How To Install GPT-Engineer👨‍💻- Build ENTIRE Apps With One Prompt! (Quick Setup Guide)

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I try not to use this phrase lightly but my mind has absolutely been blown first there was small developer but there's a new AI coding partner on the Block and it is absolutely incredible let me show you what I've been able to do the first time no edits no bug fixes no nothing this is the game Snake I have not been able to get any other large language model to create this on the first pass and this new project called GPT engineer is absolutely able to do this the first time I'm going to show you how to install this I'm going to show you how to use it and you're going to have your mind blown as well let's go this is GPT engineer it's a pretty new project and it aims to take the AI assistant development world to the next level if you remember a couple weeks ago I made a video about small developer which was an amazing first take at being able to describe a project and having AI completely write it for you but it had a lot of shortcomings this aims to address many of those shortcomings so let me show you how to install install it so you're really only going to need one thing for this project and that is conda and that is to avoid any Python and module versioning issues and I've been using it on all my projects now and it has saved me a ton of headache so the first thing we're going to do is clone the repo so come to GPT Engineers GitHub page and I'll drop the link in the description below click this little green code button and click this copy button right next to the repo address then we're going to switch over to terminal now we're in terminal I'm on my desktop and I'm going to say git clone and then paste the repo in and hit enter and that's going to clone all of the files necessary to my desktop then let's change directory into GPT engineer now we're in that folder the next thing we're going to do is create a new conda environment using a recent version of python so here I do conda create dash dash name we're going to call it gpt-enge and we're going to use Python 3.11.3 and then we hit enter and now it says I already have an environment that exists and that's what I've been been using to test so I don't mind removing it you won't get this error though then it asks me if I want to install all the necessary packages yes of course and the next thing we're going to do is activate the environment and it gives us the code to do that right there so I copy it I hit paste and it's conda activate gpt-enge hit enter now you can tell we're in this environment because over here instead of Base it says gpt-enge the next thing we're going to do is install all of the necessary modules using this command python Dash M pip install Dash R requirements.txt now the reason I don't do pip directly is because I always want to make sure that I'm using the correct python version associated with the conda environment so by starting this command with python-m I'm ensuring that python is associated with the correct python version then I hit enter there it installed everything I need the next thing I'm going to do is open vs code and then open the specific directory G PT engineer and I already have it open here so to define the project we're going to look for the example directory you can name it anything you want but I'm going to leave it as example open it up and there's going to be the main prompt and this is where you're going to describe the type of project that you want written by GPT engineer for the example is we are writing snake in Python MVC components split into separate files keyboard control that's all the example prompt says you can be as detailed as you want now when we actually run the program it's going to ask clarifying questions which I find to be so cool so I'm going to leave it very simple so you can see it ask for clarifying questions and then I'll show you what I do from there so the next thing you need to do is get the open AI API key and if you don't already have an openai account go ahead and sign up for one and then create an API key I've done that and I'm going to enter it right here so you type export open AI API key equals and then you enter the API key keep in mind I'm going to rotate this API key before publishing this video then I hit enter and that's it the next thing we do is run the main file and to do that we type python main.pi example an example is referencing the folder that contains that main prompt file now if you change the name of that example folder you would change it here as well but I didn't so I'm going to go ahead and push enter and immediately it asks me for areas of clarification so here it is summary of areas that need clarification details about the snake game rules features Etc specifics about the MVC components model view controller how to handle keyboard control and python file organization and structure now the first time I did this I didn't give it all of that I just told it about the snake game and instead of typing it all manually I actually went to chatgpt and said I'll put all the rules of the snake game let's take a look at what that looks like so here it is write a description of the rules of the game Snake so that an engineer could build it and then Chachi PT gave me everything I need so I'm just gonna copy this I'm going to switch back to my terminal and then I'm going to paste it in then as soon as I do that it's going to start outputting what it's going to be building and we're watching that right here so it says we're going to need a snake class we're going to need a food class we're going to need a game Class A game View and it just outputs everything it's going to be building now I'm going to speed up this part of the video but you can watch it as it goes and now it's actually writing out the files okay I think it's done it actually output a lot of what I pasted in here after it was finished creating everything but that doesn't matter it should still have worked so now that we're back in Visual Studio code we look at the example folder and below that we look at workspace and there it is all the files that it just created so if we look at main.pi this is what starts it out it has the snake class the game class the game view class it has everything and that's it now you have a GPT engineer that can write you entire projects with a single prompt I encourage you to get really detailed in the prompt description the one feature it doesn't seem to have currently is being able to read an existing code base and iterate on it although maybe that's going to come soon I'll try to reach out to the author and see if it is coming so check it out let me know what you think if you have any problems getting it installed jump in my Discord I'll help you out if you enjoyed this video please consider giving me a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 217,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpt engineer, gptengineer, openai, chatgpt, chat gpt, ai engineer, artificial intelligence, large language models, llms, llm, gpt4, gpt 4, gpt 5, gpt 3.5, coding, programming, ai coding, ai programming
Id: ceMuK0xUtSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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