How To Install OpenPYXL library

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hello this is George and today I'm going to show you how to test to see if you have open Pi Excel installed installed in your Python libraries and if not how you can install it because if you want to use my latest version of trading Simula 18 i've incorporated this library to be able to create excel documents and also to read from excel documents so one of the key features that was missing from trading simulate teen was a combined equity curve so I this latest version has a function that creates a spreadsheet and then dumps the I think it's the monthly yeah the monthly data into the spreadsheet and then creates a curve of that of that data so you can quickly open it and see the equity curve of the portfolio so let's go ahead and get this this because let's get this ball rolling so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna determine if I have open pi excel on this computer I should not deleted it so but who knows so what you need to do is go to your python which is under the Start menu I've got three point seven on this computer I have three point eight on my laptop both work really well well I'm here PI script or x64 is a IDE very professional IDE for Python you can get it for a small donation it's my go-to IDE for Python once you get tired of idle you can move up to pi scriptor and like I said it's so easy to use you may have to configure it for what a version of python you have but I think that's pretty easy to do and I think it's an instruction manuals but I think sometimes if you install it it'll automatically configure for you so you'll have to play around with that so I'm gonna go ahead and launch now I'm gonna go line launch item when I actually launch Python and that's this is small so let's see and grow this window yeah we grow up wish we could change defined properties let's do font let's open it up to 20 so you can see it unable to modify the shortcut okay there we go don't know why I did that okay anyways I'm gonna go ahead I'm running Python 3.7 here I'm gonna go ahead and import open PI excel and if it's there it'll say you know it basically returned with no error message if it's not there it'll give you an error message just see what happens here okay module not found error no module named open pi excel so let's keep that let's keep that command prompt open I'm gonna pull it to the side here so get out of our way okay so I got to get to my strips folder and find pip the executable that installs libraries now if you had when you installed Python if if you had selected for it to modify your path with the Python modules you wouldn't have to do this my path was not modified so you may be able to just go pip install from any command prompt but let's just do it this way and then if it is installed that's great if the path had been on it's great if not then you know how to do it this way as well so I'm gonna go to my Python again this time I'm gonna go ahead and go to 3.7 I'm gonna find out where python is located used to it would be on the c drive on the root directory it's no longer there they install it in if you default install it'll default it in a unusual not unusual but in a deep folder so let's go ahead and open the file location for this shortcut and this is a shortcut this is not the actual application itself so what you've got to do is we gotta get the properties this is a shortcut I go to the properties okay you know tell you it is a shortcut right there okay so I want to open the file location to where the shortcut points so I do that and lo and behold here is my where my Python through seven is located it's in George Pruett AppData local programmed Python Python 3.7 I guess this is the new location for new programs to be installed I'm not sure but I need to go in to the scripts that's where my pip is from there I want to I want to launch a command prompt see if it'll do it okay the beauty of this command prompt if you do it from that directory it pops it right in it points it turned directly to whatever directory where you were in when you launch the command prompt so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to simply pip and this is the install script or uninstall you use pip to install and then install so I'm gonna install pip install open PI excel so it's going out there on the internet it's pulling in the package okay everything is satisfied to do this I think it's a pretty generic library package I think it will install on any just engineer installation of Python it's running the setup pi install right now you're using pip version 18 whatever 20 point when it most the time you get the error message is saying you're just using an older version of pip you may want to upgrade that eventually that's just what that's telling you so now what I want to do is I want to go back to my I want to go back to my python so i'm going to close this it installed it and i have this window open but i'm gonna kill it i'm gonna because i don't know i may have to read i think you have to restart python for it to read the new library i'm not sure about that but let's go ahead and let's run Python again let's change that font one more time properties are give me some error message here I'm going to 20 okay yours may not say that I don't know why it's an era updating shortcut but yours may not say that I'm just saying okay and it seems to work so now let's go any import open pie Excel you know what's important if you don't get an error message boom wow that was kind of anticlimactic but that's how you do it if if you if it wasn't working properly then you would got an error message since it's it's there I've imported it it's there so we can we can now start using it with the latest version and trading Simula 18 thanks for listening to me today and hopefully you'll get the latest version of trading simulate een and and have some fun with it thank you
Channel: George Pruitt
Views: 10,966
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Id: 8DOLuBc0jh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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