How to install PHP 8.2.0 on Windows 10/11 [2023 Update] Run your first PHP Program | Complete guide

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hello everyone I will come here to my Channel  today I'm going to show you how to install the   latest version of PHP that is PHP 8.2.0 on a  Windows operating system so let's begin now to   install the latest version of PHP you need to  First simply go to favorite browser and enter   this bird you need to SMP search with PHP  download and hit enter and you'll be getting   this as our first test result so here  you need to just simply click on download PHP and   this is going to redirect you to the official  site of PHP and you can see that our current   stable version of PHP is PHP 8.2.0 so here for  Windows you need to click on this Windows download   and this is going to redirect you to the windows  download you know binary and Source releases page   so PHP 8.2 is rightly there so here you have to  Option One Is non-thread Safe another is thread   safe so I am going to download the threads F1  so which is you know that this is zip which   is 30.28 MB so just simply click on this ZIP and  it will going to start downloading our PHP now I   have already downloaded it so here is the file  the downloaded version of the PHP so all you   need to do is just simply right click and click on  extract all and this is going to open this window   so just simply click on extract and it will going  to start extracting our PHP so after it you know   successfully extract it it will going to open this  folder you can close this so this is our extracted   folder so if we just simply go inside that folder  you can see all files and folders okay so let's uh   go a directory back and just simply right click  and go show options and rename so let's rename   these to a simple PHP 8.2.0 the version number  okay a simple one no not any other things okay   just a simple version then right click and cart  okay so you are just simply first extracting and   then simply renaming it and then cutting it and  pasting it in our C drive so right click and paste   okay so our PHP which contains all these files are  you know rightly renamed and pasted over here so   now it's time to go inside that folder and click  on this address bar then right click and copy okay   and now we need to click on the search icon and  in the address bar just simply search with the   Environ and this is going to open edit the system  environment variables so just simply open that   and here just simply click on environment  variables and here just simply click on path   and then edit and here just simply click on  new then right click and paste that path okay   so we are copying this you know folder in our  C drive and then we are copying that path and   pasting it in our edit the environment variables  okay now just simply click on OK then again okay   and then again okay okay now you can minimize  this and your browser as well and if you just   simply click go to search and this time search  with CMD and open the CMD and if you just simply   type PHP space dash dash version and hit  enter you can see that our latest version   of PHP is is rightly installed okay so in this  way you can easily install latest version of   PHP I will also going to show you a simple PHP  program so new folder PHP I'll name it I'll just   simply go inside that folder I'll create a new  you know text document I'll name this as hello   dot PHP and I'll just going to save this file  hello.php I go just simply going to open this   open with a notepad and here all I'm going to do  is just you know angular bracket simply close this   and here I am going to just simply Echo hello  world okay so you go hello so just going to   save this file just simply write this much go to  your address bar and just simply type CMD so what   it will do is it will going to open our Command  Prompt right at this directory so here to run   this file just simply type PHP then Hello dot PHP  Hello dot PHP hit enter and you can see our output   hello world so in this we can easily install  latest version of PHP on a Windows operating   system so that's all for this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 218,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: php, mysql, apache, php for beginners, php tutorial, learn php, php 8, php on windows 10, how to install php on windows 10, Install PHP 8.2, PHP 8, PHP 8.2.0, How to install PHP 8 on Windows 10, PHP on Windows 11, How to install PHP 8.2.0 on Windows 10, PHP 8 Tutorial, install php, apache web server, install php windows, apache configuration, web development, installing php, how to install php, http apache server, apache server installation, apache tutorial, apache server
Id: MPRLUd8Pmyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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