How to install SonarLint extension in Visual Studio ?

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Hello friends welcome to my channel how to in this video tutorial I'm going to explain how to install sonar lint extension in visual studio so let's start so first of all what is sonar lint extension and what is the use of this extension so sonin is a free ID extension that empowers you to fix the coding issues before they exist so while writing your code it detects and highlight the issues that can lead to the bugs ver abilities and code smells that you create while writing your code so it is a very good extension that will improve your code quality so let's see how to install it first of all open your Visual Studio once you open your Visual Studio over here you can see the interface like this and here is the menu called as extension so click on the extension menu then over here you can see the another menu called as manage extensions so click on the menu then go to the online option then go to the search option and in the search type for sonar lint so over here you can see sonar link for visual studio 2022 so click on download over here you can see downloading is in progress over here you can see the message your changes will be scheduled the modification will begin when all your Microsoft Visual Studio are closed so click on the close and to reflect the changes first of all close your Visual Studio it is initializing it then click on modify now it is installing the Sonet extension on your system and over here you can see the message modification complete so it has successfully installed the son extension on our system so click on the close now open your Visual Studio now open your code or application and over here you can see the message sonar lint finish analyzing the file so now sonar lint will analyze our code and we give you the suggestions or any cemes or vulnerabilities that it has detected so if you go to the extension here you can see the sonar link and it is now enabled so in this way over here you can see uh there is one suggestion called as ADD protected Constructor or static keyword to the class declaration so in this way it will give you suggestions whenever you will type your code or whenever you will write your code so in this way we can download and install sonar extension in visual studio so that's all thanks for watching my video if you are new to my Channel Please Subscribe my channel how to thanks a lot
Channel: How To
Views: 395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer tutorial, computer, How to install SonarLint extension in Visual Studio, SonarCloud, SonarLint download and installation steps
Id: 5cKkQxMS-C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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