How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows 10

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hello and welcome my name is Emily and in this video I am going to show you how to install Ruby and Ruby on Rails on Microsoft Windows 10 computer so in order to install rails we need to have Ruby installed on the system as well as deaf kid so to download Ruby and deaf kit on your system you simply go ahead and launch any of your browser and go to Ruby installer dot o-r-g this process is going to be good for Windows seven and eight as well so go ahead and launch a browser and pull up this website Ruby installer dot o-r-g and then click on this download button and then you have lot of options if you do not need Ruby on Rails you can simply go ahead and install Ruby without death kit so you got 64-bit and 32-bit at this moment it's a two point six point one which is latest version of Ruby but we will require the dev kit as well so you can see this is the most recommended version of Ruby with dev kit for Microsoft Windows 10 64 bit operating system so I'm going to download it and install it so simply go ahead and click on it and save it so save it here and you can see I already have downloaded one so I'm going to cancel this one and just going to open while you can just click on it simply you locate your downloaded Ruby 5 package and open it select the I accept the license and then hit next I would like to change the directory name for Ruby so I'll keep it very simple Ruby and you also do not want to uncheck any of these boxes and then hit install this is basically do element toolchain for ruby so you want to have it checked and then hit next this is going to install Ruby and DEF get the development tool chain as well and this shouldn't take long time all righty so thank you for your patience it took around 2 minutes I guess and we are almost done here so once this Ruby is installed it's going to install the development tool chain for dev kit basically for Ruby on Rails and what it does is basically in installs msy as - and along with dev kit ok so here we are now the Ruby has been installed you can see it and this is asking you to run a command with your on your command prompt however if you just check this box and hit finish it's going to launch the command prompt with this command here it's Ruby installer - for Windows and you have three options one two three or you can simply press ENTER so the best option is simply press ENTER and it's going to do its job now this will take a moment it may take up to five minutes depending on the internet speed so once it's done I will be right back okay so everything is done now you can see it's asking for the same thing again so all we have to do it just press ENTER and that means we had to restart the terminal so you can go ahead and check if Ruby's installed so Ruby version and this is Ruby 2 point five point three 64-bit ok so go ahead and check what gems we have so we can simply say a ruby furry gem list ok so this is going to list all the gems installed on the system there these are other gems so a lot of gems okay now we will quickly go ahead and install rails ok so simply say gem install rails you can go ahead and hit enter but what weeks exactly 1 we do not want the documentation to be installed on the system so we simply say no document okay so gem install rails space - - no - document and hit enter this is going to install rails on the system this will again take some time so ok this has just started and this is going to take I think this is going to install almost 40 gems so once it's installed I'll be right back alrighty thank you for your patience you can see 39 gems were installed so we have Ruby on Rails five point two point three installed on the system let's go ahead and check everything so it will be version is going to be two point five we also have bundler installed bundle is basically a package manager 2.0.1 that's a gem as well you can see here now let's go ahead and check rails simplify rails version again it's going to be five point two point three now we can go ahead and quickly create an application so I'm going to head on to text change directory and I am in Dexter right now will make a directory and I'm going to say it will be box change the directory to Ruby box and here I'm going to create a rails applications so rails new and then say web app and hit enter and it's going to take few minute a minute or so it's it's bit slower on Microsoft Windows so once it's done I'll be right back you may get an error of SQLite Jim not okay so if you get any error I'm going to help you fix that as well so I'm going to wait for it okay it's almost done here and let's see what happens public suffix addressable archive zip be index native extensions okay I'll be quick and right back all right so thank you for your patience you can see this is the error message basically so it is not able to install the sqlite3 gem however there is a fix it's a very common issue so this is the page the github page I'm going to link I'm going to give you the link in the description you just have to copy this line here and replace it so yeah that's the line you have to copy and it's available in many comments okay so what we are going to do we are going to open wherever it is okay so it's on the Ruby box I'm going to close this one and open the folder so it is on the desktop and this is going to be under Ruby box here it is and just go ahead and open the gem gem file and you can see here SQLite so you have to replace this with the this line from the github page and simply save it okay and go ahead and change the directory here into your web app so web app and then simply say bundle install and hopefully this time it's going to install the SQLite 3 and you can see fetching and it's going to download and install everything the SQLite and the rest of the gems as well if required just wait for it this takes time so this doesn't work on any us like Ruby 2.4 2.5 and 2.6 as well so you can see using this one now it's okay and so that's the error which is very common when you're going to install Ruby on Rails on Microsoft Windows 10 so it's going to install few more gems thank you for patience you can see seven to seven gems now installed so let's go ahead and quickly run the application so we are already in the web app root directory and let's go ahead and run the server so rails server or simply yes hit enter and once okay so then you go to localhost colon 3000 okay you see localhost 3000 and in here we have Ruby on Drake's Rails Verizon five point two point three and Ruby we have two point five point three so you can use Ruby 2.4 2.5 2.6 the only thing is you may get this error the SQLite error so you have to replace that gem file with this line here so that's it for this video thank you so much for watching this video please like share and subscribe to my channel have a good time bye for now happy coding
Channel: TubeMint
Views: 44,431
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Keywords: How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows 10, How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows 8.1, How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows 8, How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows 7, windows 10, ruby on rails, ruby on rails windows 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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