How To Jungle In Predecessor! (Introductory Guide)

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hello and welcome back to the channel my most crashy and today we're gonna do a kind of commentary focused introductory guide to jungling so this is not about my items this is about kind of like my decision making in the jungle and I'm still learning the game so you know you can't can't hold me to anything too objectively but I'm gonna do my best to kind of explain my thought process and explain um what jungling is and why you need to be doing it and why there's someone that will always be doing it um so yeah this is going to be very gameplay commentary Focus but I'm gonna do my best to kind of explain the jungle roll so if you look at the map we have a red buff and a blue buff and I have picked a the jungle roll so I actually have my um dagger the hunt now active slay it does 500 true damage to an enemy Minion or Monster and you can see it at the bottom right there it's actually got one charge and it's refilling a second charge so I'm gonna take my Q I've got 35 seconds um on this red buff now you can start red or blue I'm most often finding that I like starting red I don't really think that it matters too much red buff is going to give you dot damage and a basic attack slow the blue buff is going to give you um like ability damage to um like Monsters and and minions and then um you get like Mana regen or like ability haste so some small Buffs some things you want to know but mostly the experience and things so looks like this guy's actually going to leash me leashing is just like them helping you to kill a camp a little bit early he doesn't really even need to do that but he definitely can if he wants um and we're going to go ahead and we're gonna use our hunt because we want to go ahead and get that cooldown coming back and I'm not really at fear of getting invaded or anything like that and he's gonna go ahead and head back to Lane and helps to clear that uh really quickly which is pretty awesome all right we're going ahead and start on our second Camp so the goal of the jungler for anybody that's really new to mobas in general is to get your golden experience away from the laners that's really the best way of putting it now there's the secondary goal of essentially being off the map and being hidden and being capable of ganking which you're going to see me try to do here in just a second as we're gonna go for a kill here in this Lane all right so we jump out we go for our early gank again I do have the ability hit you can probably blink away from me nice we get that and we'll go ahead and get out of here so that's essentially the role of a jungler you know you're trying to get um you're trying to get kills you're trying to assist the lanes you're trying to do what you can now I'm gonna look to invade in Jungle here let's look and see if his blue buff is up so I might be able to steal some decent uh some decent Farm here while also trying to keep my eyes on where their jungler is so I can see kalaria across the map so I know their jungler is in their Lane we're gonna go ahead and use this now I'm Gonna Save My hunt charge for whenever I'm trying to steal this blue buff because I really really want to get this blue buff off of them and maxing up one of my abilities but again the main purpose is to find Opportunities to you know hurt the other team really the best way of putting it so we're going to use my hunt there as well as using your hunt and your your you know your wild Hunt when you upgrade to it in order to secure objectives so we're going to be saving that hunt charge and trying to keep track of our hunt charge for whenever we're going for Fang tooths mini primes things of that nature so right now we're in full-on Jungle invade I'm getting a full clear he may be doing that to my side of the Jungle so that's another reason why this could be an important play to make because I don't know where the enemy jungler is per se and I'm gonna want to you know make sure that I'm getting some decent Farm all right now we can take a look at Mid I don't quite see their mid laner the river buff is here [Music] okay chimera I'm not sure if this is their jungler but he's gone ahead and blinks out I thought it was their kalari but maybe the calorie is the offline and they have jungle chimera a bit of an interesting team comp regardless gonna use our hunt again and now I'm sitting on some decent amount of gold and this is one thing you don't want to do is sit on too much gold right so I'm gonna go ahead and finish this camp and I'm gonna go base and start looking to purchase items so as a jungler you want to be present on the map you want to be sneaky but you don't want to be um you know negligent to the fact that you do want to be getting stronger and buying items so I can buy a couple items now I can go check my left side and and this is where I can start planning I can see some some low players here I can start plating where do I want to go what do I want to do what do I want to accomplish things coming up in a little bit so a really important thing for me is maybe getting off this side of the map okay I see him ganking my steel so I'm coming in don't think I'm gonna be able to stop that unfortunately I don't think I could stop that unfortunately now I can go for a bit of a cut off and try to fight him now I should be able to get this I should be able to get this and I can see the kalari here so just being very reactionary he's gonna go stealth most likely yep we'll catch him in the South okay and then he gets his blink off so now we can go for this green buff okay so again fangtooth is up so I don't want to be off on this side of the map too much because the Chimera that I just killed is going to be respawning but we can go ahead and get this uh experience from this green buff teal buff cyan whatever you want to call it we'll Max up an ability and then we're going to go back in my jungle probably get a blue buff and then get over to fangtooth because we do have Wards which eventually we can swap into Century so as a jungler another thing that you do have is art or my Wards and honestly I didn't really think about it I should have brought that up earlier I'm gonna go ahead and use one of my hunt charges here that way I don't have it on charge all right did I just use it I don't know I don't know if it used it or not but we're gonna go ahead and grab our blue buff and then we are gonna run over to the opposite side of the map because I do want to get some Vision so I have two of my Wards definitely want to make sure that you're using those and then later on in the game I'll probably swap over into a Sentry so I can be someone that's roaming around clearing out some of those Wards as I'm ganking around the map and that's probably a pretty early thing that I could do so we'll reward here I can see the Howitzer is in the river there and then we will award the fang tooth which actually I actually steal that because I jump in and I use my hunt so that's actually a perfect illustration there so I actually jump in use my hunt okay we're gonna back up get to the safety of my team if they keep pushing that I probably have to help them so I actually jumped in that was a perfect example of what a role of the jungler actually is is that I jumped in and I actually stole the fang tooth with my hunt because I could see the health bar was getting close to that 500. all right I'm stronger than their Chimera so he does have eyes on me though my red buff is up so I'm probably just gonna Farm here a little bit maybe look to help mid you want to help out where you can you don't want to Tunnel one lane too hard but the same time you've got to try to find the best opportunity you can could also look to purchase here again you wanna you wanna focus on your money how much gold you actually have all right we got our level six for our ultimate and now with level six I would not mind um going in on a gank and I do have my blink as well so we're gonna go straight in for the Sparrow all right we're gonna hold the Decker [Music] and I will I'll blink this if I have to nice all right let's push this out okay so now that I'm here with this Lane and the lane is pushed up uh part of what you can do is help manage the waves as well so you can help manage the wave push the wave in with the laners and go for Tower damage so we can actually get some good value out of that game just based on where the lane was at so all right I don't want to stay here for too long or forever but we're gonna go ahead and base we'll see if the Chimera tries to stop me I mean I'm just further ahead of him this is a little bit of a risky base but I'm doing it ego base here all right so we finish our first item now I'm gonna start looking to build some other stuff okay my red Beth is up so we're gonna jump back into the Red Bus side and don't be afraid to use your ultimate because it does have a cool down here you can definitely get that back um and you want to you want to be able to do so so I'm very far ahead of their Chimera right now back in my jungle nothing's gonna be up for a little bit so I'll go ahead and use my hunt charge again don't be afraid to use what you have at your disposal do not be afraid to use what you have at your disposal all right with some some nonsense going down in the mid I'm gonna try to jump in here is low here and we gotta kill on the kalari we jump into the chimera I can kill him here very good all right jump back in on the Howitzer oh I'm missing a lot there all right finish the Howitzer up and then the sparrow goes down so same thing you can go ahead and start knocking a lot of this stuff down push the wave out to help out the uh the laner now my Crest is done this is another important thing to know you can see my Crest is is kind of like glowing um so my Crest is actually completed I'm actually going to go ahead and base here because I've got good money and I want to complete my Crest into a full built item so this is another thing that I'm going to go ahead and do so I'm gonna go ahead and grab my Phoenix and I'm going to start building up some of these items here and again we have fangtooth coming up here in a little bit so I'm probably going to jump back to the right side my left side laying my solo Lane he's already won his Lane entirely so a really really solid job and we're doing a pretty phenomenal job ourselves here so we can go on ahead and start moving over I probably should have bought a sweeper there I didn't think about it um so that's a little interpretive and definitely up for each individual player to decide when they want to start doing things like that swapping from Wards to sweepers um but at this point I'm very very strong and so I can be very very loose with my decision making let's go ahead and hold Tim we're just so so incredibly strong take him down take him down come on I want you to have it oh I wanted you to have it okay wanted her to have it but with fang tooth coming up probably I'm like I gotta learn how to read this circle a little bit how much time is on it 30 seconds okay 30 seconds we're gonna come in on a gank on the Sparrow on the right lane I do not have an ultimate all right all right can't get out of that let him farm that didn't have a way out of that one no blink although I probably would have blinked her come here's on the other side of the map and I've got nine seconds so we're gonna be here and fang tooth if you don't know I'll definitely probably bring this up for a while in some of my early videos for predecessor has a stacking buff so the more Fang tooths you get the stronger you are now my hunt should be wild Hunt now so we're gonna actually I'm gonna show y'all no I still have normal hands okay so it's important to know which hunt you have so I don't have wild Hunt yet so I still have to get this down to 500 damage I have a charge on my hunt so you can see our 500 health look at look at the health right now you're gonna watch me Smite it whenever it gets under 500 or close to 500 right here and then I smite it so that's how you want to be looking to smite oh killari near me okay a couple of them here we'll see if I can peel back and help this Lane because I did see the color as well we're gonna chill they're probably gonna push up that lane let me see if I can get this Camp first that'd be nice you have some eyes on them I've got some gold here again My ultimate is almost up give it a little bit of time we'll jump in on the Sparrow tomorrow huh Sparrow goes down don't have my blink I don't think I'll be able to get her actually I will get her it's very strong very strong right now all right let's go ahead and take a look at oh kolari Okay saw the kalari but we'll go ahead and take a look at just pushing Lanes at this point because at this point I'm so fed that I can kind of do a little bit of whatever I want to be honest so I was going to invade jungle right now I'm just going to push this Lane up he stays there I'll dive him if he stays there I will absolutely dive this player actually I mean I think he just killed himself by by trying to base in front of me okay maybe I could have altered him there but didn't really need to he's gonna get out of that we can push this up it's kawari cannot fight or this Chimera cannot fight me okay so Chimera goes down any jungle up we'll go ahead and take this we're just ripping through right now we're playing very very aggressively very very um selfishly because I'm just so far ahead I have my whole jungles up I'm gonna go ahead and base because I'm sitting on 2600 gold again this is something you don't really want to do I want to go ahead and start ripping through buying some of these items that I want to get um and and just being as strong as possible so all right we buy some items our team is just absolutely dominating right now I have 11 kills and this is where you know your decision making can really open up as a jungler again I should have bought a Sentry I don't know why I'm not thinking about it um but honestly they're they're they're so pushed that they may not even be able to really step out and reward much so it's probably fine and that's fine you don't need to be the centuries it's nice okay let me see if I can help this right lane I don't think I'm gonna be able to Okay so they get some kills there maybe I can peek over towards mid and I will all actually going ahead and Ward just this choke right here oh that would catch the howitzer and he's gonna go ahead and ALT we'll go ahead and back up before somebody uses all he's gonna run away with that why are you here in the mid we'll go ahead and take him down I might even go look for a mini Prime we'll Ward a little bit deep this is another thing that you can definitely be looking to do is oh I wonder if there's any chance that I cut this player off is there any chance that I can cut him off yep this catch him another thing you can do is look to Ward deep in the jungle I can take their red buff here and I could even look to go back and get a mini Prime now I still I'm still learning the game you know definitely don't hold me to uh you know perfect knowledge but I'm still learning the game still learning builds and things of that nature I need to learn okay didn't have my jump so I had my jump I would have gone in there I need to learn mini Prime and orb Prime spawn timers that's ability damage um I don't need that I could take it and sometimes I do take that just to deny it from the enemy but we'll go ahead and get mini Prime because mini Prime is going to give a temporary 20 damage bonus I use my e this is the Chimera tip to avoid the knockback um but yeah this is going to give me a little bit of extra damage and a little bit of pressure that I can bring to the game I have two charges of my hunt so you can avoid that one all right all right now I'm gonna probably look to push a little bit push out a wave maybe two and then I'm gonna go over to fangtooth because third fang tooth is where things start getting very very serious let's go ahead and push this out a little bit and then I'm gonna actually you know what I'm gonna go ahead and rotate um over to the thing too but they're already grouped up in the mid so I'm on my way have my Phoenix don't forget to use your active item I just haven't needed it I'd love to dive in here all right use our blink there it's huge we could probably push a tower down and then go back for we can probably push a tower down oh I'm missing a fight in the back here you run down the Chimera he's gonna run this way he has to here I am all right well done well done okay now we can go attack camps fangtooth Don't Be Afraid as a jungler to uh to Ping as well you know don't you know you have to be doing that do you get this for the Mana regen the movement speed all right now we're going for Fang two three thank you three is gonna be huge again we'll double check I am on wild Hunt so now I know I can Smite it at a thousand damage boom nice smited six permanent um six percent physical power magic power physical armor and magical armor so we're getting permanent stats off this now sparrows pushed up this player is just absolutely getting demolished at this point I'm just way too strong for them to deal with and same thing I'm sitting on lots of gold so I could probably serves me really well to go ahead and base here um and not stay forever you know so I'm gonna go ahead and do that we can go get a red buff and then we can look to start grouping and like hard pushing and things of that nature all right see what do I want to build I'm gonna build something aggressive because I'm just so far ahead all right so with my team pushing in the mid as long as they don't die here I'll probably red buff right over to them I don't have a blink up and I still haven't needed my my Phoenix Which is my my res item as long as they're not fully dead here okay they are they're getting taken down a little bit there okay they're getting taken down there a little bit that's fine they might push the mid again I still need to go for a century not sure why he would run in here not sure why he would run in there yeah nobody can really fight me so I'm kind of a bit of a raid boss and there's no objectives for them to get so I can just keep waves pushed I can go for invade I see that their red buff is coming up soon I don't think I could look toward out here we got a tower and I will take their red buff so yeah really like the the idea of introductory jungle is kind of already passed in terms of this particular video but just kind of showing you the mindset behind what I'm trying to do and I'm an amateur predecessor jungler right like I definitely don't have everything figured out in terms of exactly the kind of way that I want to execute a strategy here um but that's okay all right we take the Chimera down diving in on them and we are all over them here go for the howitzer we'll go ahead and finish that up so now okay he's gonna take a little bit of damage there oh I hate pop salt Farm the wave I have a cleave item so me killing wave is really important I've got some uh some nice death timers so we can look to get this in him now with inhibitor pressure this is going to get pretty much when it's the game got the Chimera right there on the right we might even be able to end this right here I can dive here I'm taking some damage there but that's fine all right I do have my Phoenix we're gonna pop my Phoenix I'm gonna die here it's gonna respawn me but I'm probably dead probably for sure Dad I don't think I'll be able to live this no okay so my first death my first actual death that's all good because we full build an item and then we'll continue to build items they're not bad not bad we're 21-1 oh my God I have 21 kills okay so in their position in the game even killing me there is like really not that bad um you know I don't really know what the kind of like gold experience for killing someone super fetish so I'm sure that they get a decent benefit off of it but there's no there's not even any objectives for them to really capitalize on they could maybe get a mini Prime here but that's not gonna really turn the game around and we have a hard midwave pushed with an inhib down so there's just tons of pressure on them what we really need to be looking for is going for the next Fane tooth and then looking to group and uh and push their side of the map essentially so that's what that's what we're going to be looking to do here we are gonna go ahead and head that way again I could be buying centuries at this point we've we've had them so pushed that I don't even really see the point of purchasing a century um I could just keep warding deep in their jungle because we have so much control that even going out into jungle for them is so incredibly risky so what I'll probably do is I'll probably look toward deep here just in case they are feeling like trying to contest this but I honestly think we're in a we're in a pretty a pretty strong position where doing anything that kind of aggressive for them is just death like it's death so 12 seconds on this again all wore it out I already did I don't have another Ward they're hard pushing left so we get this for free and then I could probably push down right side inhib even if they get some push here we might have to base and force them to like fight them on our inhib if they do go that direction but I'm not even sure that's the case all right spotted that one a little bit late yeah I'm gonna push out right lane and go for inhib because if they if they don't try to hard base race me here then I get in him for free and that's definitely not something that they want so under and that in him you you don't want to leave those Lanes like that for too long um because these these minion waves will beat up this in him all right we're gonna go ahead and get this in him they don't fix this if they don't stop me I win game here yep I don't think that can stop me here so friends there you have it make sure you're subscribed to the channel make sure you drop a like on this video for this crazy Chimera game make sure to get this hello okay there we go there we go 21 and two the two deaths were pretty silly but there you have it man I don't think I could have given a better illustration on what you're looking to do as a jungler I think I probably could have shown better at swapping into centuries because I just honestly forgot and then didn't really need to um but keep the pressure keep yourself farming you know be all over the map don't just be in one lane and uh provide as much value to your teams as possible so friends leave me a comment in the comment section down below let me know if you feel like you learned something about the jungle world the jungle roll is my passion in terms of mobas but thank you so much for watching as always be sure to kind of want to know tell someone you love them and I'll see you on the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Krashy
Views: 19,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krashy, krashy predecessor, predecessor, paragon, predecessor early access, predecessor early access download, predecessor early access date, early access predecessor, how to play predecessor early access, predecessor review, predecessor early access review, predecessor platforms, predecessor playtest, predecessor content creator, how to jungle, jungle guide, predecessor jungle, predecessor jungle guide, predecessor jungle gameplay, jungle guide predecessor
Id: dLtsk_2I_Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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