How to integrate ChatGPT with C# and .NET Core using Web APIs #ChatGPT #OpenAI #DotNetCore

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hi guys welcome to my session in this session we are going to cover one more interesting topic that how to integrate our open AI with dotnet core web API one of my previous session I already saw how to integrate charge GPT upon AI completion with the SDK or nuget packages also I created few other chart GPT videos I will give the link of these videos if you are missed or if you are interested then please check it out for today's session we are going to use Visual Studio 2022 I am going to create a net core web API project so here I'm creating this one I'm giving charge GPT API click on next non-native https for now click on create so what I was telling that in this session particular this session actually I saw how to integrate using SDK or nougat packages today I am going to show you how to integrate using a simple web API or calling a simple web API so our API application got created for this you need a requesting you need to go to your open AI you need to sign up or login then you need to go to this account View apis here you will get this API key to create a security key this secret key will be huge for charge GPT completion request Now API got created so you can see our applications our file is there I am going to add a new controller which is our new controller and here I am going to add a empty API controller foreign chart controller click on r and guys after building this video I'm going to keep this video source code in the Google Drive and give the link on video description so you can download and check it out so I now need of this route now right I need few class file and for the sake of timing I'm going to copy paste here so I need few classes which is and copy some request one class completion response I am going in detail one by one and charge GPT usage next is charge GPT choice so in charge GPT choice we have a property called text in charge GPT usage you have property from tokens completion token total token incompletion response we have choices and usage of this particular class in completion request we have model what is the charge GPT model we are going to use what is the prompt or what is the query and what is the maximum token or Max token and next I am going to create a API here by using this four model and calling the chart GPT upon AI completion API to save timing I am going to copy paste here this complete API where I'm using a get API it is accepting the query or the prompt and creating a completion request by using the composition request model we just saw got it next we are creating a completion response equal to new compression response using HTTP client I am giving the authorization and the API will be https double slash API dot AI dot upon V1 slash completion next the header will be authorization and borrower will be our token token will be starting you can see this one starting with s k and ending with RVD 0. right now we have requesting this API and getting the starter score if underscore is true then getting the completion response then I am getting the completion response in the completion text if you see in this model so this is charge GPT test right then I am returning that completion text here so this is very easy in my previous session also I saw this particular this is near to 10 minute session and I think this video also need to go into seven or eight minute so it will be very easy to learn from this video so we have completed our code now run the application and see it is working or not so this is first time I'm running it will take bit more time foreign so you can see there are two API which is by default weather forecast and this one we created you charge GPT let's try it out so what is likes I'm giving a question and which is posting as a query here so you can see life is I'm doing something what about the response regenerator by charge gbt life of a programmer let's see how interesting the response is coming the life of program can be rewarding as they often get work on challenging and interesting project working as a program can be involved long hour through the exact duration of number hour will depend upon the specific job and employer yes it's true beside coding many program also spend time testing their program researching and learning new programming languages and Technologies designing program handling support issue from customer unfortunately the life of programmer can be I don't think there is something something so these are the response from charge GPT we are integrating using our DOT net core web API 6.0 and charge GPT upon API upon AI API guys I hope you like this session if you do give me a like and share this video with your friends thank you very much
Channel: Biswa Ranjan
Views: 1,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: integrate ChatGPT with .Net Core and C#, integrate ChatGPT with .Net Core, integrate ChatGPT with C#, ChatGPT with .Net, chatgpt with C#, C#, ChatGPT, natural language processing, NLP, language model, API, programming, development, integration, tutorial, coding, software development, chatbot, C# developers, AI, OpenAI, state-of-the-art NLP, csharp space, chat gpt, chatgpt explained, web development, chatgpt how to use, chatgpt game, chatgpt examples, chatgpt api, chatgpt demo chatgpt 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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