How to install Home Assistant OS on an Intel NUC or any x86 PC

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hello YouTube do you want to install home assistant operating system directly onto an x86 BC have you tried to follow the directions on the home assistant website and couldn't get it to work have you watched other videos and tried to follow along but that didn't work either have no fear I got you covered in this video I'm going to show you how to install home assistant OS directly onto an Intel Nook bare metal I'm going to cover each step in detail and I'm going to provide versions for each and every single thing that I'm using if you want to install haos onto an x86 based PC this video will make it happen my name's Jeff welcome to the channel if you're new here thanks for tuning in for those of you that have been watching you're aware that I was having some slowness issues with my home assistant blue after redesigning my dashboard and that I resolved that by scheduling nightly reboots that's not the best way of handling things as it resets timers and can cause other Oddities yeah yeah there's Blueprints and scripts and all kinds of stuff that can be used to combat that issue but I didn't bother to set any of that up why mostly because I'm lazy and I figured there wouldn't be many problems and there weren't which is good you also know from my last video that I picked up an Intel Nook it's a Nook 11 ATK C4 model it has a Celeron N5 processor which is a four Core 2 gigahertz burstable to 2.9 gigahertz and came with 8 gig of RAM and a 256 gig SSD now I consider myself to be a pretty smart individual I mean I was a computer science major in college I've been working professionally in it for over 25 years and being an Enterprise consultant I carry more certifications and count but when it comes to Linux that's not really my thing I spent most of the day yesterday trying to get this to work I really didn't think it'd be that hard I mean there's documentation on the home system website there's a handful of other YouTube videos that have been done there really seem to be no shortage of information available on how to make this work really I had some concerns that this video wouldn't even be of any value then I try to follow those directions in those videos have that all turn out let's ask the button what it thinks of that documentation in those videos so here we go I've had nearly eight hours reading watching testing trying downloading learning finally sorting it all out I got it nailed I even did it multiple times to make sure I had things as complete as possible to make this video as complete as I could so let's get into it shall we the first thing you'll need to do is go and download a couple things bolina etcher portable for Windows version 1.18.4 and Ubuntu desktop version 22.04.2 links for both are in the description go ahead and pause the video now and get those downloads started the Ubuntu download is over 4 gig so it'll take a half minute next you're gonna need a blank USB stick or at least one you don't care about the contents we're going to create a bootable disk using it I used a spare 64 gig SanDisk stick that I had laying around but it really doesn't need to be that big make sure the USB stick is plugged into your Windows computer and launch etcher click Flash from file select the Ubuntu ISO that you downloaded then click select Target and select your USB stick foreign once the flash completes you're going to get a whole bunch of pop-up messages saying you need to format disks just click cancel on all of them do not format those new drives and close all the file Explorer windows now I apologize for the quality of the video here in this next part I try to record my monitor to show you what needed to be done but you'll be able to get the idea you won't be able to read the commands as I'm typing them so I put them all in the description below the video the graphical Parts come through well enough for you to follow along power up the Nook and press f2 to get into the BIOS we need to change a few settings first under the boot section we need to make sure UEFI boot is enabled on mine it was already then we need to disable secure boot next under the power section we need to set its power on automatically in the event of a power failure foreign F10 to save and exit if it boots right away in the windows again just shut it off insert the USB stick you just flashed into the Nook and power it on press F10 to get to the boot menu and then choose the USB stick select try or install once it boots click try Ubuntu you do not want to install then click the dots in the lower left corner and open a terminal window type gnome Dash disks and select the SSD my apologies I did actually miss recording this but first you'll need to delete all the partitions on the disk highlight each one and click the minus that'll be on the right hand side once they're all deleted click the Plus on the left to create a new Partition using the entire disk click next click erase then select other for the type click create then select no file system and click create it will create a new Partition that's empty once that finishes run the commands in the description below the video one at a time in order I sped this up so you wouldn't have to sit through it but this process takes a few minutes the First Command provides an elevated command prompt think of it like an administrative command prompt in Windows the next three commands are to install fuse which is needed for etcher the next command installs curl which is needed to download edger the next command downloads etcher and the next to install it then click the dots in the lower left corner and start typing Ballina then click bellina etcher click Flash from URL then enter the URL for the home assistant image which is also in the description below then click to change the target click show one hidden uncheck the USB stick and check the box for the SSD in the nook click flash then click yes I'm sure at the warning foreign once the flash completes shut down the Nook and remove the USB stick then power it back on and watch home assistant boot connect to it with a browser using the IP address shown on the screen and Bob's your uncle now if you found this video helpful or if you like my DIY haircut or you think my t-shirts are funny or features a really nice person that wants to support the Channel please go ahead and give that like button a little flick for me that tells the all-powerful YouTube algorithm that this is a good video and it should be shown to more people thank you so much for your support it really does mean a lot to me now that I've got home assistant up and running on my Nook I need to get to work reconfiguring it and adding Integrations and getting it back to the way that I want it to be I'll be making videos of that all along the way so be sure to subscribe for future episodes on how to add all that stuff back and configure it all stuff like Mikey garage door opener Honeywell T9 thermostat sign off zigbee stick acara sensors sunglide bulbs Casa light switches Casa Outlets Yamaha AV receivers Googling less minis ubiquity unified Network integration unified protect chromecasts Blue Iris motion sensors akara Cube NFC tags a car water leak sensors you get the idea I'm still looking to hear from I am Mike underscore 20 to clean the 500 subscriber prize and Mr Roma 70 to claim the 750 subscriber prize as of the time I'm making this video right now the channel has not yet reached a thousand subscribers almost it'll probably happen today or tomorrow so I'll announce that winner in the next video now that big list is stuff that I just listed off all all this here that I've got to put back I'm going to record all that technical content as I go about building my new system I'm not sure in what order I'll release all those videos just yet if there's a specific thing you're looking to learn about please drop me a note in the comments and let me know if there's a topic that's very popular I'll see what I can do to move that one to the top of the pile as always thank you for watching I hope this video was useful to you and I hope that you're able to use it to successfully get home assistant OS installed onto your x86 PC I hope you like the way I present content and I hope that I earned your subscription until next time go automate something will ya foreign
Channel: Fast How To
Views: 22,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart home, home automation, smart home tour, smart home ideas, smart home tech, smart home for beginners, best smart home, home automation ideas, smart home products, smart home reviews, tutorial, guide, Intel NUC, x86 PC, Home Assistant, HAOS, Install, install home asssitant directly on pc, install home assistant bare metal, run home assistant on old laptop, run home assistant on old pc, run home assistant on old computer, home assistant setup, home assistant installation, pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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