How To Install MC | Metallic Cable | MC Connectors

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today what i'm going to do is i want to show you guys how to install a piece of mc mc is metallic cable i'm going to show you first the wrong way to do it not necessarily wrong i'm not going to i'm not going to do it that way but i want to show you guys things that you should not use when you are installing mc first off this is a real mix connector not to be used okay guys they make certain items for certain applications this is a rumix connector this is not an mc connector if you use this which i have seen so many people do you risk the chances of it crushing into the wires shorting out now along with any of the other mc connectors you risk the same thing but with this chances of it doing it or even more and even though the inspector will let it slide i've seen many times don't use it all right now what do you use well let's start out with the basic type by these right here are my favorites you see it's like a barrel clamp kinda these are my favorites it has a lock nut on the bottom like the other one it's rounded all the way through i'm gonna show you how to install these in a minute i don't have it in double barrels at all but i do have another which we call these snap ones i don't i mean these are okay with these right here even though i don't really care much for them um they do not i have yet to ever and i'm not gonna stand here and say i've never that i remember of anyway put one of these in to use and had a wire short out now let me tell you something about these when i first on the road i was doing target remodels here comes the story i know and we use these right here the journeyman i was working around because i was a journeyman then said well you don't have to use any red eyes because it already has one in it and i was like uh that is not what that's for and he argued up and down with me well we went through inspection and um yeah the inspector north carolina if you're in north carolina and you're an electrician or an apprentice or whatever you guys already know y'all's inspectors are pretty damn tough they're way tougher than virginia's anyway uh he said no red eyes fail so he failed the whole job until we went around pulled up all the pieces of mc we used and had to show him literally each and every one of them which was good all the ones i did had red eyes in them they're probably saying what is a red eye it's not a drink like you know you put baron and then put the ba juice in it's not that but i'll show you what those are in a minute here is another one all right this is like a pushing you just push it in uh basically it has little fingers inside of it i don't know if you can see them or not there now you can see them they're little metal fingers in there and they grip very tightly on a piece of mc now at target we had to do everything alive which is a big no-no because we couldn't have the registers down blah blah blah so uh when we were doing the cash register wraps we just had to go for broke every time i would stick one of these in here i would get shocked because those little metal things would uh basically rip the wires and let me tell you that was great so that brings me down something else if you hear somebody say they got shocked that means you touch the wire it was hot blah blah blah if you hear somebody say they get electrocuted that means they're dead so if you say oh jamie went there and he was touching the plug and you got electrocuted well that means he's dead i hear that term used so many times the wrong way so just remember guys especially for electricians shocked means you're still walking around you just got zapped electrocuted you ain't gonna be talking to me all right so those are here's a pushing a snap and i don't have any double barrels i'm sorry tight bite so we call these it's the brand and then last but not least we have a 90. now there are a few other ones i don't have these are the the ones i use the most the ones that i prefer obviously the tie bites i got both the 90s and these so i'm going to show you guys how to use um pretty much every single one of them all right super easy and i'm going to show you what a red eye is now this is a red eye we in virginia call these red eyes i've heard them called redheads red eye anti-short bushings so and there's other things i've heard people call them as long as you put them in it don't matter what they're called it could be called steak as long as they put them in you're good all right now here are the things first that you don't want to use while you're putting mc in now when i first started one of my first jobs uh i saw an old journeyman installing mc this way right here he used one of these and he cut it like this now sure that'll work for greenfield and that did work on this because he just was really careful but that's not how you really do it now like i've said i've seen many people do many things the wrong way i'm not gonna say that was wrong i'm gonna say that's the way you shouldn't do it this is an item that you should have now you don't have to have this one right here this is the greenlee everything you see that i'm going to use will be down below in the description i looked down like i was going to look down and see the description but i'll be down my description and you can order from amazon my story helps my channel out it doesn't cost you a dime more it just helps my channel grow and i can reinvest in buy different things these are my favorites right here these are just these are kleins and these are just mc splitters cutters whatever you want to call them nobody i have ever seen ever uses this part where my finger is right there the little hole i'm going to show you guys what that's for because i found out the hard way or the easy way i don't however you want to call it how to um use that 100 world of difference all right now enough talking right nothing yapping i'm going to show you how to use these i'm going to show you how to use these first all right i don't have a box up here yet that leads me to my next thing mc is not for a plastic box at all how many times have i seen that these are romex boxes so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna come up here and i'm gonna mount a box real quick and show you guys how to put this stuff in here so never mind this these are other videos that i've done if you want to check any of them out i'm going to link them right over here in the channel you can check out any one of them and i've got a whole playlist of switches four ways lighted switches blah blah blah so regardless i'm going to show you how to use these first and then i'll show you how to use these these are my favorite these are not bad but i have two sets of these one of them works one of them doesn't so i'm hoping that this is the one that works and if it doesn't then well you'll get the gist of it all right so first thing you want to do is you want to know how much you want to put in your box all right i generally now i know you're probably gonna say that's way too much wire but this is about how much i would put in there so there's my arm i almost put from my fingertip to my elbow that's where i would strip it at yes that's too much do i care not really so we're gonna stick it in here like this you take it in you put it in you pull it back down all right so you kind of get it tight it stays in there as you see right it's not coming out i mean there's my other hand what you'll do is you'll squeeze it and you hold it not so hard where you can't do anything with you just squeeze it just a little bit just to hold it and you're just going to turn this turn turn turn turn and eventually when you don't hear these are the ones that work by the way uh when you don't hear it cutting anymore you know what's good you take your top piece pull it out take it twist it boom capiche at this point what i would do as i see now there's no wrong way to do this all right but this is the way that i was taught to do and this is the best way that i think i take my red eye red head and i short bushing and i stick it in like so right because it has a it's kind of cut open in the middle as you see right there all right i take it and i put it on the wire and you just push it down in there and see how it's still sticking up just push it down that's all you got to do now at this point what i would do is i would which i'll bring them out of the box here in a second is i would just fold it over and not cut it off yet and i'll show you why in a second alright for the box mounted we're going to take our tight bite connector first things first now these things when they come out the box at least from what i've seen you always have to unscrew them just a little bit all right you can put this in the box first if you want to but for me i'm going to show you guys out the box all right so like i said you don't cut that off just yet i don't you pull it down and you hold it tight all right you don't hold it on the side where the cut is because you want to put pressure on if you put it in the middle there just gonna it's not gonna do anything all right so you take it on put this on kind of work it on you make sure it is seated in there you can do it in the box just the same make sure it's seated in there now what you have left is you have this okay we are going to right now tighten it down now don't tighten this down so much until it's completely flat there's no reason to it this piece in here looks like this it's got two fingers and two fingers i only have one on the bottom maybe like this and it grabs each individual little space in the in the uh mc all right now you do want to make it tight you just don't want to tighten up so much you want to make sure it's all the way in there because if you don't it will short out then all right boom it ain't coming out all right now don't say you haven't cut the plastic off yet i know that my suggestion to you is always keep the screw part out if you do it like i'm doing it now normally i would not do it like that but i just wanted to show you guys you know how it is to uh how it fits in the connector me as i struggle all right at this point you would take your screwdriver and you would tighten it up i'm not gonna do that because i need to get it back out for video purposes of course all right then you would make your joint up when it's all said and done take your knife and just boom you're ready rock and roll let's check out another connector and let me see let me show you guys how they work and then i'm going to show you how to use those red handle pliers because those are my favorite hands down all right guys question of the day let's say you're on a job but you don't have any of these anti-shorts can you use tape wrap it around there at that point you would pull the wire out a little bit not much just pull it out so it's you know good and tight wrap some tape on there put it back in there can you do that legally and get away from with the code leave a comment down below and let me know i know the answer but i want to see if you guys know so down in the comments leave me a what you think and whoever is the winner is the winner with this connector right here you have to put it in there first no other way around it i mean you can find it in there and it sucks so don't do that all right the way to put these in is you want to squeeze a little bit like this so put the thumb on it squeeze it in put it in an angle so you want like this and you want to push it in so it rocks in so we're going to do this boom okay secondly we're going to put the wire in pull it in you're going to hold it and you are going to just tighten her up now in my personal opinion these connectors are like i said before beginning of this video they don't smash it as hard as any of the rest of them do kind of you got a more of a real estate pushing on it versus just a little clips or something so it's good and tight these are not my favorite but they are the cheapest i think of all of them and they're like i said there's other connectors you can use but anyway now the 90. all right now this one here can be a little tricky but don't let it whip your ass because there's no reason for it all right and i suggest put it in first but you're gonna have to take it all apart so take the lock nut off you have to take this loose all right sometimes these are pretty tight of course this one's gonna be tight so i'm doing a video i've never used this one that's been in my toolbox for a while so all right so the way to get these apart i struggle for a while is what i do like to do i like to take my screwdriver and just twist them so it pops up and then pull them straight out so because they fit in there kind of like this like that all right like that noise all right so having said that still need a red eye better black i guess you just put it in there what i like to do is just spin her around until you're good and tight yeah all right and this you'll just put a 90 on stick your wire in drop screwdriver i wanna make sure when you put this in that it stays very tight like that all right so we're just gonna put it in and then tighten it up all right and go nowhere you're good and tight yeah all right last but not least these crap things now i'm not gonna stand here and tell you that these are the worst things ever i'm not gonna tell you they're definitely not the best in my book many people love these damn ones here i don't but i'm gonna show you guys a couple ways now i say listen for last because i'm gonna destroy it when i get it out of here i've seen so many people put these in here and realize uh oh i need to get it out how do i get it out well i'm going to show you guys it's really easy so secondly what if you get the mc in here and you want to take it out say you put a piece of 12 2 in there and you wanted a piece of 12 3 in there well i'm going to show you how to take it out of this and leave the connector inside the box come on so what you got to do here now most of the time the box is really tight on whatever you're working with whether it be a piece of wood metal whatever so usually i would take my clients and snap it um i'm gonna just try to push it in hope the goodness that it goes in and it did i had to put my muscle in it but anyway with this one all you got to do same thing you just put it in all right now when you get to this point you got to push like boom ain't coming out right all right now let me pull you in a little closer okay problem is now we have this in here how are we going to get it back out because it's not going to come back out like the other ones with the screw so we need to put this down because we're done with this right now what we need to do now to get this piece of mc out is you have to basically unscrew it so you just got the twist because it's not out yet there you go all right now when you when it comes out chances are it's going to scar the wire up but you know if you need it out you need it out right there you go i'm sure it scarred the wire up not 100 sure but i'm pretty sure all right and then your red eye is pretty much destroyed now how do we get this out because that's not going to come out real easy now this one right here guys is definitely not going to come out easy i'm telling you straight up so what you got to do and i hope to goodness you guys can see this i'm going to try to get you in here as close as humanly possible all right so what i'm going to try to do is i'm going to try to hold this camera and show you how to do it now what you want to do is not every time but this time luckily for me this little piece right here where it's joined together was in the right spot so what you want to do is you want to take a flathead screwdriver and you want to pry it up because you know you see right here it ain't coming out so you want to pry it up and kind of twist the same time so you want to push up and twist now chances of saving this um i don't know we'll see i'm not real sure it's not the easiest thing to come out so all right here we go all right so can we put it back together i don't know i usually when i take these out i just start over so let's see so this is kind of like a hose clamp now all i did was pick it up off the floor where it fell you see where it's joined together right there that usually sits and seats right in the middle so let's see if we can put it on so we'll just all right it did snap on let's see if we can put it back in the box all right so one thing i just saw is you got to put it on right so there are right here i guess you can see it let's see see how that thing shaped how it's got a lip on it i don't know if it's focusing on get out of there see how it's got a lip on it it's raised up well that needs to go in the box so you need to put it on the right way so basically when you put it on you want to have those facing that way so it looks like this so it looks like a kind of like a missile the fins are facing out so you know back so it'll go in let's see i'm kind of curious if i go in the box because i have honestly i can't say it damn it's just as tight as it was to begin with so we'll leave it in there and we'll go on with the video because i do want to show you guys how to use these my most favorite prized possession now what we do with this i shouldn't have said i guess these are my favorite but these are the most easiest to carry around in your pocket versus those roto splits now those rotor splits are super good but these will do just a good job watch this all right we'll leave these right here hanging all you gotta do is you know about how long it is right so i'm not telling you to make them this long this is what i make about that long so what i would do i just take it and i would bend it and then crush it and then kind of turn it all right so i just raise it up just a little bit just like that then you take your pliers you stick them in the angle make sure not to get the wire at this point and just cut it off all right and then take your pliers here and just kind of make sure it's broke off good and then you don't want to drag your piece down there now is this time consuming no because usually i'm doing so fast that it's just anyway so we're just going to bend this up so it doesn't drag on the wire going down and ooh all right what you're left with is basically the same thing you were with that rotor split right now what i'd like to do with these is do one more little thing is i'd like to take and i cut the very tip of it off so it's not sharp put our red head in there red eye and a short bushing whatever you want to call it put it in all right now this is where these things come in handy you take them you open them up put your mc in there and you put it right there on your anti-short bushing and then you just turn it and what that does it rounds it out now you've got a perfectly nice formed and that short bushing that's tight and coming out you're ready rock and roll guys do the same thing pull it back stick your connector under cut it off all right that's all there is to guys like i mentioned everything i've used and you've seen will be down below in the description box leave me the comment down below what i asked you you know what i asked you if you don't know what i actually need to watch the video again these all are mc connectors don't use rumx connectors guys please don't do that first of all it makes you look like stupid ass and secondly it's just jack leg because if i come behind you on a job i'm gonna talk about you don't use a hacksaw to cut the flex either alright guys if you like what you see make sure you like and subscribe everything i use like i said will be down there below in the description box also down there i have links to many products that i have and use and with discount codes i have my address down there my patreon i also have a paypal if you want to just you know hook me up saying everything that i do money always goes back to my channel so i can keep on rolling with videos like this very informative videos which i think deaths are long but they're informative there'll be affiliate links also down there like i mentioned it doesn't cost you a dime more to use those affiliate links if you want to check them out just you know click on look and see what i'm using how much it cost so you guys have an idea that's cool too if you don't even if you don't buy it's cool anyway guys if you like what you see here make sure you like and subscribe leave that comment down below and we'll see you guys in the next one guys don't do anything half ass god bless
Channel: Why Not DIY
Views: 172,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, how to, jeff comer, mike gardiner, mountaineer outdoors, greenlee mc, greenlee mc cutter, greenlee mc cable cutter, greenlee mc splitter, klein bx, klein bx and armored cable cutter, klein bx cutter, klein bx shears, how to install mc, how to install metallic cable, how to install bx, how to install bx cable, galaxy s2 active, galaxy s2 active watch, anti short bushing, anti short bushing installation, red eye bushing, red eye bushings, electrical wiring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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