How To Install OSMA Storm Drain Part 2 With Johnyboy

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you know [Applause] [Applause] right okay yeah here we are got some of the pipe work to set that we ever built all the way to the corner where we're gonna have a damn pipe because we've run out of pipe so great for the video but um one of the things I wanted to show you as you can see we were limited with the high tier okay we're working really tight we've got a fall on this piece here if I take a piece off there and I you can see this is the existing Bend about to cut down I'm about to cut this one down but what would do will cement around that and we'll see that and make sure that that's actually watertight okay it doesn't matter so much with storm Pike because you want the water around it to get away and if you look across here there's evidence of rising damp but you can see that okay though there is a damn court you can see moss and moss is the result of water retention what we've done all the way around here there was cement all the way up the brickwork so you're bridging okay the brickwork and it can travel and it can move up by capillary action okay some people think that pipe work is simple and any monkey can do it as I've been told okay but the fact is not any monkey can do it it needs to be done right years ago when was putting pipes in on all the joints we would always cement because we were using Hackworth clay pipes okay the old Hackworth system that we used to do and one of the most important things when you trim pipe work especially over a long distance is that you need to ensure the pipe work doesn't sag and I'll explain to you what if you just stay there this is some of the the pipe work that we took hang and it was sagging and it was falling back when if you look at that now inside right look that's because it was old it there's mud there's absolutely full of sand down there and it was getting down there washing down and as of the potential of blocking the drain then what you're gonna have to do you have to lift all these slabs up and you're gonna have to gain access to it because it can cause a potential problems you look at the topography of this part of the garden here everything standing in the dip so this is going to improve the drainage and you're gonna say to yourself how is it going to improve the drainage because this water is just has taken off water off the roof space but the fact is that what you find more than often when you put pipe work in when water drops down below the slabs the water will naturally follow the pipe run okay it's as simple as that what we have here what we used to do years ago we used to use for pipe bedding used to use this pea gravel and the reason that we use the pea gravel because P gravel is water eroded okay it's very round and it's Angelita din the respect that the water can run down through a lot easy okay you'll see some guys some sometimes they use the existing slate that the custom would love to use and they use that for pipe bed and the thing is about slate slate alike what we call peds in clay soil they're made up of platelets so they don't allow the water to come through so when you see mould over areas with slate it's not always the best thing to do and the ground can get very dry okay so this has become all viewed now a more of a decorative chipping and it's become expensive okay not hugely expensive but still expensive so what are they using now is they're using limestone chip is using at a mill or a twenty mill depending on what size pipe whether you're laying and it's so important when you've got gaps underneath quite like me out there now we've got the pipe incident you do not on my knees like this and it drops down underneath the pipe okay and that's going to ensure that the pipe will stay what we could have done with this we could string line it from A to B okay and then the string line we can pick up the sides in the in in the middle but because we've got these nice six-foot levels over that distance we can get it right okay so the travel not necessary for the top of it level on this and we'll make sure we've got a turn of the bubble so the water will run away nice and easy and then when the pipe tops underneath that's going to stop the pipe from sagging down it's always best to ensure that your pipes initially if you're putting in the trench that you're digging your gonna put your pipe work in is a little bit lower and then you can pull your pipe up and adjust to the correct height okay but be very careful you normally go along with a shovel and just give it a little bit of a prize and it'll get to the right level and then just give it a bit of it so as you can see now what's going to happen is that when the water comes down off the face of here off the pay thing with a surface water it's got a drop down okay this is no line drain pipe it's been dropped down into the gravel and it can run away okay it's new creating a void so I hope I've educate you a little bit and if I haven't educate you you need to tell me why I haven't educated you it's as simple as that if you need some advice in the meantime you can go to the website which is don't let your pride stop you see you soon
Channel: Greentop Landscapes & Design
Views: 101,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnyboy, landscaping survival, gopro, 4k, vlogger, youtuber, OSMA, Storm Drain, Drainage, garden Drainage, how to, guide, step by step, paving, patio drainage, soak away, lawn, fencing, decking, patio, garden design, landscaper, landscaping, designer, greentop landscapes
Id: ipKaa9PB9lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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