How to Install The Latest PIP in Python (2024 Update)

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welcome to this video guys in this video I will show you how we can install the latest version of pip in Python and we will also see how we can install python packages using pep so I'll show you two methods first go to this URL you can click on this link in the description below and you'll be taken there now first method is just one command so if you are on Linux or Mac OS or Windows you can click on your specific version here now open CMD right you can click on run as administrator and once your command prompt is open you can copy this Command right by m insure pip upgrade copy this and just simply paste it in your terminal here and hit enter and if it is not working close this because this extra thing was copied here and now hit enter so as you can see I'm getting this message requirement already satisfied because I already have Pip installed in your case if pip is not installed pip will be installed you don't need to do anything else and after pip is installed you'll be able to just use pip by typing this command just type PM pip install and then your package name let's call it numpy hit enter and now numpy will be installed so this is one method of installing pip and installing packages using pip and if this is not working or if you are in Windows sorry Mac or Linux instead of py just write the full name py t o n okay and the second method is you need to download this get pp. pyi so you can right click on this and click on save link as and you can save it anywhere you want but you need to remember the directory because we will need to access this file later so I'll just save this in downloads now once this is saved go to the folder where that is saved here you can open command pump by holding shift and right click and click on open Terminal here or you can just click on this bar here and type cm and your Comm pump will open here so as you can see where is it we are inside users V and downloads now here you can run this command by typing this command python get PIP py or just py in Windows hit enter and pip will be installed and after a while you will see this message that says successfully install pip and again you can use the same thing as we mentioned before to install packages and let's say you you want to use pip install numpy without or pip install any package name here without this python here to do that you'll have to add pip to your envirment variables check the link in the description below it will show you how you can add pip to envirment variables so you can just use it like this without writing python m in front of it okay so yeah if you have any questions let me know in the comments below
Channel: The Code City
Views: 2,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install pip, install latest version of pip, pip install python, install pip in python, how to install pip in python package
Id: F-q9ksowFmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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