How to join 2 pieces of wood in the corner with a screw

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good morning everyone in our last video we talked about how to connect two pieces of wood in the corner to make a box and we used nails we talked about breaking the point on the end of the nail so you don't split the board now for the other side of this box today we're going to use screws this is a regular wood screw it's called the chipboard screw in some countries the most basic wood screw you're gonna find everywhere the head of this screw can you all see that this is called the posi drive head and there's a cross and there's an X can you see that close up I hope so if you have an electric screwdriver you need to put the right bit for the right screw this is a posi drive screw this is P Zed for positive drive and P Zed - that's the size so just make sure that your bit fits nicely in the screw if you're using the wrong bit maybe it fits in but not very well you're gonna ruin the top of the screw and you won't be able to drive the screw all the way we need to connect this board up here just like we did last time but this time we're going to use screws there's a gap here now to make sure that you screw your box together tightly without that gap we have to drill a hole so I'm going to show you how to do that now battery operated drill now I'm very fortunate because I've got a workshop full of tools maybe you don't have a workshop full of tools this is a regular drill with a countersink connected to it what's a countersink a countersink just makes room for the head of the screw so that it sits flush with your work now if you don't have one of these drills don't worry about it you don't have to have one you can use a four millimeter drill and if you want to do a countersink use a nine millimeter a 10 millimeter drill to do the countersink we'll go into that another day I want to go through this board and just touch the board underneath and so that the countersink makes me a place for the head of the screw here now I want to look and everything straight and again if I mark the width of the wood that I'm going to screw into that one it's the same width as this yeah if I mark that then I know where's the middle I can just mark it here no fancy measuring no nothing just use a bit of scrap of the same material mark a line and then you're going to drill in the center don't drill too close to the edge because you might split the wood so about a centimetre in half in from the edge like this and now we can drill holes and put screws wear safety glasses it's really important now I look everything's flush I just hold it firmly put the drill in place and you see this is what the countersink does this makes room for the head of the screw now I won't drill all the holes I'm going to put a screw in straightaway to hold it all in place there we are everything's here it's not flush I just move that there we are let's flush one more time counter sink and pop in the screw this is the fourth corner of the box just put that together like that if you've got a piece poking out you can't force it with your hand you can give it a little tap with a hammer make sure it's flush take your drill on the mark in another video I think I've got to explain to you all in more detail this whole business of screws and drilling so now you've got the corner of the box joined together with screws we learned how to do with nails last time you can all practice that at home this is just some scrap wood I picked up on a building site next to my workshop so don't spend too much money on wood because then you're going to be afraid to drill holes in it take some scrap wood take apart an old pallet any old things in practice and with a little bit of practice it'll be perfect so love you all if you liked this if you have any questions put them in the comments below if you liked it do like and if you subscribe to our channel that'd be wonderful have a great day bye today we're gonna talk about how to sword straight nearly every project you're going to do you're gonna have to join Wood together so the most simple way to do that
Channel: Rustic David
Views: 289,797
Rating: 4.9235015 out of 5
Keywords: creating a multi purpose box, using screws, wood work with screws, basic woodworking, rustic woodworking, woodwork school, rusticdavid, how to drive a screw, join wood with screws, drilling pilot holes, join wood at the corner, how to join 2 pieces of wood at the corner using screws, joining wood, how to screw wood together, woodworking
Id: vkGdFVVR7qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2015
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