How to Instantly Convert an mp3 Audio File into Sheet Music for Free! AnthemScore and MuseScore!

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welcome i hope that you are doing well by the end of this video you will be able to convert an audio file something like a wav file or an mp3 file into sheet music that you can edit and print out now to do this you will be using two different pieces of software one is musescore which is a piece of free music software that you will be able to edit the notes with and the other is anthem square which is the software that actually converts the audio file to the sheet music so let's get started so these tools can be useful for converting the audio file to a sheet music but they do have limitations and i'll make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see the different problems that you can run into and how you can work around them as as well as you know what you may or may not be able to do with the software so the first thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to head to two different websites the first is and i'll put the link to this website in the description below and this website is where you will be able to download anthem score onto your computer and then the other website that you're going to want to head to is and this is where you will be downloading musescore so again you're going to want to go to each of these and download the correct version and install it onto your computer and a quick note about anthem score is that it starts out as a free trial so you can download the trial first and um or if you um you know i would probably start with the trial firstly if you like it and then if you want to purchase the software then they have a couple options to purchase but here are a couple of features that you can see that anthem square is going to do for you um and then a musescore is uh free it's open source and um it's just a piece of free software that you can use for the sheet music part of this so once you have those downloaded and installed on your computer you'll want to open up anthem score now what i am i'm going to attempt first is i have several pieces of um several mp3 files and several wav files that i i'd like to show you first one is this mary had a little lamb [Music] so you can see it's a piano piece um it's just a single line and it just plays the melody and so in order to start the process of converting that to sheet music what i'm going to do is go up to file and then i'm going to click open and it's going to ask me what file i would like to open up and then i'm going to click on mary had a little lamb once that is complete then it's going to ask me a couple questions and it asks me if i'd like to convert the entire song i do you can also click a section of the song we'll do that later and then you can do find notes which is what you're going to want for the sheet music spectrogram you're going to see what that is in a second and then it asks you a couple other settings you can just keep those as they are to start so you just press ok and now it's going to convert that piece of music in to something that can be read into sheet music so you can see it's going to pull up into the viewer what it looks like and this is where you're going to be able to see if it worked or not for you so you can click out of the viewer and see the notes represented here and you if those for those that are familiar with midi this is what a midi reading would look like and you can see it did a pretty good job i can go up here to the left hand corner and go ahead and press play and you can see it uh did a pretty good job at uh recognizing the notes and then putting them here now what we need to do is actually get this into musescore so that we can edit the notes if we need to so in order to do that uh you're going to go ahead and go up to the left hand side here and you what you want to do is you want to export this and it's going to ask you uh where you'd like to put the score so again you can put it in any folder that makes sense to you and what you're going to want to do is it's going to ask you for the format and you can see you have several different pieces of format so if it did a good job you can just you know export it as pdf if you want to print it off right away if you need to edit it which most of the time you do you're going to want to have the format be a music xml um or a dot xml file so click that to have it selected and then um it'll ask you uh you know if any any if you know what instrument you might uh have um a recording of and those kinds of things and um once you've uh feel like that's all correct then you just press ok and now it's going ahead and it's you know clicking or converting that and once it's done you will find it in the file that you set it to so here it is now for many of you it'll show up like this blank piece of paper so what you need to do it doesn't have a program so if i click on this it's going to ask me where i would like to open this let's say i didn't ha i didn't have that option you're going to right click it and then you want to open with you might need to choose another app and then i've got new score here you might need to go even further but i've got a music course i want to click muse score and press ok and now it is going to ask me would i like to uh apply their new um you know typeface to the score i'm going to say go ahead and so this is what it's going to look like they'll put the title at the top and that's the title that you gave it when you were saving it and you can see it did a very good job at converting that into sheet music and again once you're mu square there's a lot of functions here that you can use in musescore but again this video is just to show you how to convert a wave file or an mp3 file into sheet music with having it open in musescore you can manipulate the notes i can uh you know uh click on this and um you know add notes or take away notes or those kinds of things but again this is mostly for transcribing music so that it saves you some time and energy probably still going to just do some editing now if you would like more videos on how to use music or i have many uh i have many different videos on how to use this piece of software so you can check out my other videos for that one in particular is that if you if you don't know how to put in notes that's the first one to start with so i'll put a link around here for the note entry video okay so now that you know how to convert an audio file to sheet music let me walk you through a couple problems that you might run into so uh and then also i want to show you how to use anthem score there's a couple more tools in here that you you probably enjoy so i want to try another piece of music so let's say so that worked really well for the piano piece and uh one of the things i want to point out is that uh anthem score really only works well if you've got a single instrument or um maybe two instruments that are like far apart with the range so basically um they don't have the same um range um so the uh first thing i want to do is uh go back up up here to i'm going to close this out first close the file i'm not going to save it you can save these files too as anthem score files if you want to edit them later so next i want to open a different kind of piece of music this is a beethoven symphony this is a much more complex piece of music for this one i am going to only convert part of the song because it takes quite a while with the bigger files so it's going to go ahead and convert that mp3 and real quick that's what it came up with i just wanted to show you what this sounded like before converting it [Music] so you can see it's a full orchestra okay and um so this is what i came up with on the sheet music and you can see it's pretty um it's not quite correct and um the one main reason it's not quite correct is because of um one of the limitations of this program is the pulse or the rhythm so basically if what you're trying to convert was not recorded with a metronome or something like a metronome like a click track um then um is this piece of software will not do a very good job at uh creating the sheet music so um with uh you know with the music that you're converting just keep that in mind that you want to have music that that's pretty close to in time um so you can see that's what i came up with so it would take me a long time to edit all of this to be correct and again you might be using this for several different reasons you know you might not need the sheet music to be perfect you might just be doing it as a hobby just trying to figure out what the notes are so you don't have to transcribe it by hand okay so once you've got it into anthem score you can edit it in anthem score and what you can do is just um you know right click in this area and you can move notes around you can delete notes if i right click on that it deletes the note if i right click again down here it'll add an e and again this will affect the sheet music that it creates um over here on the left hand side there's a lot of different tools that you can use um right here is where we've got the note selector um or adding removing notes that's what we've got now so to do that you have to have that enabled so that's one thing and then it also has you know opacity and those you can see the notes will fade out i keep it nice and bright the other part of this i want to show you is right here the measures so let's say it had a problem with the rhythm you can like what i was saying earlier with um it really needs to be in rhythm if you um if there's a part there's a retardant or something that's encelarondo you can go up here these numbers at the top are the measures and then you can click and then drag that around so that it um puts the measure more where you want it um to undo anything you do in here just put push control z and uh that'll at least get you moving in the right direction so those are just a couple of the things that you can do in anthem score a few you know you can explore this a little further to see some other things you can change the key signature so let's say you you wanted to you know transpose this quickly you just go over here to the left left-hand side of this and then click on the blue area there or you can just look over here the left-hand side and you see key e-flat i can go ahead and change that to f if i wanted to now the problem is it'll put the sheet music in f but it's not going to actually transpose the music it's just going to put it in in the key signature so it's got limitations um in that regard so i'm just going to click back to e-flat and again you've got your time signature and those kinds of things you can edit so let's go ahead and see what this looks like whenever i go ahead and export it as an xml file and then i'm going to open it in musescore so this is what it came up with in musescore and i would have to do quite a bit of editing um for this piece of music okay uh one last thing i want to show you in uh anthem score and just point out is that if you want to do anything like um choir music um or anything with a lot of different instruments it's not going to work very well and the main the main reason is because it's it's trying to hear all of the notes and a lot of times it doesn't hear all the notes correctly or put it in the correct rhythm and again you have to do a lot of editing either in anthem score or in music one last thing that you want to be mindful of is whatever recording you're using you want to make sure it's in tune so you now know how to convert an audio file into a piece of sheet music that you can edit in musescore if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments section below i do my best to answer those i have other musescore 3 tutorials available again start with the note entry video if you haven't watched that one that's a good one place to start for using musescore and lastly uh if you like this please subscribe and like this video i thank you and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Musician Startup
Views: 50,149
Rating: 4.8960075 out of 5
Keywords: mp3 to sheet music, mp3 to sheet music converter, mp3 to sheeet music musescore, mp3 to sheet music piano, transcribe mp3 to sheet music, convert mp3 to sheet music, how to convert mp3 files to sheet music, how to convert mp3 to sheet music free, how to convert mp3 to sheet music, how to convert .mp3 file to sheet music, wav to sheet music, how to convert wav to sheet music, .mp3 to sheet music, .wav to sheet music, mp3 to sheet music free, wav to sheet music free
Id: Vqfv_vrnt1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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