How to Install Python 3.11.4 on Windows 11 [ 2023 Update ] Complete Guide

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hello everyone I will come here to my Channel  today I am going to show you how to install the   latest version of python on a Windows operating  system so let's begin now to install the latest   version of python it first simply go to favorite  browser and in that this bird integer simply   search with python download and hit enter and  if you scroll down you can see we have this as our First Source result so here you  need to just simply click on this download python   I'll be putting this link in the description so  you can directly navigate to this link from the   given Link in the description so here you can see  we have this download the latest version of python   for Windows available to download so just simply  click on this download 3.11.4 and it's going to   start downloading our latest version of python  if you are using some other operating system   like Linux Macos so then you need to proceed these  links so once our python gets downloaded you need   to just simply click on this installer in order  to install it on our Windows operating system   so here you can see install python 3.11.4 so first  thing that you need to do is you need to check   this at python.exe to path and after that you need  to just simply click on this custom installation   and when you click on that it's going to show you  these optional features so here all options are   rightly selected so you need to keep this default  and just simply click on next and in here you   need to select this install python 3.11 for all  users this is really important so once you select   that it will automatically going to set this you  know custom customize install location over here   so after that it is now ready you can just simply  click on this install button in order to install   it locks you for administrative privileges  click on yes and there you go you can see our   installation has ready began so let's minimize our  browser and I'll wait for a couple of minutes to   get it finished installing on our system and after  that I'm again going to coming back to this video   so welcome back and now Zen clearly see that  our python is rightly installed so you can   see setup was accessible so you can just simply  close this and now if we just simply go to your   command prompt so just simply search over here CMD  and if you just simply open your command prompt   and here just simply type Python and then just  simply hit enter you can see the latest version of   python which is python version 3.11.4 is rightly  installed and it is rightly shown here as well so   on this python shell that is say this uh trademark  triple Arrow if you just simply type print   hello world and just simply hit enter  you can see that output hello world is   directly shown similarly if you want to add  to number like 5 plus 2 it will show seven   so if you want to perform the same in  your python or ideal so just simply type   idle it is going to show you this idle over  here so just simply launch our python idle   and here in this python idle 3.11.4 here  also you can do that same thing like print   hello world see it is propolition similarly if  you want to create a new file like create a new   file and assign the couple of value like equal  to 5 b equal to 2 and let's say you want to print addition of this new number A plus b so you  need to go to First file and save this file as   some prog one okay save this file yes save and if  you just simply go to run and click on run module   you can see that summation of this two number  A plus b that's 5 plus 2 is 7 is rightly shown   so in this I can easily install latest version  of python on Windows operating system so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 258,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python tutorial, how to install python, python tutorial for beginners, install python 3.11, python 3.11.4, python programming, python for beginners, install python 3.11.4, how to install python 3.11.4 on windows 11, install python 3.11 on windows 11, install python on windows 11 64 bit, how to install python 3.11 on windows 11, how to setup python on windows 11 64 bit, how to download python 3.11.4 on windows 11, how to install python on windows 11, python 3.11.4 installation
Id: m9I-YpOjXVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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