How to Jig for King Salmon

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they can every guy that's about 25 [Music] today it doesn't get much better than this alright guys so I'm gonna break down the jigging for you just completely lay it all out with gear and everything what I'm using is a 7-foot medium heavy bait casting rod right here with a moderate fast action when moderate would be right in the middle moderate fast is right up in here so when I put the load on my rod you can see it right there what this rod is gonna do is give me a lot of leverage and it's gonna get a lot of load on the fish in case he swims at me it will suck up a little line versus an extra fast if you swim at me I have a lot of power but my rods not gonna suck up a lot of line this is imperative for faster species like king salmon the line from there I'm using 20-pound Flora clear line which is a cloak it's a copolymer made by keyline real strong stuff it's not ma no it's not fluorocarbon it's copolymer if you know my line videos check them out you'll learn a little bit about that from there I'm using a high speed low profile bait caster at high speed I pretty much for high speed I say six three and up the reason for this is if I hit them coming up and he swims up at me I could pick up a lot of line real fast I would want even a more limber rod if I had a slower reel to make up that difference for me and I would use probably a hundred percent monofilament at that point so now what we're doing is we have a little tiny leader right here going up to a barrel swivel this is to prevent line twist we're jigging up and down so that barrel swivels gonna keep all the line twists out of there and I'm going to a three ounce jig and the weight of the jig I'm going to show you exactly how to figure that out so we have current out here now if I put my jig down in the water and I'm gonna let it get all the way to the bottom and I'm gonna bring it up at just a couple of cranks and that's not crucial to catching them and I'm gonna hold while I'm drifting now if my jig straight up and down it's perfect if I had too light of a jig the current would be moving it to the side and if I had a weird line angle when I'm bouncing across the bottom I would be dragging those hook points and therefore snagging a lot more often and when we're jigging for king salmon were bouncing off the bottom we're causing a reaction strike so three outs it's just enough for this plus I'll show you something with this three ounce bait versus the two ounce people like man that's really heavy you're gonna get snagged a lot well here's the cool part let's say you snag a log boom you snag it we got a three ounce weight so you start snapping your rod tip and I'm sure you'll see that in the video snapping it up and down and what this 3 ounce jig is gonna do is start hammering back against its own hook and more often than not knock your lure free of that snag so it's we got it like this out of here and the reason why we're using dark green and black is because the water is dingy there's a lot of algae it's gonna help the king salmon hone in on so now I'm gonna show you what I'm doing how I told you too much line angles a bad thing so all I'm gonna do is thumb the spool and drop it straight down just like so and I'm down to the bottom and I bumped it I don't want my plug to be hanging out on the bottom so I want to raise my rod rod tip up to about 930 max and the reason for a 930 max is if I'm at the top of my jig and he hits me I still have leverage to set the hook on the fish if I jigged all the way up here and he hit it what am I supposed to do just reel to set the hook on them it's not gonna work that good 930 is about your max you can get a little bit sloppy around there but that's where you want to be now when you touch the bottom you want your rod tip pointed somewhat down at this angle right here - when I touch you can see I'm going to go down and watch my rod tip you'll see that foot look right there and you'll see the line get loose I have a straight line now you see it's loose just like that I'm touching and my rod tips pointed down if I were digging my rod tip down and I didn't touch I would want to pop the clutch open let more line out to make sure I can get down to the bottom and touch like so so I'm gonna hit the bottom come back up to 930 follow my line down tight if I bring my rod down too fast that wine will get loopy and it's not straight and it's sloppy and your hook will come back over the top of the jig and snag the line from the top so I'm gonna bring it all the way up and this is exactly how I'm gonna get started I take it out of my rod holder have my leader in my jig right here I'm gonna go straight down with the drift little all the way down to the bottom as soon as I get down there I'm gonna engage it and put my thumb on the spool I don't want to drag my hooks on the bottom soon as my bait hit I put my thumb on my spool I lifted it up and I engaged my clutch so I'm back in gear my line is gonna stay straight I don't want a bunch of slack line I'm gonna pit up off the bottom get that reaction should I follow it down as soon as it touches I'm gonna snap it up and follow it down you don't want to drop too quick like that that's real sloppy your hooks will get hung up more often than not and that is how you get them when they slam it just like that swing it home and hang on baby okay guys so in this episode I'm gonna be showing you two different trips that we went on on this trip right here I took out my pro staffer JP aka the mud diver is a good friend of mine he's hooked up into a big female [Music] it's your first games game yeah Oh jp's first king until [Music] shakin if I get that they're here got a nice wild female JP's first king salmon a wild female fried meat there there we go baby JP first king yeah a nice wild boy she's nice I'll show you something about these fish right here if you see the adipose fin right here that little adipose fin if they have it they're a wild fish if it's been clipped they're a hatchery fish and if you look up right here you see that the forehead sloped down towards the nose just normal normal like any other fish that's the trait of the female plus the female has the shorter mouth the male's mouth generally goes back to their and their head sometimes will dip in and then go out to their to their mouth like this instead of just a nice slope it'll dip in and then go to the nose and the females tend to be a little bit wider on the head in the middle tend to be a little bit narrow and the male also has a larger adipose fin it's about three times larger than the females it's Wonderbread time baby two jigs two other votes both snagging the exact same bag literally with an inch within an inch of each other lines do not cross but they both managed to snag the exact same bag amazing took that was a good fight oh yeah I was fighting you I think oh yeah now if you're the type of guy that likes to track down their fish like I do instead of just jumping in and being part of the pack when it comes to salmon you need to remember that they're migrating fish they're looking to go upstream at all times so what you want to do is you want to run upstream and work your way back you know you can look to see if people are catching them or you could stop at your favorite spots and you know what you want to do is you want to target hard bottoms irregular bottom spots I have a lot of current that are also gonna have a little cooler water more oxygen into the water that are gonna give those Sam better energy and the power that they need to move upstream that slack dead water you know when it's the right temperature is no good for them they want to hide behind those little rolling bottoms and if you're bringing out the clams on your hooks you're often in a good spot you know I like to target that shallow water right up next to the bank what you'll find is that you get a much harder irregular bottom a lot of clam beds and these are the sidewalks that those salmon used to travel upstream so that's something you want to do is start upstream drop back until you find them you know and if you rerun that same drift and you don't hit them again you often should know you know that they've moved up from there so what you want to do is just move up you know maybe quarter of a mile or maybe less and start drifting back again until you [Music] don't [Music] okay don't try to lift up on the dude please the next street back okay so go out this okay good try though they try if you lift up there's too much resistance pull straight back one sees it great guy straight back all right look where that laser meadow got him right there in the roof of the mouth that he wasn't going nowhere hey there we go that's about 25 30 pound wild male see that bigger out of ho spin that I'm talking about right there and the pointing nose his head kind of tapers down from his back and then out to his nose right there that's your males big old fat boy right here this guy put up a battle let's get them in the bottle bro don't feel so much like a jack no more these laser minnows why I'm just putting a beating on these fish almost got me uh-huh head down though Rick another lady grab the back of the net with your other hand go ahead you know we come in it let go of it look a Nike if it's the current moving on you you're good if it heads up you can make the pets down : yeah alright so you want to start targeting these king salmon and the rivers around here in Northern California you know in the beginning of the fall soon as that water temperature reaches about you know 70 71 72 you're gonna have a lot of kings that start moving into the river system you know right around the mouths of the bay and where those rivers enter is where you gonna have those guys over there you still have a lot of tidal influx and the waters warmer so what you're gonna find is these king salmon are moving upstream on the incoming tide and a lot of the time they'll perch down to the bottom of the hole they're in these holes when that water temperature is still around 70 because they don't quite have the energy so they don't want to work against the current but once you get up River and you have that consistent outflow in that water temperatures colder they're gonna be moving consistently more often instead of pausing for that outgoing time [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait all right now let's cut for a quick commercial break and when we come back I'm gonna show you another trip we took out jigging for king salmon hey what's up guys Nick the informative fishermen here and when it comes to spooling up my reels I choose nothing less than the best and that's why I use P line each and every time are you fishing the best did you ever wish for an RC boat guess what it's time to do a both at the same time with RC fishing WorldCom's RC fishing pole it's time to be a kid again so visit our planer boards pulling your lines perpendicular to your boat you can't help but catch more fish find out more by visiting if you had the chance to fish the baddest hoochie on the market today that's right I'm talking about the Shasta tackle wiggle hoochie one of the most dynamic reaction trout and salmon lures that runs second to no other for pulling and triggering fish into striking so I guess the real question is are you catching all the fish you should be catching now let's get back to fishing hey what's up guys Nick the informative fishermen here and out here this morning we're out here on Garcia been in the Sacramento River with my buddies Robert and Mark out here doing a little jigging from Mark's bass boat here we're gonna jig for some king salmon on some bass gear right here have a lot of fun smack them I know Roberts gonna try to do a little tail grabbing we might be on two sides of the fence right there he just wants to grab that bad boy but we want to keep himself we'll see what goes first the hand or the neck we'll just let that play out naturally and see what we can get on film here for you guys you'll see in a sec you know when that water temperature comes down from 70 closer to 65 the fish are really gonna be on the move you're gonna have a lot more fish coming in from the ocean a lot more fresh lively fish and they're gonna be moving around a lot more often this means you're gonna really have to track them down if you hit them on a drift you rerun the drift oftentimes they've already moved on so you're really gonna have to focus in on targeting them you know and if you predict their movements you can consistently be on those fish instead of you know when you pull up and you see a crowd of boats hitting them you know jump up just ahead of them and start running that drift till you hit them again and then jump up again a lot of guys just getting this repetitive mode where they keep going over the same spot so they're like hey we're not catching them anymore well it's simple understanding these fish are migrating their movie night they're not moving out so move upstream and hit them ever came off alright so Rob hooked that last female right there a nice crumb or you know got her up close to the boat but she's a little outside my range and I didn't want to stab at her tail in or give him the opportunity to get that jig hooked up in the net she just happened to pop loose you know when she went back down out of sight load stayed on the fish the whole time nothing much you can do except stay focused and keep after it and we'll get some more here no big deal you know I know I said this in the part where I was talking about how to jig but when you hit the bottom with your jig that is so much more crucial than bouncing it not hitting the bottom if you're swinging over the top of them versus hitting the bottom when you hit the bottom it sends up a dust cloud you know dirt and silt and it forces these guys to react it causes a ton of commotion and then you snap your jig up from there so it jerks out to the side you're really forcing these salmon to react to it and you know if you do it that way yes you are going to get snagged up a little bit more often but you're also gonna catch a heck of a lot more fish so you know don't overlook the basics hit that bottom come back up and don't just get rode stair and keep doing it because you're wasting your time out there we know we're focusing on a few crucial strikes you know when choosing the color what I like to focus on is early on when that water temperature is about 70 you still have a lot of algae the water's got a lot of greenery into it so what colors I like to use more often than not as a dark green and a dark black mixture kind of gives that like forest grain you know look little camo to it they really are able to hone in on that pretty darn good and a dark like blood red and black those are two colors that are great around 70 degrees if you're jigging come you know the bottoms got less visibility and that way you're guaranteed when they react to it that they can see it and more than likely they're gonna hit it and they're gonna get it in their mouth I'm a lot of other colors you'll think guys are snagging them because you hooked them you see them hooked on the outside of the gill plates and everything well what it was is they reacted to it but they just couldn't really focus in on it and hit it once the water temperature gets back down horses 65 you can start experimenting with other colors Purple's are real popular at that point and then you know below 65 and on you're gonna have fish that are just really aggressive moving in there the waters clean up a little bit more once it's colder a little bit more visibility and then your brighter colors are coming in pressures off now we're gonna show good stuff right there we go baby getting things done with Robert out here on the Sacramento River digging up some nice king salmon just like this let's get some more in the boat Rob what do you think man oh yeah here's a cool little tip that I can give you guys if you notice sponsor slow date sometimes out there is middle the water you'll be jigging and you know you catch one two maybe three Sam and have the whole boat which is a slow day if you ask me but the hooks directly in their mouth we develop any of these fish but that often means is they're taking a break and they didn't want to slash out you in there where they don't run want to run it down they didn't have much energy it means you bounce right in front of their nose and they have a perfect shot and that's why it was directly in the mouth so what you can do is rear drift and learnt that spot on you breath if you notice that where you're hitting them does it but more often than not they're still sitting there and you can go in there and you guys can get your limits real quick you notice on those days where they have a lot of energy you're gonna follow hook probably 50% of your catches sometimes it's gonna slip out of their mouth be out there on the side of your face or in their back and it's not because you've snagged them now contrary to belief it's much more difficult to snag a salmon than people think when you're vertically kinky what happens is they slash out it and as you were twitching the bait up you ended up hooking them outside the mouth but when they have a lot of energy and your hook and I'm 5050 like that you know keep moving down and don't focus on that same spot when you butt you catch you know one or two rattly in your mouth run that again because that more than likely means they're taking a break right there because you know when they get it directly in their mouth there was no missing that means you hit right in front of their nose and there's probably more than likely to be a lot more part definite attacks in a spot you can go clinical [Music] another hatchery thanks a lot appreciate all right go get it let's do it yeah now if you're wondering this is a pass off being considerate cuz I keep getting skipped over and I lost a giant and lost a little steelhead little mark being a nice guy you know like I said if you see me close to the bank here not right out in the middle of the river in the middle of the river the fish have the opportunity to spread out and they're not as tight I fish a little closer to the bank when when it's from 65 to 70 degrees I like to find that 19 to 23 foot water column and look for that rolling bottom when I get in there the salmon tend to push up to the shore and move back out so it's kind of like a sidewalk they're more crowded together it's a wall they have to turn back out and come across me at that point can I find that across have a lot more fish being closer to the bank that I do out in the middle of the river you know whether you know the current is not moving often as hard or rolling over objects creating oxygen and that's why those salmon get in there they're looking for that colder water they're looking for oxygenated water and that hard bottom so being closer to the bank more often than not it's gonna be a much higher percentage area for salmon traveling then right out in the middle now I'm grabbing a I'm grabbing on G you got me excited about it long as I don't take that chick to the safe [Music] oh he shot out of there when I touch them you get a big backlash all right I would use the net no no no I want to grab them by the tail now Robert after this version it should be thinking they're like they'll grab loggers got me buddy how many of these have you tell grabber up three all right I've never tell grab ones though they're all jack take a treble hook to the hand that's right oh all right so what was going on there we weren't overly concerned about getting the fish into the boat is illegally hooked even if it slips out and hooks them down here legally you got to let them go they got a gaff from the outside they can say it's a snag so Rob he'll grab these things before I've never till grabbed him I thought it'd be really fun to give it a shot and fight a foul hooked fish and then try to grab a big ol hand like that but unfortunately she broke off it happens but it was so fun the whole boat into chaos gonna tire the boy on Greg said just about right because they take it for a walk [Music] there that one started I know probably don't learn I don't know how'd you do that I don't didn't make another run before you die Mattie there it is last one of the day maybe the biggest one [Music] I'm backed off the drag considerably on this one is trying to level burn himself lose another one or team hookup no I got stopped after I ran that finger so I can see my line jerking back and forth is probably a gut still a great fight but this is gonna become Rob's moment since Rob is gonna tell grab this one that I screwed up already but I'll put some pressure on them let's put the net away let's put the net away mark there's no reason for this Rob doesn't believe in Nets so we're gonna keep that going for him I think he netted his first fish today and it hurt his feelings after about two boxes of tissues I think he's alright but we're gonna happen tail grabbed it this monster see what happen it turns out this fish was hooked in the tail so I wasn't gonna have Rob try to take a tail grab this one he unless he wants to risk you can stuck a hand like I would getting run [Music] but foul hooked this big hand I'm gonna toss her back ed you're gonna top here she goes I here we go guys getting things done out here on the Sacramento River we decided to keep a few we let a lot go we were being good sportsmen about it but absolutely tore them up today it doesn't get much better than this thanks for watching o Mary Sam and Christmas [Music]
Channel: InformativeFisherman
Views: 244,882
Rating: 4.558897 out of 5
Keywords: salmon, king, fishing, jigging, tips, trick, how, to, migrating, delta, Sacramento, freeport, Garcia, bend, P-line, shasta, tackle, yellow, bird, line, knots, beginner, advanced, river, lake, baitcasting, shark, bass, catfish, bluegill, crappie, trout, codfish, fly, lure, help, usp209, informative fisherman, IF King Salmon, IF Chinook
Id: -kqo5g-9u5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2012
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