How to install WordPress free domain and hosting with hostinger

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hello guys uh welcome to this video uh in this video we're just going to be going over uh WordPress installation uh in the previous video I went over some uh content Management Systems you know like weeks uh like Shopify you know and the rest of them so in this video I'll just be showing you guys uh how to uh install uh WordPress uh to your computer and we're going to be doing this all for free okay so we're going to be doing this all for free uh I also be show you guys how to do it through the paid method and also showing you guys how to do it through the free method okay but in this tutorial we'll be doing it all for free so that everybody's going to be uh carried along okay so uh like in the previous video I made mention that WordPress uh is one of the no code uh platforms uh used to build websites and it covers about 42% of website you know on the internet so over here I have just a random project uh a demo project I am doing for somebody and this is just the back end uh of the WordPress uh website so let's head over to a hosting platform called hostinger okay hostinger so before we start uh we need two things to have a WordPress website running on the internet the first thing we need is what we call a domain name okay which is simply uh a website name okay here uh anywhere we have a website name and the second we need is a hosting uh provider okay so some companies provide the both of them okay so domain name is simply the hosting uh the website name while the web host okay uh where you can keep our website online can also be provided by you know some companies the same company can provide domain name and you know hosting at the same time okay so we are heading over to host and they offer free hosting and free domain okay so there's a way we can get a paid domain of our choice we have to search if the domain name or the website name is available okay we can see. which is about $4 online which is about $0.9 do shop which is about $0.99 and all that so if you want to search for a domain name and check if it's available we simply search for it now it's very recommended we uh use domain names that are two words or three words do not have any hyen and do not have any number okay but we can just us any random domain name uh for the purpose of this tutorial okay so I'm just showing you guys how to get a domain name so I want to get to domain name something like a treehouse uh Nigeria for example and I search so the system is going to check if it's available and we can see Treehouse nigeria. comom is available so we can simply add to cut uh if it's available and we can purchase both the domain you know and the hosting okay so it's as simple as that so we check for uh hosting packages and all that okay so it's very simple and you check put on the check out at the payment method but in this tutorial I just going to be using uh you know the free method and you guys can start from there when you gather some experience you can uh you know get onto the post uh paid domain name and paid hosting so everything in this tutorial is going to be completely free and this is hosting uh they are a very reliable platform so in here we can see some other packages okay we have single premium business you know and of course the free website hosting which also comes with the free subdomain name okay so over here we have one website feature 300 MB of SSD storage this is the uh online storage for your website that can conest of pictures images text videos and all that okay so you can exceed more than 300 a megabyte no email account SSL uh free SSL which is this uh padlock you see here to show that website is uh fully uh secured and all that okay so we are very limited but we can have uh a website for tutorial okay so to get this hosting and a free sub domain you just click on get free hosting so we're here and we just uh simply sign up uh with our email we put our email and uh we put uh password and we sign up okay so uh over here you have to verify your email address so to Simply verify email address you head over to the email that you put during the sign up process and uh you have your email address and you simply verify it so it's as simple as that so we have had our account uh been set up so we'll be redirected to uh what we call the uh C panel okay uh so we start hello so we'll be directed to what we call the C panel but prayer before then we would have to choose our domain name okay so for this uh tutorial I will just be choosing uh uh lvg WordPress tutorial okay so this is a domain extension for the free hosting we can't use doom and all that so they have given us their own extension here is completely free uh we take advantage of it put a password here and we also put a password again we the password and we create our our website our domain which will be also be linked to our hosting so we have uh two boxes here after we have included our domain uh I've gotten our free domain and we just choose the first box here so this is for for traditional uh HTML CSS JavaScript and you know the rest of the coding and this is your content Management Systems uh like what press here so uh no Code system so we simply select this and remember to choose the exact same email uh that um you accessible to when you are signing up so this would be for administrator uh purposes you have all your details and everything uh site admin uh details sent to this email okay so we wait for you to set up when it's 100% to uh you know have our website you know up and running okay so uh when it's finished installing you simply click on uh websites here and you click on manage so don't forget the steps you click on website wherever you are click on website after it has gotten over 100% and now we have what we call the C panel so in the C panel this is where we have U certain things like our database our you know our domains and all that okay our email and all that our support in case something goes wrong uh so we click on WordPress and we click on edit website so this should take us to the back end of uh our you know WordPress website our new WordPress website okay so when we were Opening Our domain we choose this domain lvg WordPress tutorial and we have this extension here generated by the hosting company okay so we can start from here and you know have our tutorial okay so if you're just very new to websites you don't really know much about website the website is simply just um an online platform where data can be uh stored where data can be retrieved and where data can be uploaded okay and uh this is just all about uh no code uh you know web development okay so now a website is basically uh divided into uh two parts okay one is the back end the back end is what we are seeing right now known as the dashboard or whatever you call it okay and the other the other part is the front end okay so if you visit website very regularly uh you always have access to uh the front end okay so the front end is known as the server side the back end the front end is known as the client side the back end is known as the you know server side so this this is the front and I can see this is a very new website uh there's no much here it's completely blank okay so we just head over to the back end by clicking on you know the title here and this is the back end so the back end is where we have the administrator access is where we have certain things that we can configure to appear you know on the front end okay so we're going to be using uh both sites for you know building you know website over the uh you know line of this course okay so we have just a few things here uh in the dashboard the dashboard where we have notifications certain things can pop up updates is where we have uh uh updates for you know certain softwares plugins themes you know and other things that are out of date okay so we have post I will be going into post later on okay so post is how to add maybe a blog post or a newsletter or you know something an article uh we have media media is where we have uploaded content to you know the website we have um pictures we have videos you know and all that so I'll be showing you guys also how to upload uh media to the website okay so we have pages so you might going to some certain website and you see multiple pages okay you might see home about so this sample project here let me just get to the front and we have Pages we have about uh six pages there about here home about blog volunteer contact you know and donate so we'll be able to create multiple Pages here and delete you know Pages we be able to manage our Pages here okay and be able to create Pages who want to appear and the don't want to appear on the menu okay so we also have comments comment are simply uh comment users make on the front end of the website so we can approve it we can delete it we can can you know modify it we can scrap it out okay in case we have spam comment and all that so we have also appearance appearance we have themes we'll be going into themes in the coming videos we have pattern customize and all that so themes are basically just the structure of uh your website okay so we also have plugins so plugins are you know tiny softwares used to uh you know build your website okay they can perform certain functions uh you know on your website okay so we have users also here users uh you know how we can add users that are being logged in or being signed up to your website like administrator users we can add roles you can add subscribers we can add uh you know certain things so we'll be going into those in uh you know detail uh over the course of uh the next coming video so we have tools uh we have a settings here uh we can use used to configure certain things to the website like uh the name of the website or the tagline of the website uh you know of um certain things okay so in the next coming videos uh I'm going to be talking about you know all this in details okay this is just an introductory video to installing WordPress so have WordPress install to your system so that you're going to be filling up uh the next coming videos thank you and see you in the next video
Channel: lvg tech
Views: 109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3OBzGz4sH0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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