How To Install Windows 7 In Virtual Box | Hack Lab Setup

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YouTube Welcome Back to hacker 101. all right so today I'm gonna I'm gonna show you guys how to install Windows 7 in Virtual box for your pen testing lab so if you know Windows 7 is highly vulnerable and we can use that in our pen Testing Lab to learn how to use some of the tools I'm going to teach you all right so before we get started let me go ahead and load up my disclaimer all right guys so you know in all the demonstrations all the hacking that I do on hacker 101 channel are conducted on my own equipment I own the routers I own the VMS these are my personal uh this is my personal property I don't support any illegal activity and before any hacking activities you should always have permission all right so with that being said let's um I'm going to close this go ahead and open up a browser because we need to download the Windows 7 ISO image and I'm going to put the link in the description um that way you can go ahead and get this downloaded you may want to pause the video and download the iso image and then you can continue once you have it downloaded I have already downloaded the iso image um but you'll need to do so so click on click on the link and go here you'll see the internet archive page and this ISO image right here is 3.17 gigabytes so it's going to take you know I don't know how fast your internet it took me like 10 minutes I think maybe or maybe a little less um but download the iso image and then once you do that go ahead and hit pause while you download and then once you do that then come back to the video and we'll go ahead and close this window now and then I'm going to go ahead and open up let's open up virtualbox so you should have the iso image downloaded now let's create a new so you should also have virtualbox already installed go ahead and click on new we'll give it a name win7 you can leave it in the default folder like your users um Chad virtualbox you know your your whatever your default folder is I'm going to select the iso image that we downloaded go to other click on your downloads and select your win7 ISO open that click on skipped unattended installation we're going to do this manually and hit next you can leave the memory to two gigabytes you can leave the C processor to one CPU hit next leave the virtual hard disk leave it at 32 gigabytes the default and then just hit finish once you do that you'll see one seven and it's powered off let's click Start and this is going to boot up the virtual machine that's going to load that ISO to start the setup process on um on your window for your windows 7. all right I'm gonna go ahead and close this all right we'll let this load up all right when you get into the screen just um select your language hit next click on install now all right I accept we're gonna do a custom Advanced installation we have unallocated hard drive here 32 gigabytes so we're going to create a partition where we can install the Windows operating system click on new and this lead the default hit apply hit OK and then you can just hit next and this is going to copy the files over it and it's going to install the Windows operating system this is going to take 20 to 30 minutes depending on how fast your computer is so I'm not going to sit through the you know we're not going to wait for this through the video I already have another virtual machine started up um so what what will happen is this will install it's going to reboot the machine twice and each time when it reboots it's going to say press any key to boot from the CD CD or dvd do not press any key just let it reboot normally and it's going to reboot twice and then once it's finished rebooting it's going to bring you to the screen where you enter you create a user account and I'm going to show you that on on my other VM that I have started so for the sake of time and for this video I'm gonna go ahead and just stop this VM but let yours continue until you get to the screen where you create your user account let me close this I'm going to shut it off and then I have my other being that is already at that next screen so all right so once you've rebooted twice you should see the Windows 7 Ultimate screen this is where you're going to give yourself a username all right hit next and you need to set a password all right give it a password hint hit next product key you can hit skip install important updates only you can leave the time zones you can change your time zone I'm going to leave it set to this my mouse is acting crazy all right hit next we're going to set the network to be a home network that will go ahead and apply all the network settings all right this only takes a couple of minutes all right that'll finalize the settings so let that finish foreign desktop okay all right so now Windows 7 is installed but at this point you know the screen is small and it's kind of hard you know to do anything with it so go to devices insert guest Edition city image and then we're gonna go down here to explore open that up click on computer go to the city Run Drive install this package and you want to install the one that is labeled vbox Windows editions AMD 64. sorry I moved a little too quick there hit next install it's going to pop up a couple of prompts asking you do you want to install you can say always trust from Oracle install and what this is doing is this is going to install the video drivers to allow you to have a a full resolution uh full screen this only takes a couple of minutes to install the driver and then once this is installed you do not use this operating system for any personal stuff do not go to your Google account or anything or Gmail or use it for anything because it is very vulnerable all right so just click on finish and that's going to reboot and then once it reboots then you'll have a normal resolution and you can actually work with it and the mouse will respond a little better and it'll be a lot easier to work with but we're going to usually just keep this this minimized and we're going to use fire up Kali Linux and use display or Empire to hack into this Windows 7 box so it doesn't need a whole lot of memory you know we're not going to be interacting with the desktop too much all right so here um login and then for we'll get a full resolution at this point you know how things like you know like your clipboard function where you can copy and paste to help you know it installs all kind of driver I mean it is a little slow on the default memory settings you can increase your memory you know to um whatever you like just you know just depends on how much memory you have on your machine that you can allocate try that again all right so now we have sorry the video um there we go so now we have Windows 7 completely installed in virtualbox ready for you to practice pin testing like I said I'm going to repeat it again do not use this to surf the Internet or anything like that or to get on telegram it is highly vulnerable so this is how you install Windows 7 in virtualbox for your pen Testing Lab I hope you enjoyed this video if you found this to be useful hit the Subscribe button and I will show you in some future videos on how we can hack this Windows 7 box using tools like Metasploit or Empire so all right stay tuned thanks
Channel: Hacker 101
Views: 2,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4mnU3qXsB9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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