How to install the Pterodactyl Panel with Oracle Free Tier

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hello this is a guide demonstrating how to install the pterodactyl panel using oracle's uh free tier now keep in mind this is only a guide and not a full tutorial it is important that you follow along with the installation documentation because things will constantly change other than that i think we get started so the first thing we'll do this is a get starting page on oracle cloud so we're going to create a vm instance and then we're going to change the image to ubuntu and we're going to choose the ampere processors and we're going to go for force oh cpus and 24 gigabytes of memory we're going to download the private key and we're going to specify the boot volume to be up to 200 gigabytes because that's how much the free tier allows up to okay so now while the server is provisioning we're going to turn this dot key file into a ppka file that way putty can read it so we're going to open up puttygen we're going to load and we're going to change this to all files open up our dot key all right we're going to save the private key call it oracle then oracle demo all right so let's just save it now we'll open up our putty and we'll copy the pop public ip address paste it here under data the auto login name will be open too and we go to ssh auth we're going to browse for a key file we're going to open up our oracle demo file all right and we'll save this as oracle demo save all right and if we open it trust this device and we're in perfect okay so before we fully get started on the install we're going to adjust some ip tables because oracle starts off with certain rules you can read about it here i'll put this in the description so these are the commands a lot to do i actually have these right here can just do that i'm gonna do sudo dash perfect fix those all right so now port 80 will actually be open now we can start up with the guide so i'm going to start off by installing all the dependencies this might take a little bit okay so now what we have to do is we're going to open up the ports on our subnet so you're able to do that by going to your instance uh dashboard and we're going to copy this ip address real quick and put it here because we put it when we enter it we'll get no results because the ports aren't open if we go to our subnet and go to our default sunday security list we're going to add ingress rule session by full screen this real quick we're going to add ingress rules and so now we got to open up the ports if you go to the pterodactyl uh discord under the pinned messages in the installation help there's all the ports all the default ports that are here listed so we're going to open them so we're going to go here we're going to start an address rule to open up these ports 80 43 80 i believe that is and 2022 all right and those are all tcp ports and so now i'm also going to add in some for our game servers we're going to go we're going to open up 100 ports here we're going to five five six five to two five six six five all right open up all those tcp ports and then we're gonna do the same thing for udp all right perfect one critical thing to remember which i forgot to mention is to make sure that both eighty four four three and twenty twenty two are also udp this is essential for it to work correctly so that should be pretty for all our ports now we refresh this we get a welcome nginx page perfect we are set all right so let's continue with the pterodactyl install we're installing composer here all right and then we're going to make the directory and cd into var ww pterodactyl all right correct so now we're gonna go to mysql we're gonna make a password here so this one i'm just gonna call it password all right it's only just one line at a time we're gonna create a user and identify but we're gonna replace the your password with the password you created perfect i copied the exit with it too by the way perfect all right so we're done with that make sure you do the exit as well so now let me get these two we're doing this as root i'm gonna say yes and it is very important to read through the documentation as you do these installs because there's important notes to keep in mind all right so now we're going to set up the panel so we're going to skip through this we're going to call this one cool this can be your domain by the way and do not forget to add in the https if you're gonna do ss encryption or http if you're not and then you're gonna do a time zone i'm gonna do read us for these three options and we are going to enable it to local host this password we're gonna press enter because there is no reader's password we're gonna choose the standard port six three seven nine all right perfect all right it is set up now let's go to the database all right we're gonna do three three zero six panel then we're gonna do the password let's do it password perfect and i'm not going to set up the mail you can set the mail if you want to set up your own smp tp server but i'm just not going to do that all right so once we run this we are going to make our first user by the way this command is going to be installing all the eggs the standard default eggs and whatnot okay so now we're going to make our first user i'm going to be an admin i'm actually say yes perfect all right and now we're going to set the permissions here all right which is one all right so i'm gonna copy this we're gonna go all the way down to the bottom and paste it i'm gonna do ctrl x press y and enter all right so now we are going to do nano we're going to paste that and there's the rock.service copy that add a slash be sure to add slash now file name all right and inside of this file we are going to insert this control x y enter just like that all right not a big deal it's gonna do anyways all right perfect so now what would be the next step would be the web server configuration if you read here we are going to need to first create ssl certificates so go down to creating ssl certificates and we're going to do that real fast and keep in mind we are going to be doing this in ngnx in apache perfect all right so before we go to this next step we're actually go to our dns manager so you do need a domain for this so we're going to go grab our ip address go back back here all right so we have our public ip address right here boom call this and add that record and to test it out that should bring us yeah there we go now into the nginx page all right so now if we create our certificate here we're using nginx once again and we're going oh did not i'm gonna do cancer real quick because that then i'm gonna do the enter be sure to because we're not gonna do right we should replace this with your domain perfect be sure to do your actual email if you'll be like uh told when uh you better run out of your sl encryption and we're going to agree and we're opt out of the email i i don't want to be shared here okay and congratulations we do have our certificate so now we're going to set up the auto renewal perfect all right awesome so now we'll go back to the web page web server configuration all right we're going to remove the default nginx site so this will no longer be what happens when you enter the domain all right and now we are going to now there there we go this is a configuration file enter perfect all right so now we're going to copy this file paste it in here use the up arrow to go up here and then we have to replace everything here that says domain be sure to get rid of the arrows inside with your domain and so there should be four of these that you have to replace all right and once you replace all four of me new control x y enter perfect all right i'm going to enable this configuration file perfect and then we are going to restart ng next so now when you reload to your web url there you go your panel is up and in and we do have our ssl encryption perfect all right so now we can start setting up wings so when actually when you first get to the panel you can actually start the login all right and so if we go to settings when we go to our nodes we have no nodes connected so we can't actually create any servers so now we got some other wings so we can have a healthy node so we're going to install wings and we're going to install docker as it goes we're gonna copy this command this will enable docker on boot so every time your device restarts docker will start up too all right we're in new docker awesome all right red enable swap and then we're going to install wings all right so now we need to set up our configuration file so there's two ways of doing this so first i'm going to create our location this server is located in phoenix so i'm going to create that location like that we're going to nodes create new and we're going to call this oracle cloud perfect actually full screen this so for this i'm going to give it 20 gigabytes of memory i'm gonna do the zero percent over allocation for disk base we'll give it 200 gigabytes no over allocation we're going to use the standard default ports and for causing the ssl connection we're going to put in our domain net so be sure to do your regular domain here and we're going to create the node perfect so this is the configuration file so sometimes the auto deploy token works great sometimes it doesn't uh if it doesn't you can follow the docs i might have to we'll find out but hopefully you just put this command in here and enter it like that ah yep didn't work for me so i'm just going to go to go right in here we go nano paste there and we're gonna add a slash config dot yml perfect we're gonna grab all of this and enter that control x y enter perfect all right so we go back here that and we're going to start up wings and i'll load up a whole cool little graph awesome and do ctrl c to exit this and now we got to demonize it so i'm going to go to nano once again perfect we're going to copy all of this boom ctrl x y enter and now we're gonna enable the auto boot of wings every time your system starts all right so now if we come to here go to our nodes we have a green healthy heart awesome our wings is connected so now we're going to enable all of those 100 ports to be added so for the ip address we are going to choose our private ipv4 address so that's gonna be this one here private ip address boom and for the ip alias you can actually name it whatever you can make it minecraft or whatever but i like to do the public ip address that way it's really easy to copy i can show you what i mean by that in a little bit and we're going to five five six five to two five six six five so this is to open up all 100 ports let's submit it and just like that all right and that is how you install the pterodactyl panel once you have everything installed creating users is really simple you can run the command you just do create new you want to set their emails passwords whether or not they're an administrator you even set up uh things like 2fa i believe yep you said 2fa for admins if you want or all users it is actually super like convenient but other than that everything else is super simple you can create a server just like that assign the ports you can add more ports if you wish choose the node if you have one node but yeah that is that's all you have to do for uh pterodactyl thanks for watching
Channel: ParkieL
Views: 28,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ujvLn9DYsVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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