How To Know If You Are A Writer? - Mark Sanderson

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Film Courage: How does someone really know they’re a writer? Maybe they just like the idea of being a writer (the identity of it)? Mark Sanderson, Screenwriter/Author: It’s a good question (as always). I’ve found with actors as well who I have come in contact with that some people like to play the role and others like to actually do the work. You can see because when it starts getting difficult those who want to play the role go “Hmm…this is hard.” And then it becomes Well do you really want to do this? I always say writers write. Writers are a special breed, you know what I mean? I don’t know if it’s hard to explain but you are the one up at 2 0’clock in the morning with passion and you can’t (to use a double negative) not write. It’s something that is in your blood, it’s in your DNA to be a creative person like that. So those people (like I said I used to work in a restaurant as a waiter) and there were some people who wanted to be actors and writers as well. “I’m working on that thing.” And they never finished something. That’s also another indication where you can’t see it through where this person who writes, yes there’s a lot of fear involved because it might be crap. You may not be able to level where you want to be but you have to get through that to get to the other side to master anything (martial arts, whatever it is that you’re studying). So a lot of the people wanted to be “acteurs” like the brooding “Yeah, you know I’m an actor.” Wearing the leather jacket. And you say “Well are you going on any auditions?” “Well…no.” “Are you taking classes?” “Well…no.” “You know, I have a good look.” Okay well that will only get you so far so I think some people may try writing “Oh I think I’d like to write a screenplay.” Which is fantastic. It might not be maybe novel writing is better suited or maybe both of them are not. It takes a big commitment so I think you find your way. But for me since I was eleven I knew this was kind of my calling making movies and things when we were shooting films (short movies) at eleven years old. I knew because nothing would stray me from that. I think you either find out that it’s not what you’re really passionate about or early on you know it’s your passion early on and nothing is going to stop you from it. So I think that’s what designates a writer for the long haul. Film Courage: And the test for when things are uncomfortable and it looks like it’s not going to happen? Mark: Yes, I always say failure is a test to see how badly you want it. And this life of a writer is filled with rejection, failure and criticism and it’s not going to go away even when you start working. In fact I think the stakes are even higher because then there is money involved and contracts and pressure like I have to work under a deadline and that was the first thing that was difficult for me when I started working professionally is that you’re supposed to be creative under a deadline and how can you do that and some when you’re working on your specs it’s open-ended right? You go Well I won’t work today or I’ll go to the beach and when it becomes your job it’s the job of any responsibility like a job has to do. You clock in and your clock in time might be three in the afternoon as long as you get those pages done at a certain time. Question for the Viewers: Did you write today?
Channel: Film Courage
Views: 9,785
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Keywords: Screenwriting tips, screenwriting for beginners, screenwriting 101, screenwriting techniques, screenwriting advice, screenwriting masterclass, selling a screenplay, screenwriting help, screenwriter, screenwriter’s journey to success, mark sanderson, interview, filmcourage, film courage
Id: XuFaaxPLQew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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