How To Integrate Almost ANYTHING With ThriveCart

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hey it's Joe fear here from get thrive Curt calm in this video I want to address a common question that we get which is how do i integrate with whatever the heck I want to I mean there's a million things out there you can integrate with thrive cart or really anything else on the planet you know when it comes to software that's the probably the most common question everybody is always going to ask can it work with this tool can it work with that tool box so in this video we're gonna show you how you can integrate over a thousand different things with thrive cart and I'm gonna show you some very common ones and ways to do it so let's watch now [Music] all righty so inside a thrive cart there are a boatload of integrations that are already preset natively integrated inside a thrive cart we have a ton of videos I get thrive that show these things and how to use each one's things ranging from payment gateways autoresponders membership platforms webinar platforms a ton of different fulfillment platforms even for physical products and then there's also a ton of integrations for just notifications and you know when you get an order when something ships out all that kind of stuff so there are a ton of integrations things are being added seems like almost daily but at least weekly I mean there's there's things happening all the time inside of here but sometimes it just happens that you know maybe the thing that you're looking for the thing that you really want is not integrated so that's where zapier really comes in handy now if you haven't heard of this app here yeah you can see right here so this actually adds a peers website Zaap ier calm it's pretty common but what's really cool is folks don't really think about this as a way to integrate something that they might be using so if you actually go and don't go there right now but you could do this later after the video I'll link to it but what you can do is go to their apps page and essentially look for anything that's on here so you can either search on the top right here in this little search bar so you could look for like a project management tool like asana and you can see that pops up so we use that for our company and that is an option to integrate with thrive cards so based off of an action done inside a thrive card like someone purchasing a product you can actually have something get added or modified inside of asana if that's you know kind of works with your your workflow there so the big thing is first of all knowing that you can actually integrate over a thousand different apps with thrive card even if they're not natively integrated inside of here the thing you want to keep in mind though is with with with SAP you're in general is basically you need to have an action so I'm going to show you how that works so when you actually get inside a thrive card you have the option to start using zapier and this very powerful tool that is built inside of here so let me just show you how this all works so under integrations you can go over to zapier click get started and this is where it gets fun it's like a massive kind of like recipe you can build this if this then that type of stuff so you can see on the very top this is the whole zapier builder by the way but what you'll want is to make sure that the app that is triggering this thing to happen is your thrive card account so if it's not already loaded in there just type thrive you'll see a pop right up there it's by invite only but you being a customer you'll be able to do this now something I want to show you before we go any further here is is something that a lot of folks miss so when looking at this as a trigger you could think like okay so a trigger is something like a purchase or a very specific product purchase it could be any product or product purchase people think that that might be those might be the only options but if you go down here this little little text that says show less common options you click that and now you pretty much just open yourself up to anything you can think of so stuff like you know when there's an upsell purchased or created a down sell purchased affiliate Commission's are being paid or earned bump offers are being refunded recurring payments are failing so many different options and as you know inside a thrive cart there's a whole ton of features there's a bunch of behavioral rules and a lot of nuances that are very difficult to basically explain in one video or even in one blog post but once you start using it you can you realize that you have the ability to get as creative as you want with thrive cart and when you layer in something like zapier which is integrated inside of thrive car right here then your options get exponentially larger so the first step you want to do is really figure out what's your intention so what do you want to do with the Rive cart so maybe like I said you know maybe you want to integrate with a specific membership site well if it's not integrated inside of thrive cart already you can see the membership sites are right here and you know the time you're watching this video you might have more actually integrated back here but if you aren't using one of these then inside of zapier you do have the ability to connect something like an example is kajabi so if I wanted to first of all you could search up on the apps page at zapier type in kajabi and there you go and just typed in a few letters and it's right here so this is a pretty popular membership platform and you can see that it does use a peer to integrate so what you would do is you would want to make sure that it has an action so inside of ZAP here let me just show you what that means so let's just say that inside of thrive cart we want to trigger this thing on any product purchase and then we want to go and I'm gonna skip a couple steps I'm not going to test this stuff just for the sake of speed in this video but let's make sure that our trigger is something inside of thrive cart for this example then we want to add a step and the key thing is is you want to make sure that any integrated app that you're using inside of zapier also has the ability for you to choose an action and that is going to trigger something to happen in that connected app so in this example we're trying to connect thrive cart with kajabi the membership platform so what you do is go right down here to end to action slash search and then right here on this little drop down type in kajabi there it is so we'll click that and then you see we have an action we basically choose the action that we want to happen based off of what is going on in the trigger on top so what you want to do down here is you have a few options each integrated app has its own list of options so whatever you will have the ability to do it's very simple to just kind of play around with the different apps and then with the different actions and kind of see what you have to work with here so you can get really creative so you can see you know if someone purchases in this example purchases inside of our thrive cart platform using the checkout we can then use kajabi to grant access to a specific offer you can revoke access to something you can create a form submission these are just some kind of simple examples but you know once you actually integrate this stuff you will see even more options so there's usually some other layers that happen this is kind of the initial thing if you can see this is one very quick way you can integrate a membership platform that's not already inside a thrive card so like I was saying it's it's tough for for any software company to list out the millions of integrations that are possible maybe maybe thousands maybe not millions but you know what I mean where you know so if you don't see something that's integrated most likely if it's inside of ZAP year right here if we go to the apps page if you search on here and you find what you use then more often than not you're you're going to be able to use it inside a thrive card as well so there are some pretty popular ones I'm going to kind of read off of this list so some examples of things that when we help folks you can you can actually kind of search through here but some common ones are so PDF stamping is something that folks asked about is hey you know when someone purchased my product I want those PDFs to have some kind of tracking name or reference code so what you could do is for that specific example you could use this service that is called what's called web merge and you can see it right here so we could see that is already inside of zapier and if you go to over here all you would do is just basically change the action so if we wanted to use web merge for any kind of purchase you would add a step at an action and then type in web merge you can see it right here and here we go and then we have this whole kind of and then you can start the process usually there's multiple steps you can see in this case you always want to kind of look out for this less common options you could see boom you can do quite a bit of stuff so you can merge documents you can add text and all that stuff that's one example we already talked about membership platforms there's a whole bunch out there that are on the web even some really you know kind of no-name ones but a lot of times you can look at those things search inside of zapier and see if you have the option to connect those with the right cart using this now some other common ones are things like CRM and email services so some common ones are pipe drive you could see right down here this is made for a lot of sales folks another one is Salesforce you can connect things like that if we just go down the list we can even look so Dropbox social media there's things like Twitter Instagram LinkedIn's inside of here as well there's a lot of different forms you can use Pinterest is in here going down the list project management we already talked about that so things like asana is in here we can actually look down this list even on the far right side project management has its own little tab and so you have Trello here asana Podio Basecamp I mean all these things you could do stuff with I mean we can't even go down the list there's things for our counting you know so if you want to track things in QuickBooks or 0 those are two popular ones fresh books even all these things you all want to make sure of course that there are some actions that you can use inside of thrive cart but the whole point of this thing just the video in general I'm just trying to get across that there's a lot of integrations you can use for thrive cart even if you don't see them natively integrated in one of our videos or on the sales page for thrive cart just know that zapier there's a very powerful platform I almost call it like the recipe Center you know you can pretty much get as creative as you want and you're mixing in different options and things but always keep in mind that you want to have the intention set so you want to have a question like say hey can I do this you know so having something specific in mind such as you know I want to or can I put a reference code or maybe the customer name on a PDF that I'm selling with the Rive cart well that's when you would seek out something like web merge and if you don't know what that's you know named if you don't know the app then that's why something like over here at zapier comm you can search up in the apps and kind of just filter by the categories on the right side here and do you know there are some premium integrations and there are gonna be possibly some fees on the other end you know using the app that's kind of understood we just want to make sure and if you notice a little roadblock so a key thing and this is the last thing I'll say is that you want to make sure that whatever is connected inside his app year here allows you to create in action that's going to create this whole kind of machine to work if you don't see an option there for an action do know that thrive cart also gives you web hooks the ability to integrate essentially using web hooks instead of zapier all right so if we go to settings over here on thrive cart and then API and web hooks you'll see right inside of here you have the ability to create some web hooks and integrate things that you want to so that's really cool that's actually how a lot of integrations are already used with integrating to thrive cart here so just know that you do have a couple of options zapier is usually the easier the fastest way to do it but web hooks also gives you another layer of integrations that you can you can basically do to cover even more bases so hopefully that helps and the big thing is to just check out over stuff over here at zapier dot-com slash apps again I'll link that under the video wherever you're watching it's going to be linked to here it's very simple to just kind of get excited about the different things you can connect and that's the power of thrive card is really to automate a lot of this stuff that you're doing instead of you kind of doing the manual process or hiring other folks to do stuff for you just keep in mind you can integrate and automate a lot of that stuff or fans of it and it's amazing thrive card allows you to do it all so make sure to go grab your copy if you don't have one already go to get thrive card com you'll get a ton of bonuses and always the best price when you're buying through us as well so thank you very much please reach out if you have any questions this is Jo fear thanks for watching bye
Channel: Thrivecart Power Users
Views: 2,942
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Keywords: zapier, thrivecart, samcart, sendowl, clickfunnels, paykickstart, kartra, thrivecart review, stripe, samcart review, shopping cart, samcart tutorial, paypal, thrivecart pricing, thrivecart vs samcart, thrivecart affiliate, thrivecart affiliate program, samcart vs thrivecart, thrivecart integrations, thrivecart api, thrivecart wordpress, what is thrivecart, lifetime review of thrivecart, thrive cart review, thrivecart reviews, thrivecart vs clickfunnels, thrivecart alternative, cartflows
Id: ighO24fmvG8
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Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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