How To Install Metamod, Sourcemod & Add Admins On Your Game Server [Install Plugins And Mods]

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hey guys my name is pedrotski and in this  video i'm going to show you how you can install   source mod metamod and set yourself as an  admin on your server so that you can kick users   band users etc this will also allow you to install  any plug-in that you find such as like a 1v1 arena   deathmatch zombie escape etc so let's get into  it so the first thing we're going to need is   obviously a copy of source mod itself so if we  click on plugin uh sorry not plugins stable builds   and then we click on what version of server we're  running so in my case i'm running linux so just   click on linux and then let that download  and then we also want to go to metamode   i'll have a link to these in the description too  so you can just quickly click on it and get it   so we've got a meta mod got stable builds   and then just grab the latest build so we're  gonna grab uh again the linux version so   now that we have those downloaded we can then  log into our server so for myself i'm using   pterodactyl so i'm just going to log in now using  ftp or sftp whatever you're using so i'm going to   log in now and you'll also need a tool such as  filezilla so filezilla will allow you to connect   to the server so i've actually got guides for  pterodactyl if you're not using it i'll leave   a link in the description so with pterodactyl is  pretty simple so you just put in the ftp address   uh ip address under host and put in the username  and then whatever password you set [Music] so that's connecting so yeah so now we can see   we have our directory here's all the  files in our server now if you have um   a default cs go install basically you're  just going to go into the cs go folder now the cs go folder this is basically your  root directory so anything you're going to   do is going to be done in here so you'll know  here if you see a folder called cfg and maps   so this is just like this is your base  directory any guide or whatever it's going to   be referring to this as like your root or csgo  like main directory so now we've got that we can   get our metamod and source mod files  ready so we can actually um extract these   just one by one but how i prefer to do it i'd  prefer just to get them both and then just extract   two mm source it'll actually extract them both and  as you can see it's created a file called add-ons   and cfg so all we have to do we just this has  got both metamod and source mod if you if you   extracted them both if you extract them one by  one you'll see like one will just say add-ons and   we'll both say add-ons and then one of them have  extra folder called cfg but it's pretty simple all   we need to do is just copy it let me just drag it  straight into this folder and then as you can see   it's going to start transferring to the  server that's probably going to take about   depending on your internet connection maybe 5  to 10 minutes because there are a lot of files   and then once that's done we'll go back in to the  server and then i'll show you how you can add an   admin to the server and make sure that  source mode and meta mode are running   okay so now that it's done uh all you need to do  is just restart your game server and then to test   it we're just going to type in sm which is just  source mod and then as you can see here it says   source mod menu so basically this means  it's running if it says anything else like   unknown command or something you haven't  copied the files to the server correctly   so go back and make sure that you have an add-ons  directory in your root file so like again [Music]   ah well it's not here so let's  go back to the file manager here   so csgo add-ons you should have add-ons there and  it should have metal mod and source mod in there   just if you've got the add-ons and the metamod  source mod file there just copy everything   over again like that's all you really have to do  restart the server and it should work now uh next   thing we need to add an admin to the server so to  do this we're actually going to need our steam id   so if you go to and then you put in  the url of your profile or in my case i could   just type my name and then press lookup  and then it's going to give us a steam id   so this is this top top thing here so steam id so  we're going to copy that for now and then we're   going to go back to our server we're going  to go to the file manager then cs go add-ons   source mod configs and then we're going to go to  i think it's like admin simple yeah admins simple and then we scroll right down to the bottom  see anything with a the slash here it's pretty   much going to ignore so we need to create  a new line and then we need to put in our   steam id so i put my steam id there and then i  want to just give it full permissions so as you   can see here it says all permissions uh for this  ip or if you're using an ip but in our case we're   using a steam id so we're just going to give it 99  z which is basically what you'd call a root admin   now if you need more advanced admin control  basically you'll use something like sauce bands   and that way you can set up different flags  and etc but this is just a basic way you can   uh just be an admin for your own server so if  it's just a small server for you and your friends   uh this is fine you can just add yourself  and maybe like a few other friends in here   and just you can change a flag etc but that's  getting a bit more advanced this is just   basic you can come back and edit this later do  whatever you need to do so yeah we just click on   save content or save and make sure it's uploaded  on your server and then we'll restart it again and while that's doing that i'm  going to load up csgo and we're   going to connect to my server so let's go to cs go and then let's wait uh five years for this to  start up and we'll get into the server okay so   now we're inside csgo we can just connect to our  server so you can do this by pressing the tild   key next to your one button type connect  and then your ip address and press enter all right so now we're in the  server you can actually just   bring down the console again  and type in sm underscore admin   and then as you see it's brought up an  admin menu on the left hand side here so   uh there's like player commands so we can slay a  player like i can slay a bot for example as you   see the bots are dying at the moment um you  can kick a player banner player mute or gag   so that basically stops them from using uh voice  chat and text chat uh burner player use a beacon lots of lots of different things you can do but  yeah that's going to allow you to kick players   and if you see this menu then source mod is  working and then you can install uh plugins   on the server so i'll just uh quickly run through  how you can install plugins as well it's pretty   simple so um when you download a plugin i'll  leave a link to the allied mods website that's   where you can get a lot of good plugins uh  basically you just go to csgo folder add-ons   source mod plugins and then this is the plugins  that you'll be that you can put on your server so   just drag them into here and it should be a dot  smx file but i'll do some videos uh about how to   set up specific servers later but this is the base  um just following on from my previous videos on   you know how to set up 128 tick server uh this is  just adding on to that and then eventually i'll do   uh some other videos you know how to set up a  pug server or how to set up a deathmatch server   etc so i hope that answers your questions guys if  you've got any comments uh just or questions you   get stuck leave a comment below or come and join  me on discord uh it's just at um and   yeah thanks for watching if you like the video  subscribe and hope to see you in the next one
Channel: GhostCap Gaming
Views: 14,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourcemod, metamod, source, modded csgo, how to install sourcemod, how to install metamod, metamod linux, how to install csgo mods, install mods csgo, install plugins csgo, pug csgo server, most csgo server, csgo modding, metamod install csgo, csgo sourcemod install, sourcemod tutorial, metamod tutorial
Id: vODQehmykq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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