How to Install Ubuntu Server Desktop Environment (GUI) on Ubuntu Server 20.04

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in this video I'll show you how we can install the Ubuntu desktop environment in Ubuntu server [Music] so if you see here I have already Ubuntu Server here and I'll check the version of this LSB underscore release Dash a so here you can see this Ubuntu 20.0.2 LTS so I need to install the desktop environment for this in order to do that I'll do sudo app get installed Tesla it will install all these packages and it says here that after this operation you will need 2.6 GB in fact 2635 MB if you see here Ubuntu server is almost 1.8 GB 24.04 desktop is almost 4.6 GB and here it is 2.6 GB additional space so I'll be performing it and now it will take time of course to download and install all right so here the download is completed now it is unpacking all the packages and all the applications all the utilities which are related to Ubuntu desktop and here you can see now Ubuntu desktop environment has been installed already in order to start it now I just type start X and here I need to do basic settings of this so screen lock is disabled so I will click next and here I will choose the English us as a keyboard location services I'll disable it for now and then start using even though and my user is already configured the same user which was for Ubuntu Server of course I don't need to change anything and now for the save side I'll simply go here our power power off restarted and all the icons and everything the storage so these are all the applications now I'll be downloading and installing Visual Studio code into this so I'll simply go here so I'll be downloading the depth package for Debian or Ubuntu all right so download has been completed and in order to install that I'll open Terminal or else here in the downloads folder this particular packages already paid so I'll just copy this type in sudo at it will not installed and package on the path let's look for the package now it should be available here code and here is Visual Studio code all right so the package is already available now you can do that so I'll install the Google Chrome also the package is installed you'll see the Chrome this was all about installing the Ubuntu desktop environment if you like this video subscribe to the channel give me the feedback in the comment section below so see you next video take care and goodbye
Channel: syncbricks
Views: 24,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubuntu server desktop environment, isntall, ubuntu server desktop gui, ubuntu server desktop environment install, ubuntu server gui, ubuntu server gui install, 20.04, gui command, ubuntu desktop installation, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Server Desktop Environment, Ubuntu Server Desktop GUI, Ubuntu Server Desktop Environment Install, Ubuntu Server GUI, Ubuntu Server GUI Install, Ubuntu 20.04, GUI Command, Ubuntu Desktop Installation, ubuntu server best gui, gui for ubuntu server
Id: V_jI_a8blyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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