How to Install Laravel on Windows 10

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hello guys welcome to my another video tutorial in this video I'm gonna teach you how you can download and install Laura where I'm using me understand so I'm gonna teach you how you can download and install laravel on your Windows 10 operating system first of all you must have a basically zamp okay them is a Sawa which used to run the server side languages I have already installed them in my C Drive let me show you I go to C and now you can see as M right after installing them then you can see here this folder has been created in you are C tau R and other Drive you have selected on the installation time right so the next step is you need to go on browser open your favorite browser and search on the composure composure in Laura where okay open the first no fuss no first okay get composer dot our go to get composer on arc and you need to download setup okay start and then open it yes select developer mode and next select your composer location C and select you are Sam I'm in PHP dot exe file I go to browse and click on browse and I go to C Drive and where is the my Zephyr Zephyr and find PHP for under the PHP for that you can see here this is the you our PHP dot exe file you need to select it and click open and click the next that's it next install after installing composer then you can check it on your command prompt I'll teach you just a minute after installing ok just a minute I click on the finish I go to CMD and search on the amount wrong composer that's great now the next step is I'm gonna install Laura well ok so first of all I go to my zemfira ice-t dogs under the st dog I create a folder the folder name I write the folder named Lara Wow ok and I copy the path complete pot this is am a complete path copy it and go to you come on truant and write the CD and your location or path I want to install Laura well under the laravel folder ok this folder available under the htdocs folder ok now you can see here this is a MPD folder after installing Laura well then you will see many folders files available under this folder okay now the next step is I go to my browser and I search laravel open it this is the official laravel website open ich and click the documentation and just a minute I find basically come on well it's a common this is come on copy it copy this command and pester just need to change the law I mean blog and enter the your Ferdinand my father name is basically lot of them killed now you can see a lot of Al and just need to hit enter after using foreign name and press enter keyboard button enter you need to wait 10 to 15 minutes to download and install a Delora well in your operating system then you will use laravel in your operating system so i will show you just a minute then i will pause the video after completing the downloading then I will teach you another process now you can see a guy's installing laravel 5.4 2032 I'm in 30 ok so this process it will tak 10 to 15 minutes so I passed the video then I will teach you a letter just a minute guys the installation has been completed now you can see her after completing the installation I go to my folder and the this is a lot of air Florida under this Laura read further here another Louisville folder and this folder I have are many files and folders so guys I go to my hotel eater and I will show you the everything available in the laravel forums so just a minute ok guys now you can see a map for a good step config database public resource roads storage now the another thing is I wanna display the Laura wall on the web so how I can do that guys first of all you need to write the PHP arty sign South PHP artisan so what is this city lalala PHP artisan self that scared I need to enter the another level Florida and why the command PHP artisan so then you can see here this is the you are sour address copy that just a minute copy that and a browser thank pastor okay just a minute okay just a minute just a minute all right I can PHP RT sensor okay now a Chicot boom now you can see the homepage laura has appeared on my screen I have opened a lot of without zamp right without self using CMD command I displayed a lot of our official page right but I'm gonna close it and I'm gonna use the laravel with the help of them so I close it and I open my exam folder and start the Apache and my skill first of all you need to open the localhost and that the localhost have a laravel folder and another lateral forum and you need to go on public now you can see that this is basically a lot of efficient fetch I have open this page using them right and another thing is I'm gonna write anything else on here for example this is a lot of alt text appeared on my screen I want to change it so I go to my code editor and I go through my drawers oh no sorry where is the source views and welcome not pledge and go to below guys and where is a lot of hair you can see it a lot of a Lafayette I want to right laravel install on your computer by online itt or chrome i just write down one edge to start come on said that up in the browser under for the bench no right you can see it Laura will install on your computer by online edges so this video all about how you can download and install Oroville on your Windows 10 and I explained you how you can use it with the help of CMD come on and without CMD come on so thank you very much for watching please subscribe my channel for getting updates heaven St guys
Channel: OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Views: 250,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install laravel on windows 10, Install Laravel on Windows 10, how to install laravel on windows 10 xampp, install laravel 5 on xampp in windows 10, how to configure laravel on windows, installing laravel on windows, installing laravel on windows wamp, OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Id: bWPPDjpWgW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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