try catch around here-- like surround this with try catch-- I'm sorry, whatever-- and catch exceptions there, as if it was sequential code. But underneath, it's all asynchronous. You can do HTTP requests like this, asyncio, file systems. You can do background threads-- everything you need. See how isn't it nice? And I guess, the last example I'll be showing you today is this one. It's just another showoff for how coroutines can help you. Take a look. So what I want to do is to create an infinite stream of numbers. Who likes infinite streams of numbers? I eat them for breakfast. So I want just a Fibonacci sequence to be generated here. And then, I can take 20 of them. Here, just a sequence of 20. I can take 200, 2,000. I can filter, map, slice, whatever. So this buildSequence function is a library function in the Kotlin standard library. And it's actually based on the same mechanism as coroutines. It doesn't do any background processing. It's all in the same thread. What it does, it takes all the yield statements from here, and just puts them in a sequence. So if I want to yield something here, I'll just do it. I insert 2 into my sequence. If I want to-- say, if tmp is greater than 10, continue-- I can skip pieces of my logic. So that's as straightforward as any coroutine. It gives you a lazy sequence. So takeaways-- classes are cheap. Functions are top-level or local. No overloading to emulate your default values. Use properties, use delegated properties, use coroutines. Have a nice Kotlin. And I want to advertise some more activities today. So if you still have questions that I couldn't take, you can come over to an office hour we're having at 12:30. You can come over to the sandbox area C, where we're at the Kotlin booth, some of the day at least. And right after my talk, there will be a talk by Jake Wharton about Android KDX, which is very exciting. I believe it's on stage two, so you're welcome there. Thank you very much for your attention. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Android Developers
Views: 263,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Google I/O, purpose: Educate
Id: 6P20npkvcb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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