How to Install Oracle 19c and SQL Developer on windows 10/11 [ 2023 Update ] Complete guide

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hello everyone i will come here to my channel  today i'm going to show you how to install   oracle 19c on a windows operating system and then  i'll also show you how to use our oracle database   and how to write simple queries on our sql plus  shell as well as i'm going to show you a very   good gui or graphic user interface so that is  basically our sql developer so i'll i'll be also   going to show you how to use sql developer and how  to write simple queries how to create table how to   fetch data and all so i'm going to you know show  you pretty much everything if you are starting up   as a you know sql developer so do watch this video  till then so that you know you can know everything   pretty much about sql and sql developer how to  use the tool okay so let's dive in into our video   now first thing you need to remember that you  need basically two thing one is our oracle 19c   which will be basically our database so we'll need  to download our database that is oracle 19c and   then you will need ide or or basically just you  know gui interface so where you will be writing   our you know simple sql command to basically fetch  your data queries and you can also insert data and   you can do so many other things okay so you will  need basically two things one is oracle 19c and   then sql developer so let's go to your you know  favorite browser and in the url just simply search   with oracle 19 c download and you'll be getting  this as our first search result   and see oracle database 19c is rightly available  for windows x64 so just simply click on that and see you have you know that landed over the  oracle you know official site of oracle so here   you can see that it is available so  recall database 19c for windows x64   is oracle grid infrastructure is also  available but i'll be recommending you   to download this first one okay so that is oracle  developer 19c so just simply click on that and it   will going to ask you uh about uh you know  reviewing the out and accepting this oracle   license agreement so just simply check this and  then just simply click on download our oracle so this will going to redirect you to this you  know sign in page so if you don't have an account   on oracle then you need to simply you know create  click on create account so just simply click on   create account and here you need to fill all  details that is your email id password you know   just simply retype that password your country  of origin the name job title work so if you   don't have job title you can just simply  write student okay otherwise you can write   and then work phone just give your number your you  know company name so here just give your college   name or if you're in school then just simply leave  your school name not a big concern just simply   give your address home city postal code and that's  all okay then just simply click on create account   and then you'll be able to you know download your  oracle okay it's a very simple process just simply   create an account that's it so after you know you  create your account you'll be able to get this   folder that is or zip file you can  say that is this windows x64 93 000   db home okay this is basically our oracle uh 19c  and the file size is 2.89 gb so it's basically   almost 3 gb okay so remember like you'll need a  good amount of you know bandwidth or net you can   say to download this file so it is quite big  almost 3 gb that's one thing okay so once you   download this you need to just simply right click  on it and then just simply click on extract all   so we need to just simply extract this you  know correctly like to see just simply click   on extract and see our extraction process has  rightly began so this extracting will take some   time so meanwhile i'm going to show you how  to download that id that i have mentioned   is sql developer okay so for that you need  to again go back to our browser just simply   open a new tab and here just simply search with  sql developer download sql developer download   and then you will be again going to see this our first search result so that is   basically oracle school developer so just simply  click on that and you will be landed over the   official site of oracle again this sql developer  page and here see windows 64 bit with jdk 11 is   included so we need to download this file again  that is 434 mb so that's also quite a big file so   you need to download sql developer from this site  latest update is on june 28 but it doesn't matter   and what time you are watching i am pretty much  sure that you know the the latest version will   be working for you that time as well okay so don't  need to worry about the version and date as of now   so just simply click on this download button again  it will going to show you that about the lucky   license agreement just simply accept this and  then just simply click on download sql developer now remember you have already create an account  while you know downloading our oracle database so   just simply use that same credentials to you know  the username and password to login and then again   you will be able to download our sql developer  so once you download uh you will be able to see   this sql developer 22.2 rightly downloaded over  here as a zip file again you can see it's 438 mb   so you'll be able to see that the file is directly  downloaded so as i have mentioned before the   starting of the video that you will be needing  two product one will be a database and one will   be uh graphic user interface or id you can say so  where you'll be writing the you know sql command   so this is the product which is you know will give  you the gui interface or graphic user interface   and this is our database okay so our database  is currently extracting you can see it will   take some time to extract depending upon you  know your system performance or your system   you know capabilities so this will take time so  you know i'll be coming back right after you know   completion of this process yeah so we'll come  back and now you can clearly see that our oracle   19c is rightly extracted over here so you can see  all files and folders rightly you know over here   so let's first close it so this is basically  our you know extracted folder that is   windows x64 9300 db home and file size is you can  see almost 6 gb so after you know extracting it   you'll be getting this folder so similarly you  need to also extract our sql developer which   is basically our gui interface so simply right  click on it then simply click on extract all   and then just and click on extract so that it  get you know start extracting our sql developer   as well see it has rightly started so you need  to first download this couple of products and   then to simply extract it so i'll be again coming  back right after extracting of our sql developer   yeah so welcome back once again guys so we can see  now that our sql developer is right to extract it   so if we just simply go inside that folder you  can see all files and folders rightly over here   so let us first close it so you can see here that  these two are the downloaded file and these two   are the extracted school developer and oracle  so now it's time to install oracle okay so just   simply uh double click on the you know our oracle  19 c and then you need to simply scroll down right till the end and you'll be getting this  setup.exe over here so just simply double click   on it and this will going to ask you for  administrative privileges just click on yes   and you'll be seeing this you know  oracle installation wizard rightly open   so let us first minimize our download directory   and our browser as well and see our oracle  19c database installation wizard rightly open   so here it's telling whether we like to create  and configure for a single instance of database   or you know you want to set up software only  so i'd like to you know create a single instant   database as well so just you know simply going  to keep this default and then just click on next and now it's telling whether  we like to you know keep it as   a desktop class or a server class so  desktop class is totally fine for now   we are not building it for a server right now so  desktop class is totally fine just click on next   and here it is asking to you know give whether  you'd like to first use this as a virtual account   or an existing windows user or you want to create  it as a new windows user so if you have previously   installed oracle then you can you know use your  previously uh username and password what you have   said uh while installing oracle c uh previously  but if you are completely new to this then you   need to just click on create a new windows user  all right so here let's give the username as   oracle okay and password you need to give a  password i am giving a password as per my choice right so see just give oracle then  just simply give a password then   again retype that same password  and then just then click on next and here you need to give  your you know oracle base   so which i am going to you  know change all these with oracle 19 c only so this is our oracle base  folder okay so in in our c drive they're going   to create this oracle 19c as a base folder and  all our data and database you can say all these   will be residing inside our oracle 19c then  again they're going to create a folder called ura   data so inside that ora data all our data going  to be there okay so you can keep that default   but you need to i'll be recommending you to  change this oracle base to something you know   user friendly so which is oracle 19c so you can  you know properly recognize that where our oracle   is actually installing okay so you know simply  rename that and here we need to give a password   so our global database is orcl which is already  written over here you know to give a password   so let's give a password as anything like  as per your wish i'm just simply confirming   the same over here so see it is rightly  confirmed now just simply click on next and it might tell you that the password  is you know uh do not confirm the oracle   recommendation standard so i have just given  a easy password so that's why it is telling   if you get similar message no need  to worry just and click on yes   so we are going to use this in our own laptop  as my own desktop only right so don't need to   worry about password right now if you are using or  developing some enterprise or commercial product   then i will be recommending to  give you know some solid password so here these are all you know uh files  and folders that you're going to install   so just you know simply keep everything as default  and then just click on install button and it will   going to start installing our oracle 19c database  now this installing will take some time some you   know significant amount of time i can say so i'll  be again coming back after you know completion of   this entire process yeah okay so one thing if  it's acts like this windows defender firewall   has blocked some of the features so you need  to just you know simply click on allow access   so just simply give allow access so welcome back  announce and clearly see that our oracle 19c   is directly installed so just click  on close so now that you know that   our oracle is rightly installed it's time to  test whether it's installed properly or not and   we'll also like to see like whether it is you  know rightly connected to our database so for   that first you need to click on the search icon  and here you need to simply search with sql plus   and you'll be seeing this sql plus over here after  you know finishing of installation this sql plus   is also going to be installed so just simply click  on that and you'll be getting this you know shell   over here and it's asking for you know uh username  so you need to type this username as sis as dba right then enter and then remember the  password you have set during installation so   you need to write that same password over here  it's not going to show up over here because it's   you know going to hide whatever you are typing but  you need to just simply press the keyboard and it   will going to be there then enter okay and now we  can clearly see that is rightly connected to our   oracle 19c database and our latest version is 19.3  point okay so now we can easily you know check   what are all you know tables and all there  so let's say you are just simply you know   searching select start from tab all right then  enter and you can see like it is you know rightly   showing hot water all you know tables are there  so let it get finished yeah you can see like   what are all table views and everything that are  there it's rightly shown right you can see 300   800 257 rows rightly selected okay so this is just  a test so here you can create your own database   you can insert and do several things using sql  shell okay but now i'm going to show you about   the gui that i was talking about that is this  sql developer so you know let's go back to our   you know download directory so here remember we  have already extracted this sql developer so just   simply go inside that folder this is our folder  and here if you just simply scroll down you'll   be getting this sql developer over here right so  just simply double click on that sql developer and you can clearly see that our sql developer  is rightly launched so you can do one thing   instead of you know extracting it in our  you know right in our download directory   you can just simply you know right click on  it then cut and in our c drive you can just   simply paste this over here okay so what it will  be you know bit convenient for you that oracle 19c   is over here and then sql developer is also here  it will be a bit convenient okay so just do that and here it's asking whether you'd like to  input you know preferences from a previous sql   developers developer installation so if you have  previously installed then you can you know import   it otherwise this is i am installing it for the  first time so i will be just simply clicking on no   and it will going to launch in a while one more  pro tip you know if you want you know navigate   sql developer very quickly one important thing  that you can do is just simply right click on   the sql developer on the tasks bar and then you  can simply pin it in our taskbar so what this   basically mean is let's say i am closing this  so you can see it's already been there so just   simply click on it and there we go our display  developer actually launched okay so that's one   tip so you don't need to you know go again and  again to your c drive and do the stuff okay so let's you know cancel our shell as of now  and you can see our sql developer is rightly   opened over here and this is basically our  interface so here you need to create a you   know connection manually so just simply  click on create a connection manually   and you'll be getting this window  here let's give you know the name as   testdb you can give any name as per your wish  and here you need to give the username as sees   and in password you need to give that same  password what you have you know used while during   installation and here you need to change this  to sis dba right and you can save this password   and here is the tree here in sid you need  to change this as orcl right now just simply   click on test and you can see that our status is  success so just click on connect to connect with   our database testdb and see what testdb is rightly  connected over here and our worksheet is rightly   also created so if we just simply expand it this  testdb you can see that we have this tables view   you know indexes and all other several things  like procedure functions are also there even   triggers so these are all you know a little bit  higher topic that i'm going to you know discuss   so this trigger function procedure are all related  to you know pl sql so if you want to interest and   if you want to you know learn more about sql  developers then please do subscribe our channel   as i'll be you know posting more videos about  this about sql and pl sql so you know if you are   interested do subscribe our channel as well  so this you know trigger procedure function   okay these are all very very important topics in  sql okay but right now we'll be focusing on tables   only so here if we just simply expand it you  can see there are several tables these are all   system tables okay so here let's see i i want to  create a simple table called player so for that uh   i'll be you know simply typing create okay let's  okay let's you know expand a bit because it's too   small for you i think so i'll be increasing the  font size so font and here i'll be increasing to   let's say 22. it will be quite big but you will  have better visibility okay so create table player   let's say and bracket open bracket close semicolon  okay and inside here i'll be giving all column   name so let's give a first column name as a  player id right which will be an int data type and   our next column will be first name  which will be varcat data type and i'll be giving it as 255 and  next will be you know last name where can again it will be at 255. right and let's give one more you know column  as sport so what sport they are actually playing   which will be again a very care and 255 all  right so our table schema is rightly created   uh this space no more required just simply gonna  select this and click on run button and you can   see our table player is rightly created over  here so player table is replicated so if you   want to you know check that table over here you  can just simply right click on the table name   and click on apply filter and this will open  this filter window here i need to click on   plus icon and here you need to type your  table name that is player over here right   so let's simply click on ok and you can see that  table is rightly created over here if you click   on that it will going to show you the schema of  the table which is player id first name last name   and sport so this many columns only i have so  let's switch back to our you know previous tab   where we are writing our you know comment so  i'll be simply you know inserting a couple of   you know so you can use this feature so that's  the you know benefit of using an ide will be   automatically getting that you know template  so here insert into will be the player table   so player right insert into the table  called player i don't need to write the   table name here insert into player and then what  the all column name so first we have pair id so   just simply copy and paste it over here and then  we have first name copy and paste it over here   comma then we have last name copy and paste  it over here and when we have and then we have   sport right so insert into player our table  player then these are all column we need to   give one by one and then our value we need to  give so let's give you know player id as one okay   and the first name let's give the player name  as sachin okay and our last name as tendulkar and then we have a sport so within double quotes  because these are all where that is string okay   so we need to give it a double quote that's  important this is player id is just an end so   you can write it just a number but uh all other  first name last name we need to give it in double   quotes and uh then spot is cricket right just  simply end with a semicolon simply select this   enter and you can see one row has been inserted  so let's say you want to you know add one more   just simply copy this and then hit enter and paste  it all over again and give you know a different   you know value for each and every field so this  time player id is 2 and player name let's say   you know solo and it's ganguly and game is  cricket once again so you can simply select this   run the query see one row selected now you  want to you know check whether data is properly   uh inserted or not so select start  from our table name is player so player   and with a semicolon simply select this hit run  button and see it has rightly shown over here so   player id one such intent will go sport cricket  player id 2 server of ganguly sport cricket so in   this way you can easily install the latest version  of sql developer on a windows operating system so   i have readily shown you how to you know install  oracle 19c then how to use sql developer as an ide   and you know i have also shown you how to create  table how to insert and how to fetch whatever they   are inside that table and i have also shown you  about the shell sql plus okay so if you you know   like this video then please give it a like and  also do subscribe our channel and also please   please do share with your friends this will you  know really help me to you know make more search   videos and also if you want more school tutorials  then please do also drop a comment in our comment   sections i'll be you know surely making more  and more videos about sql so that's basically   all about this video friends thank you very much  for watching this video and god bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 311,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle database, oracle sql developer, sql, oracle database tutorial, oracle database service, oracle database architecture, oracle, oracle 19c, oracle 19c (web), rdbms, oracle db, oracle database xe, install oracle, oracle sql, oracle installation, oracle 19c installation, download oracle 19c, install oracle 19c, download oracle database 19c, install oracle 19c database, install sql developer, oracle database installation on windows 10, oracle database 19c tutorial
Id: GUpvXMHqe2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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