How to Install SCCM Current Branch Step-By-Step Guide

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hi my name is Justin shellphone I'm a software engineer for patch my PC in this video we're gonna be showing you how you can install Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager in a lab environment a little background on myself since this is our first video and what we hope will be a series of videos on SCCM prior to my current role I was a premier field engineer for Microsoft supporting SCCM for four years I always found that video was probably one of the most effective ways that I was able to learn and I was able to contribute to some of the internal readiness programs we had for PF es around SCCM in this video I just wanted to walk through the process to install SCCM as well as some of the things that I often found customers might have misconfigured or things that are easily overlooked we're gonna make the assumption that you do have a lab setup that you have a domain controller you have DNS working and you have a member server joined that domain and it's fully patched in our case we're gonna be running Windows Server 2016 and we're going to be installing SCCM current branch 1802 which is currently the latest build-out the first thing that I want to look at is some of the recommended hardware configurations so this was by far the I would say the easiest one to overlook is the disk configuration if you're running a primary site as well as sequel co-located on your primary site server so I'll include the documentation to this article but this is the recommended hardware configuration so what we're going to look at is creating some additional hard disk within our virtual machine that we're going to use for different different application usages within SCCM so for example we're gonna have our operating system drive we're gonna create an additional disk 4 config manager where it actually installs the source files we're gonna create an additional disk for our database MDF file a different disk for our LDF file or our log file for our database additional discs for our temp database and then an additional disk for our content library me personally I'm also going to add one or our source files as well as a additional disk for our wsus database so what that's going to look like I'm running hyper-v so what we're gonna do is just come in here and add an additional hard drive this first one is going to be for my configuration manager installation now one thing I will note is that our host machine is actually it's specked out quite well we have quite a few different is the drives that we can use to put these discs on so we can put them on different drives to improve performance now if you only have one disk or if you have two or three I would probably recommend putting the database the database log file and the temp database file if you have room to split those I'll probably start with those first I'm some what I'm going to do is go ahead and name the virtual disk file and I'm gonna go ahead and put it on my D Drive within my folder for this virtual machine and go ahead and do next here in our case I'm gonna do 50 gig but within the hardware guide it will tell you what each of these could be based on the number of clients you intend to support so now that that's added we'll come back to our secm server this should happen on the fly so we should be able to come into our disk management and see this additional disk and configure it so I'll go ahead and initialize this bring it online and then go ahead and get it formatted and I'll give it a volume name of SCCM underscore install so if we come and look back here we can see the additional drive here in my lab I'll show you what I'm intending on doing so we're gonna have our MDF for our database file our LDF drive for our log file our temp database file our wsus database our source files this could be optional if you intend to host your source files for packages and updates for example on a different server and then our content library where all the content gets placed on your site server um so I'll go ahead and pause the video bike while I complete this all right so I've gone head and created all of my different drives so we've got our SCCM install drive our MDF database our LD f database file our temp DB wsus database files the source files and the content library back on my hosts we can see that I just added all these additional drives in there I would recommend to still create these even if you're saving them to the same drive just because if you ever do expand your physical host in your lab it's much easier to shut down the VM and simply move a few discs around then try to for instance move a sequel database doing like a backup and recovery and have to worry about that type of configuration for that now one thing that I do want to add is are no SMS on Drive file so you can just take a look at that name and we're going to copy that to the root of every drive that we do not want SCCM content library files to get copied to in our case that's going to be every Drive except for our content library drive which is going to be this J Drive alright so I went ahead and copy that to all the drives except J one thing that I will note is I did make a database folder on the root of all of the drives that I'm using for different database operations here so that should be good as far as pre creating the disk that I need once again if you want a reference how large those disks can be within the hardware guide it will base it on the number of clients how big you would want to make your disk for the different different things that we would be adding here now the next thing that I'm going to do is install some of the prerequisites so we're gonna go ahead and run a PowerShell script to install is as well as remote differential compression and bits so these are different features within Windows Server that we need for SCCM to work for our site server and management point so I'm just gonna open a PowerShell window paste in the command and I'll include this in the description within the video this is just gonna install is bits and remote differential compression so I'll go ahead and pause while this installation complete okay so that installation is now complete I'll go ahead and close this window the next thing that we're going to configure is our sequel server and we're going to be running this under a domain account this is going to be a best practice generally you're going to want to run your service under a domain account instead of running under the local system in order to do that we're going to need to create a service principle name within Active Directory for the service account that we're going to run the service under some just gonna open a command line and I'm gonna paste in my command to create that service Principal name so this is just running a set SPN command dash a and then the sequel service name the server were running the port and then the service account that we're using so it looks like that is good in my case I already had this created but you should see that it created it successfully I'm also gonna create one for the fully qualified domain name of my computer as well and we can see that that looks good as well alright so I'll close that out on the active directory side of things that was just a user account that I was using as a service account where the password doesn't expire the next thing that we're gonna configure is our firewall to ensure that the ports first sequel are opened so we're going to add port 1433 for a sequel service and then for 0 to 2 for our sequel Broker to ensure that we have those enabled within our domain profile and that looks good so I've already pre downloaded sequel server 2017 that is going to be a support version for config manager current branch 1802 I will include a link out to the supported versions of sequel for current branch in case you're watching this down the road and you want to know whether there's a future version that's supported I'm going to go ahead and go to installation and we're going to choose a new sequel server standalone installation all right I went ahead and jumped past our product key so I'm just going to go through the install default for the updates for the firewall we've already enabled those ports so we should be all set there now for sequel server 2017 they did split up the reporting services to a separate load for the installation so in our case we're not going to install the reporting services or the management studio this would be available if you're using 2016 or a previous version but we are going to do the database engine so that is going to be a requirement if you're running 2016 or previous versions you would probably want to go ahead and enable the management tools as well as reporting services so you could enable those features in SCCM down the road so that should be all we need we'll go ahead and leave the default installation path for just the service I'm going to leave the default instance name now this is where we're gonna set our service account so if I browse out I'm going to enable my SCCM underscore sequel that's my service account go ahead and enter our password then I'm going to copy that and paste that in for the database engine so we're gonna run the sequel agent as well as the sequel service under this service account I am gonna set my agent for the startup type to be automatic because I'm gonna enable some maintenance tasks in the future for doing different things within sequel alright so I'm going to add the current user as a administrator for sequel and then I also have a SCCM sequel admins group for full administrators I'm gonna go ahead and add that in here as well under the data directories we're going to leave the default for the root directory for the system and user databases but what we are going to change is the main temp database location so instead of saving that under the C Drive we're gonna add that to our temp DB drive that we created and then I created that subfolder for database we're at both of those temp database files here so I'm just going to remove the default path browse out to our temp DB and then our database folder for the temp database file I'm going to change the auto growth to 256 and I'm going to set the auto growth for the log file as well to 256 so if we do grow we're gonna grow a bit larger so we don't grow as often for the database files for the temp dB I'll leave the default initial size is that should be okay then we'll go ahead and do next here and then install all right so our sequel database engine is complete as well as all of the components that needed so I'll go ahead and close out of this if we go look at our database folder for our temp DB we can see all the files that were created there the next thing that I'm going to install is our reporting services so I'll go ahead and run this guy and then choose install in my case I'm just gonna do the evaluation for 180 days and then install I'll leave the default for the installation folder and let that complete all right that looks good we won't worry about configuring it that will be a future video when we go through some of the basic configurations after the initial installation and I am going to install the management studio so this is going to allow us to connect into sequel using sequel management tools so I'm just going to choose install here and let this complete now this is also a separate installation for sequel server 2017 that you can just download by just searching for the latest version of sequel server 2017 management studio okay so that installation is now complete so if we come back and open our sequel management studio I'm going to go ahead and choose to connect to my sequel server under the properties of the server we do want to configure the min and the max memory limits so secm recommends to set at least 8 gig within the min and then for the max it's going to depend on your configuration so for us we're gonna be running a standalone primary with sequel database on the same server as the site server so in that case they recommend the max 80 percent of the total available memory of the server so within hyper-v we actually have 32 gigs assigned to this so if I were to do 80 percent of that we'll just do one gig times 32 equals and then take point 8 of that and that's going to be 25 point 6 gig so let me just go ahead and calculate that out I'll just round off to 25 here so then for the max we'll come back in and set that guy here so that's just gonna make it so sequel doesn't use too much memory we're just gonna want to set that cap to 80 percent now I'm gonna go ahead and reboot this guy I'm just so we can get that all set before we install the latest criminal update for sequel all right so we are all rebooted so I'm looking at the documentation for the supported sequel versions for configuration manager current branch so you probably would want to check this out one thing that I do want to note here is for sequel server 2017 it looks like it requires a minimum of two mabh update 2 so you will want to check this generally speaking I would always recommend installing the latest criminal update for the version of sequel that you have installed so I've already downloaded that it's currently of update six for sequel server 2017 so we'll just walk through this installation all right so we'll accept the EULA choose the instance to patch I'm not too worried about this what I'll do is just a restart after we complete this now if you wanted to you could go find that process ID and kill it if you didn't want to worry about restarting after you perform this camera of update all right it looks like everything went good installing the latest criminal update just to be safe I am going to go ahead and perform a quick restart on this server alright so we are back up the next thing I'm gonna install is wsus so if you plan to use software updates with an SCC em you are gonna have to install the WCS role this is going to be optional of course if you don't want to use software updates at least initially you won't have to install this if you if you don't want to use that feature but in our case we will go ahead and get that all set up for us someone's gonna walk through the wizard here instead of using the windows internal database we're gonna use our sequel server since we already have that installed and configured and we're gonna be using that for SCCM as well for my wsus content folder i'm gonna store that within my content library I'm gonna store it on that same drive that my content library is gonna go on for SCCM so I'm just gonna create a new folder called Debi sauce and that's going to be the path that we use for the wsus content folder this will be used to download things like EULA's and metadata that you might need for license agreements within SCCM so for the database we're going to do SC cm 3 dot contoso dot local and we'll go ahead and check that and we successfully connected to sequel and then we'll choose install all right so that installation is complete but we do have to run the post installation tasks that's going to actually install the database and configure everything that we need to start using it all right looks like wsus is all good to go one thing that I do want to configure under the recommended hardware configuration there are some wsus configurations that we want to make within is to ensure that we have enough memory that we can use and we don't have any issues down the road for things like performance when clients are doing wsus scans for compliance data so I'll link out to this documentation but what we're going to do is increase the queue length as well as the memory that is is going to use for our wsus app service so under the wsus pool if we go to the Advanced Settings based on the documentation we're going to increase the queue lengths to two thousand and then we're going to increase the memory limit by four times so I'll just open a calculator we'll paste that in times it by four and then paste that in that looks good we'll do okay on this and while we're doing this we're gonna go ahead and stop the service for the is app pool and I'm going to go ahead and stop the wsus service and what I'm going to do now this is gonna be optional if you didn't create a separate disc for W sauce you wouldn't have to go through this process but what I'm going to do is change the the database path from the default install path that wsus would configure to the disc that we created some open sequel management studio and okay I'm gonna go ahead and connect in cheese databases and then our sus TV if we go and look at where that's currently stored it's going to be that default path under the C Drive so I'll just copy that path and we'll just go ahead and browse there and what we're going to do is detach the database now that we have the W service and the is service stopped I'm going to go ahead and choose the option to drop connections and then detach it then what I'm going to do is go back to our folder I'm going to copy the sus database the MDF and the LDF I'm going to go ahead and cut that come over to my database disk and paste it into my folder now we're going to go back into the databases attach a database and go ahead and add this out browse that folder and choose our database file and then okay looks like that looks good if we come back here we can see that our files are now on our wsus path here and if we look over at our actual folder we can see that they got moved over there then what we're going to do is come back and start our Debbie sauce service make sure that all looks good and then we're gonna start the is app pool 4 W sauce make sure that starts up ok and it looks good alright that looks good so if we go back to my C Drive and my prerequisites the next thing we're install is the windows 10 ADK now I'll include a link out you're just gonna want to make sure you get the latest Windows 10 ATK if you're installing the current branch of SCCM I did use the offline version so I just ran the installer and chose to download offline just so I could go through this process a little bit faster I'm going to leave the default install path of the C Drive choose the default here accept the EULA now for this we need to ensure that we have the deployment tools windows PE u SMT and that's all we need as far as configuration manager goes so this is going to ensure that we have all the features we need for imaging this is also a requirement to get through the pre req check in order for us to actually be able to install the site we need to ensure that we install these three features within the windows ADK all right so that installation is done the next thing that we're going to do is extend the schema of active directory so what you need to do this is you need to have the latest SCCM source files downloaded run the installation to extract the files and then I'm going to go ahead and just browse out within the SMS setup bin x64 there's going to be a file called exd ad SCH so this is the tool that we need to extend the Active Directory schema the schema is gonna just add some additional attributes that SCCM uses to publish information such as boundaries and site information that our clients can look up in Active Directory to get that data so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a run as and just run this with an account that would have permissions to extend the schema okay we'll run that it's just going to be a command line window it is going to create a log file on the root of C if we go ahead and open that up what we're going to be looking for at the end is whether it successfully extended this schema looks like we're all set here all right so that looks good the next thing that we're gonna do is create the system management container with an active directory we need to create this container if you want to publish any type of site information to active directory in order for your clients to look up information about what SCCM site for example they should assign to and what boundaries are available for getting content for the initial client installation so on my domain controller I've opened the ADSI edit tool okay and what we would do here is let me actually reopen this up so I can show you how we connect we would just right click let me just remove this we would click on connect to and then just leave the default naming and that should connect you to your domain so if we click in and go to my domain here we should have a built in container called system what we would need to do is right-click that and create a new object the object type would be a new container and then we would create a new container called system management this is going to be the container where SCCM publishes its site information to now in my case we can see we already have this created but if this was a new environment and you haven't done this before you would need to go create that so if we come in and look at mine what we can see is we've actually got three different sites that are already existing in this active directory and and that's totally fine we'll walk through how we can do that in future videos but it's totally fine to have multiple sites as long as we don't have overlapping boundaries for site assignment but what we need to do is change the permissions of the system management container and then we'd go to advanced and we need to add the computer account of the new site server that you're going to install so under object types we're going to come in here and add computers in my case my server is called SC cm3 and what we need to do is give it permissions to this object and all descending objects and we need to ensure that it has full control so this is gonna allow us to create all the attributes that we need for our site under the system management container which is okay and then apply and it looks like we're all set here all right so going back to SCCM I do generally like to pre create my SCCM database so we can have control over how many files we create as well as the initial size and the locations that we want to create that database to so I'm going to go ahead and choose to create a new database in my case I'm gonna name it cm underscore PR 3 so that's just going to be the default prefix as cm underscore and then the site code that I intend to use so a three-character site code that every site needs for SCCM you can just name it whatever you want for that in my case is gonna be my third site here so I might name it PR 3 for the owner you could either put your account here I'll just put an essay and then what we want to do is configure our files so a good estimate is every client you have will be roughly maybe around 3 or 3 to 5 probably closer to 5 megabytes per client for the database size this can also obviously vary based on how much hardware inventory classes you enable your scanning options and things like that but what we're going to do for this lab is I'm going to create the initial is to be one gig and we're gonna create four different database files generally I would recommend creating between four to eight depending on how bad your site is so I'm go ahead and do one two three to add that if we zoom in I'm just going to name this for my actual database MDF files I'm going this the first one the second file the third file and the fourth file now I'm gonna set the initial size to be one gig you know you could scale this out based on how many clients you expect to have within the hardware guides they also have some recommendations there for the database size based on the number of clients you intend to support that we can use to create this um so in my case since I want the initial size to be about a gig I'm gonna go ahead and split these up into 256 megabytes for each of these files for the log file I'm going to go ahead and make the initial size of 512 and for the autor growth I'm going to increase the auto growth for each of my MDF database files to 128 and for my log file my make it 256 so this will just make it so as the database does grow if you do reach the if you do exceed the initial size that you you create these database files files for it's going to grow less frequency if we if we improve the or increase the file size for the auto growth alright this is also where I can change my path so back on our dries we had a different drive for our MDF files so I'm going to go ahead and copy this path for MDF database files and paste that in and then for a log file we also had a different drive for that so if we come back over we'll copy the path to our log file and that's going to be where we save the log file path looking back at the hardware guide it looks like the estimates here are roughly going to be 75 gig for the database size for every 25,000 clients so you can either increase that or minimize that based on how much you expect to support also just to talk about the CPU and the memory for the site server the the recommended to support the maximum number of supported clients which would be a hundred and fifty thousand computers for a standalone primary site we can see those numbers are quite high but like I said this is going to be based on the largest number of clients that config managers support so if we look down here we can see that this is based on supporting the maximum number so obviously if you're a smaller site and don't support a hundred and fifty thousand clients you certainly probably would not need to start at 16 cores in 96 Giga memory back in the 2012 days for their documentation Microsoft recommended the men to be 8 cores and 32 gigabytes of memory for a standalone primary site with sequel co-located I would say that could probably still be a good starting point in current branch and then you could scale up depending on how many clients you have and based on performance that you see um so it looks good I'll go ahead and choose to create the database we do want to make sure that the recovery model is set to simple though before we create this it all looks good and what use okay alright so that process is complete so if we jump back over to our database we can see we have our log file created it's a looks good 512 Meg's is what we created that and then we should have four different MDF files and that should equal a gig for that initial size now obviously this was scaled out to be just a lab environment with a couple of clients that would probably be a good place to start if you're just setting this for your lab to set that initial size to be a gig between the four files now at this point I think we've got most of the the prerequisites done so if we come back over here and launch our splash HTA within the extracted file list so if you if you use the just the public download to get the trial it's going to come in an exe format you can extract if you're getting it from volume licensing you might get it via an ISO but if you mount that ISO you should have the same type of file data that you see here so we'll go ahead and launch the splash file to get the installation started and we'll choose install and then yes we'll walk through that now we're gonna install a standalone primary site generally speaking this would be almost what you would want in every environment if you're going above a hundred and fifty thousand clients that's where a kaz or a central administration site might come into play but for the most part that's generally not going to be need unless you're a very large enterprise for this summon just through the trial if you had a product key you could go ahead and enter that in the trial will last a hundred and eighty days and you could of course put your product key and after the initial installation if you wanted to activate a trial install I'm gonna go ahead and choose the license agreements and accept all of those choose next now we do have some prerequisite files that we need to download in my case to save time I already pre download them to a folder so I'm just going to go ahead and go back and choose to use previously downloaded files and then choose next okay looks like that's good we'll choose to just install English you couldn't you could add additional language here if you wanted same thing for the client side we'll just enable English now here's where we add our site code so there's going to be a three-character site code that has to be unique per site give it a site name that's going to show up in your console in a description and then for the installation path I'm going to go ahead and change this to be on my D Drive because that's the drive that I configured for my installation and I'll just leave Microsoft configuration manager as the path that's fine I'm also going to choose to install the console and then next here now we're going to install this as a standalone primary site so we're not going to join an existing hierarchy if you did have a cast setup we're just going to do the standalone site that we could use choose next here and we'll go ahead and continue in our case we're going to be using our sequel server that is local to the server so we're not using remote so we're just going to keep that default as our local SCC m3 which is the server we're running on the instance name we just left that default when we install its sequel so we'll just leave it blank here if you had a custom instance you would go ahead and enter in that here and then our database name we can see since we gave the site code pr3 this is going to be the default contact CM underscore PR 3 so that should use our existing database that we pre-configured there broke report we'll leave that default and choose next for our database path it looks like it's just leaving the default value here this should be ignored since we pre created the database it's going to use that existing one but I'm going to go ahead and just enter in the path where we had our MDF file so this is our server data file and then we're going to enter in the drive that we have our log file but this would be if you didn't want to pre create your database like I did you could still have control over where config manager creates the database as far as the log file and the database files so which is next here we're going to install the SMS provider on the same machine in my case we are going to configure communications on each site system role so we haven't setup certificates yet but that could certainly be in a future video if the something you guys have would be interested in seeing we're going to install the management point and the distribution point on this site server as well so we could start setting up clients in our lab and we would have the ability to manage them and deploy content to them with our distribution point now you certainly could use a remote site system for this if you had additional servers that you wanted to set up when she's next here we're going to go ahead and enable the the cloud point that's gonna allow us to connect and see all the latest updates and get updates within our console we're gonna go ahead and install that on this main server as well this is just the summary of what we've selected which is next for the prerequisite check one thing that I will note is while we're waiting for this to run I'm going to go back into my installation path or I'm sorry back into my prerequisite file is where I extracted my install and then under the SMS setup and then the tools folder we're gonna have CM trace this is our log viewer I recommend copying this over to another location just so we don't ever have any conflicts when we're trying to do an update if you're using it from the install source I'm gonna just run it from the C Drive um but this is going to be the default log viewer so if we want to look at things like the prereq check on the root of C there's going to be a log file called config manager prereq um so we can see information about what's going on with the prereq check so everything looks good I did notice it does look like the check does fail to see that we have the men of 8 gigs which are recommended for sequel I would expect this is probably a bug with the way the checks are happening in sequel server 2017 where it's relatively new but we can verify that we do in fact have the men set to 8 gig so that should be fine that's just a warning anyways so we should be able to go ahead and proceed with the installation so I'll go ahead and choose that now and then on the root of the C Drive we're going to see this config man you're set up that log this is where the course setup is going to happen so if we were to open this log file I'll just snap it over to the left and then have this up over on the right this will just kind of show us what's going on in the background as we're performing the installation um so I'll go ahead and pause it while this completes all right so it looks like the core setup is now complete one thing I will note is it is normal to see quite a bit of red in here it's just see em trace that's highlighting different words of the log so after the core install is done there's still a few things happening on the background but it did install the console at this point so we should be able to open our secm console and go ahead and connect to our site we're not going to go through any configurations in this video if you want to monitor what's going on in the background so the core install is done but the installation of different components for SCCM is actually still happening so if we go to our install folder and then under the logs this is going to be the logs for our site server there's gonna be a log file called site comp dot log that's gonna be the site component manager so we can see things going on in the background for different components that are actually getting installed so for example we just installed the the notification service it looks like now we're installing the SMS biggering button which is part of the management point so we should see the management point kick off here soon if it hasn't already completed but if you didn't want to kind of monitor just on the backend what's actually going on in the background until this UI gets completed we can monitor that site comp dot log all right so it looks like at this point where you are pretty much all done I'm so I'll go ahead and close the installation come back to our console looks like everything is good we're connected we'll come over to our monitoring and then system status and then site status just make sure everything looks good and that should be all there is to this video as far as the installation goes please feel free to leave a comment in the video and/or accompanying blog post we'd be happy to answer anything in future videos we should go more into the initial configuration as well as dig into each of the feature sets in a future video thank
Channel: Patch My PC
Views: 193,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft SCCM Guides, Installing Microsoft SCCM, Installing SCCM, Install SCCM, SCCM Install Guide, SCCM Step By Step Guide, SCCM Current Branch Install, SCCM 1802 Install, SCCM Prerequisites, SCCM Install Prerequisites
Id: amrg_mlFvuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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