How to install Windows software on Linux [Step by step]

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g'day so i hear that you're now using linux but the thing is you keep having to jump back into windows just to be able to use some of your favorite windows programs well in this video i'm going to show you how you can actually run windows programs in linux so let's go welcome back to the channel so what we're going to do now is actually install a program called bottles now a lot of people out there in linux land use a program called wine but sometimes you can actually experience a few issues trying to run wine especially in older versions of ubuntu like for example i'm using peppermint 10 which is based on ubuntu 18.04 and how bottles works is it actually creates compatibility layers otherwise known as environments and so in these environments we can actually run our windows programs now the cool thing about that is that actually kind of sandboxes it from the rest of our system so essentially we're protecting our system so let's get right into it so the first thing to do is to open a web browser and we're actually going to install the flat pack versions so let's go to [Music] and if your system isn't set up for flat packs then just run the quick setup [Music] and so these are all the distros that you can actually use flat packs on i'm using peppermint 10 which is of course ubuntu 18.04 so i'll open that now if you're using any of the ubuntu flavors from cuttlefish onwards which is ubuntu 18.10 then all you have to do is copy and paste this command into a terminal window so i'll open up a terminal window and i'll just move this to the side slightly and so you'd paste this flat pack installation command into your terminal but because we're using peppermint which is ubuntu 18.04 we'll actually have to install the ppa so i'll just scroll down this page a little bit and then copy and paste these commands into my terminals so i'll just copy and then paste press enter to continue so this shouldn't actually take too long [Music] let's now update our repositories [Music] [Music] [Music] cool and now install flat pack [Music] i actually already have the latest version of flat pack in my system so that's cool so now what i'm going to do is also install the flat pack plug-in and so what this means is that in my software apps if i do a search for applications then i'll actually be served up the flat pack versions as part of the results as well so i'm going to copy and paste this into my terminal [Music] fantastic and then finally i'll just scroll down a little bit more i'll add the flat hub repository so i'll just copy and paste this command into my terminal fantastic so now what we're going to do is actually reboot the system so i'll catch you on the other side of the reboot and we're back so let's continue where we left off and go back to our web browser and then let's click install some apps to go back to the flat hub website and then do a search for bottles and there we go so i'll just click that and then scroll down the page and here are the command line instructions so let's open up a terminal window again and then copy the first command into the terminal window [Music] yes to continue [Music] fantastic that has completed so i'll exit out of here and then because this is a flat pack flat packs don't actually show up in your apps menu straight away until you do a reboot so let's do another reboot and i'll catch you on the other side of the reboot and we're back so if we look in the apps menu and do a search for bottles here it is there so what i'll actually do is add the bottles launcher to my side panel so just right click that panel preferences go to items add a new launcher and then close and then scroll down to the launcher move it to the other side of the expanding separator and then click here to edit the currently selected icon click add to add new item to search for bottles there it is there select that click add close and close there we go i have the launcher on the apps panel now so i'll click that to launch bottles now because i've actually used bottles on this computer before i don't actually have to follow the wizard to download and install some of the dependencies for bottles so if that's the case for you then just follow that wizard and then rejoin when we're up to this stage here which is to create a new bottle so i'll click that choose software environment because i'd like to install ableton live in my linux distro give it a name which is ableton live limited edition click create and so this will actually create the environment for the program to run in [Music] and there we go that's completed so we can click close now now if i click on the ableton live bottle and then click run executable and i actually have this in my external hard drive so where is it there is there and here is the exe installation files for my program so i'll just click that and select run and there we go it's booted up so i'll start this installation process i'll just click ok there next agree next next next next and that started so that's now installing and then finish of course that's done so if you reopen that ableton live bottle and then go over to programs you'll see that live has indeed been added to the bottle start menu so now we can actually run the program from here and that's launched ableton live fantastic now i won't go through configuring ableton live but this is how you can install some awesome windows programs if there isn't a compatible linux version and if this video helped you in any way or if you have any more questions then please just keep leaving questions in the comments that's why i'm making these videos or if you know of anyone who may have issues running windows programs in their linux distro then just please share this video with them and if you'd like to support the channel then just subscribe here so until next time stay safe and be cool and i'll catch you in the next video [Music] you
Views: 256
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: staempunk tv, steampunk tv, peppermint os, bottles app, bottles linux
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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