How to Install Lethal Company Mods on Steam Deck

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hello everyone so this video is actually mainly for one of my friends um who is his only um gaming PC is a steam deck and we've all been playing a lot of lethal company lately but um we want to play it with him modded so I figured I would just also upload this so um if you're familiar with the modding scene at all and lethal company you know that most people use thunderstore cuz it's super duper easy plus it um you can automatically update mods and you can Import and Export mod profile so that it's easier for all of your friends to play together so you can't use that on the steam deck however you can use what I believe like a modded version of that I'm not exactly sure cuz you download it from Thunder sto's website but um doesn't matter it looks and operates pretty much the exact same and I'm going to be showing you how to set that up today so I'll have the link for this in the description but it's called R2 modman so you'll just do manual download you can see I already have one so I'm actually just going to cancel that um then you can go into your files then where you downloaded it and then um it'll be a zip file by default yeah right here uh you'll want to unzip it so it's just so that it's just a folder you can see mine's actually like empty but there will be a bunch of stuff in here including this the R2 mod man whatever version app image this is the only file out of there that you need and you can see I moved it to my documents just so I wouldn't eventually like delete it out of my downloads and then once it's here you can just launch it um it will ask you if you want to let this run um but obviously you're going to say yes but um there's also a little check box that says like do you want to allow this to just run in the future um I would just check that so you don't have to click that every single time but um it won't be right here by default it'll just be gone so you'll have to type in Lethal and then if you do star it then it'll automatically be at the top and if you do set as default it will automatically launch into um lethal company so now that you're here you can either just use the default profile or you can make a new one like I did it doesn't really matter cuz um with this setup you can only use one profile at of time time um because of a setep that we're going to have to do in a minute um and if Braden um your friends already have like a mod pack set up they can send it to you as a file um and then you can just do import slash update and you can just do that to the default file too update existing profile from file and then you'll go and click on the file and then um you'll just update it and then it'll um automatically get all the mods that are in that pack so let's say I just did that boom it loaded I'm going to click update all on all the mods which actually I do need to go and import this later because we're playing on new mods so then once you're done with that you'll go to settings and then you will do browse profile folder and then you're going to leave this open for a second then in another browser window you are going to navigate to where you have lethal company installed and um by the way I do recommend that um you just have it installed on on your main Drive instead of on an SD card simply because it helps R2 mod man find it easier um so that's a good thing and the game is like 500 megabytes so it's not really going to um take up any of your space so but then you're going to have to navigate to where um it is which for me is in Steam steam steam apps common lethal company and then these two files right here the doorstop config.ini and this wi HTTP DL you have to highlight them both and and it's okay if you have to do it one at a time because I can't actually get them both highlighted without getting something else too um so you'll drag them over into this file and then you'll click link here not move or not copy just link here which you can see mine already have a little link icon um but after that that's it um for the basic setup this will work now um you can you can launch the game from here but there's a couple other things you're probably going to want to do um in particular so this is not going to be a problem because I'm um using an external monitor right now but the um the resolution is going to be like really messed up cuz it just won't detect the steamex resolution by default but there's something that you can do one time that'll fix it forever so I'm just going to click Start modded I accidentally held on it then once the game launches all the way up I will we come back all right so now that we're here um for me you may notice that it looks perfectly fine um but for you it may not so what you'll have to do is just go down to settings do window then you'll click the button to maximize it by default I think it will not be maximized so it'll be oh not minimize like that it'll just be a smaller window size then you'll just click the um click the arrow to maximize it and then you'll do window full screened um I'm not going to save that cuz I don't I don't know if this is going to mess up with my steam deck install but whatever I can fix it later and then boom now that'll be fixed too what if you want to launch it from gaming mode super duper easy so you go to where you have the R2 modman app image you would rightclick then you would click add to steam that's not it you'll then have to go into steam find your R2 mod man go to properties then you'll need this line right here Dash Das no- sandbox if you don't put that in whenever you you try to launch this from gaming mode it will just never launch and you can't close it and you'll have to restart your steam de deck um but that pretty much covers it um I'll try to find a link to the um to the written guide that I followed for this because it also had some debugging tips um in case you guys run into any problems I didn't run into into any problems um other than um my steam deck getting soft lock in gaming mode so then I had to put in that um that no sandbox string so hopefully that was helpful um if you guys are lucky I might also just link my friend's current mod pack down in the description I'll I'll I'll have to see if I'm feeling generous um but yeah um I hope that helped and have a wonderful day
Channel: Brand0n555
Views: 3,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lethal, Company, Mod, Tutorial, Steam, Deck, How to, Guide, Linux
Id: EKYiIho_PdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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