How To Invest In The Philippine Stock Market For Beginners

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[Music] hi thank you for joining me my name is Trina and I'm here to present stocks investing in the time of covet 19 right now the hot putana sabha hilum and it's actually the best time to learn about a profitable opportunity in pedi nothing you take advantage giving them a loan fiercely encircled with 19 so if you even look at the headlines now about the Philippine Stock Market and I'm a pawn bad news like the PSE I plunges down to seven-year low or a philippine shirts dime so in short they're saying the mumbles up um stock market and it's true you couldn't see this chart this is the Philippine Stock Exchange index so I will explain this in detail later but for now you just need to know they still see the overall health of the stock market so if not eating in neon mana traders investors or media outlets saying Mahina is the market malapa sell stock market they paint into vanilla and for now you just need to look at the direction okay so if the market the PSE I Philippine Stock Exchange index is going up that's a good sign because that's how we make money we make money couple but I assume value known stocks but here since 20 is the start of 2020 we've been down for a 15 percent and my think Nakata hot pneumonia okay because we're talking about money here but no there's a saying here and I quote word of it when others are fearful it's the best time to be greedy yeah and what contributed to this drop isn't just go with 19 if we would recall we also have you attentions between USA that option and even the water crisis and this isn't the first time the current I lingered on Selina actually overcome several moments of weaknesses now in the past we've got in the Landau we got the red score and just to illustrate that better here is a short video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and when everything normalizes the investing speed within us again so right now ha ba ba ba ba paya market we can take advantage of the low prices but disclaimer I am NOT claiming to be a time traveler and say for sure after go bed capacity own stock market because we have four possibilities Cape Fear Phil contribute more to the down trend of the market or impalpable non-stop market so I own opinion and hoped will contribute to the up chance we any booster nothing sub gap and this is going to be the huge jackpot virginity okay so what contributes to fear one possibility is to Miguel Patton Cove it neatly the quarantine ends April 12 to 15 but possibly parinibbana domogil Bashar because it's spreading so fast but as of recording in China Gong so Brannock slow down a in cases of you cases another thing that contributes to fear is let's say okay mo elastico with 19 but something else follows single another catastrophe or it's not unknown China the optimistic side everything normalizes everyone goes to dr. work continue on you make econ cases man Kovac and the best case scenario is we will overcome anything and everything and this has been the trend of humanity ever since we have overcome Wars world wars we've overcome planes and I would just like to give a shout out to some heroes snapping right now so pandemic which are the frontline workers those working in the medical front and Monaco provide now this recipe so we're power so just to illustrate I know your own best case scenario nothing or the most profitable opportunity the last time we were this down is available in stock markets back in 2008 pulmonary on financial crisis so if you would see here in this region we were down about 40 to 50 percent then I will use the ruler tab here I'm using the to trade Asia platform yet so if you would measure we can see now we were 50 percent down tap type non-linearity and financial crisis but from this point onwards if you would see the trajectory here we have been going up ever since because best case scenario in the recovery market yeah over the years we continue to go up Marin volatility in stock market but imagine buying at the time a financial crisis you would probably be able to get there by now and then go bid happen so I don't know about you but I'm pretty excited about money I mean best case scenario because you know best case scenario five ten years from now there are more Filipino millionaires now because of the stock market okay so I just want to start with this self-assessment question how many sources of income do you have ok so just have a mental checklist we're not concerned here - Meghan allocating gimmicky time in one source of income but none of the spread because best parent if we have more sources of income as part of our protection Farrakhan very much Julio is a John at least Marin tyonne alternatives okay and I'm here to teach you possibly one of the most profitable opportunities another thing given a makeover with fierce nail which are pretty pretty excited about so just to introduce myself my name is Trina sir Daniel but I love sleeping it was a museum open unethical to say about stocks I'm a student of Brainerd Te'o's trend-following mentorship program later TOS one of the most followed traders in Singapore I'm also a graduate of the leadership excellence achievement program by innovate my experience with stocks I was able to make money here and I'm going to be speaking from experience the Guru was a I knew you had none of the cool uncle and the computer then officer agency and CNN and just to share a bit of my experience learning stocks I've attended several seminars before and next like the Hanuman Amadou email magneto which is true there are a lot of success stories here but no luck start navimag in Edith's pattern Hindi Kannada pudding dagger ink Oh so in my own little ways as one of my ways of giving back you know I'm going to teach you why are you giving up at the and Europe in America but more than that I'm just a simple person with extraordinary games media for you start student in school I was just really passionate and interested in learning about passive income passive income is you know I have my toluca the money won't stop coming cuz life's too short no Muslim done nothing and sarah kovin and it's not just me because people from all walks of life can and have profited from the stock market so since this is an online video I measured that the onion Canal town in slide Network and and just to break off the ice if every American feels about investing in stocks your big institutions are doing it to your bank's your pension funds young esss fun evening your insurance companies even the Foundation's chances are everyone who is asking money for me now it's been a promise nila it is a solemn necessary new a bigger amount in the future they're investing that money is stopped and just to share also one of my favorite proverbs I'll give a man a fish you feed him for a day teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime so here I will giving you the shovel to dig your own gold mine okay so please treat this as a class good son motto to the fire because this is not being taught in schools so I will do my best and I hope you learn a lot and for the best learning I recommend that you grab a pen and paper now so see guru you may post this video please take down notes write down your questions and after watching this video you may send your questions to a Facebook message any future or send it in real email and lastly before I talk about stocks specifically I want to make sure your viewers Netto have already have good money habits then toll each Hiranya ideally you have a system or an allocation of your income Superman a 50% support on the necessities Ayana monotony 99 percent above the necessities okay 30 percent I hope not eople or my keep on the hilum emergency funds that is six months worth of your living expenses but a good model it took me locked down de ba at least we can survive for the next six months then after which you can play with your money give it to charity learn a new language or travel to other countries and 20% for financial freedom but financial freedom or about passive investments nothing one of which is stocks the only point of this is you only invest money you can spend so now let's talk about stuff so the way I would like to define stocks is this imagine I have a coffee and I want to grow my business to grow my business I will need to set up in stores that I even own the Bible outlets long historical so to grow my business canal for now para Santo particular one is sink in it annum business school the sphere Padilla homo Danza banco adopem Ohana in the store at ped occurring event aisle ownership as a email or sir public so Union stocks but any stocks shares a quickly prepare Evelyn pooyan so stocks at selling part of the company's ownership team or the public okay para la melena unavailable in attempt already invested stocks yeah so when you buy shares of a company you become a part owner of the business and a pin rights nothing one we can vote in shareholder meetings we can make merit I own share sake McConnell company called dividends and Patty nothing event I own shares nothing say a ban on us but us called capital gains so let's say we mill economy share at 5 pesos better move soon 8 pesos a bar then um ooh boom is 3 pesos per share and just free to appreciate decades ago if you wanted to invest in stocks you had to call your broker or at least present as a trading floor to make investments but now with the technology Kalama now not in laptop smartphone and we can invest any time and so if OFW you're viewing this now know that you can invest in the Philippines stock market limit so just to give you an overview on own investing in stocks let's say in a time travel about Kyoto 1993 jolly be listed in the Philippine stock market for the first time nine pesos per share and in shares a jolly bi worth nine pesos whatever from Geelong under jolly be that time was finished we got the picture and a dog owner he so let's say I bought 10,000 shares of jollity back in 1993 my investment was ninety thousand pesos for 1983 case a new stone came burgers in Ptolemy's in annual Ahonen on land of the shock fast forward to 2007 you michelle ste jollibee is now worth fifty pesos per share so in a great brand national logo does not up the passage shocking and very bones portfolio knee Jollibee in 10,000 shares nobility condo 1993 is now worth five hundred thousand pesos so combustible in lock in your profit Co the bent upon a young shares the biblical public stock market so to Bobo four hundred ten thousand pesos gross okay we'll talk about the fees and charges later yeah so let's say a cow you boo Malay known 10,000 shares school and your investment know is five hundred hours and pencils debug identify Harmon fast-forward the first quarter 2019 you minimal now five hundred thousand pesos is now worth three million two hundred fifty thousand the Hylian shares in Jollibee from fifty pesos niggling 325 and mind you this is actually the highest price a Jollibee and under the good support for dunya see Burger King come on enos on speakers in gone but fast forward to March 20 2002 91 pesos pressure at least as of recording yeah so that scene 10,000 shares is not worth nine hundred ten thousand what happened well be the Linea CEC BPL and analysts discovered it's losing money and it has a lot of death or to town and an irreducible good 19th jollibee wanted to expand in China so this shows you the reality behind investing so Depot you can be a millionaire and you can also use a lot of money but I'm here to teach you now it's possible to not speak so thank you and the only reason why people would buy shares of a company is they believe they can sell it higher in the future visto not a new small time the Negi game big time actually me when jollibee started in e de manila logic occurred in fact Jollibee started as an ice-cream parlor in Quezon City the post Puma turkey burgers became a hit in Metro Manila and expand to be sighs Linda now and is now expanding globally now the decision-making process is too long the man who steps on humble he'll go what do I buy why buy it some pressure Kobe billion at kalanchoe ebay benta so I hope by now clear in a poll now investing in stocks is just co-owning company so the Dan inattentive steps one five so let's start with you what do I buy and why buy it so enough Nibbana penal LM not Indian companies chances are Hindi because as you've seen C Jollibee although it's a very popular just last year knots are 300 pesos per share right now it's below 100 so for what do I buy usually we start with companies we know yeah these are the top 30 companies of the Philippines also known as our blue chip companies okay so America virgin community community vanilla usually in my seminars at OC blueberry this is solar ICT International Container Terminal Services feasor in the carosone companies LT group is Lucia tan group so young women are do see nothing it shouldn't be but generally we know these companies because those are the products we are using listening garlic we have the Iowas can we see the go away Jollibee Tony pann captures and Miguel etc these are the top 30 companies but we actually have over 270 companies to choose from so Saddam in a on Jeopardy we can divide them by industry poured by sides made money eat when I'm getting up my room a little up a cup smell time thanks man our main water companies we casino companies even the telcos with property companies okay and we don't really need to look at a textbook because we experience them everywhere chances are the products you're using or the services you're using you can invest in them too so in business by a gentleman by name bills we can in fact hold those companies nabina by R&D method so just to use myself as an example at home you electricity provider nominees Morocco and Morocco is a transmission company distribution company but it also has generation power generation power plants so unless you supply new tools the power of danceny Meralco see seminar remaining which is say DMC company when people think of the MCD they usually think condos house and lots but it's actually more of a mining company our water provider at home is mainly lon and hot agency Metro Pacific and CBM see the most Milaap a share in the Metro Pacific I think around 58 percent as of recording yeah metal Pacific Shah Deniz Amato all these not as endlich's some hospitals like the Mojave main Cardinal Santos and Samana Pauline and company our internet at home Cpl DT which is a sister company of Metro Pacific it's also a manic communism company when we do groceries we go to SNR and did you know that SNR is under thurgood a lot of people think competitor Scylla but not really because see they just serve different markets he under both under Costco my network provider is globe which is an Iowa company for payroll eheh video which son favorite fast-food go to as McDonald's I love their coffee and it's you can invest in it through Alliance global and Alliance Noble or souls mega world Resorts World Manila and Parador so you would think lastly your favorite combine for speed belt which is developed by LL and which is an Ayala company so you know these connections click on demand cylinder discover overnight just because I'm exposed to be in the stock market then cannot discover your connections nila okay and if in our usual lives metal tile in Christie's scholarly entertainment news you know this is a stocks panel in them except in chicken event is about business tycoons okay so it's a sobering diamond company suffered in papillion the question is sigmaj I can unify epidemic invest so enough Nibbana finally long enough in Silla to know they're good investments now my reco is to get to know it like you would a potential partner so this is my way of simplifying things my guideline is one be both stands for operations and a signet income e is expansion indeed for dividends so to simplify that say major technical yeah let's see good money and talking to a potential if I usually you ask an Ohana boom or how do you make money net income edu nity theorem income after by our a new person in a company the Hudnall expenses obligations here so here we find stable cabal made up no man come on a partner need stable key expansion an open her up milk came to study not enemy product because hey Charlie be from nine pesos two fifty fifty hundred twenty five on the girl as a shot and when growth a jollibee was in expanding Luzon Visayas Mindanao and eventually globally and lastly maritime divider for dividends because we treated as a bonus so dividends in makeup its co-chair Misaki panel company so it's like a bonus gift you know for nothing and and when I come up with uh say if we were to apply this see jolly me smooch up company so jolly be an Ohana oh hi mo and Nikita check play in the magician usually in Amman we are customers of these companies so indeed mahira recipient company logo Makita Jollibee makes money by selling food and a confrontational branch NATO net income from 2015 to 2018 we can see here it's been growing double-digit but 2019 something happened now boom Abacha 14% so that's what I was talking about about the CVP I'll buy it keep expansion there targeting to add 600 stores in 2020 so that's a good sign and they want to expand info one in China you see guru meda Leland done because of the coping and did they give dividend CS toys a versa maritime bonus if we invest in Johnny be another example CIL Allen absolutely become funny so I al and an avenue hey mo they make money by selling young real estate projects nila rental income Simoes plus condom and developments Nevada and Al Vale so net income from 2015 in when hundred 20 19 it's been growing double-digit so very solid growth and they're targeting forty billion net income by 2020 but since al Allen has a lot of moves mastectomy impaction algo bed because people are avoiding the moss and do they give the evidence yes twice a year so later serve up through I will show you son Garlin a heart-lung information echo but for now you just need to take note of the way to get your company so far election yeo-hwa now to differentiate a smaller player so what I love about these small players is actually the hidden gems of the market tokima corporation later so SSI when you look at the name chances are you need not a new song vanilla but if we look at the brands still anonymous SSRI shaming the distribute lung usually have been brands in the packet analyzer malls the post bizarro since penicillin Kristin's Muji salads top cake net income staple combi 2015 to 2016 something happening now 71% down you net income me SSI so since maniman clothing business see ssi clothing line Simone's temporary post hurt by the entry of silly hmm and other fashion things not too familiar between fashion industry but it's been recovering ever since and if you would notice your net income is in the millions with an ami our blue chip since they're big earning in the billions visually and nine months 2019 it's still growing so night cash the nine months case a well are paying for year report knee as a side that's off recorded and under par apne SSI they want to launch another food concept in 2020 after shake shop so to all those in DC that you know the cheek shop was this trip launched or distributed by SSI group so we'll have a tie updates data if my Duke alloy or what the next food concept will be so we'll see and dividends yes they do but not regularly differentiate not in further with so this is AC Energy Corp formerly for last year 2019 it was called fin ma Energy Corporation so saguru a filmer Energy Corp para la langue but the gunman on a allah company shove a big long okay so what happened was so imagine a big shark eating a baby shark and that big shark is Ayala called banana Mina see fin my energy corp and they're going to make it the renewable energy arm of Iowa Court knew about energy solar hydro wind etc so do you think renewable energy is the future if so then you can grow up with companies life is energy or singaperumal hanukkah ventures renewable energy okay net income so 2015 to 2016 general growth but it's been dying from that point bumaba banished affirm that point 1 and in 2018 it was actually at the loss so don't shall be Nalini 11 the nine months last year nine months is January to September it made 203 million in net income an open heart knock they're targeting 2000 megawatt capacity by 2025 so hopefully we do migrate to renewable energy sooner rather than much network let me give a salad evidence because Chevrolet since it's a growing company they need to use the money for growing the business so Chuck an Islamic we begin our dividends okay so that summarizes you what do I buy part I hope it's clear now it's just like getting to know company for when do i buying a man so another important skill and a pad matter - nothing before we invest this maroon and time Athena pressure similar to buying fresh produce wet market chambray pedestal being saying a fresh pair of Athenian and anima boot a need Allah so that summarizes part one another is skilled fnatic adopt it is a stock market assume Marwan oka will be no pressure young alamo compulsive behaviour ahora para me only movie tickets to on they were just around 180 to 220 pesos made us a three point enough so what a drama howl when do i buy to make this more engaging the best way we learn is through experience so the best way linear because so we also wanted to experience the signal on your lecture lectured value and I know the format of this class is a video so I highly encourage that you were you stick to how you follow the instructions and very simple animal feed okay so but about topics game now please find the Belgian capital Berlin Sawa new film arose over time and please find a pair and each pair must agree on the disc in word you can play the video month or you can claim virtual money no one is stopping you so when real money doesn't have to be taken VP so little piece or 20 pesos oh it makes it more fun you having the risk and reward so this for you to experience what it's like to play with risks and to work and he's also ugly it but this is your box of I or Y but Alberto so some perks up or that nope please choose it now will you be using virtual real money how much is your risk in your work and some box up or that low so for this game we will have a trial so we've ever met on Ohio shopping the human is a surrender you in wager no gift money virtual or demonic so who starts the title run in straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] every Aloha Itsuki because again this is the trial round will happen when Callaghan wanna say but don't say Natalia or effin common to the one who lost the game that I around please use that tile now to your advantage this is our actual round so here topic metallic ko then us surrenders the money to the women whether virtual or real money so they'll start capsule around in a 2-1 [Music] he congratulations to the winners and people are gonna participate Clio because my point about cooking up a coatl in my class actually your choice to see the schema says a lot about you in how you go Tris example choosing virtual versus field such a lot about how this class if you are although you can choose spiritual for convenience a little about that I think you mean bug PD not they'll call me some pizza or in Potomac Opie so he shall you motto Peppa Pig they're more calculating I personally prefer that approved casing some books some say kill a man but be smoked up invited some perks up very easy marijuana were good thinkers at their best so the point of that game perfect body new moved in a gaming go about choosing what price to buy because it's all about studying partly that's the reason to market I'm a tile down in battle money in our turns up make outcomes become fixable so me ptosis pops maradona my valium three packets do you suffer the loan of pressure but are super shocked forgive me or trouble that's very good still nothing new ok hundreds are inside makes but I are not in you soundtrack so sure press uptrend learning gains nothing can 20% 30% 150% first I will tell you what it means to 5% 20% not bad but I owe nothing assume downtrend Hey and right now the market is in a downtrend and because a few patterns known Pangalos no pressure so stock market we have these possibilities you can win bail I said many people are gonna give millionaires a meter you can win small you can do small you can also use me but just like in any game if you have this management it's possible to not lose speed and that's what I am here to eat so I will be teaching you the skill of reading a chart so if not gain a movie is usually when you talk about the stock market bloody and mayhem tryna get my Google ok do you go see chart I started this presentation minute chart so now Pelican call you Philippine Stock Exchange index so clearly part of this presentation I told you that vistas are ski overall health of the Philippines stock market and we just need to look at the direction so what it does is in average a price movement on top 30 companies snapping our if you would recall these are the top 30 companies not been so you Philippine Stock Exchange index an average a pricing events long network so we can see when 2017 the market was going up so suction only one of the best times to invest 2018 robot eye of 2019 sideways 20 20 years be witness a big drop because of the pandemic yeah 2019 a lot of my Princeton this year word for sideways just to show you an example another Panama but impact napalm Pope did so okay keeping our tenacity STI live in and rock yeah how does that translate to Lily individual companies so this is a servlet art of a surprise movies again young Wallace TSM its new chip company how do you invested in it in 2016 and the pull out curve the 2019 your investment would have gained 100 50 80 percent in five years and each Iranian puddings appearances became only 126 thousand five hundred but because of the cope with drop young so branding dropped almost color billion elective 2016 figures yeah and so so Bermuda might start asking me new boo boo determining all explain later another example see suddenly delporte so how do you invested in 2016 and maliska in 2019 the maximize small hundred seventy eight percent in four years until of course Libra so because of the drop and say because it's not a truck the level your new 2017 prices yeah and just to differentiate with a smaller company a mid-cap companies it will coordinate oh yeah so will Candido Douglas shows a stock market for the first time in 2017 at 5 pesos per share ap around 20 pesos 19 to 20 pesos before of course there are because of the poopy yeah - imagine you invested in it for two years since IPO Nia or I POS initial public offering your investment would have gained two hundred two percent in two years notice with blue chip companies usually take several years before you see me significantly but with smaller - smaller ones that you work on Nikola makeup company what you can achieve so beaches were longer often we can achieve them with smaller companies in a shorter amount of time conceived color bill in 2019 prices here so those are just examples of planning arena sampling in Amman arena so within a month I will teach you how to decide cone killing abajo of the billet starting with the side we spend 80% of the time sideways long you can even Galan no more stocks even even in the market except this year because of Kuwait because of the unforeseen Bentsen beyond our control the market is in a downtrend but I'll cover this first so please take down notes in this section but the wink I didn't go now have you ever heard of the same buy low sell high so in X question I mean I didn't is how do we know what's low and was high just like the rock paper scissors we look at the packages the historical patterns okay so this is the price over time outside weights now but the law is looks like this right very simple you just look at consumption at the touch that that should be the 1 2 3 and similarly on the touch of one two three so the qualification element is not touch her more than once so this is called our buy low range also known as support this is our sell high range also known as you missus types so pilo equals support sell high equals x so the drawing the lock on and Ayami potential at the touch so when i sleep nothing sells stock charts because stop charts look different this is an example of stock chart so then touch Alito one two three and knock-back Chiquito one two three four this one is our support say every time make a putt shillitoe my up get your price well when you finish up at the ass casual support I say laziness and oh okay so you know should we go put the data this is penstemon is to buy this is our sell high so Rito based on its patterns nepeta and papa buck Imahara so every time the clinic the touch shigeko who bother buying price and I are not in yet so right now Klim price is in here I think it's a good time to buy now the answer is not likely not likely because miss Phillips patterns every time the puck shillitoe it goes dark another example in the doorway novel final line here Constantia nectar touch light touch shaman I mean bases lethal you can see and touch the charming Betsy the one two four five six seven so many non memory not only support in existence range nothing but I don't know Moline on the side we shot so right now the price is in the support we think it's a good time to buy now more likely because answered support a shot and just to show you some of my trade some 2019 just to show you now whatever it this is a teaching I also practice myself or that just want to show you the 2019 was a sideways period and here the strange so my threads in 2019 we're mostly Seidel is one example see image specific tag along baba shalid top to up around one two three four so this is see clearly a support range so import and I was able to sell here reconvening Toledo Norma but services funds because I can to get impatiently but gave me purpose and safety now a liver with two necks another example global Veronica P column let me to shaft support because yoga I mean so you feel is a platform venogram konasana automatically Marcel veto so we saw ya know cuz you could have moved onto but that's okay because again this again another example I've been interviewing polynomial Ito some level stay here so I bought I programmed it to sell here that they need several percent and that's the CSM prime M prime is a young sideways near is Mary Chong Maha Bach sideways like this and Marin did shine on micro sideways then I'm Colleen aside even here so I've been drawing upon online sell happen yet so when it reach 34 I bought and I was able to sell you gave me eight percent and my own retail for for 2019 is ch ch but in an unethical facility for the lock down before the panic the stock market panic we should be nine percent so I am among the defensive because rotate 2017 since Sparta to market I was melt arrested 2018 since babu-bhaiya market defensive but must anything on Kuya mama I know don't paint eating or sleeping then - you can do top 30 companies I was looking at the hidden gem so that 18 I was still profit about 2019 pure sideways trends now and 2020 I am a defense expert at you later oh I don't know about minigame I just want to make it clear that I'm not recommending now when you see me leave and I'm at these levels because what can happen is you know episode 5 minute when I get it becomes a pony minute yeah so pill covering them an uptrend and downtrend because still quite similar movie set up at RC be superb Appa differentiate it moon entertain young up tents are sideways so field venture now asari 20 statistics like this nice throw horizontal lines if it's that simple an optin looks like this so happens in pressure when we know this is sucks when that happens what we call a breakout ninja particle change resource talking about 20% 30% and 50% historical you currently know 5% key campaign so when the breakup happens what used to be your assistance is now your support now similarly uptrend is my braking systems what can also happen is a break at home support so from sideways we know now it's a downtrend and Shapley name just a nothing you are son so putting the capital and downtrend is called the breakdown an uptrend is a break out don't render Sabri now yeah so in that didn't support is now your this is stunts here so you question among young is or is what's really but somewhere kitty some girls are on baba bottom wanna get nothing for a sideways you support and resistance nothing we just draw a horizontal nights it's that simple in fact sideways is the easiest trend or an uptrend it's quite similar now emilina we find points and it's the talk but we don't draw two signs we get the help from a an indicator which I will introduce you to those moving averages so the moving average it's a chart indicator that averages prices in an overlapping manner we thank the volatility now for the beginners this is just one out of hundreds of indicators out there but this is a lot of indicators I think it's a circle of foundational indicators have been about it so when you understand this model you continue advanced indicators but do go to menu bar along your journey so just to summarize the decision-making process what do i buy so you know Gilliland in Milan I've got a new company I know hannah.goanna top operating shots stable Bashar net income and Okada NATO my future plans better to grow expansion and be bonus special dividends when do I buy one super breakout now we don't buy when it's heavily falling down and when do I say Lytton apoplectic ie biriba the Hat okay because you will have to pick one and stick to it are you going to hold on to its long-term story or are you just going to take advantage of short to medium term Thanks so maritime long-term investors now usually they don't rely on the charts for their decision making in et la la la la da Messina seen on Yahoo Ponyo and they grow up with a business example that you see Warren Buffett one of the most successful investors in the brain Marilyn are young pure traders they don't bother to get to know the company from the Metheny any came along the line patterns and take advantage of it so a lot of Filipino members because our community they adopt the pure traders side and married in among casual traders so mix both like me which is what I taught you so how I invest in good companies window mentally sound companies I rely on the chart to time my auntie GU sound pressure P Billy and I only buy on supporter because she make him pay Kapoor talaga and marina offer long-term married in Nepal little early but must fun for me you're sure to meet in 10 chance but again important young assistant here strategy and help it's important see so I've had several stories now sabi nila able to take advantage of me short to medium term trends you know vanilla they bought in support but it's a breakdown so instead of cutting their losses but of Sabina I'm deep longing Idol the long-term story in and on Scylla so import that dental a beam skill number one time would cut my losses nothing because it's part of the risk because here's the stock market we have to prepare for two possibility if you don't want to start belonged on presentation and oh I make no claims now it will you money are it a money array because again I'm not traveling but I can they we are prepared for the possibility that it will go well and we are prepared for the possibility that it will not because you know if not dialoguing Thomas toxemia time I am enough so let's go over the two possibilities so if you're going to hold on to it for the long term then his cell Funyuns what this means is for example the invest couple s M prime because mentioned reclamation project and it's going to be huge and you know a reclamation project for a reclamation area thick's takes time six years so you can sell on use and when do I sell put my rep in on how I buy my own stability in one company so click in the sky blue chip to see a stable shot but if in viña in a cured call it something happens that compromises in business now stop blows stop loss meaning catalysis not or if the story is still intact you can average if it's a bad investment what does that mean so let's say you bought here ricotta sabi more ease along Turco don't stop though but what happened is boomer stop by all rights now the long-term game is still you will have to wait years so let me go with jicama papadelis attack but to manage your risk in a smarter will what you can do is average down when you average down Cassie your new break-even price goes here let's say publica here then boom it occurred in here now same amount of shares your new break-even price here fun vetoes original price smoked Busan will happen in a game canna instead of you both here aspiring forget just need to find big even move so that is me averaging down I would recommend some long-term investments for those not very cash rich human ami bera because you know to buy add to buy more to buy more in to buy more is it's so also a privilege for those women who want to do the short to medium term loud or the trader now you said the long term long term it's a good trade cup oxide will you sell on your systems or if it's an uptrend you sell on ma and if it's a bad trade straight stop plots so again when you do minikappa you are in a sideways so break does not break down then if you suddenly decided an investor can a long term investor no please also learn cut their losses because it's a way to manage it and buy stop-loss our recommendation is to have a constable surplus point we can increase the time percent so you never be news 5 if very protective cursor money move you can adopt the 3 to 5% this and topic measurement what kind of man I can go for 8 to 10 another important a stop loss stone because again we need to prepare for two possibilities the ideal possibility is tamatha you bubonic shadow and the worst possibility is pneumonia in Worcester knighted so if you have a stop close you always limit the risk of your investment and advanced tip number two do test bias so what does that mean let's say you have 30,000 classes to invest it's discipline because a particular stock and let's say you stop plus nothing is 5% so calculator if in all in nothing a girl in 30000 that was the worst possibility happens she'll pick up at nothing at 5% and we lost 1,500 but if test by finger going happen let's say do nothing 10k buna then 10k 10k Kappa associative mr. nothing so if Bentley muna 5% of 10,000 is 500 so that's the advantage of doing test bias it's also a way to limit risk in case you appear mañana so possibly now then with time this is the part of the class now that the walkthrough part I will demonstrate to you my five-minute shortcut because to me I just do this 5 to 10 minutes every day or even less and everything I thought you bug that the island go so what do I buy Gilliland and we're not even company when do I bite another nothing ko saing support for every cup nervous anyone do I sell another nothing if maritime sure you give them opportunities no frigging cool so as mentioned either demonstrate to you type in a short cut Nicaragua ho and I will simulate my village trip so when you log into your to train Asia platform this is the first thing you will see ya so this is the PSE I for the day so today is March 20 Friday we are up 155 points so it needs to be n not be leavin anymore ow because kita sobra Mumma burning market and stock market given the quarantine is open from 9 a.m. and down 1 p.m. not oh but regular schedule now stock market is from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 so if you decide now assume it dried mud invest country where is Papa in Doha yo you about able to finish account and it will appear here what about the funding details later yeah if you go to the f lq page these are the funding details sir - tray - aha just go to to trade account / f8 key usually finding journal is online transfer or by the KO one visits about between the positively in hot numbers for OFWs you use a pound swift code and then you email proof of transaction your screenshot of one name transferred to accounting a to trade asia not calm and they put 80 tapas put me in a bit in a buying stocks each other the bus and here's some news but by series family like my first trade I usually start doing what I know and you know the first company no no biblical worse I am like just because puts a popular company so exploring I can see Allah again Hillel animal in our take one be how does I make money coming out and plants near any develops what I know who are so to get to know company I go to the research tab here Malita and here make a Makita symbol guy so if you take this the hot new panini on e the invest got beer here again we're interested in a on the net so the stock code for a other than this and so d to boost stocks we use up codes to make investments Jelena if you want so it's the real estate division of Iowa Court LLL not in your financials if you're not so accounting savvy you just need to look at the net income like I said that income is you've nitiram income after paying off the heart now so be covering in beta for solo from 13 15 17 billion 20 25 billion 29 and I'll finish out 20 1933 failure so again the recording look at the dividend history which is just beside financials so detouring darling I owned twice a year look from 2011 since 2011 they've been giving cash dividends twice pay so comfy so muggy and tight 32 summer bash dividend you have to buy before the exudate but look at all Begay national dividends no March 3 payable today so if you want to be entitled to this apartment a bill Akana before March think now let's look at human expansion trance nominee a young a lot for this one my shortcut is Twitter so just go to trained Asia okay now only nothing about because the social media out of to trade is public and this is the shortcut I use and what I love about Twitter is you know in two hundred forty characters or less and the name bonito we don't really need to go through the module or use sites nama journalist yeah and from the search bar over here using the desktop you can see just like the stop code from code on acute radiation so remember the shortcut it's going to be very easy press ENTER and people think Oh Tom latest so that in chronological order limo man well it up yeah March is steam so I'm gonna keep it a nothing indeed AC or ionic or sets 30 percent increase in capex capex or capital exponential cranium budget on company to grow the business because those Elana Portman 275 billion this year thirty percent higher compared to 2019 the CRV will conquer 43% of total topics CHP age 16 percent low 23 percent and in the water 9% and UK I fill this so Sabini Ali challenging to make in 2020 earning school have been a mall and put the operations offering 10% decline in foot traffic during the first six weeks of 2020 due to the other option and cope with 19 outweigh so you pandemic paradigm demanded queen of companies not a hence the result share price movements Allah supposedly mayor nationwide mall sale but then again the pandemic happened also see you early ladies now go to a police the contention of each issue with the government so Ali this for you to explore but fundamentally temporarily Ayala Land will be taking a hit from the coded especially the malls but in the long run I think very promising per animal new company so that's just the quickest the quick way to get the new company then let's go to charts so that was step one let's go to step two when do I buy look at the bill on the Mozilla get to know this research when to buy is charts so infinite is a candy for this demo I'll just switch to force here is the chart of a yonder like what I do i zoom out until I see a recognizable I think so can't expect us with the demonstration of the greenhouse off because this is more fun altitudinal scientist if i zoom back a little 2014 click upon a yummy recognizable pattern you are not we need Sharma sideways it's here is moving up a on 2014-2015 up 2015-2016 sixteen result up down up down up down and then the corona virus pandemic she pushed it solo Nopalea billion about a few 2012 signals new 2013 12 to 2013 so keeping up your end new Ayala Land is either obtain denoting McDermott VP on horizontal lines for finding the support and resistance hey sue I will use the average again you can find a moving average here say indicators moving average remedy I pressed it twice here I will program this 20-day moving average and for the style capella toppling to ponder orange but amethyst English nap time then I will zoom back in to the recent data so from 2019 if we would look at young 100 ma muna 2019 which is this period 2019 no Sokka Arsenal ma see they on the lawn care it went off so from 41 it went as high as 53 53 then known the Britney anuttam' 100 MV nothing again what did we see since the price is below the MV it's an ultra so the person you up to now it's down hello because of the pandemic so Brenda you Nanyang deepest of 100 day moving average nothing so far anti-returned moving average so it's also very very part from the shortage is it a good time to buy a ll and now given number barbershop it's going to be very very because you're buying so far away from the moving average okay I cannot say with certainty now let the name P number by Buddy Holly because as of today March 20 can make mama so Molina from yesterday March 1922 shot my also below and we closed twenty six point three pesos e aí Lala so again aha I'm finna / - uncle owned by on sport or wake up so I will wait until my sideways or mug uptrend see I had a land before I buy into it but let's see you want to take the risk just for the purpose of this level because again the hard and soft on us down so I won't really be able to show you how the trading platform works so again this claimant this is just for the purposes of the demo the walkthrough now we will simulate buying aisle a lot so this is a craving curves you'll zoom in I will type in the stop code this and here metal mug appear not bid and ask again this is somewhere I get so maritime buyers and sellers this is the price cosign shall be stupid and buyers as it's the price person should eat paint are no standards so we have become buyer cut small had a discount with Laura go seller caboose Obama's mother asked because that's how you make money now the volume beside these prices shows you gotta ramming here sandstone with him for in that price and an economy shares Nobu statement upper that price super here men on one hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred shares that we stopped Amelia at twenty six point three miss ask when a thirty six thousand shares new stone in Belper at twenty six point four so if you would look at you fit volume and the ask volume Simas Minami obviously it's a bit volume which he tells you not so in terms of the supply and demand a mess melamine boos don't boo me link because again in sobre bobbin an operational stocks so let's see we're taking that as a good sign on a minute for selecting the price you can either join the other buyers or conduct in my name price my sellers the price selection here is very arbitrary so let's see boost upon Donna for the pinion 26.4 an appeal de alto so I will type that in as much price and quantity you will see here made of minimum 100 so the minimum number of Ally Schaer second is 100 run English mint of 2,640 pencils let's see we have this third do not a middle time 25,000 pieces to start so we can afford to buy nine hundred shares of a lie now interim here refers to you expire in order in a day by default it's set within the day so if the next trading day which is Monday it's the next trading day well I'm open to seven and nine hundred shares of early suppression of estoppel then the order will be canceled automatically however we may be like oh no Manchus existing settled so there's no need to set this not with the week preclude the month so you usually use it on good till big good till month if kaanum Annamalai you sub current trading price you price because I'm supposed to be here quarantine anyone ah ah ah ba ba ba pass up to 24 or 23 then you can set this good topic or put the mud so very simple the market right now is close since I'm recording this one 2 p.m. now but it's okay to say it by the man I rely on or there's no height cerrado your market the only time you cannot buy is during lunch break so preview order type a password then you're done you can also turn off the password here but since this is a dummy account when I know mention them in and just to show you another feature KATUSA platform here we have the three calculator so it this will tell you your fees and charges now involved with Phillip Thompson it's quite minimum minimum allowable Commission for the broker assist 0.25 percent per 20 pesos switchable is higher just we need very very small circle of a break-even price that you need to increase for every three number to mature by more than one-point-two percent sobbing happened the tiny 900 shirts on Ali sir 26.4 let's see you start you can go do it okay Ali is after the tall outbreak it's going to go up after the outbreak 96.4 is here I can sell it back to 40 pesos just about musket shot and since I don't want to follow it on to this for the long term I will set my stop loss rule the say I'll go in five percent so if my camera all of us at Peshawar peace protected in Monaco so you can measure this 26.4 just a minute no you got four men and thio stop-loss is 25 so at least it's a short cut to forget forget stuff last night let's see the ideal possibility is boom elections or regional levels now at 40 pesos so it's like a 50% deal investment 123 thousand billion upon now almost 12 K but imagine a yellow number 25,000 an entire the bigger amount me and invest the bigger then young lieutenant yeah so cash is clearly this a stocks and it's also one of the reasons were you a young man must alone you may have ancestors and another feature not available if you sign up online is an already program to stop those features also we okay so we're almost done so just a bit more info about you killed in shock so if you decided to open an account with utilities you madam portion but blue platforms available right now we have the mobile absolutely suitable for the values the beginner friendly standard platform with the penguin are mid code in this demonstration and we also have the advanced platform very powerful features if this will be made available to everyone I think this is already available for everyone the ocean preferred beginners anchor hit practice moon I hear and those namana me experience now or want to update current there's also the stop loss feature leaders and advanced guard for me to trade Nisha where you can already program Neos applause limit Paraiba Thailand in hot web-based stops the platform is also fast and seamless so you can catch those high flyers that firm didn't intend you per customer support it's as easy as texting your friends just message shown a smoking to trade a shot follow the page and for all concerns just message there and the [Music] they're all switch now to get started you know what to take advantage of the opportunity presented by cookies 19 you just have to fill up the forms just go to your website it would Kate so just go to and then put the new dress aside there is a so fill up the forms print and sign tapas Papa Delaney puts office needle trade the address is 17th or Lepanto building a sailor or asthma obesity and fund your account whenever you're ready so after funding out Duma activate the own to trade accounts and to fund your account can either do online bank transfer for one of these except maybe hiding and over-the-counter about deposit just transfer them to any of these credited a constitute a screenshot your proof of transferred or email the email to hunting at which radiation time thank you for joining me in this video class it's to share with you as a bonus you know top picks and research native drink I won't go over them not just something for you do it see the screenshot or take note of just pause the video if you want growth place these are the companies now you can grow up with but you place these are the stocks you know me high earnings potential but so brown beaten down by the market would actually include how does not need to serve value peace dividend release if you just want the products and the minimum deposit required to open an account is usually it's 25k but for everyone who signed up or everyone learn a Northam video later exclusive and your email is registered to your name also you will be able to open an account for a minimum of five thousand so make sure now the beginning of email to people trade a shot your full name and email please ignore your own if you fill up the bonus today so so closing marks ramming is interested metal toe but continue on a popular semester because it takes desire to learning consistency and get you master Paynter not just stocks investing you know stocks are so cheap right now now it's actually the best time to be learning about this to be practicing because again experience will always be the best teacher and I will never clean after this pulpit it became millionaires because again I would like to go back to these four possibilities more fear will contribute to the downturn of the market but hope will contribute to its object so I hope now all of you are safe and I hope we see this through and hopefully with an arsenal even cope with 19 and I have no doubt that we will overcome anything and everything so thank you for joining this uh this video class if you have questions please feel free to assign them to us again here are the facebook messenger and email links I mentioned you long that you watch this video in list down yelling questions you know and we'll try to answer so is it for me thank you and happy trading
Channel: 2tradeasia
Views: 54,771
Rating: 4.962359 out of 5
Keywords: #Love2Trade, #stockinvesting, #philippinestockmarket, #stockmarket, #longterminvesting, #covid19
Id: t24Jr7SrVjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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