How to install Gentoo Linux

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gentoo linux is the distro of choice if you enjoy torturing yourself and you don't like having any spare time in your life no i'm just kidding uh gentoo is a distribution where you can highly customize and optimize the installation down to every single package based on your hardware and it lets you have a system that is completely custom has exactly what you want and none of the stuff that you don't want so unlike other distros where they choose for you what each package is going to support this will build each individual package how you tell it to now as you can see this is gentoo running kde plasma 5.20 on hardware and i also have a virtual machine here running gen 2 with the gnome desktop they both work very well they're both super smooth and they are built from scratch which is how you do things in gentoo so i'm going to go through the whole install from scratch here and you can just follow along i'm going to mention certain things that might trip you up and little tricks that you could do along the way and then in the end we're going to end up with a fully functioning working desktop i'm actually going to do plasma not gnome but i'll show you how to install the different things you can also do xfce but enough talking so let's just get on with it so now before i get started what is gen 2 and what makes it different yeah gen 2 is actually a penguin but it's also a linux distribution so what makes everything different is that you install everything from scratch and it's completely customizable so in a typical distro the source code for a program will be loaded into a compiler this could be a developer's computer or it could be a server that does this automatically and the compiler will turn the source code into computer readable binary executables then those executables go to a repo that everyone can access from their distribution so when you download software you download the executables from the repo that's a bit simplistic on how it works but that's basically how typical distro works now what's different with gen 2 is the original source code is uploaded directly to a repository along with a few other files that give instructions on how it should be built and how it should be compiled then when you go to install something on your computer the original source code along with those scripts are downloaded to your computer and your computer is what compiles it into an executable and that's where the advantage comes in because when you're compiling it on your computer it's using all the settings the flags the optimizations to customize it for your computer the way you want it set up now again this is rather generalized and might sound a little complicated but it's really not gen 2 has a lot of awesome tools to do these things for you and it's set up to be fairly easy to use so just follow along and we'll go through the whole process here so why is this important well for one there's different kinds of people out there who are going to use gentoo there are those who want the most performance they can squeeze out of their machine which means it is completely customized for their hardware and has exactly what they need this speeds up the execution time and whatnot and then there's the other people who just want to learn linux and this is a great way to learn linux because you really get to see the inside under the hood look of how things are put together and how they're all linked together because you have to do everything yourself so even if you don't want to do this yourself you can still watch this video and get a good understanding of how everything is done as i do it also talk more about how it works throughout the video so just follow along and we'll we'll go from there you'll also see how when these different programs are compiled you can exclude support for certain things that you're not going to use so for example if you don't want system d you can actually put a flag that excludes system d so that every single program that is compiled on your distribution will not support systemd because it's built that way because you told it to this also saves you a lot of time um setting things up and makes everything run a little bit quicker so this is the download page where you're going to download your installation iso file that you can put on a usb stick or a cd you've got the amd64 which is probably the one you're going to want or you can get the plain old x86 32-bit so just go ahead and download that and this wiki by the way is very complete so if there's a step that doesn't quite match up with your system you can read all about it there's details on absolutely everything so then you also have these stage 3 archives that you can download which is a minimal system to get gen 2 up and running but we're actually going to download that from within the virtual machine once it's up and running so here we go with my virtual machine i have a 30 gig disk and i'm going to insert the usb make sure this boots up now if you're not sure what to do with that iso file you downloaded um you could use etcher to put it on a usb stick if you're using windows you could use rufus if you're using a virtual machine you can just load the iso directly in just the way that i did here so if you're using virtualbox or whatever you'll have a spot where you can load a virtual cd-rom and just choose that iso file that you downloaded so we'll go ahead and fire this up and this is the grub menu yours might look a little different i made this virtual machine an efi virtual machine so if you just have a bios one it'll look a little different but it's all the same and as we go through the instructions as i said you'll have the different instructions on how to do different things depending on how you set up your hardware or your virtual machine so i missed that menu there that menus it gives you a chance to select a different language for your keyboard and by default it selects us okay so this is it this is the live cd i'm just going to scale this so it's a little bigger for you guys and this is what we're going to work out of for a while at the beginning i'll just bring up the gen 2 page again so that we can kind of follow along as we go through and you're going to click the get started and then scroll down to the gen 2 handbook and then you can scroll down and select your architecture so amd64 is what we're working with so we're going to choose that and then here you have all the different sections that we're going to go through to get this thing up and running feel free to pause the video i'm gonna skip certain things that you could read on your own which will just take way too much time in this video so about the installation and choosing the right installation medium we just did that so i'm gonna skip this part and we're gonna go to configuring the network so configuring the network as you can see in the wiki it literally tells you what to type and it gives you examples on everything so it's super easy it's great to walk through and we're just gonna we're just gonna go along with what's in the handbook even though some things i'm going to do to save time so right off the bat here it's telling you to determine your interface names which is as easy as typing ifconfig and you can see here my network name enp0s3 that's the network card that the virtual machine is using so by the way if you're using a virtual machine you can do what i'm doing if you're using it on hardware and you have nothing else um i would say make sure you have a cell phone or something else where you can follow along with this because obviously when you're using your only machine this makes it a lot more difficult so remember if you hit a snag you're going to want to read some of these things here basically for me it's going to work i can go here if you have proxies i don't have it ping so okay i want to ping and you can see it is working so basically i don't have to do any troubleshooting because it's working if you're using trying to use wi-fi which i don't recommend or you have a proxy or other things you might want to go through some more of these steps scrolling further down if for some reason you have a strange nick where your network interface card where it's not detecting it at all then there's troubleshooting sections here on how to get it to work you'll probably also need dhcp working which we will visit again later and then you have a section for wireless access which doesn't apply to us again it's a virtual machine and then understanding network terminology it's going to go through some stuff so really if you're if you're wanting to learn linux this is fantastic and this will explain everything for you so basically the whole point of this section is make sure your network is running which it is because as you're installing it is pulling stuff from the internet so since it's working we can go to the next step which is preparing the disks this is something that if you wanted to save time or do ahead of time you could load um like the g parted live iso and pre-partition your partitions with a graphical user interface if you wanted to but we're just going to type all this stuff out it's not really that hard again it explains everything like if you're using an nvme you're gonna see these if you're using sata drives you're gonna see these which we're gonna see in my virtual machine and again even if you're lost at this point just follow along i'm gonna explain everything along the way so we're just going to skip down here and going to use gpt remember to read everything before you do things if you have an older bios based computer and it doesn't have efi you might want to use the mbr boot sector it precedes gpt so really old system you're going to use mbr newer system with efi you're going to use gpt advanced storage we're not going to use so no butter fs no lvm we're just going to do basic partitions here and i'm basically just going to follow what it wants us to do it's going to talk about swap space the bios boot partition and again this is all stuff that as i do the steps i'm going to explain it so efi system partition this is important because as it says the esp must be a fat variant sometimes you'll see guides where it makes it an ext partition don't do that it's not going to work well so let's just go down this is what we're going to do so it's going to be sda 1 2 3 and 4. it's going to be your bios boot partition boot partition swap partition and root partition now viewing the current partition layout with parted so let's get started here this command is going to be the drive that you're going to be working on so sda if you don't know what your drive is and you want to confirm you do fdisk dash l and you can see here all the stuff above here the ram stuff we don't care that's what the live iso is using we want this which is dev sda again if you have an nvme drive it's going to be slash dev nvme 0np whatever whatever it's going to be this is what we want to know sda so just do what it says so parted a optimal dev sda and now we are imparted and next step is setting the gpt label so make label gpt done and again this is when you have to read ahead a little bit before you do things to have the disk with mbr layout use make label ms-dos so if you have an old system that doesn't have efi you're going to use this i don't like that they put these things after the commands sometimes but it happens so follow along with my video or just go ahead and make sure you read a little bit the entire section before you go ahead and type in commands so removing all partitions there's no need because we don't have any but you can confirm that with print and it shows nothing down here which means there are no partitions if you do see some you could do rm1 rm2 rm3 and just delete them so now let's create our partitions we're going to go unit mid this tells the program that we're going to be working in megabytes and then just follow along here so we're gonna go make partition primary one three name one grub set one bio on and then print and now we can see that our one partition is created now in case you're wondering this one three those are the start and ends of the partition so then we'll carry on and make part primary three which is our start where the last one ended to one three one name it boot name number two boot and then we're going to make part primary starting at one three one this is going to be our swap partition so i'm gonna go instead of 643 which is going to give us about 500 meg partition i'm gonna go uh 8100 so approximately eight gigs and then i'm going to name three swap and we're going to make part primary 8 100 minus 1 minus 1 tells it to go to the end of the disk minus 1 megabyte and then we're going to name for the root file system and then node here if you're using uefi uh mark the boot partition as the uefi system partition so we're going to do set two boot on and then print so now we can see the four partitions we created we've got our bios boot our efi boot an eight gig almost eight gig swap and then a 22 gig root file system so that is what we wanted now we can quit there's an alternative here and they have alternatives for a lot of things you can use f disk to partition the disk as well it's similar different way of doing it just a different program but we're going to skip this section and skip remove create create the boot partition root partition saving layout okay so that's done now creating the file system we've created our four partitions but they don't have file systems inside so the different file systems are butterfs exe-2xt3 ext4 there's a bunch of different ones we're not going to use most of these we're going to use ext4 and v-fat and we'll cover that as we go through and let's just go down here we can skip this this is for really small partitions this tells you how to apply a file system to a partition again i'm going to do it so you can read this on your own time but for the sake of the video i'm just going to go through here and it gives you some different examples here so what we're going to do is make fs v-fat for dev sda 1 which is our first partition and we're gonna do the same thing for two then we're gonna make fs ext4 for dev sda4 which is our root file system so we've created everything for one two and four last is the swap partition which is sda3 and that one is make swap dev sda3 then you can activate the swap partition with swap on slash dev sda3 so now we have our file system all set up and now we can actually get into our system and start loading things into our operating system so we're going to mount device sda4 which is our root file system to mount gen2 so what we've done here with the mount command is we've made the mount gentoo directory go into device sda4 which is the partition we created so now it talks about temp being on a separate partition which is which it isn't so we can skip that and go to installing stage 3. now this is going to pull that stage 3 archive into our system so we have a base system to work out of so date and time if your hardware is out of sync you're going to want to make sure it's good to go i can see here that my system is fine that the time is right if not you're going to have to do some of these commands use a network time to get it going and here it's going to talk about choosing the right stage tarball there's a lot of links in this wiki you're going to want to read and i know it's jumping back and forth it's frustrated me before but you can see you know when it's time to choose a system profile you can click on that and it'll skip ahead to something in the future but it's something you can read about along the way or don't worry about it unless it tells you you must do this first go and do that and then come back so we have multi-lib and no multi-lib it tells you right there should not choose no multi-lib unless absolutely necessary you'll know this in the future if you really do not need any 32-bit support but let's uh let's not go there just yet let's just do what the guide tells us to do so downloading the stage tar we're going to go back into here and it tells you to paste the url of the stage 3 that you want to download now it doesn't work in a virtual machine it obviously won't work on hardware but we can use links lynx is a terminal based web browser so we're going to go https and this is going to open up a browser for us now if you keep going it's going to tell you that you can also use links it gives you instructions if you have a proxy and it tells you select a mirror close by and go into amd 64 auto builds directory so again this is you know something read ahead a little bit before you actually go in and do it so let's go ahead and jump into this browser okay and then we're going to use the arrows to go down uh all right so you're basically gonna highlight your links and then hit enter so north america ca canada uh let's choose sure do that releases amd64 auto builds and here these are all dates so 2021 february 27th uh so let's pick this one 20 21 0 3 0 3 so this is a date and time group so go ahead in here here you've got minimal standard package no multi-lib which it said not to pick systemd which we're not going to pick and x32 so we want this amd64.tar.xz go ahead hit enter and save it so now we're going to give it a name hit enter it's going to download it and then once it's done we can go ahead and exit out of this and continue on with the guide okay so it's done downloading just go hit escape file exit do you want to exit yes so now if we do a list there's our stage 3 tarball that we wanted to download now next is telling us to verify and validate which i'm going to skip and we're going to unpack it so we're going to do just what it says xpvf stage 3 you can just hit tab and it'll auto complete the file name i'm gonna go you're gonna go x a t t r s attributes include equals star got star numeric owner go ahead and run that and it will unpack the tarball into your new partition that you created all right so that finished uh configuring compile options is a point i think where some people will start to get overwhelmed and think that they're getting in too deep but you're not this is what i was talking about where you customize and tune your system to build these things at a an optimal rate basically just do what it says here make dot cuff so i'll just move this down here kind of make some room here and it's going to tell you okay i'll go over the flags here before i go back to the terminal it's going to tell you to set all these flags and it gives you an example down here of what it wants it to look like so these flags are to tune your processor to to make it work as fast as possible seems complicated but it's not there's a little link down here that says safe c flags go ahead and click on that and here it's going to list all the different processors you need to know what processor your computer has so just go ahead and google your system check out what model you have how many cores how much ram this is all important things to know to tune your system and so for me i'm gonna go amd ryzen and it is a 3000 series so i'm gonna want my c flags to say this so let's go ahead and change common flags here let's just make it say what it says to say march equals zn version two march set in version two yep that's right and then i don't have c host so let's just add c host equals just like that and the cxx flags i've never changed this before so i'm just going to leave that as is so now that's done let's go back here setting the flags you can read all this if you want but what i'm doing is basically what it wants you to do the last thing you're going to want to set here is make ops and this is going to tell the compiler how many cores it can use to compile a program so like i said you need to know how many cores or threads your system has so if you have an i7 with four cores eight threads your number is eight so i'm gonna go make opts equals j12 because i have 12 cores on this machine so this means when the system is compiling it can do 12 things at the same time now there's another important thing i'm gonna mention here is they recommend two gigs per thread this means if you only have eight gigs of ram you should only set this to four even if you have 16 threads you should only set it to four because it's two gigs per thread so two times four eight or you have eight gigs of ram divided by two that's what you should set this number as now in my case i have 12 threads and 24 gigs of ram so i can set this at 12. you can see right here have two gigs of ram for every job specified so j6 requires 12 gigs so we've said how many jobs can run at the same time and we're going to save this and go but before doing that while i'm here something else i'm going to do while i'm here this is up to you i'll point this out later as well but i'm going to put accept license star this is something for you to decide each piece of software has a different license and again i'll be looking at this again later but if you only want free software you're going to change this for me i just want to build i don't particularly want to be hindered by licenses and i personally don't care but it is up to you what you want to do i want to accept whatever license any software has and just install it so now we're going to do ctrl o enter and control x so save and exit and then we can move on to installing the base system so let's scroll down here and select our mirrors so mirror select dash i dash oh mount gentoo etc portage make dot com this is going to select what mirrors you want to use from the internet and help you get the fastest ones possible so it's pretty self-explanatory here you're going to see your list on the right so i'm going to choose some mirrors in canada uh sure that works so that works so hit okay and it's saved and what this command did was it put the output into that file that we were looking at earlier so let's keep going down we're going to make a e-build repository okay for some reason my screen recorder stopped but i caught it before getting much further so basically all i did was run these two commands here for the repository after that you can cat this file if you want to see what's inside it's up to you i'm not going to do that and then i ran this command which is copying the dns info and what this is going to do is allow the ch rooted system to be able to reach the internet once we see h root into our new install again if there's some of these things you don't understand i'll explain it as i get to them like ch root so yeah i already copied that and next thing is going to be mounting all of these these are going to be required to ch into your system and get things going so basically just type these out okay so i typed all those with a few mistakes because it's hard to type when you have a cat that decided to sit between you and your keyboard but he's moved on now so these are all done all those are mounted and then here you're going to get a warning if you're using a non-gen 2 installation media we are using a gen 2 installation media so that's not really a concern but if you're using say a live usb from some other distribution you're going to want to run this stuff but we don't need to do that so we're going to just carry on with entering the environment finally so gen 2 and we want to use bash so ch root we're going to change root right now we're running off of the the live cd the iso what we're doing now is we are entering the partition and loading into it like as if we booted off of it so hit enter and there we are no errors good to go this is why earlier those other mounts with proc and dev and sys we had to do those because we're giving this new environment access to the devices and the processes and whatnot so just keep on going profile this is loading various environment variables for bash and then we're going to export ps1 this you can you can have it say whatever you want but this is basically i'll wait till i'm done here this is basically changing the prompt so if you hit enter you can see now it says ch root live cd this basically is just an indicator to remind you that you're in the ch root environment you're no longer on the iso so at this point we are now in the new partition in the new system so now let's scroll down and let's mount our boot partition into boot so you can just type mount again and you can see uh sda2 mounted on boot if you ever want to double check to make sure that it worked just type mount and it'll show you all the mount points so now at this point we're going to install a snapshot of the gentoo e-build repository again there are notes underneath the command saying it might complain about missing things this be expected don't worry about it let's go ahead and emerge and web rsync and we have an error let's have a look here make cough no closing quotation okay so i'm guessing i made an error i haven't typed it yet in here i made an error which i'm going to go have a look at make.conf i forgot a quote somewhere yes i put the wrong quote here there we go that should fix it okay let's try that again emerge web rsync there we go so this actually happened to me before with make ops i actually forgot a quote completely and it did the same thing so it gives you gives you a hint missing quotation right go ahead have a look i actually looked a couple of times before i noticed it and uh yeah it is what it is so i'll let this go uh you'll be able to see what it's wanting to do and we're already done so that was actually pretty quick so from this point onward yadda yadda so we want to update the gen 2 build repository with emerge sync and this will take a couple of minutes uh it it says here too on slow terminals again famous for mentioning things after the command on slow terminals you might want to put slash quiet so that it's not putting stuff on the screen so if you have a really old piece of hardware you might want to do that so it's not wasting any time printing things so i'll let this go and then i'll resume whenever it's done alright so we're done and as you could see this is gonna be the next step anyways but it mentions again important six new items need reading and that's actually the next section here is reading news items so this could be important doesn't hurt to have a look at it so we can do eselect news list and it's going to show you the news items that you can read this is some important things that may or may not affect you usually has to do with recent changes uh changes in how they configure things and whatnot or things that are upcoming so now if you want to have a look like let's say uh the change of accept license default we want to have a look at that so we're gonna do the select news read and it is number three and i would pipe this into less that way you can actually scroll through if it's longer and it's just going to tell you something about something so q to quit and now when you go look at the list it'll say that it's no longer a new item and you can just do read with nothing and it'll print all of it you can see we've read it all so next step is profiles so this is important here profile is basically what is being used as a base for your system and i'll show you here if we do eselect profile list it's going to show you all the available profiles now what this is going to do is it's going to set some things for you in how the system works so certain flags certain requirements for the different packages is going to set up your base system to be optimized how you want it and what you intend to do with it so you can see in the list here we've got se linux hardened desktop gnome known with systemd plasma plasma with systemd multi-lib and then a whole bunch of dev uh profiles developer profiles so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to choose plasma stable and it is line number eight because i don't want system d so we're going to go here and we're going to e-select profile set two so now i've set myself to profile number two which is the wrong one because i wanted eight i was literally just typing what was there i want eight which was plasma yes plasma stable not the one with system d all right and then if we continue here this has different examples system d i don't recommend system d for the first time it uses open rc by default if you follow this guide we're going to use openrc instead of systemd it's super easy to use systemd is very complicated to set up and is not necessary so for your first system i say do open rc it's easy easy easy to use and if you want to do system d later you can but this is my recommendation it's up to you how how you want to build it but you have been warned so scrolling down now it's saying updating the ad world set so the following step is necessary so the system can apply any updates or use flag changes which have appeared since stage 3 was built there's something else i'm going to do here and yes i'm skipping ahead i'm going to go ahead and edit our make.conf file again and in here i'm going to add some use flags and i'll tell you what i'm doing and why i'm doing this a bunch of stuff is going to start getting pulled in and compiled now i'm using a virtual machine if using a pc you may want to do this as well use flags work in a way that you're telling it what you want to use and what you don't want to use so things that i don't want to use are bluetooth and systemd now it's probably already going to exclude d because i chose the plasma without systemd but i want to make sure that nothing systemd is compiled or installed in my system another thing i'm going to add is qt web engine and web engine now i'm not 100 sure sorry put the negative which means you don't want um now i'm not 100 sure if it's qt web engine or web engine but one of these or both of these are something that falcon uses and a couple of other programs and it takes hours and hours and hours to build and you don't really need it i found i didn't need it for me saving time in this video i'm gonna put this in because it is long don't want bluetooth don't want systemd don't want web engine and that's good enough for now yes i jumped ahead a little bit here so controllo enter control x i just don't want to have to redo this again later on so now we're going to update the at world set again just like everything else if you want to know what it is you can go ahead and read it so we're gonna do emerge ask verbose update deep new use at world there's a shorter way to type this but this is basically explaining to you what it's doing the ask option is always important because it will show you what it's going to do and then it's going to ask you do you want me to continue or not if you don't put ask it's just going to go ahead and do it so if it does something you didn't intend you're not going to be able to catch it well you can control c and kill it but ask is always a good thing to have so let's go ahead and run this and it's going to start merging things so a lot of stuff flashed by the screen and you can see we have an error we have circular dependencies now this is one of the errors you might get that you can just google but it also tell you here you can break the cycle by applying any of the following changes to use so you could say minus sqlite or minus icu depending on what you want to use so if we want to use the python we can do minus sqlite so let's go ahead and do that so under here let's do minus sqlite save it and we're going to run that command again there are other things we're going to see throughout this video where there's going to be an additional step or something you have to do and i'll explain that the wiki also explains everything but yeah you're watching the video i might as well cover it as we go through so would you like to merge these packages yes i would now this is going to take a while 220 packages uh i missed how much space it was gonna take but uh yeah this is gonna take a while so what it's doing now is in another distribution it would just be downloading your packages and installing them what gentoo is doing is it's downloading source code compiling the programs and installing them so all those use flags that we put with minus bluetooth minus sqlite minus systemd it's compiling all these programs to not support those things i don't have bluetooth on my system so why do i want any of the programs to support bluetooth right so this is part of gentoo's appeal for a lot of people is that you can say i don't want this i don't want that and it won't install it now this is going to take a little while so i'm just going to let this go and uh we'll be back okay so that's done and that took about two and a half hours now i wasn't kidding earlier when i said free time um now you're not doing this all the time this is just the install and it had to rebuild a bunch of stuff and create a bunch of stuff there's a few spots throughout this where you're just gonna have to let it go and then check on it later so now the next section talks about configuring use variables you saw this earlier when i was editing portage's file this is what tells the system what you want to use and what you don't want to use now you can see this command here emerge dash dash info this command will tell you what is currently in use in the system now it shows a little bit too much because it seems to carry on sometimes with the other variables so you just have to find where the ending quote is so in my case here after the quote it says abi underscore x86 so everything before that is the use flags so you can see that it's using x uh acpi elsa amd64 and a whole bunch of other things now this is handy uh for certain cases where if you're not going to use gnome you don't have to include gnome so here's an example if you want to use kde plasma with dvd elsa and cd recording support you just exclude gtk exclude gnome and then you include what you want alternatively you can exclude everything and then you can put whatever you want to include to be used now it says right there not not recommended because when you're installing certain meta packages it's going to set flags for you and those are important you don't want to exclude those but if you're at the point where now you're experimenting with complete customization you really want to be precise in what is being supported and installed you can go ahead and do this but like i said i don't recommend this for the first couple of tries but that's up to you the next section talks about the accept license variable which i briefly touched on earlier when i said accept license equals star you can see here what all the different options are for whatever licenses you want to accept and like i said it's up to you what kind of software you want to accept for me i personally don't care i want to accept everything that is available then we have optional using systemd as the init system if you want to do that there's a whole other section over here systemd that you have to follow and it's quite involved personally it's just so much easier to follow the guide and use open rc it works great i haven't had any issues you're not hindering anything if there's something you need that specifically needs systemd you might want to explore that but for now let's just carry on with using openrc so we're basically going to skip that section so now i'm going to go ahead and set the time zone so you can do ls usr share zone info and you can see all the different zones available and you can also go into say america and then you can list that and you can see all the different time zones available in america so for me i'll just do echo america slash denver you can pick whatever you want whatever your time zone is and put it into etc time zone and then we're going to reconfigure the time zone data package with emerge config syslibs time zone data and that's done so now we move on to the locales if you're not using the same one i am you're going to want to look up whichever one you need to use for your locale so for me with my language and keyboard i'm just going to do the utf-8 english us.utf-8 space utf-8 save and close and then locale gen which will generate all the locales now that it's generated we have to actually select it now you can see in this list the locale that i want is four which is the one that i just added so we'll do eselect locale set four and then it talks about manually doing it you don't really have to do that but that is an option and then we're gonna reload our environment with all the new things that we've just set so now we're good and the next step is configuring the kernel now i think this is a good time to uh take a little break here in the video i'm going to carry on in the second video with installing configuring and installing the kernel and then finalizing the system setup adding a user and then i'll get into installing the xorg server and kde plasma so we have a nice desktop environment and then once that's all set up we can go through updating the system and installing additional software and customizing some more things so if you're still watching at this point you can see how it is a little bit time consuming the setup itself isn't that bad it's just some jumping around and a lot of reading and by the way if you've gotten up to this point and you need to take a break and want to shut it down or whatnot whether using a virtual machine or you're using a actual piece of hardware with a usb plugged into it or cd dvd you can go ahead and shut it down if you want or if you have to and then once you want to get back into it you just do those first few steps of mounting all those partitions again and ch root back into the system and then you'll be back at the point we're at now so we'll just carry on in the next video but before moving on don't forget to like and don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: DorianDotSlash
Views: 63,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install Gentoo Linux, how to install gentoo linux on virtualbox, gentoo install, gentoo linux install, how to install Gentoo, how gentoo works, gentoo installation, gentoo installation guide, gentoo guide, linux, emerge, portage, gentoo portage, gentoo review, Gentoo, Gentoo Linux, Gentoo UEFI, Gentoo EFI, Gentoo commands, how to install gentoo, how to install gentoo linux, gentoo linux review, gentoo distro, gentoo distribution, Gentoo vs, install gentoo
Id: q9_sXkA4Rv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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