How to install sound packs, FPS packs and killfx

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yo hello um this is trippy here you know um it's a little updated version of the original video I made how to add blood effects tracers and all that so I mean that video explained that but I'm going to be explaining some different things here how to install sound packs you know FPS packs um things like that um and then soon I'll I have a a server that will be that has all graphics for you know like 5m and all that for like uh sound effects and all that you know um just saw that so let's get straight into it so basically how we're going to start off with sound effects um basically how you're going to be starting uh how to you know do all that and get your sound effects up basically wherever your um thing is you're going to go to Windows C so um depending on where it's downloaded you if it's downloaded on Steam you can just go to steam so like I don't obviously I don't have a download on Steam I have it's download on epic games so you want to go to property like pretend you know this is GTA V um properties and then you can go to um not properties hold up you want to go to manage or properties something like that hold up it's not it's cuz I don't have a download hold so you're going to go to properties go to install files and then you're going to want to go to browse it's going to bring you to this so basically you'll see all the files plus since if you have it download on EP epic games you can go to your windows C drive or whatever it is on you want to go to program files you want to go to Epic Games want to go to GTA 5 and it's going to have all this all right basically you're want to go to x64 audio sfx all right so depending on what the sound pack is you're going to want to open it all right um I'm using windar but there's like multiple things you can use to be moving your things in your sound effect P or anything into there so these two things right here not this one these two right here you're going to want to bring these into here I already have them in so I mean there's no way to do that but that's that's how you are going to want to do that right all right so we're going to be getting into the um FPS pack right so um I can choose any FPS pack um let's go for this one right here so you open it it's going to say citizen right all right and then you're going to want to go to 5m all right right here and you want to go to open file location once you're right here go to open file location again and go to 5m application data once you're here you're going to see the citizen file you're going to want to delete it all right once you delete this you're going to want to bring it uh bring your new citizens file into here I already have it downloaded so I'm not going to do it again but if you do have kill effects that you want to download so I do so um or well this is what the kill effects are usually going to be time cycle modifier mods 3 four and you want to drag it into this and if it says replace replace it and you can go to the old videos for blood effects and tracers and all that obviously um but that's just you know how to download all that yeah that's the end of the video I hope you all have a good day um and then like I said I'll give you guys that server that has all those in a second once it's fully updated and once we have that running oh I got you guys it'll just have you know things for mod or for GTA 5 realistic pack sound effects realistic sound effects combat packs everything you need um yeah so if you guys have any issues put them in the comments and then I got you guys I'll um you know deal with them help you guys out and uh see you guys later you know you guys have a good day
Channel: w_drippy
Views: 33
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wW3m5cvFMYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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