How to JMS: Jadam Microbial Solution

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all right so today i want to take some time and talk a little bit about jms um and show you guys how i like to make it for my garden just kind of some of the steps and ingredients that i use as taught by jadon after i kind of learned it in one of the classes and reading his book if you haven't picked up the book i would highly highly recommend getting this it's pretty eye opening to use so basically what we're going to be doing is we're going to be culturing microbes in an anaerobic solution using um jadon's version of imo which is leaf mold so basically i collected some this is some stuff from underneath the tree that just has a bunch of mycelium and microbes all over it and this is we're going to be using as our starting material for uh for our jms or microbial solution so we have a bucket of water um which is basically you know if you think about it there's nothing in it so by adding some food and some minerals and some leaf mold into it the the microbes that are on the leaf mold will basically populate this whole area turning this into a into a concentrated um solution that we can apply to our plants now once this is done we wouldn't want to apply this directly straight unless it's an area that's completely bare because there's so many microbes in it that you would you could burn your roots i mean it could heat up the soil a little too much so once this is done we'll be diluting this one to ten so there's about four gallons in this so this will make me about 40 gallons of a pliable solution that i could apply on my plants this will also be used on a weekly basis to kind of help continuously grow the microbes as the area that i'm growing in at the moment is fairly new soil or soil that's just been turned into dirt at this point there's really no life into it so as i kind of continue to work it we're growing the microbial population so yeah let's get to it i'll show you guys what we're going to be using so first we have a gallon of water or a bucket of water about four gallons of water i like to do this because when i transport it makes it easier so it's not flopping off the sides and stuff like that which makes it easier for me we have what i think is probably the most important ingredient is um you know your starting material your leaf mold um and then we have potatoes so potatoes can be used you can also use other grains i'm in the book they teach using rice as well the simplest way to go about it is potatoes any kind of potatoes that you have will work and you would want to cook them down a little bit to make them soft so i throw these into the microwave for about five minutes or so you can boil them as well to me it's easiest to pop them in the microwave if you have one available and what that'll do is just kind of make them soft so you can mush them up in the water because we're basically going to be releasing these potatoes into the water um with our leaf mold um addition to that we have some rocks um that we're going to be using um these are going to be going inside of our mesh bag i use the paint strainer bag you can get these at like home depot or lowe's in your hardware store for a couple of bucks so it's pretty affordable um and basically drop your rocks in and this is going to keep it down to keep this bag submerged into the water um additionally to that we have sea water um so i live next to an ocean close to notion that i have that resource accessible to me so if you have that accessible to you i would highly recommend to pick this up um just take a bucket down there fill it up fill up what you need and bring it home and you'll be using this one to 30. i know a lot of people ask um isn't the salt going to affect the soil if you think about it i mean this is so doubt we're putting in 500 milliliters right so about this much about this much sea water into four gallons of water and then that's going to be diluted into 40 gallons of water so we really have 500 milliliters that's going to be diluted into 40 gallons of water which isn't very much there's 83 minerals that we can actually pull from this from the seawater that can help feed the plants so instead of buying you know other minerals that you're going to go to the store and get i mean just go pick up some seawater if you have it accessible to you um if you don't have it accessible you can also use a product like c90 which is basically just it's sea salt agricultural sea salt i wouldn't use table salt some of them have like anti-caking agents and things like that so if you are going to use some kind of other sea salt just look up the ingredients and make sure that it's just pure sea salt before you use it so let's go ahead and uh get to it and start show you guys how we're gonna make this so put the rocks in drop it into the bag or i'm sorry into the bucket take your potatoes add your potatoes in right once you have the potatoes in the bag you can grab your leaf mold just grab a handful i mean there's no such thing as too much i guess so just grab some put it inside of the bag and this is kind of what you're going to be sitting with once you have this you're going to be massaging these potatoes to release the starch into the water so i'm gonna go ahead and do it in the water just kind of release the potatoes just massage them because what you're wanting to do is you want to release the potatoes into the water so that way the microbes have somewhere to kind of go and eat so that's going to be your feeding your feeding material for the microbes so once you're done with this you can tie this off with the stick tie the back on a stick put a bag over the top and let it sit um this is anaerobic so you don't necessarily need um air to get into this i don't have a stick or plastic bag as accessible to me at the moment what i do have though is essentially the lid from the bucket so i typically what i do is i'll just drop this over the edge and put the lid on top just to kind of secure and keep it from falling out okay so what's going to happen next is this will sit here for anywhere from 24 to 48 hours sometimes a little bit longer depending on how cold it is out but the idea is that this is going to begin to foam and you're going to end up seeing the circular rings that are start forming which is all the microbes populating in here and eventually it might take a couple of tries for you to get this right but eventually you want to eventually if you leave it too long it's just going to collapse and at that point it wouldn't be as effective to use as a microbial solution it would be used more as a fertilizer but if you're going to use it as a microbial solution you want to try to catch it at its peak um brightness which is basically where the foam is at its biggest um you might even see a ring that breaks over the edge um and during in colder climates you might not get any bubbles really at all so just kind of keeping an eye on it the scene when you start seeing these these rings break along the edges once you have once it reaches that peakness it'll stay there for roughly about 12 hours um and at that point that's basically your window of time to use it so try to time it when you weren't going to use it i'm going to be using this in about two days i've done this a couple of times and i know in my temperature that i have it in this room which is in the low 70s i need to run this for about 48 hours to have this ready to go so i'll be using this in about two days um so this once this is done like i said we're gonna dilute this one to ten so this bucket will go into 40 gallons of water um and i will be applying this on my crops now one of the best times to use this is prior to planting to help the microbes basically go deep into the soil to help with the root structure as well as prior to fruiting so prior to fruiting for trees and things like that would be a perfect time to use this um to soak your plants and things like that as you're going through these transitions to kind of help give them that boost of the microbes and the nutrients that are so to kind of help move them around um so yeah so that's really about it this is how i make my solution that's kind of how i use it um and if you guys have any questions please reach out and i will try to answer them the best that i can i will be doing some updates and show you guys what this looks like um over the course of the next couple of days so you guys can kind of see what the foam looks like and see the shift of how the solution changes all right after 24 hours let's see together what it looks like all right there we go a lot of activity just kind of let this phone keep growing the next day normal let this go a little longer but we're gonna use this um today since we already need it all right now we're diluting this one to ten so for this bucket about four gallons
Channel: Mindfully Rooted
Views: 7,227
Rating: 4.8895025 out of 5
Id: PAdpo44k_1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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