How to install Laminate or Vinyl plank to angled walls

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[Music] hey Joel attender here and in this video I'm gonna share with you how to install vinyl plank and laminate up against angled walls angled cabinets angled fireplaces whatever you would run into in your installation that would come to an angle I'll share with you tips that I use on the job every day to be able to help you with your project so here let's watch ok so before I know I'm not gonna get this piece and I got without cleaning and boy I'm gonna have to plant and glue this joint and all the way down past here to get this one full piece in okay see I'm able to slide it into place here I haven't I haven't hung already caught ready the plane and glue it and I just watched it'll see that this kind of goes underneath the shoulders you talk a little bit here what you can do if you take your jam saw when you get into difficult areas like this if you cut them away that sheetrock to play there to be able to do these things I can just take this and put it down there and then I can just take my jam saw and cut right into that sheetrock and get that piece so makes your life a lot easier doing things like that and you have angles like this to work with and I want to show you how I was able to mark and cut this plank and get it to fit into place perfectly so what I did is I lined up the butt joint on the plank and I placed this plank on top of the row that we already installed lined it up with the roller installing and you can see how I laid it on top of the other plank and I made sure the edges were even with each other now once I had that in place I made a mark right at the center of the corner now I'm gonna measure the face the top of this plank not including the tongues and you can see I come up with six and a quarter I slide my tape forward and then I'm gonna mark at six and quarter so now I'm gonna transfer transfer the mark that I made for the center of the corner up to that six and a quarter mark and draw another line that is where I'm gonna make my angle I'm gonna start my angle at those lines and work away now I'm using a speed square here so I have a perfectly 45 degree angle and how I found that out is I took the speed square I put it up against the plank and slid it up against the wall and you can see I have a perfectly 45 degree angle and I did the same thing on the other side here now not every angle is going to be 45 degrees but I wanted to show you if you have a 45 degree angle how easy this can be now later on in this video I am going to show you how you're going to be able to find other angles and so well let's just watch okay so a lot of angles that you're gonna come up to are gonna be 45 degrees well that's what a speed square is it's 45 degrees like a plank running up to here this is at a 90 degree so if you stick here speed square to go check your angle you can see and they have angle finding tools that you can if you have a different kind of an angle but this is a nice 45 for me if it wasn't what I could do is take this cardboard and just start out at a 45 just mark it real quick I'll just cut this I'm gonna cut it at an odd fall angle here so that you can kind of see because I want want you to kind of understand what I'm trying to do here so I can come up with a piece of cardboard and you see how it's touching there and it's not there so now I can slide that cardboard forward take my marker run it along the wall that would find my angle then again the sheet rocks up there so that really helps so when you get into spots that you could use that extra half-inch just cut that sheetrock away I can see if I slide this here it's pretty close so I could use this as a guide if it wasn't 245 starting right here I want this piece to go right there and a quick way to find this first angle just take the scrap piece of laminate and just slide this back so that's the cover just cut and all that piece will fit into there that'll be my starting piece okay so now the next one that we're gonna try to figure out is how do I measure this right here now you could stick a whole piece of cardboard in there as a template but you don't really need to do that and again if you read the clutter away your sheet rock gives you more play which I suggest that you do because well if you cut something a little short you won't or a little long you won't have to recut it gives you a little bit more play so I'm going to take the end of my blade and I'm gonna stick it right on the edge here right along there I don't want it to be on the tongue I want it to be on the finished edge right against the sheet rock so I get an accurate measurement now I'm gonna stay on the finished edge the whole way and you can see what do I need they're going 37 into Nate yep okay so about 37 in the Nina and so that's whatever the mark on my plate again I'll measure the finished edge 37 in the knee now I come back over here and if I find it angle isn't perfect to find my angle once again I'll use this piece of cardboard I'll bring it right up to the wall you can see how it's a little short now I can slide it under my wall a little bit and probably still mark this but if I need it you I could mark it a couple of times until I get it right I could just mark it right here cut this little chunk off first come on getting closer again slide it under the sheetrock here to really get a nice accurate measurement so now I'll cut that off now take this I put this edge right here on the edge of the laminate right not the tongue but the edge of the front of it just the tongues gonna be did not part of this just drawn the line I'll cut this off and that piece will fit right in there okay so I went to cut this piece now so now what I'm gonna do is make circles in there first and see it's tight on both sides but it can be because my sheetrock is up so now I got it in place only problem is if it's too tight then if you can't lift it then that's gonna be a problem so you want to be sure that you do give yourself room so that you can lift it but if it was tight and I couldn't lift it I could just do this now I could just come back make mark another mark with my marker and go cut some more off of this so there's just some techniques or some tips that you can use when you're dealing with angles okay so when you get a piece like this where you're gonna have to put it in in one and you have the angle on both sides it's still just gonna be the same way you're gonna measure you can see I got it tight over here and over there if I went 20 in an 8 on both sides and I would mark it at 20 in an 8 but I'd probably bring it down a little bit to 20 so that I can lift it up like we were just talking about okay so I marked that at the 20 I used my speech because I have that perfect angle so I just use that real quick or I'd use my cardboard pieces that I made whichever one that you're going to decide now I can just make this real simple and put this scrap board here to get that final last piece of just same thing that piece and my last piece but I'll just go cut on the side I'll leave them together while I'm cutting in because that's a tough piece to try to cut so it doesn't make it dangerous so we'll just whack this right off while this together okay I want to show you another little thing here that you can do to get into tight areas like this something simplify it a little bit I just use one big piece of cardboard here and made a big pattern and now I'm going to make sure that it lines up with my plank to see how it does so now I'll put this on the edge of my plank when I I'm gonna cut it out but I got it underneath the jam I got it underneath the wall again I want to I me time my seat rock was up enough where I could get it under now what I'm gonna do is just run my marker along the wall so this is gonna give me a perfect line with the wall I'm just gonna outline the jams too just to be sure that I put enough plank in there so I'll continue past that line but I want to see where the Jam Falls now right here is the situation where I'm putting a transition and I know that I need to have leave a gap of an inch and an eighth so I'm just gonna measure out an inch and any from the carpet and then alter all take a straight edge and draw a line there and now this will be my template you can see how much my cardboard ran it past the jam so I'll take a little bit more off there and then I'll probably add a little bit right here because it's almost short to where the jam ended okay so this is the sheetrock line right here like I said I was going to cut that off so this is a plank or whatever you got for a straightedge and I'm gonna cut that line right off and now this will be my edge of the sheetrock this will be the edge of my finished edge of my plank and then I'm also going to cut off at this gap inch and 1/8 gap that I told you I had to leave so now I have a perfect template of that area that I showed you - I have to do a little work on the door jamb here so I'll actually cut a little bit of this off a little and then I'll add a little bit right here where that's cardboard is missing so then I know at all it will all fall in there nicely okay so I'll bring this back over here and make sure I got the great fit just to double-check and it all looks really good and now I just want to marked on this cardboard where I have a joint just in case I'm so I don't line up with another joint right next to it for sure you could do the same thing here and I have a joint here too so I just want to make sure I stay away from those two spots now when I put my lament together I also want to make sure that I got the tongues going the right direction he's here said all by my pattern up so it's exactly how it's supposed to be so this edge right here was supposed to be right on the finished edge not the tongue but the finished edge like to tape this down to hold it in place but I'm just gonna draw it and hold it with my knee and then I'll probably just cut the line off on all this so that I don't add more to it since I had it all in there perfectly so you can see there's your perfect pattern so now I could take this out cut this on the jigsaw just all together like this even and then take it apart okay so I brought this all on one chunk I'm just gonna leave it together and cut it that way you can do this like this or you can just take one piece out at a time [Applause] these little pieces are actually nice to have another piece attached to it so that you're not trying to hold a small piece a couple of these like this one just to get it in there or even keep this little piece together and then plane and glue this one that's what you need to do a door jams and you've seen that many videos okay so here I have another area in the house that has a closet that was pretty well it was a pretty tight one would have been difficult to do without using a template you can see I made another template for you are for this closet really simplified it and I was able to get it done pretty easily now I use templates a lot in a lot of different tight little areas like that and you can - I sure hope that the tips that I shared with you in this video will help you with your installation I'm pretty positive that they will if you have any questions just go ahead and check out my facebook page you can ask there you can ask below here I also have links in the description that will bring it on my website tools and supplies page that I of that will share with you the tools and supplies that I use I do want to say that if you do use any of those links they are affiliate links and thank you for using them if you decide to but I wanted to let you know that that's what they are all so if you could hit the like button for me on this video I really appreciate it make sure you subscribe i'm joel attender and I really do sincerely hope that God blesses you and your family thanks for watching have a great day [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: So That's How You Do That!
Views: 193,335
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Keywords: how to install laminate to an angled wall, how to install vinyl plank to an angled wall, how to install laminate or vinyl plank to an angled cabinet, plank angled, measure angles for plank, how to install vinyl plank flooring, vinyl plank installation, laminate installation, how to install laminate, vinyl plank installation tips, vinyl plank installation instructions, how to install vinyl plank flooring on wood subfloor, how to install luxury vinyl plank flooring on plywood
Id: N_76A_QIoxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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