How to Install MongoDB on Mac (Apple M1/M2 chip)

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hey everyone it's Spencer I hope you are doing well and today we are going to demonstrate how to install mongodb in the Mac OS Intel best chip right basically if you talk about I'm gonna run into So currently in my system I have I have a M2 Chip but it will work both for the M1 and M2 I have tried a few days ago I tried to install mongodbino system but uh there are lots of issues out there and on that time I also tried to search on Google YouTube but didn't get a proper well documented steps from that I can install mongodb so I faced lots of history on that time so I tried to just make a video and add things so that you guys can also get benefited from my video slide so let's get jump into the video and start how to install mongodb so first of all let's have let's if I search the mongodb right so just click on the official website and they are offering lots of products in their website but we have to install mongodb right uh as we all know to use mongodb mongodb is a two thing like to access a database first we have to run the mongodb server right so if we click on a database and so that we want to use database that's why I clicked and it's a very cool looking website site that's what I see and but there are not a proper way to praise where I can follow the steps right actually it has but not have a directly access from the product section so what I've done I search mongodb download Mac OS right if I click on the first link so this is the page where they guide us to install mongodb locally but personally I didn't get too much help from this page and I guess most of you guys also try it from this side and unfortunately you didn't also get much benefited from this thing so let's start uh from the step by step process so what uh what I will do let's suppose if I try open The Terminal and I hope you tried as well in our system so let's suppose if I tried the d right this is the server from where we have to start and this is the cell from where we can access the database so it says connecting to this uh this one two seven dot zero zero dot one dot port number 27017 has failed right because the server is not upright so what we will do we will clear the message and first we have to install the xcode copy this command paste it right so it says that command line tools are already installed right so this is not an error this is a kind of basic rewarding message so what we have to done if there is a software update available in a system so please update your system first so let's suppose if I go to the system setting right and we can check whether we have a software update or not yeah this is a software update right so you have to check whether is there any software update available in your system or not if it is then please first update your software and then after start installing the mongodb right so most of you guys what you are doing till now so this is also one step Reserve mongodb a community download right so let's suppose if I click on this first link and we will get a community server download files right like version is 7 and Mac OS arm and package what kind of package you want to install we can download it and and there is a chance if we install and click click click and finally it might get installed I didn't try this I tried from The Brew right what the blue dot asset is a package manager who from where like we can install lots of applications in our system so if you didn't have a brew then you have to go to the Brew dot as such and copy this command and paste it on the terminal right I have already done that I have already pre-installed in my system so I didn't go on that part so I hope you guys have installed in your system right so what we earned if not then please go and install first so then what we have to do we have ran this command and it has some error message not basically warning message if there is a software update available then please update it now brew has a huge package manager for applications he knows about every applications so what we have to do we have to let's first of all type you tap we have to tap the blue for mongodb slash Brew right first we have to update our local brew so that he knows the about the current updates of the mongodb we entered and yeah it's working so running Brew update auto update first of all it will update the home View and it gets updated right now what we have to do we have to install preview install mongodb minus comes Unity at the rate 6.0 most of you guys tried either 7.0 or 5.0 but I am going to try install mongodb Community Edition 6.0 let's install it I entered fetching the data installing it will take some time so yeah yeah let's get installed now if you want to check whether the mongodb is installed in your system or not so far you have to write minus minus version right and see it will give a huge file this is a cell mongodb cell version 5.0.17 and this is a building for right now we have to go to the another Tab and we have to write and enter in the cell command so we are still not able to connect with the server because we didn't started the server yet we have we've only installed it right so to start the server what you have to write review services start mongodb community at the red 6.0 because our version is 6.0 enter so what actually it will do it will start the mongodb server now the server is started now if I entered clear right let's clear this terminal and uh write so yeah boom we are into the mongodb server right so so data basis right enter so yeah we have a four databases now use what DB yeah so collections so yeah this kind of databases we have right now now if you want to stop the services then do you services what stop and uh DB minus community at the red 6.0 so yeah server is stopped right now if you want to connect with the mongodb compass now see we have a compass as well if you try to connect with the mongodb compass now this is the compass and let's try to because this is the URL where the locals are local database server is up so let's suppose we try to connect it so yeah no connection error because our server is stopped right so what we will do we will start the server again database server again and this time you will try to connect with the server so this time your service got connected and yeah we have our four database four basically collections in the DB database right students user this is my personal collections uh created during some projects so yeah I hope you like the video if you are still facing some issue then please let me know in the comments I will try to help you out and Yeah subscribe the channel if you didn't yet thank you
Channel: Hello World
Views: 22,517
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Keywords: computer, install mongodb on mac, install mongodb, how to install mongodb on mac, install mongodb on macos, mongodb download, install mongodb mac, mongodb compass download, download mongodb for mac m1, install mongodb on mac brew, install mongodb mac m1 brew, brew install mongodb not working, uninstall mongodb mac, how to install mongodb on mac m1, how to install mongodb on macos, setup mongodb, mongodb m1, mongodb installation, how to install mongodb, computer class
Id: UQbZADfCqjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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