How to install thunderkit and make a basic mod in 15 minutes

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all right so we're going to do this in one take because I keep messing up and I don't really care at this point as you can understand so hey it's me ham dupe everybody's favorite mod Dev and today we're going to give a sick tutorial on how to install a thunder kit for Unity so we can develop mods in unity in editor it's crazy it's really nice it's also it also breaks a lot but it's really nice if you don't like typing an ad component every time you want to add a component to it to a game object you just get to add it and then you get to type in values and it works wild okay so I'm also gonna be showing you how to set up a mod in Thunder kit just so you have a basic mod that you can load it's going to be a pretty pretty fun process so first we're gonna make a new Unity project right uh make sure it's in 2019.4.26 F1 this is the unity project that uh or this is the unity version that uh risker 82 uses after sotv so um it's gonna be fine we're gonna we're gonna use this because if you don't well your will break and that's not good right we don't want that and it won't load that's the other issue so I'm gonna I'm gonna go to I'm gonna go to Thunder kit remember right I'm gonna I'm gonna go to Thunder kit and then I'm gonna go here right get get to this page I'll link it in the description I'll just it's fine I'll link everything you need so you're gonna go to clone and then you're gonna click on this link you want the https uh link for the GitHub refo now you're gonna go to the the package manager when you get in unity and it's going to take a second to load because it's going to load every Unity package ever and you really don't want them but it's going to load it anyway because you so once that's done I am personally going to change it to in project so you guys can see that I installed the Thunder kit right so once it loads you're gonna go to the Plus in the top left and you're going to click uh add package from git URL and we're gonna paste that link we just grabbed from the repo right it's going to take a second to load uh don't worry about that so you're gonna see display no pop up it might be small I don't know it depends on what you've done before and first we we're gonna go to import conviction and we see this is like a tiny little import config we don't want that we want a big one we want one that has options right so we're going to go up to tools and I'm going to thunder kit and now we're gonna go to packages inside of Thunder kit right and you're gonna click on this this drop down right here look for var2 import extensions it's going to give us a lot more options with Thunder kit and this is honestly just the way to do this because I trust me this this saves a lot of time you don't have to go looking around for like R2 editor kit and everything else you want um you're still gonna have to go looking if you want MSU which you probably don't unless you're making a big content pack uh it's up to you you're gonna have to like read up on what MSU actually does because it's very it's very uh specific right it's it's it's only really useful for like massive content packs but we're going to install of our two editor kit uh you don't have to but I'd suggest it heavily because it said much it's good okay so you see how this didn't change sometimes this happens right so we're gonna go to our Thunder kit settings and then we're gonna delete the import configuration just delete it it will regenerate with our new options and this happens a lot I don't know why but it does so I guess cry uh and then how we open that medicine menu backup after you close it you go to Thundercat and then settings so now wow look at this we have everything we need crazy so um first okay so this tab this tab right here it is important if you want to do stage building if you want to do Siege building you're going to click everything and the reason that is is because it will give us the layers required for stage building I'm not going to do a tutorial on stage building there's a tutorial out there by Jace uh I will link it down below if you want to do stage building got it got it okay so I'm gonna just click nothing because we don't need any of that we don't we don't need that okay so here is where we're gonna look so there's bevinex R2 API multi multiplayer HL API and our virtue edricate multiplayer HL API is a modified version of unity's HL API package multiplayer Shadow API package for every screen to development um if you want to use var2 editor kit you're going to need this luckily import config already downloads it with var2 editor kit so we're gonna go there I'm gonna leave all this on um Batman will always throw one ear I'll show you that later Ben will always throw one error and you don't have to worry about that it's just silly um so we're gonna go here to Sonic His settings and you're gonna see locate and load game files for project so we're gonna go browse right and we're gonna go to our folder or we're just going to folder I already have mine pinned uh your skin to find your EXE um there's a really easy way to do it if I open up steam real quick so just go to your library and go to risk green too whoever it is and click on the Cog icon and then manage browse local files and you are literally brought right to that right to this folder that you need which is great right so you're gonna put that in there and then you're gonna click import now this is usually the longest part of the process we're gonna have to save your private because it's literally importing everything from the game pretty pretty fun pretty fun Okay so it's gonna be like API update required right and it doesn't really matter what's in here right because just hit no thanks you do not want to click on that that will break your project it will you up it will literally just explode your thunder project you will not be able to use it do not click it please okay I think we're done we're done okay so wow we have thunder kit now guys this is crazy so as I have right through editor kit we're gonna have this drop down that's how you check pretty cool now we're gonna have a couple of Errors especially if you're me because mine is cursed you probably won't have these issues so I'm just gonna create a couple folders real quick so this is gonna be your mod name folder this is gonna be the name of your mod um it's gonna it's gonna be where you put all your like mod stuff right and then below that we're gonna create a assets folder right so this is where our assets for our mod name our mod goes right uh we're gonna build this in the asset bundle this we're gonna put all your stuff so now that we have an assets folder we're gonna create three things in the solder right okay so first we're going to create a manifest it's under Thunder kit right so we're gonna go through here manifest Thundercat manifest there we go there's a manifest oh whatever the you want I don't care uh I might call it example mod cool cool manifest identity this is where you put stuff about your mod so we're gonna add a couple things here manifest usually all you're really gonna need is a s assembly definition and a asset bundle definition now if you're planning to like put your put your thunderstorm stuff in here you can put files but uh I'm not so I'm not gonna do that okay so first we're gonna assign the asset bundle so we're gonna call it asset bundle that what you call it whatever the you want uh that bundle and they're in assets one key and then we're gonna choose that folder we made before assets folder bam that's the bundle done now we're gonna need to make an assembly definition this is the second thing that goes in this folder so oh wait mod ASM def or whatever I don't really care okay so make sure you click override references because I need this to to add our stuff okay so for basic stuff definite evil and book row two that dll art not that R2 API Dot dll var2.dlo very important very important all these are pretty important and also add mono.ciso okay these are basic things now other things you might want HD sharp utils HD Unity utils uh you're gonna maybe want uh well you're probably gonna want you need to addressables very important one uh don't why do they keep adding that um that's mostly it uh a lot of this stuff is just situational right so some of it you may not use something that you may use uh Legacy resources API is if you don't want to use addressables but I'd suggest using addressables so just don't use it I guess uh oh that's another one to have that's good okay so we have all those right so apply those and finally the third thing we're making here is we're gonna make our base Unity plugin basically plug-in this is this is uh why we generated dll this is this is how we load the mod I mean you could do it without it but I tend to do it anyway and I'm just gonna do it off of what I do so create a c-sharp script I call it Main whatever I don't really care but mean is what I'm gonna call it right click on it twice to open up uh Visual Studio it loads okay so we're gonna do using Weapon X and we're just gonna create a BCD plugin now I am going to assume you know what you're doing with a BCD plugin uh because that is also on the wiki everywhere and I am not teaching that in this video to save time so make your base Community plug in here save it save it saved great we have everything we need for the mod awesome we're gonna go back to our manifest and we're gonna add our assembly definition to this manifest one easy bam good I'm gonna add a random image in this folder because I need to have something to load in an asset bundle so it generates one sick got it one more thing create new folder for your pipeline so I'm just going to call it pipelines very intuitive I know um we're gonna we're gonna go to Thunder kit pipeline now we're gonna do this quick okay I'm gonna make a basic pipeline if you need more stuff uh uh ask somebody I'm not teaching that there so we're gonna need a stage manifest files easy uh it doesn't need anything uh Siege assemblies stage asset bundles and that's pretty much it I mean you can do some other staging pipelines if you need them but I don't so I'm gonna do exactly that cool pipeline right so don't touch these unless you know what you're doing don't especially don't touch the artifact uh Pass unless you know what you're doing and that's pretty much it so now we're just going to load in our uh mod manifest and execute it bam and look at that we finished execution finally Define your mod all you're going to need to do is go into show in the Explorer and go into your Thundercat file and then the asset bundle savings for your asset button is going to go and the libraries is where your mod is going to go bam really cool awesome mod ASM def is mine cool awesome we're done we're done that's it that's all you need to know basic Thunder kit okay now obviously there's stuff to learn like uh how to make content in Thundercat and all but this is just a basic mindset right if you're using a VAR to edit your kit you don't actually need to do all this setup and it actually does it for you which is really nice really really good you can see that so we're gonna right click verd2 editor kit Wizards mod author name hey I'm nuke mod Thunder kit this is the internal name my name is internal name and I also should follow camel case which is you know no spaces caps for each word human readable so this is going to be thunder hit mod so this is the one with the spaces and then description this is my mod and then you're gonna click Run Wizard and it's actually just going to create all the stuff you need right here and you can increase an asset folder that's great right I'm just gonna try this in here anyway so it actually will add everything you want in here anyway too sorry if your API mod everything everything you want everything you want sick good good John nevy for making this um I think there's also stuff in there for MSU but since I don't have MCS fine and this also creates your weapon plugin and also your manifest with your assets and your ASM devs awesome really cool things by nebby a little Time Saver and then we're just gonna plug that in it works again okay so that's it for the guide um that's all you need to make a basic mod with thunder kit uh if you want to go more in depth again for Content then of course look into it um upon the creation and funnel kit we don't have much documentation so it went weren't uh but we do have Siege documentation by Jace if you want to make a stage so I'll link that below again and I'll see you guys on the flip side
Channel: HeyImNoop
Views: 2,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JI-erct5f4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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